Chapter 30: Rockclaw Mountain (1)

After Months of Preparations, Alex Managed to handle the Delegations to the Supply Corps, He Made a Announcement to the People of Monse...

In the Near Visual Distance of the Mountain

A Base Was Raised up, And Scores of Heavy Patrols Loiter the Surroundings, eliminating the Ork Scouts and Burning them, To Show to the Orkz that their days are numbered.. Techpriest Handling their Finals Rituals to the Vehicle Machine Spirits, And Driver Finished final Checks, Sergeant is Finished their Roll Calls to the Men, With the Commissars behind them Giving Approval of the Discipline of the men...

A Announcement Was Made to All Vox Channels and Everyone was to tuned in to hear what Alex Had To Say...

"+++It's Has Been almost 3 Years Brutal Warfare Men, against the Ork, your Families Suffered under the Horrors what they do, your Family Butchered, your Home Razed to the Ground for some Ork Entertainment and their hunger for Scraps, I Shall Say No More, And Now We are Ready With the Armor and Weapons gifted by the Forge Priest and Blessed By The Ecclesiarchy, Our Grievance will be sated by the Orkz Corpses, we will Piled their Bodies to the Highest Peak of the Mountain and Burn them as an Offering to the God Emperor and For all those that was Lost, Let our Dead Know that We Have Avenged them, Let them Know that We Will Crush the Orkz till their Green Blood Sizzled By Our Rage!!! With the North Protected By the Emperor Angels, the Blood Ravens to prevent these Monster from Escaping, All the Exits are Blockades By Baneblades and Basilisks have Plenty of Ammunition for a Century of Bombardment, ready to turn that Mountain Range into Slags if we have too, After what We have Done, We Will Rejoice, No longer You, the People of Kaurava are a Butt of all jokes in this Sector, You are the Brave Men and Women That I have met, Let's Go and kill the Orks!!!+++"

A Warcry Rang Out in the Base, the Soldiers Gave Cheers that they will avenged the Fallen, Artillery men Began Loading up the Basilisk filled with Shells, Chimeras, Sentinels, Hydras AA and Leman Russ moved out of the base and Platoons of Guardsmen Itching for Blood and Retribution Accompanied them... Valkyries flew By and headed First to soften up the Ork Defenses, And On their Way to the Mountains, Salvos of Artillery began To Rain on the Occupied Mountain Range , Thundering blast in the Distance, gave the Armor Force gave some Reassurance that the Ork would Tremble by their fury...

On the North of the Mountain Range, The Blood Ravens Assisted the Assault by Killing the Kaptains and the Leaders the Nobs and Secured the Point that Alexander Requested....

"++The Securing of the North is Now Complete, Colonel++"

"++Good, Now Make Sure not a Single Ork Escape and If One Escape, it would mean doom of Endless Cycle of Death, it would be bad for not only the Civilians, but also the Aspirant that your Chapter is seeking++"


Alex Sighed as He Put down the Vox Comms, He Stared at the Mountains now up Clouds of Smoke and Dust as the Shellings Kept on dropping nonstop and the Occasion Explosion from a Waaagh Generator or two being exploded...

In the Mountainous Range below it Holds a Extensive Tunnels and a Base was Established, A Extensive mining Operations Began under Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter, When Alex Came to the System, He was Looking for Clues... and Due to the Raids he Organized being repelled and Orkz that survive the raid came Back more terrified of the Figure that was Heading toward them, Animosity and Hatred Began among the Orkz, However those that express their "Displeasure" of not getting Scraps were Snapped By Gorgutz Power Klaw, Keeping the rest in Line, Reminded them that Gorgutz to them was more stronger than them, As the Surface Defenses was Destroyed by the Constant Shelling and Taken Out by the Valkyries that were Brave enough to conduct Raid operations in a Artillery Rain, they dig deeper...

In One of the Tunnels, One Grot Rushed Frantically to Gorgutz to deliver the Message of their Findings....

"Boss, Boss we Found it! We Found What you are looking for!" as the Grot Waving Frantically his little Arms...

""Alright let's go an' have a look shall we?" as a Huge Ork followed the Feeble Grots into the Deeper Caverns....

Gorgutz Grinned as he Found a Mural of a Eldar was revealed due to the Constant Bombarding and the Location of His "Supah Pointy Stick" is Located

"So 'dat where iz iz located, ma pointy stick awaits! get ma rockit ready!" he Bellowed to the Sniveling Grot as the little one Rushed off... He Grinned that He Found the Perfect Stick that is Suitable for an Ork Like Him...

(a/n: doesn't make sense to me, in canon he won the Kaurava System, but became a Lackey in Dawn of War 3? with a Ambitious guy like him? not planning to off him... since even when you are playing in Imperial Factions, they give different reports how did he escaped....Lucky Gorgutz, he would still exist in this Universe... he still have a role to play... in the great game...)

Every inch on the Land before Alex is Filled with Craters and Smoldering corpses of the Ork that Some Became Putrid for being Dead for some time... some of the Youngest recruits vommited some of their Breakfast, While Alex Paid no heed and Ordered Sentinels that is Equipped with Heavy Flamers to cremate the Orkz to prevent a Plague.... he stare at the raging inferno momentarily before he resume the orders March...

Outpost Seven

Rockclaw Foothills

A Platoon of Guardsmen, A Mechanized Company accompanied with a Baneblade, Held out the Entrance to the Mountain, to prevent the Green horde from escaping one of the canyon entrances... Under Strict orders they were to Hold the Line until Alex Extermination Army were to arrived...

(???):"Come On Men!! We have to Hold the Line! Governor Alex told us, we will not let even a Single Grot is Escaping from us, Our families are behind us all the way! We Will be Heroes today!!"

(???):"Come on Captain, We Really need to better Request More Bombardment"

A Soldier Ran to the Vox Caster and Yelled at him for support...

(???):"Permission Granted, And Give Us your Coordinate... Emperor be Blessed By Your Righteousness..."

The Vox Caster Smiled as He Giving Coordinate, Some of the Basilisk Were Diverted from the Carpet Barrage... and the View Infront of the defenders was Covered in Explosion as Dirt and Fleshy bits of the Orkz and Trukks was Blown Up under the Hail of High explosive Ordinance, Thermite and Promethium a Warhammer Napalm Concoction Clinged to the remains of the Orkz corpses, depriving the Spores to never be born from the land they were slain....

When they heard Rumbling from behind and Smiled as A Freeblade Knight accompanied by a Convoy of Vehicles was seen at the distance as It Shot Couple of Rapid Fire battle Cannon at the Flooding Tide of Green skins, Two Injured Squiggoths came rushing out due to the constant bombarding from the Basilisk, their occupants was Burning and Screaming as the Promethium Napalm Cling to them .. as the Fire Spread out and Almost Melded the Armor to the Squiggoths in great pain, The Freeblade Rushed ahead and battle these Beast, One Tried to Bash the Knight with it's Tail Mace only to be chopped of by a Vibro ChainBlade it's appearance seems to be just a Regular ChainBlade, it went past the Squiggoth Armor and Snapped it into two... the Last Squiggoth Was Fuming in Rage, Due to the Fact that it were under constant Bombardment and it saw it's Partner fell in battle it roared in Anger and Proceeded to Ram itself to the Freeblade and Didn't Notice a Stream of Light in the distance as it it the the Bunker station above it and Caused the Ammunition that were untouched by the Flames to immediately burst and Cause Damage to to the Spine causing the Squiggoth to Collapse as its Looked up to the Freeblade with Glaring Eyes, It's life was snuffed out by Several Shots of the the Battle Cannon to the Skull, the Torso and the Legs for Good measure and each shot made the Beast Wailed a Mournful Roar until a Shot Finally took down the beast...

It's eyes was Glassed as the last life was snuffed away...

A Great Victory to the Imperium once more... And Despite there was A Respite, the Checkpoint garrison stayed behind and Assist the Griffon Mortars to provide a more Sustain Barrage and Serve as a Logistics Depot... The Passage way is Secured...


Sorry I late, My Coworkers Pushed me took the week day off and I had to mann the store in Both Day and Nigh shifts... didn't had enough time then... seriously we should hired more people...