Chapter 29: Monse

Monse, a Province that is The most Heavily Fortified Location in the Kaurava II, As it was the First Location that Imperial Settlers Landed in this Planet and Claimed it as their own and It Grew into a City, it Housed The Governor House for Generations and a Forge That were Maintain by TechPriests for their daily Necessities, General Stubbs Was Tasked to Oversee the System...

It was Generally Peaceful...

Until the Feral Ork that became almost a Small Waaagh Phase, And Overwhelmed the Undermanned Defenders that Stationed on the periphery of the Rockclaw Mountain.

Panic Began to Ensued as Refugees From all over the Continent Flooding to Monse En Masse or those that were rich with Thrones Left to Other Planets in the System Via Transports Provided by the Merchants stationed there....

A Commotion Was at the Gate...

As the Masses Flooded the checkpoint, screaming and Pleading for the Governor to let in the City... But the PDF Stated Under The Governor Orders, that there was No More rooms to Cater the growing Masses that Soon Overwhelmed the PDF... as their Fears intensifies into Pure Madness, The Refugees Suddenly Stopped and Turned Around...

A Rumble was heard Behind the Refugees, and It Brought them to their Senses as the The Refugees Swept aside like a Tide Receding from the Shore as they Saw what was happening.

An Assorted Convoy of Military Hardware Ranging from Chimeras, Basilisk and Even Leman Russes, Some were Damaged and Broken and Were Towed by their Counterparts that were still serviceable as their Drivers Comforted their Machine Spirit with Assurance of Repairs and Bandaged Guardsmen Stood By, Weary of their March from their Home being destroyed as Medics Still Checking their Patients Layed in Stretchers, and at the Head of the Convoy is a Chimera, a Officer Stepped out of the vehicles, and walked towards the Gate.

Surrounded By Assortment of People, A Cadre of Gas Masked Men Stood Silently Behind the Soldier waiting for his orders, A Commissar Stood By Him, A Guardsmen That Many knew of the Famed Cadians was With Him, Hulking Giants Clad in Olive Green Bearing the "69th" on their Shoulders, whose Weapon Glisten in the Afternoon Sun as they raised their Weapons and Sororitas Held on to their Aquila and Bolters... Vergil Of any Attempt to the Soldier's life...

The Officer Stared at the one in charge at the Post, And Replied...

"Didn't the Evacuation Protocol States that Imperial Citizens will Enter this Fortress, if Danger Occuring beyond their Local Garrison Control?"

The Officer Gulped as He Tried to Make some sort of an Excuse to Deny the Entry of the Being whose Eyes Begin to Glow Gold.... as if the Existence is Judging him for Whatever Answers he come up is a lie, he will meet someone more worse than the Governor Wrath..

"Sir... The Governor Stated that We Shouldn't Let any more Refugees... Since *Gulp* We will Ran Out of Food Supplies Few more Weeks if we let any more in... " as the Officer Answered.

Almost Choking from Hiding the Truth even from the PDF, that those beside him was appalled by the Fact that they were Almost Close to Empty... A Fortress that have Bullets without Food is akin to a Starvation Pit... And Fighting the Orks on an Empty Stomach? That is a Worse Fate to those that never saw a Bloodshed...

The Refugees that became aware of this fact almost Rioted once more, due to the Fact that they could Almost Starved to death without even knowing...

A Rage Was Felt Among the Guardsmen tht were in the Convoy, Synchronized with the Alex Emotions, As the Crowd and the Garrison began to Cowered of Such a Being...

"I what I have seen in the Provinces, Surrounding that Bloody Mountain Range, How Many Guardsmen threw their own Lives that is still fighting till their last Breath, to Let this People, Their Family to Get away from the horrors of War? These Guardsmen and these Refugees That you see here, Wounded, weary and in dire need of Aid, Vehicles that Could be Repaired are all that's Left of Cerulea and Trivia Grove Garrisons, And through the Vox Comms your Governor had Promised Food, Shelter, Medical Aid and Security Until we Dealt with the Orkz? Let Them In or I Swear to The Throne, I will Court Martial You under Imperium Laws and the Powers Vested to me By General Stubbs, For Disobeying the Governor General Orders, for delaying the Evacuation and for Making a Lie and Being So Damm Incompetent to allow this to Happen! Open the Dammed Gate! Citizens of the Imperium, Food Will Be Here And You will Have the Word of the Colonel Alexander Hyde and the God Emperor Never Forsakes his People!" the Soldier Roared at the Gatekeeper as the Guardsmen Hurriedly Opened the Gate and at the Same time Assured the Citizens that Food Supplies will still come....

Masses of People Flooded in the City, Thanking the Soldier whose Golden Eyes just disapate, and He was Approached by Two Men....

"I never Knew you were able to Make it back" The Captain Joked as he Looked at the Man looking different Prior three days ago...

"Captain Caidec, You Never Believe me?... and though I flaunt it, it got the Job Done ain't it? since there was no Ork in sight as You Headed here..."

"Colonel, What about the Food Crisis that the Secretary said? Surely you Have a Backup Plan or those words were a pompous Bluff? Faith alone does not fill One Stomach, and we will have a Riot on our Hands..." Commissar Khazize Stepped in Hoping To hear any solutions...

"I managed to Sent some of the Surviving Guardsmen out in the Field that were Willing to Gather Supplies, it should Come in now, Hopefully it will Last For 4-5 months perhaps more if The Orkz did not raid the Convoy..."

"Sir, Sergeant Elias Is Calling" A Vox Operator Came in with The Receiver

"+This is Colonel Alex Speaking... Is the Packages Secured, Over?+" Alex Called, Waiting for the Success...

"+Yes Sir, The Packages has been Secured, no Signs of Ork Activity in our Vicinity, ETA 1:30 Hours at Current Speed, Over+" the Guardsman words Came from the Vox Comms Bringing Relief to nearby...

"+Best Hurry or The People that Is your Family here will Starve to death, Over+" Alex Shut the Comms, he Saw a Cloud of Dust Coming Up in the distance, Klaxons Rang out from the Fortress as the PDF Went to the Walls and Waited for the Ongoing Attack and Only Saw Another Convoy Of Chimeras Hauling Trailers...

To Much of the Guardsmen stationed there bringing Relieve that they Wouldn't fight, To much of Alex Distain of their Reactions, He Ignored it and went to the Transports for verification....

"Harlequins, You Have a New Task..."

Upon Receiving his orders, the Shadows Of Alexander Suddenly Shivered and Melded into the Shadows in the surroundings


Governor Gregor is Meeting Someone....

"Are You Sure, that If I pledge My Loyalty to your Empire, my life and Status Still remains?" as a Barrel of a Man That is Full of Lard and Is Sweating Like Barrels as He Stared at a Blue Alien Like Creature....

"You Can Have my Word as the Envoy of the T'au Empire that We Focused on the Greater Good, Your Position will be Safeguarded as Soon As we Are Prepared our Forces, Release the Gates and You will be Welcomed as a Member of society" as the T'au Ambassador Said his piece bringing Fluttering Velvety Words to Gregor Ears, like Honey to a Fly...

While the Two Conversed of their Plans to Succeed from the Imperium, a Jester like Being was Seen Outside the Window watching them Converse as It Recorded the Video of their Speech Using a Recorder given by Alex and when the T'au ambassador Left the Governor Office, The Clown Disapate into small trails of Smoke giving a Small Chuckle, Causing the Governor to Opened the Window and Cursed the Scenery Outside, He was Ambitious and Wanted something more than Just a Governor and was unsatisfied with the Status Quo With Governor General Stubbs and Find his Plans for Change to this System Insulting...

He Sought to Request the Nobility that were Resided in Kaurava I to Assist Him Overthrowing the Imperium Shackles and Joined the T'au, But Somehow they Reneged Their Commitment and Dedicate Their Fealty Once more to Imperium to Much of Gregor Frustration, He Tried to Bribed Them, But they wouldn't Budge...

He Went to Sleep to Rest his mind, Not Knowing that Tomorrow Was a Day of his Execution...


He was Awoken by the Noise as the Military Barge into his quarters, and His Wife was Screaming as the They were Dragged Out of their Estate along with Their Children, Their Pleas Of Why they were Dragged out, But later Threaten their Captors with Nobility Titles, They were Ignore as they were Dragged to a Officer

"You are Under Arrest for Conspiring to Overthrow the Imperium and be Sentence to a Military Court" As the Officer Stared Coldly at the Governor as if he had a Great sin...

"What Evidence Do You Have and Why Not the Nobility Court?" as Gregor Protested as if he had done no wrong...

"The Nobility Has Agreed to Strip your Noble Title for the Sins that you Have Committed Thus Rendering you as a Civilian, Seem Like even the Nobles will not aid you for what you done" As the Officer Gave a Smirked as Gregor was Taken away from the Officer....

At the Court

Officers in different Ranks along with some Military Nobles that look at the Defender Coldly as The Temperature in the Room was Below Freezing...

(Judge): The Military Court is now in Session, Governor Gregor you Have Found Guilty By the Imperium...

"I Have Done no Wrong! You Plebian Should Obey Me!" as Gregor Halted the Judge Speech...

"Then What did you Promised on our Agreement? That I Should Leave you In Autonomy of this Planet so that you Owe Your Fealty to the Emperor?" as A General In Uniform Entered the Court, eyes Blazing as Fury

"General Stubbs...." As Gregor Heart was In A frenzy as he Tried to Speak... he was Halted by the Stubbs

"Judge, Continue the Sentence...." As Stubbs Calmly Stated His Orders

The Judge Agreed as He Label out Gregor Sentence, Corruption, Bribery, Those are A Mild Sentence that Gregor Think he could Get away, Until It Reach To His Eldest Son Murdered 230 People in the Civilian District for "Relief" for his boredom and The Governor Coverup of the incident, Colluding with the Xenos with the Conspiracy to Revolt and Succeed from the Imperium, Causing Uproar among the Loyalist Nobles as they knew what will happen if they Rebelled and if that failed, that means the Complete Extermination of this system, Gregor Denied the Charges and The Hard Evidence Came out A Vox Recording being played in the court, Of Him Speaking to a T'au about Conspiring to Succeed, Gregor Denied it as He believes it's a Lie, and Documents brought in Bearing the Gregor Name with a Xeno Signatures, along with Several Nobles Names Bringing Gregor in Fear on how did they Knew that, as Stubb Gave His Judgement...

Gregor and His Wife was Executed By Firing Squad and His Eldest Son Was Sent to the Penal Legions to serve his Sentence, But Gregor Youngest Children that were too young to know everything was sent to a Sororitas Orphanage in the Kaurava I to dedicate their Body to the God Emperor...

As the Sentence was Carried, The Soldiers Whose families were killed by the Eldest Son Dragged the Couple out the Court, as they were Screaming and Were heard being Shot By LasGuns....

Governor General Stubbs Installed Alex as Temporary Military Governor to Kaurava II for Finding a plot to undermine him, and All the Resource was Granted to Alex until the Conflict with the Orkz was Done

As the Court Ended General Stubbs approach and Asked why Alex Requested that The youngest Children Should Be Exempt from Death but to be sent to a Orphanage....

Alex Simply Replied....

"The Children do not Hold the Sins of their Parents...." And Left Stubbs in Stupor as Alex Left to Commence His Duties as a Military Governor.... And Later that Day Governor General Stubbs Left Alex to Do his paperwork once more at his office...

Alex Frowned while looking at the Reports

And Turns Out Governor Gregor, Even In death His incompetency Dragged Alex Down as Massive Loans with High Interest Rates written in the Governor Seat as the reasons why the Nobility never wanted to take the Dead Governor Post and the Economy Was in the Red, Causing Some of the Funding to Skimp for Construction of the Outposts Sub par On Imperium Military Standards and even Selling the City Food Reserves to even Pay off the Debt, causing a Famine in the Fortress City had things Went on A week Later, The Only Saving Grace Alex Have, Is that the Loan Sharks Left the Planet and Won't Come Back until the Issue been Ork Issues been Dealt With

Making Him Scratching His Head....

Wondering How Guilliman Managed to Even Jumpstart the Indomitus Crusade with this Type of People in Imperium Ranks....

By Day He Led Campaigns against the Orkz , By Night He Done Paperwork to the Point that he Added the Trait "Quick Sleeper" to Keep Up the Pace...

Underneath the Monse City, a Base was Created, Countless of Resources Trees was Created For the Manufacturing, Steel, Sulfur, Ceramite, Copper, To keep the Factories from Closing Down from Having lack of Resources flooding in.... and Medical Supplies and Food Trees Was to Alleviate the Famine In the City

He Made Policies Changes to the City, that Made the Tech priest In charge of the Imperial Manufactorum Upset, Such as Implementing a 8 Hour Shifts from the 18 Hour Shifts, Day and Night Shifts and Rules that is Similar to OSHA Compliance, The Tech Priests Protested About the Changes, Alex Simply Replied

"The Mechanicus Rules Didn't stated that We Should Treat the Workers Badly, Let us See and Wait... if the Statistics is lower than Previous Production then you can Label it as a Man Folly, if it works you can Follow my Choice"

(OSHA Compliance is Approved By the Omnissiah)

Productivity Went Up 53% That Month and that was a Undeniable Fact for the Hardliners of the Mechanicus as Statistics are there, People are more willing to Work overtime than Fear it ... as More People were Trained from the Veteran Workers and More Munitions are Made Day And Night for the War Efforts Against the Ork Waagh and more people were tossed into the Factories

The Workers are Grateful for the Policies that Alex Have Made and the Nobles in Monse was Satisfied as their Wealth Grew by Following His Policies... and Agreed to Back Alex Endeavors as Following him They Get Rich and Angering Him... Well, How Many Noble that Defy him Lost their lives "Mysteriously" And Alex Ignore the Riches of the Deceased and told the Remaining Nobles "to do whatever they wanted with it" as they Happily Divided the wealth... and the Dead Nobility Children that were Young to know anything Had Their Memories Wiped and was Sent to the Orphanage in a different Name some of the Noble Knew about it but ignore it as Losing their real name is Forfeit their Rights as Nobles...

Governor General Stubbs Heard about it and Implemented those Manufacturing Policies as a Pilot Test in a Factory and found Similar Productivity and He Implemented it To Kaurava I as a Whole and It became a Productive Planet as Military Industry Begun to Crank out More Military Hardware than the Previously Stated Production and General Stubbs Granted Alex 5 Baneblades and 35 Basilisks and Another Chimera Division thrown to the Ork Campaign due to Surplus... (Baneblaaaade For the First Time)

2 1/4 years later (3 Months away from the original Conflict)

The Continent Is Slowly Shifted to the Imperium as The Orks Driven Back One Kilometer Per day as Imperial Guard slowly Advanced, Scorching Whatever Location That the Orkz was Deemed Found by Scouts and Blasted it till it's Presumed Dead and Reclaimed and Terraforming it after the Magos Biologos Confirm it is safe and Continue the Offensive Till the Only areas of Known Orkz Activity is the Rockclaw Mountains and it's Foot Hills as Orkz Learned to Hide In the Hills Making the Armored Vehicles and Walkers unable to Fight making it A Pain to Deal with.

He Chose a Endless Bombardment of Thermite and Phosphorus Rounds From Day and Night for a Year To Flush the Orks out of the Hills, Turning the Hills of Reddish Soil filled with Shrubs to a Scorch Black as the Flames and Explosion was Heard Day And Night and the Occasion Ork Screams Reached Monse that Comforted the Refugees that the Foul Beast is suffering Torments scream was a Comforting for the Refugees that lost their Families to Listen as they Slept...

The Stalemate Began to Shift to Alex Favor as The Supplies Accumulated to Alex Specifications, the people from both sides from Nobility and Civilians Are Satisfied to not Backstab Alex while he was Away and "Requested" Support From the Space Marines the "Blood Ravens" From the Northern Continent.... He Began his Army March to Rockclaw Mountains to Meet Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter ....


A/N Sorry I am Late I just had a Parasite Infestation In my Stomach due to eating some food Given by a Friend, I had to Flush it out causing me to lose more than I skimp, I really wonder if Nurgle love me that much, that I Found a Parasite in me when I Vomit my Dinner contents?

As Much as I Like to Rampage Alex through the Continent he Can't Fight on all fronts, At this point Alex is like a Tactical Nuke at this point but not a Strategic one to change the direction of a War, they will attack Monse from another Direction while he Smack Dived into Ork Infested territory, I remembered that the Primachs nearly got defeated by being Swarmed by Sheer Numbers, or is it the Bad Writing of Black Library?

I Consulted Some people that Knew Some fact about Warhammer 40k, so I believe Probably Alex Wouldn't Meet the Primarchs, Until Starship troopers Movie 2 or after the Starship Troopers: Terran Command... perhaps I combined both to save time... since Starship Troopers 2 setting is more like a Fringe Battlefront that have some value of Knowing the Parasite bug than the Kwalasha that is still a Valuable in Federation Eyes as the ores is needed to fuel the war Economy, I still don't forget the Child I written being left In Mina.... probably she will be 8-9 at this time and Will be 10-11 when he Comes Back, The warp messes up the Time Flow so What He Fought for 10 years in Kaurava in the Warp Storm Clouding the system will probably 2-3 years had Passed By from Outside the conflict or Went back in time for 3-4 years, the Warp really work in mysterious ways...

Hint: First Primarch to be Found, Is the First Primarch to be Slain during the Horus heresy, Emperor Never really had the time or resources to fix him... Since he is kinda Stuck on a Golden Throne

Next Chapter Would be Meeting the Blood Ravens during somewhere in the 2 Years between the pushback against the Orks... I might get into Trouble again... I seriously have the luck of the Lamentor... But I Still lived...