Chapter 22: Invasion of Tango Urilla

[Federation Theme]

Sky Marshal Tehat Meru has now States Her New Battle Plan, The Federation Has now Begin on the Outer Fringes of Klendathu Space, With the Help Of Combined Fleet, Mobile and M.A.Rs Infantry, "We Would Take the Planet One at a Time..."

With the Newly Armed and Fully Equipped Mobile Infantry, The Bugs will stood no chance against Humanity...

As the Combined Fleet is Ready To Dropped their Troopers, Hundreds of Marauder Bombers Flew in High Altitude as they Unleashed Hundreds, If Not Millions Pounds of High explosives bombs Dropped in a Concentrated Area, That almost Shook the Planet Apart... While Federation Tac fighters Dropped Selected Bugs that survive the explosion...

Federation and M.A.Rs Landing Crafts Dropped on the Sizzling Blackened Sands, Each Went to their Own Objectives...

Mobile Infantry Were to Clear Out any Bug Holes, While the M.A.Rs Ground Forces Are to Build a Base and act As a Garrison, Supply Depot, a Airfield for Marauders Bombers to Provide Assistance to Other Nearby Planets...

Few Mobile Infantry Units That Participated this Invasion Has been Equipped By M.A.Rs, as a Experimental Units and for Field Trials,

Due to M.A.Rs Cooperating with Mobile Infantry, that such units are now Deployed on the Battlefield.

They are equipped with Railgun Rifles and Exoskeleton suits That Have a Thicker Armor, But Light, Due to Alexander Creation of "Super Titanium" and Titanium cloth Uniforms.

It is said to be proven to Survive a Arachnids Bug Assault, assuming that it didn't Pierce the same Area, and only the Neck and The Face are the Only Weak spots. and Only few Items where Created due to "Difficulties" of Manufacturing.... and the Super Titanium is unable to produce such Quantities to Make a Fleet Much Less of a Ship, But more than enough to produce it for a Infantry Regiment

There were Rumors that Alexander is Creating a "Shield Belt" That Defend against all Attacks, and Only His Forces are being Outfitted with Such Devices ... (a/n: imagining The imperial Guard has those devices... Unstoppable Tide of LasGuns)

(a/n: RailGun Rifle that is Used By GDI Commandos from Tiberium Wars 3, RimWorld Has Some Absurd Mods, Titanium Cloth, Why do I see Not much Fanfic About RimWorld? you can be a God, a Asshole, a Saint, A War Criminal, A Casual in just that simple game alone?)

Such Units like Rico Roughnecks Units were to be equip such Weapons and Armor...

Lieutenant Razcack was KIA During the Retreat to M.A.Rs Broke Hope, as he Stood By with Rico and Few Among Others as the Rearguards of the Retreat... Slain By a Warrior Bug that About to Kill Rico, As He sacrifice himself to Save Rico... He Told him Among the Dead and the Screams on that Fateful Night...

"Save My Men..."

Until Rico Managed to get hit in the leg By a Flying Part of a Arachnids Arm... those words did Affected him... After he Did Discharged From the Hospital Bed From Armegeddon,

He found out that M.A.Rs Save his Former Teacher Corpse...

He attended His Former Teacher Funeral...

Now as Rico amongst others, Saw the Blackened Sands Still sizzling, And Carcasses of Bugs Still Smoking from the Bombardment...

(M.I Trooper): *Whistle* That some Devastation, Why do we need to go on the Ground? if the Flyboys done this Much damage?


(Rico): There's Your Answer Trooper, Now Open Fire!!


As Bullets Flew from the Rifles, The Bugs that Rushed towards them, Were Pierce by the Bullets as it was Butter, Penetrated through their Tough Armoured Carapace, as If there was no Armor at all...

(M.I Infantry): Hell Yeah!! This Weapons are Great!! I Wonder If Those M.A.Rs Guys get Better Stuff?

(Rico): Get Ready Troopers, There a Bug Hole nearby, if These Bugs are alive from the Bombardment, Dizzy, Ace, You two With Me... The rest Commence with the Cleanup

As they Reached the Place where the Bugs Came from...

(Rico): Ace, Nuke it

(Ace): Aye Aye Captain

As Ace Grins and Opened a Case that is A Quad Missile Launcher, Dizzy Preps the Nukes and Placed it in the Launcher, Ace Smirks as he Pressed the Trigger...

Four Missile Went in.. And the Explosion Made a Large Portion of the Bug Tunnel Network Collapse and Any Bug that is in those Tunnels, Get a Scorching heat of a Sun...

as the Trio is Proud of their Handiwork...

"+This is Platoon 21 Under Attack, Heavy Bug Infestation in Quadrant 2047, Any Units please Send for help...+" as their Internal Radio Picked up the Distressed Call...

(Rico): Better Help those Troopers out...

as the Trio Nodded and Head to the Site...

Almost all the Units nearby, that Accepted the distress Call, converged to the Battered Unit

as the said Unit is Fighting for Dear Life on a Hill, as the Bugs fighting them off with Their still standard issue Morita Rifles...

(M.I Infantry): Look Guys, Help is here, we are Saved!!

As the Soldier saw a Group Platinum Armoured Soldiers Charge in and Blasting the Bugs with their Guns, Killing them In One Shot, to Much to the Envious of the Encircled Unit... After the Battle is said and Done...

(M.I Soldier): Who are you? Sir?

One of the Platinum Soldier Spoke

(???): This is Lieutenant Rico of the Rico Roughnecks

(M.I Infantry): Thank God, I thought we were Goners...

A Trembling was felt on the Ground

The Sand Burst out and 9 Tanker Bugs Surrounded the Hill along with the Arachnids Warriors Accompanied the Tanker bug Rise...

Most Stood Shocked that such a Bug Planned this Maneuver...

Rico Shouted to the Top of his Lungs

Removing the Shock of the Soldiers...

"Open Fire! Do not Fear that you are surrounded, They are Just Target Practice!! Come On You Apes, Do You Want to Live Forever!!"


The Bugs Charged on the Hill and Fell the First Volley, and It Emboldened the Battered troopers still Scarred from being Annihilated...

Take Up arms and began to Join The Roughnecks to kill the bugs.... as Rico Took out the Last Tanker Bug...

Cheers Erupted All over the Place

Later in the Evening...

A convoy of Chimeras Approached the Hill...

And A Leader of the Convoy Said this Message...

Commander Alexander Send his Regards, "You Troopers Work Hard, You Play hard" Here the Beer, the Steak and your Entertainment

As Cases of Beer Trees and Beef trees were Taken from the Chimeras, Looks of Awe of such Things were within the realm of Alexander Creations, They were Doubtful about the Beef and the Beer, until it Was Placed on a Grill provided by the Convoy and a Heavy Scent of Beef entered their nostrils, and One Brave Trooper Took a Beer From the Tree and Tasted it for the First time...

"Delicious and like my home used to make..." was all that he could say until all the Troopers took one and enjoyed it with the Beef that from the tree, Not package cheap Chemical Foods, but the Scent of the fat and Meat sizzling and the Taste of Wagyu Beef that elites could afford on Earth is Given to People like them... Ace Found A Oak Violin and Began to play as Some others found Musical Instruments and began a Festive like Mood...

Relationship Between Rico and Dizzy was Close over the Months they spend time together...

As they Dance under the Moonlight with Ace Band Making a Song....

They Cheerfully went to Their Camp Tent...As They About to have "Fun"

(Ace): Lieutenant.... I receive a Orders that We should Head to Planet P... A General Owen is calling for help... Really Guys?

As Ace Looked at the Two Couples that were nearly Naked...

(Ace): I also Have a Word by word Message From Commander Alexander to you Rico

"If you two Lovebirds are Horny, you will have 40 Minutes, and you will accompany my Convoy to my base and we will ship you out Pronto!!"

Wow He really is a Considerate guy Sometimes He really Looks Out For you two .. Have Fun...

As Ace left, Both of the Two were Flabbergasted and Kinda Shocked that a Commander know what they are about to do...

(Dizzy): Forty minutes is still kinda Short....

(Rico): Well, we Make the Best of it ...

At Dawn, The Roughnecks were Accompanied the Chimeras as they reached to the Base, the Soldiers noticed that Dizzy is more clingy to Rico more than ever, That even some of them knew that these two already have a relationship... and stayed silent on the Journey... as the Two Lovers Dozed Off to wonderland...


Author here Tired From all the Homework my teacher gave to me... Math Homework... I still suck at it. I didn't know Math Teachers can be soft sadistic to giving Complex math Homework.... Brain need to Cool down...