Retaking Kaurava [3]

Commissar Hector was in deep thought lately, ever since Alex had landed in the Kaurava System, his personality is... more erratic than he first met him. And he was tasked by the Marshal Solomon to Keep an eye on him, and there are so many unexplained occurrences around him, Xenos mercenaries? while it is still on the grey area on the policy of the Imperium, How did he know Technical to Make Machines? Yes, he did had tutorage of a Magos in his Boot Camp, He has Doubt from their origins, but their effectiveness is enough, slightly lower his fears on his point of view....

And Alex Beginning to Show signs of Authority, that not even he would dare to disobeyed, and there is more question than answers hiding behind Alex that in his rank is struggling to deal with....

He was Sent to Kaurava III as a Vanguard Force as Alex went to Monse to Gather "Something" that not even he would decide, Hector did appreciate that Alex managed to Stopped the Imperium forces to decayed into infighting and sent them out in a unified force...



It was Raining he remembered when he was called to the Marshall office, Many days the People Would have Heard this Soldiers Name, Ork Slayer Hyde, Hector Scoffed at the Notion of a Human Best a Warboss, much less a Child at Ten, but he ignore the gossip of the people as he has a business with Marshall Solomon... as he Entered the Office of the Marshall, what he met was a Weary Man, not a Person of High rank that he seen upon his Graduation in the Scholar Progenium...

(Hector): Sir, what seem to be the problem?

(Solomon): Please sit down...

The Old Marshall stood up and Went to the bookcase and Opened a Secret compartment, a book in stasis was kept, he unlocked it and carry it back to his table....

(Solomon): Tell me Commissar, do you know the Legend of the 11 kings?

(Hector): Yes sir, it's an old Imperium Fairy tale? their deeds is shrouded in mystery? One of them stood as the Emperor Advisor that is equal as the Macaldor the Hero and his Seat remain empty for a millennia that no other high lords wished to vie his seat for fear of the Custodes and Representative of Mars? and that 5 of them was with the Traitors legions and they went missing? and those that was with the Loyalist disappear as well? they founded a Sector that consists 1905 planets filled with wealth and Technologies beyond imagination, now covered in a Massive Ruinwarp covering till this day, Blurring it From the Maps and deterring all that seek it?

(Solomon): Not a Fairy tale... Commissar, But a reality... During my time as a Marshall, I gathered enough information and believe that they are all but the Same Name....

Here is the Passageway of this Book Commissar...

"11 Kings Travelled the stars from a Land Unknown,

One Join the Emperor, providing advice that one does not wish to admit,

One Travelled to a World Of Flames and Ashes, Defender of The People, Bringer of Peace from a Unending Hatred,

One Travelled to a Land of Psykers, Teaching them the ways of the Mysteries with Deliverance and Humility,

One Traveling to the Land of the Desert, Liberator of slaves and Defier of Injustice,

One Travel to the Land of the Night, where Horror and Human Madness reigned and was Quell under his Light and his Vision of Justice,

One Travelled in the Land of Snow And Frost Showing brotherhood amongst men that is not his own,

One Travelled to the land of the Honor, Bearing the Shield to protect people that Someone Cares about,

One Travelled to the Depths of a Mine to save Souls that was unheard,

One Travelled to the Land of Plains, where Tradition Are Embraced, and He is with the Winds

One Went to a Land Of Barbarism, Blessing the Lands of Heroism and Humanity,

One Travelled to a Land Of Poison, Healing what is needed and Cure the Dammed and forgotten

When all is Lost and In a Time of Need, They will become One and the Imperium Will be Restored.... and the traitors could be redeemed will return to the fold...."

As the Marshall Spoke the Last words... He paused for a while to let the word settle in...

(Hector): Sir, You know that if the Inquisition found that book, you would be sentence to a Burning at the Stakes Right?

(Solomon): As if knowing the Truth helps, all of them, bear the name Hyde, while it's a Millennia many people bear that name, for the good or bad of it, I believe that Alex is the One...

(Hector): Sir, You are joking right? he is just a Captain? how is he coincide with the Legend?

(Solomon): I just know it... but Keep an Eye on Captain Alex, if he does anything beyond the realm of Miracle? you know the legends are true... Now Go and Observe the Captain... See to it if he is loyal to the Imperium...

As The Commissar Left The Office, The Marshall Open another secret compartment, a Sigil Bearing a Burning Tree was Shown Flickering to life as if meeting an old friend....

"Soon.... He would return... and my family duty will be complete..." The Marshall Smiled Softly, and Closed the Compartment and Resumed his work... listening to the rain pattering on his office windows...

Hector was struck out of his thoughts as he Stared at a Mask of a Harlequin facing him...

(Harlequin): We are already here? Any thoughts would you like to share Commissar?

(Hector): No... Let's Get a Move on, If Alex is True, Then there are Eldars on this Ball of Dust...

As they Headed to Kaurava III, they were Spotted by the Eldar Scouts, they headed back to report to Farseer for Advice... Who's now Beleaguered with the Ongoing Necron Assault

(???): Farseer, The Imperials are here and they are together with Harlequins and a Ranger Squad...

(Caerys): Are they Harmed or Captured?

(???): No, they are Walking Freely and Conversing with the Officer in charge... Should we meet them?

(Caerys): Let me Divine our Course of Action... Have the Guards ready for a Ambush if it fails...

(???): Understood, may the Blessings of Isha Guide your course...

As the Ranger left, Farseer went to a Meditation chamber... and Divine her course of her people... the Attack on the Necron is beyond her understanding as she Stared at a Pond made by the Tears of Isha and a Familiar Golden Tree Branch given by Eldrad, she delved into a meditative state ....

As she traveled briefly through the Warp to search for answers, Untouched by the Horrors that contained within... She Found Several Paths for her People and What the Imperials are here for...

In her visions

If it's the Space Marines, no doubt that they would not care for the slightest as they are simply tools of slaughter under orders of a Tainted. (Dawn of War 2?)

The Ecclesiarchy? they would gladly, not hesitate to burn the Eldar if given a chance

The General that is Coordinating the Forces? She sense ambition of the General and he would not hesitate to attack them for merits....

She was thinking to attack them, until another Vision happen...

A Eagle in Golden Flames that Swept down with it's claws raised to attack a Sludge of Living metal, It stared at her, eyes gazing deep within her soul of her choice...

A Voice was heard in her mind, Strict, but calm....

"Make a Choice Farseer Caerys, this is the turning point for your people to be free from 'She who Thirst' or Eternal Damnation, The Blessed One have Returned... and he is nearby and within the Ranks of Men once more..."

Jolting Her Trance from her meditation... She stared at the unknown, Sweating Profusely

"Blessed one"... Eldrad once mentioned that During his class, A Human Blessed by The Laughing God a Millennia Ago, He Managed to Get a Peace Deal with the Eldar, and Disappeared during the Civil war of the Imperium, Despite the treaty Enduring a Millennia, the Treaty Still stands and Tension is still hot between the two factions as there were Skirmishes between them, Now he is here? How is he alive?

She Left Her Quarters to meet them...

As the Imperial Guard Set Up Camp and Waiting for the Logistics Corps to Come up, A Grav Transport approached the Premises, Holding a Battered Golden Aquila Flag to let the Guardsmen know that they come to talk...

(Caerys):Mon...Humans, I have come to talk to your Leader in Charge...

As she lead a Entourage of Eldars with her

Commissar Hector Came out and Approached her, She Scanned his Soul and Found that he is not the One...

(???): This is Commissar Hector of the Monse Expedition Force, what is it Xenos?

(Caerys): I would like to know about your leader? is he here?

(Hector): No, and He wouldn't be here, Pray tell? Are you going to kill him?

The Guardsmen heard the Commissar Words and Began Arming Themselves and aiming their LasGuns at her, their eyes went feverous mad with anger, ready to tear the Farseer Apart, even if they are weak, they know the Colonel done so much, They are more willing to throw their lives away had the Colonel Given his orders to do so, if the Eldar Spoke one word that might be detrimental to him... Sensing that the Guardsmen are becoming Hostile, Farseer Calmly Spoke her words not Mincing her Words in riddles as she wouldn't want a Two Way Front between the Imperium and the Necrons....

(Caerys): I would like to See Him as to know about a Alliance with him is possible...

(Hector): Alliance Eh? *Vox Calling* Yes, this is Commissar Hector, Eldars are here as you say Colonel Alex... they wanted a Alliance.... with you... Okay.... *Click* Seems you are in luck, He will come Within an Hour...

As the Two Parties waited, they see Dust Clouds coming from the Direction where the Imperial Guards Came From, Bikes in a Thousand Met up with the Group and Several Large Walkers Was Seen Behind them walking slowly as they are reached the Vanguard Force, a Chimera was Seen... a Man with Authority was in the Cupola of the Chimera, Bringing Assurance to Some the Guardsmen that had their homes lost to the Orks, on the Other Side...

Farseer Saw a Figure that is not a Human, as she sensed that the Aura of the Laughing God and The Emperor Merged together in this "Human" forming a Symbiosis within him...

(???): Well, Farseer what a wonderful day to see you in here

as the Human Sarcastically Spoke in Eldar Tongue...

(Caerys): You speak our Language?

(???): How is Eldrad now? Still Making more mess with his Visions?

(Caerys): Doing well human, I would like to discuss an Alliance to you...

(???): And Alliance? Now? How Would I trust you? Your kind are renown to backstab any decent alliance we could have against chaos?

(Caerys): This is our proof...

as the Farseer Showed a Golden Branch with sincerity, the Man eyes widen and he Spoke in whisper...

(???): "How? I only made this Tree in this System recently, how did it ended up in Eldar hands? Did I travel back in time or what?"

He Grumbled as he weight his options once more, He doesn't know the layout on this planet as the Imperial Survey Corps were too lax to complete the Mapping every nook and Cranny and he needed information immediately and to know if the Necron are what he thinks he knows about... but the risk of Betrayal...

(???): "Might as well take a Gamble, Fine I accept your Offer, and here is A Couple tons of Soul Stones for the Deal, I don't like this but you know the layout of the Necron and I want details of what happened there...

A Drop pod come Crashing down beside the Human, And it's contents was Filled with Stones that the Eldar needed the most....

the Farseer went to the pile and Observe the Stones, they are high quality, not a Blemish was seen as it was Mined with care and carved by a Eldar Craftsman long ago...

(Caerys): You got yourself a Deal Human...

(???): Name's Alex Hyde, Not Human or Monkeigh, Attack my Men, the Alliance is Off, Commissar Hector, Let's Go, the Eldar pose no threat and we should go to the Wasteland to Kill these Necrons, we can't let them leave using this planet gate, Corporal get the Logistics Corps on the Line and Tag the Eldars as Safe for now....

As the Imperial left the place, with a Shroud of Dust, left the Eldars befuddled as they wonder why the Farseer shown some respect towards a Monkeigh?

(???): Farseer, why do you risk making a Alliance with the Imperium?

(Caerys): I have made an alliance with him alone...not the Imperium as they are too unwieldy to used their strength, and what Master Eldrad knows... he would be one that bring peace to our kind... Come call for others to Get this Stones and I will assist him to end this contagion....

(???): Why should we join forces with this particular Monkeigh?

(Caerys): He is the blessed one that will free Isha, and Destroy Slaanesh

(???): You joking right? a Mere Monkeigh defeat Slaanesh? The blessed one should have died all those millennia ago....

(Caerys): But he still is alive and the blessings of Cegorach is with him? Did you notice that?

(???): May I accompany you Farseer? I have Experience meeting with him before...

(Caerys): Sister , do you know this man? if so then we would need much appeal as we can sincerely to assist him... otherwise... do we even have a chance?

Upon Receiving the Information by the Eldars about the New Threat, Alex place his Men in the Kaurava III Wasteland, where the Walkers turned into Artillery pieces ready to launch shells at the Necron Stronghold... Alex took his Mandatory 20 minute nap in his tent as the Guardsmen grew accustomed to seeing as he known for working overtime to the point any ordinary men would go Insane...

In one such Nap, he saw a dream... a Better Imperium...

(???): Dad? You awake?

Dad? Alex Wonder as he knew he never took a wife much less have a Kid? as he found himself in a cozy room... where he found himself Infront of a Vox Tv showing Primarchs waving from the Golden Palace, Where a certain Blue Boy is Hugged by a Eldar, much to the Envious of his brothers...

"You are?"

(???):"Silly you don't you remember? I am your daughter, *Static*, you adopted me?"

"You are that Girl... Ugh my head..."

(???): You alright? should I called Mother *Static* or Mother *Static*, Sisters come here there's a Problem with Dad!?

Two more Women rushed into the room, One Clad in a Sororitas Armor and another In a Eldar armor came and Hugged Alex...

(??? 2): He is not tainted by the Warp, he just have a Migraine, Silly *Static*, Did you finish your Mission?

(???): *Pout* of course I did, I managed to finish the Orks on the Eastern fringes, thanks to the Dust Hounds, they always treated me like a Kid

(??? 3): you do know you are late for the Sermon again...

(???): I just want to spend time with Dad... I miss his Tacos, Said to be the Emperor Favorite

(??? 2): you and your Gluttonous Mouth...

(???): Mother *Static* You come here?

(???): Oh my, you girls better meet your Aunt *Static* Soon, She is not fond of Children getting late...

(???): I better go first, since I am the Eldest one and you two are my younger siblings....

as the Trio left, Alex was left with the Eldar alone in the room....

(???): You are not from this timeline are you?

(Alex): How do you know?

(???): Well, We been Married for a Couple of Decades so I know how will my husband reacts and do... and the way you speak as if you never met your Daughters... *Sigh* I wonder if Others knew about this...

(Alex): *Groan* Wait there's more than two of you?

(???): When you Return... Please be Nicer towards my younger self...

(Alex): Your Name? There are plenty of Eldars out there....

(???): A Little Hint, I am right next to you, right now in this tent, and my Name is...

As he was Dreaming in those minutes, A Eldar that Knew him, Entered the Tent holding a Red Handkerchief he left on Mina all those years ago.... She Stared at him mumbling some thoughts... When She Heard Her Name... Her Heart Stopped beating for a Moment... He knew her? As she bend closer to hear his mumblings, She Found Him Staring at Her...

(Alex): Yes? What is it?

She wanted to Open her mouth but... couldn't say anything... as his mixed eyes gaze upon her, She shuddered as she tried to take a step back... and He Strode forward, blocking her escape...

"So what does a Eldar enter a Bachelor tent alone with no guards? Planning to poison me? Assassinate me? Is that how fast our Alliance really mean to the Eldar or it's just you?" She Almost Reached the Bed, Nervously Staring at the Human now Seem bigger than Normal almost Reaching her Height...

"I umm, wanting to return the Handkerchief back..." as She held out the Lost Handkerchief.... As both were in Utter silence, Until Alex suddenly began to laugh, A Eldar no less Entered a Guardsmen Camp Unarmed that is Xenophobic no less, to Deliver him his Lost Handkerchief, it was the biggest laughter he had in his years...

"Cegorach, are you playing cupid or what?"

At this moment at a Poker Game in the Warp...

(Clownboi): "*Sneeze* Someone Thinking I am Cupid? hah, Marriage is a Joke these days, so perhaps I am thinking for a Good Pun... See ya Guys.."

(DaddyE): Screw you, we were almost winning, and I have a Good Hands Clownboi

(AxeGrinder76): Fck You Give me Back My Axe!

(Clownboi): well later Losers *Honk*

(Bananaboi): Sir, I should have inform....

(DaddyE): Shut up BananaBoi, Now Let's look for a Another Game, Wanna Play Mahjong.... Jeff?

(Jeff): Yeah

Alex Tent

"Now, Then What should I do to you? I could Asked Farseer Caerys, for this Debacle? I gotten used to Hiding Massive things, now what will you do, Sweet Summer Child?" as He Teased the Now Confused Eldar now Seeing a side of Alex she didn't know...

*Bop* His Hands was on her head... patting Softly... as waves of Golden Energy Flowed through her... Giving her Comfort and Security...

"Must be Hard for you... Working to protect yourselves in this universe.... Waiting for a Help that may or not come for you...Well at least you managed to survive all this time... I not so sure if I am the Chosen one by the Laughing God, Heck Even I Don't know is reasons...Dimh-Yriel... You did your best to survive"

Dimh-Yriel, Slowly Cried... as She remembers the Horrors her Craftworld have seen, the Danger she faced, From the Horrors in the Void... Her Sister Dying, now encased in a Wraith Walker, Waiting for her to be picked up...

"Shhhh My Child... No longer you will feel alone" as of Alex Golden Eye turned Sky Blue and Not within his own Actions as he Embrace the Sobbing Eldar in his Arms.... (Emperor of Mankind have a Eldar Variant? well there's an Ork and a Necron Version of him, why not an Eldar? I wonder what Variants would he show? a Chaos Filled version Emps? ha that would be funny if he became orky like when the Ork version possessed him? )

Hours Later, She Left him, her eyes still watered from the Crying, She held the Handkerchief in her hands as the Guardsmen just Went in formation and Saluted her off....

(???): *Whistle* Wow Colonel Popped his Cherry, and Eldar no less...

(???): Captain?

(Captain): Yes Sir?

(???): Latrine Duty till the End of this Conflict

(Captain): What the Frak sir

(???): and Meal duty as well added to your punishment

(Captain): Doesn't sound so bad....

(???): With Commissar Cadets watching you as a Training Material, want to say more? Pray I don't alter the deal any longer...

After Alex left the Captain Grumble

"This deal is getting worse everytime"

As He turned around and saw Alex Grinning at him, A Loud Scream was Heard in the Guardsmen Camp...

As Dimh-Yriel Slowly walked Back to her Camp, She was Greeted by her sister Walker...

"Sister Dimh-Yriel, Did that Monkeigh did anything to you?"

"Sister Rhath-Shaie, No He didn't..."

"Dimh-Yriel, Can you confirm that he is the Blessed?" the Farseer Approach from behind them, wanting to know...

"Yes, Farseer, he shows large amounts of the Laughing God In him."

"What is wrong? did he done something to you?"

"Being with him... reminded what I have to fight for..."

"Such as?"

"My Family Right, Sister Rhath-Shaie?"

"*Laughing* Of Course I will also protect you Sister, Come Let's head back to your Quarters..."

Farseer Caerys looked at the Two and looked towards the horizon, where the Necron stationed as Clouds of Miasma and Red Lighting now Covered the Area of the Ongoing Horde headed their way...

"I hope you truly are the Blessed, for we might need your help sooner than you think..." as she Left to her base ready for the onslaught...


Work and Searching for Lore Materials... Just tucker out... There were times I did wanted it to end, But I am too Stubborn to let this be Axed... too many Sources and Materials... I probably be hinder by the lore dumps...

There are hints of Signs he did went back to the Past, But how he did not know of a Sector that he owned and his Seat as a High Lord? simple, he just Doesn't know it yet, if he knew it he would just go to it and GG Everyone.... They are Biding their time.. and Politics in 40k is Different from 30k, I doubt anyone would welcome a Missing High lord to return to his table after being Awol for a Millennia, And Those Invoices...A Pain