Chapter 26: Meeting of the Emperor (Psyker Ver.)

As Alex managed to Covered, his logistics and Assuming that The Sisters Of Battle "Would" Not attack him....

He was Guided by the System...

To a Mountainous Forest near the Border of Sama District...

"Partner? Where are we Going?"

He walked till he reached to the a Lake....

"This is just a Lake, Partner... What am I supposed to Do here?"

"Fine... A House right?"

After 8 Hours of Chopping Down a portion of the forest Surrounding the lake, Alex managed to make a Log House and Night Came as he was Finished... he Stayed by a Campfire Carving a Wooden Statue of Revelation, Wondering what Choices he had to make...

He Felt Drowsy and Left his work as he Headed into the House to get some sleep, he Lay on the Bed almost off to dreamland, He Received a Message from System....

Confused about what his Partner was Saying, He Closed his Darkness Taken him to dreamland, He was Waken up to a Familiar Sight... His Old Home planet that was attacked by the Orkz... No one was there... not even the Colonel he saved.. years ago...

(???): Alex... you have Come...

As Alex Looked at the Direction the Voice Emanated from... a Part of Him... wept...

as a Figure of a Woman Approached him...

A Part of Alex wanted to Speak out.... Wanting to Called That Being his Mother, Wanting to Speak his Frustration about the Hell he went ... But Alex Realized that that wasn't "His" Mom... She and Dad Died On that Manufactorum, that is the memory Solair and Hyde both Shared.... And he Stopped those Words from escaping his Lips....

"Revelation.... Don't you Dare Speak to Us, using our Mother Image.... If You Wish to talk to us, do it face to face...I am not Your Son" as Rage Slowly Began to Build up in Alex Mind...

The Woman Paused her Steps... Looking She asked him to Follow her to his Old Home.... as he stood Infront of his home and entered it....

He entered a Massive Throne Room that was Heavily decorated in Gold, A Huge Man Clad in Golden Armor, Sat upon a Golden Throne at the End with his eyes Closed, with People in Both sides, On the Left of the Man, Was some Heroes Alexander knew... Merlin, Alexander, Gilgamesh... Personas that Revelation carried before the Unification Wars, and on the Right of him, Was Shamans that made the Emperor by sacrificing their Bodies.... However their Souls didn't disappeared....

A Crier approach Alex ...

(???): Alexander Hyde, You are here to Discuss....

(Alex): Revelation.... Why do you Still Lie? Will our First Meeting is based on a Lie?

An Uproar was Heard From the Shamans...

(Shaman 1): Why This Welp, You are Meeting Him, Are You Not!?

(Shaman 2): That is Why I never Trust Outsiders, They are too Arrogant....

(Shaman 3): At least he is doing Good For Mankind, Why Complain?

(Shaman 4): ....

As the most Shamans Voices Grew Louder and Louder, Filled with Derision and Hostility, Some take Notice of his works and Pointed out the Good things about Alexander...

Till Alex Had Enough....

"Silence! You Are Just A Representation of what you once were, Always Driving him to Keep Silent about Chaos to his Sons, Making him do the Impossible Choice... You made him to face his Choices that drown Systems in Blood, And Force him to that Absurd Throne? I want to Speak to Revelation personally, Not Some dead Backseat Driver, Pushing Your Point of View to me... Not The Souls that made Him, But Him Personally! I am Not Revelation that you can Boss me around!"

The Shamans Began once more their Derision and Shaming, To the Point Alex is Really wanting to Lash out to them once more...

As the Hulk of a Emperor Opened his Eyes, The Shamans Stayed Silent ... in fear? or out of Respect?

(Emperor): Do you want to meet me?

(Alex): I want to Talk to You... The Real You...


As A Psychic Force Tossed Alex Out of the Throne Room, Dragging Him to the Lowest Psyche of the Emperor Mind, And Alex Looked at the Memories of The Emperor..... at least his perspective....


On the flagship Bucephelus

Emperor was having a Conversation with the Nurcian Government

(Slave Master): Emperor, we are having a Problem and there's a Slave Revolt Going on...and We notice that the one that lead the Revolt is One of your Sons, Didn't you Promised Us, that we Are Defended By the Imperium? Through Paper and Ink?

(Emperor): Then Let My Custodes handle this Matter....

(Slave Master): No, I know you will try to Save them, And Slay us, And If you do, We will put out the word out, that You are Supporting Rebels that undermine the sovereignty of Legal governance that is recognize by the Imperium that you have Created... How will the people believe in? A Hypocrite? A Son that might disowned you or a Planet that forever Loyal to the Imperium... Pick a Side, Emperor.... We have Ways to Know How You done things...


"Konstantin... Is it done?"

"Milord, The Leaders are taken Care of...Are you sure, You will not tell Angron about it?"

"It is my burden, mine to bear Konstantin... How Can I Face him... with the Choices I have Made? I hoped, the New Government we replaced in Nurcia, Placed the Slaves... Nay... Angron Followers in a Proper Grave ..."


'I made a Bet with Motarion...

That He Should Obey me, When he Loses against his Foster Father alone....

it was to tell him with the Injuries ingrained to his bones, that there is more to life than Petty Revenge... That One Insignificant Man that Raised hell on That planet was nothing, that we all will have to Face...'

As Alex Tumbled in the Mind of the Emperor...

All his memories, his Uncertainties, His Bonds with Macaldor and his sons, One Scene did bother him the Most...

When he Slayed Horus...

As The Emperor Ran His Sword Through the Belly of Horus... a Spark of Clarity was in Horus Eyes... in amidst all the chaos on that flagship...

"Father....Forgive Me..." With Eyes no longer filled with lies...

"Sorry...Son...It had to be done..." As The Emperor Used all his Psyker Power to Obliterated all of Horus Soul....

As he Lay Dying on the Floor, His Mind turn To sadness... That what he had done was irredeemable... a Squad bearing the Imperial Fist, Smashed into the Bridge... with Rogal Dorn leading the Charge... He saw his father lay dying... Emotion Were almost Flaring Up his Stoic face... He Grabbed Emperor and Spoke quietly... "Let's Go Home..."

As the Memory Lane Alex had to watch ended..

He was Dropped into a Desert with Cities in the Distance... As he came to, He woke up among the Sands that is made up of bones ...

But He Found Something Strange on his hands... a Sapling? He was aware, that he was in the inner depths of the Emperor Psyche, no Material items did he brought along.. As he Trudge Along with the Sapling toward the City, As if the City itself was calling him to be there and Wanting him to plant the sapling, never did he knew, that Behind him was a Congregation of Souls that Followed him... as the Sands slowly became People, Astartes, Sororitas, Civilians, Clerics, Imperial Guard from different eras, different worlds, Joined him Silently in his Journey...

As He reached the Entrances, It was a Hive city, Like all the Imperium, Something Kept Telling him to Go to the Top... He Walked to the Top, as the Stairs kept getting Narrowed to the point that it was already Like Walking on a Thin Cliff... Hours Flew By... Perhaps Days? As Alex Reached the Summit, he met Revelation,

Not a Man in Golden Armor that believe he is right, Not a Man that hides in other Faces to get what he wants... But a Sad man...what is Left of him, Sat on a Stone Throne and Was Chained to a Machine that reached the Heavens, His Body Mutilated beyond Repair, His Words are in Constant Murmurs, His eyes was closed....

"I am Tired" Said the Man on the stone Throne as Spasms of Pain Etched in his face...

Alex Wasted no time to Plant the Sapling in the Throne, as if he knew the intention of the Plant, And The Figure Noticed him....

"What are you doing?"

"Saving you..."

"Saving me? For a Millennia...I sat on the throne... watching the Imperium me and Malcador built to turn into Dust..."

"You have Save countless more than you Think Revelation..."

"And I sent Countless to die..."

"Your Sons is Awakening and Returning..."

"Would they be Happy to See me like this? A Corpse Venerated By Hysterical Masses?"

"At Least Believe in your Sons again...You Held the Line More than anyone can Remember, And Now we are Talking Face to face, You Break Down? Where was that Confident Man that United Terra in the Unification wars? Where is that Man That went on a Frakking Collection quest to Fetch his sons, because Erda mother of the Primachs Fucked things up by Ripping the Anti-Warp Talisman? Where is that Man? or is it Another Persona to Lure the Sheep? In a Sense I am "You", Since you Planted A Shard of Yourself into me, You Don't even Trust "Yourself" no more?"

There was Silence Between the Two... Until Alex Spoke Once more...

"You never Did Have a Backup Plan, when Chaos reared their ugly head did you? You could have saved Horus, But You Discarded your humanity that was Weak to you, And that weakness was Humanity Greatest Strength... The Will to Defy Fate, that one Imperfection that could have turn the Tide...Here we are... One that is Still retaining his Humanity, While Other is just a Puppet by the Strings of Fate... People Never Lost Faith in you, Not because you are Almighty being that Love Gold and Bragging, It's because they Placed their Hopes and Dreams to You, through Prayer... And Now... I hoped you can Placed your Hopes And Dreams for Humanity Once more... To Your Sons... To Humanity Once more...You Have Been Protecting Humanity For a Millennia, Let us Protect you... Revelation" As the Words left From Alex...

The Sapling Grew.... till it Became a Enormous Tree that Provided a Shade in the Throne Room, From the Blistering Sun, Springs Gushed Forth As the Water Fell Down to the ground Floor, Cheers was Heard, Chants of Praise and Prayers Echoed throughout the City... As Scores Of People Entered the Throne Room, Each of them pledging their Fealty Again... to the Emperor of Mankind... the Craftsmen Gathered the Material to forge weapons, the Soldiers take place in the Walls, ever vigilant for the Horrors they Faced...

Revelation Closed his Eyes once more to think about the Things he had Done.... Now the Tree Became a Shade to him... No longer had he Felt the Constant Pain, But his Body is Slowly Healing, and Clarity...

"I will Believe In Humanity Once more... Alex... Though we met for a short time, Thanks... I needed that...."

"Don't Mind Me, I am trying to Put the Imperium Back together and Gathering the Golden Throne Blueprints you Scattered around... Just Try not to Kill the Ecclesiarchy too Much... it would be Pragmatic to use them... After all, Wouldn't want to take a Risk having the People Filled the Void that the "Emperor is Not a God" with Chaos and Genestealers Cults would you?"

Alex grasped Revelation hands which was Held Out, With his eyes filled with Hope...

"I hope that we will meet again, Face to Face..." Alex Turn into Motes of Light, Leaving Revelation in a Throne, Now Shaded from the Sun...

"We will meet again Alex...."


"What a Weird Dream, I think I met the Emperor"

After Alex Left the Cabin and finished his Carving and Returned to Kaurav City to get his Men for the Orkz purge... a miracle was Made, as the Lake Emitted a Golden Hue, And Later Found out by a Pilgrims that was Lost, They Saw a Wooden Statue of the Emperor and the Golden Lake, and Started to Worship it... turning that place into a Religious Retreat, from the Hustle and Bustle of Daily Life


The Psychic Scream the Custodes Heard From the Emperor a Millennia Had Stopped.... Baffled, they Sent a TechPriests on Mars to ascertain if the Golden throne is Not Working.... the TechPriest stated that it's working just Fine... within Standard Procedure... a Message was sent... So clear....

Later, a Adeptus Custodes of 300, Head out to the Unknown using the Emperor Bucephelus, As the Nobility on Terra Demanded that the Solar Watch allowed them to learn about their Destination... However The Custodes Stayed Silent about the Journey..