Kaurava Conclusion

A Military Parade is Ongoing at Karav City

Where Guardsmen walked in formation with their Face Proudly in Tandem with Vehicles as the Military Band start their Music...

Sister of Battle Never participated in the Parade due to some distrust in them with the Ecclesiarchy Fiasco...

Blood Ravens March Stride as the Citizens cheered the Forces that Saved them.

The Dust Hounds Participated in the parade. With free Booze and Food Waiting for them as long as they "Act" Nicely

Alex Decline to join the Festivities, to the Dismay of the Commanders, He Retired in the Cabin Forest until the Parade ended...

He Carved a Statue of the Emperor Made from Marble, Thoughts Lingering in his mind as he chisels the Image of the Emperor....

'Did I do the Right thing?' as he stares at his unfinished work, Searching for answers in the Silent Carving.

As he saw the Burning of the Citizens in Karav City by a Delusional Bishop Orders...

What He seen in the Slave Cages in Lunacae as People treated like Livestock, their forms twisted into Abominations by the Haemonculi Experiments...

What he Witness the slaughter in that Basement of the Fortress, by fanatics that devoted themselves to the dark gods...

Those Eyes Haunted him, one that wanted Justice but Find none in this forsaken Galaxy....

"What ails you, Colonel?" a Chief Librarian walked into the Clearing managing to find Alex in the Sea of trees.

"There are Plenty of things, Sir Sarbander, Of the Horrors we faced to reached where we are, I am not sure where my Beliefs go to...The Dead...The Suffering...I wonder had I come sooner...I am having Doubts if I can lead?" as Alex put away his tools to meet the Librarian...

"The Emperor Has always a Plan for Each and Every one of us...There are ways we interpreted his meanings, and I am certain that your actions saved more than you know..." Sarbander reminded Alex the Lives he saved...

The Guardsmen at Monse... That they should have been sent to the grinder against the Orks had the Former Governor is alive...

The Saving of the Civilians of Kaurav City from the Purge of a Hysterical Bishop...

Freeing the Slaves and Prisoner of Lunacae from the dark Eldars...

Helping the ill and the Injured with His Medpods

and that Soul of a Kid Smiling at him as they went to heaven...

"You are not a Hero just because someone orders you too, but A Hero, nonetheless. When we first arrived in the system, I had a Vision, that almost all of our Companies were annihilated and Boreale was Killed, the Lands we stood on is covered in Greenskin as they prepared a waagh to the stars, and we committed Infighting to barely achieve anything, I kept silent when the first flames of purge in Kaurav city of the Ecclesiarchy, I believed that we all met our ends then and there... But you came... Your Interference saved all of us... In a Sense I... no... all of Us are grateful to you..." As the Librarian Relayed his thoughts on the matter...

"That's so? Can you Accompany a bit while I Finish my work? At least there will be someone who knew what happen here..." as Alex resumed his work while the Librarian stood by....

In a Few Hours a Mural was created... It Held all the Names of the Civilians and Military forces that died in the Conflict, By the hands of the Purge by the Ecclesiarchy , the death by the hands of the Xenos and Heretics... and the Carving of the Emperor was Placed on top on the mural along with the Imperial Commanders that Participated in the Conflict, Solemnly Watching over the Mural as long as it could till the end of time...

"Let's go Sir Sarbander..." Alex took a Final Look as he left with the Librarian to join to festivities.

"The Mural was found a Hundred years later, as Scholars and Theorist debated who created the Monument as it was so far out from any known population centers, and one favorite theory was that it was created in the intentionally in the event the Kaurava population growth exceeded the limits, the Mural would been found, and the history of Real casualties of the Conflict came in the light. One of the Librarians of Blood Ravens stationed in this System knew the Carver Identity and wished not to say anything..." -Remembrancer Kushel Ulfels the Ghosts of Kaurava debate.

Blood Ravens:

Captain Boreale was Survived the Conflict, and Kaurava II was Handed to him, and he renamed it "Boreallum" And Convert the Lands of Solitude into a Fortress Monastery as the Blood Ravens called home and in exchange he provided Training for the Guardsmen to prevent the incident happened once more, He Perfected the Steel rain with the Chronosphere and Medpods Given to him By Alex, the Tactical Options Increased and the Casualties are lowered to an extent, When the Aurelia Conflict started to claim their former homeworld, he stayed behind training a generation of Blood Ravens, when Captain Apollo Diomedes claimed Chapter Master Azariah Kyras was the Traitor, Boreale Stayed neutral until the Information was Clarified, and He Assisted Diomedes with Peace with the Eldars that were preventing the Inquisition of completion of the Exterminatus of the system as they relayed where the Traitor was hidden, He Used a Tessaract Labyrith gifted by Alex to Seal his Former Chapter Master that was awaiting the Souls needed for his ascension and Sealed him deep withing the vaults of the Omnis Arcanum, and he advocated that Gabriel Angelos would be the New Chapter Master.


Farseer Caerys Left the System with Good tidings and a Treaty was made between Alex and her, and there was less reports of Eldar Cosairs raiding in the Imperium Territories, and in Exchange there was no Imperial action against the Craftworlds in the Ultima Segmentum... Later she was Seen to assist Yvraine and the Ynnari during the Indomitus Crusade as she believes in a better way to save their species other than a Mass Suicide to Start the End Times...


Commander Shas'O Or'es'Ka, He was Exchange by Stubbs for non-Interference deal with the Kaurava System with the T'au Empire from invading the system again, After Seeing the Ethereal Turned into a Blob of Flesh, his Faith in the Caste has Shaken, He Joined Commander Farsight as Shadowsun Managed to Smuggle Him to the Farsight Enclave, his Skills and Tactics was Greatly Appreciate by Farsight as He was Tasked to defend the Enclaves while Farsight took the fight to the enemy. when he found out that there was a God of T'au, he became a fervent believer later on...

Dark Eldar:

Vect is Frustrated that his Hunt is gone and the webway leading to Kaurava is destroyed, he lashed out any that approached him, and at the Moment none could say what his actions were happening in his quarters...

Chaos Marines:

Chaos Champion Firaeveus Carron, was indeed Slain by Boreale, and as of this moment he is recovering in the warp, seeking vengeance against Boreale...


Their Tomb World was Cleanse with Flames to prevent the flesh like substance as insurance that it would not reach to other planets, The Necron Lord that became a Dragon was left alone as a Symbol of Imperium Might until the Mechanicus Fleet swept in the ruins for excavation and research of the Ancient foe from the Monoliths that were not powered up, and later it became priority for Belisarius Cawl and it became a small mining for Blackstone by recycling the monoliths...


Their Corpses was Found in the Space of Kaurava System, and with the T'au Cannon it left the Splinter Fleet intact as the Cannon Fried the Nerve Cluster of the ships, providing more insight of the foe that the Imperium is now facing... and their Ground Forces was eradicated and Incinerated to the last to prevent the spread, it turns out that the Medpods that Alex Provided could cure first generation that were infected by Genestealers virus and more research is currently done by the Magos Biologis to conduct further experiment to see later generations could be reverted back...


Warlord Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter, escaped early before the conflict started, he was swept up by the warp storm, By his luck he entered a Waagh in Cyprus Ultima under the command of Warboss Gitstompa, there he found his "Supa Pointy Stick" and was not seen in a while, who knows when the next Waagh will happen under his command?

Sisters of Battle:

Canoness Selena Spent several years in the Monastery slowly earning the trust of the People of Kaurava once more, She has made Several Shrines and 6 Cities was created each dedicated to the Order of the Sisters, and the Daily Routines of Hospitallers Roamed the Kaurava System, Sensing the Taint of Chaos in the population, She was often Seen Praying in the Sama District to the Tree that was Planted in the Sororitas Sanctuary, with the Emperor Carved directly into it... She relayed what she saw in the "Heavens" And Vouched that Alex was the Envoy of the Emperor, as he created Miracles throughout the battlefields, She was Sentence to the Stakes by a Radical Inquisitor, but She was Pardoned by the Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum, Cardinal(s) of the Holy Synod of Terra and Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas before the flames touched her flesh, She now Assist in the indomitus Crusade along with Grayfax and Celestine.

Imperial Guard:

Gorvernor General Stubbs Became a War Hero of the Imperium, though he knew who's the one that fought on the frontlines as Alex Gave him the Credits that he should have earned, He made Several Policies that Benefitted the Population of Kaurava, He set up Several Training grounds, Academies, and left one in Alex Name as they discuss the tactics of the Ghost Hero Alex Hyde both current and Future and how to implement it in their repertoire of tactics, He set to Terraform the Planets that were Plagued by the Kaurava conflict, thanks to Alex Terraforming Machines and the knowledge to make it, he made the Shining Example of the Ultima Segmentum and he was given charge handle a Mid-Size Sector to handle it, and the Vehicles, Weapons and armor that Alex had made in Monse has been a Successful as now it has made several copies and was scattered in the Imperium, and Some of them Participated in famous Battles, Such As the First and Second War of Armagedon as Steel Legion used it against Ghazghkull Thraka, Commissar Yarrick Commented the machines with his rare praises... and the Last Stand of Cadia as a Thousand Initiates roared Three Thousand Barrels in defiance against the Despoiler even when the Land is Cracked to pieces they defy him with a salvo of shells...

He Vouched Alex with his Referrals along with several others such as Marshall Solomon to promote him to Lord General Militant as Alex found Success on every battlefield.

After the Conflict ended Alex Returned to Mina to let the 69th Dust Hounds for Some R&R and Helped with the Rebuilding as he provided STC Templates to the Local Techpriest to improve the Planet once more, and Alex was rewarded for it as the Mechanicus Fleet that was stationed there to observe the Perk Alex Left behind, now relayed the STC given to the Local Techpriest, They also Helped him by Offering the Fabricator General Referral in exchange for more STC's Template, Which He Agrees and Sent Copies of Intact Stc's Templates he found in the Federation Mars but not all of them, which they went beyond and wanted to Place him as Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard for the missing knowledge... And his Promise to help Mars to clean up the Damages left by the Horus Crusade as they noticed that He is attuned to the Machine Spirits making them Docile as he approached... But They Decided prepared to Place him on the Missing High Lord Rank that Nobody wished to touch as they believe it is cursed...

He Adopted a Child as his own...

Sarah Hyde Du Mornaal, The Child that He Given some of his perks to Before he left for the conflict... He bought a Property in the First wall as he Spent time with her, Until He was Dragged off by the Custodes that managed to reach to Mina faced by several Invasions in the warp, She Accompanied him to see the emperor...

The Mina 69th Dust Hounds Stationed in Mina and there are times when they Fought on Several Fronts under the Leadership of Commissar Hector, They Found Sucess as Hector Knew the Old Habits of Alex Modus Operandi and make the Enemies Questioned their Sanity, as they fought outside the Rules of Imperial Guards fought... Sometimes a Hit and Run, Guns Blazing, a Decoy, Urban and Trenches warfare is what they were known in the Ultima Segmentum

It was until Sarah come to age then she took over the Mina Dust Hounds to accomplished what her foster father have achieved, the Dust Hounds were almost eradicated if it weren't for the "Ghosts of Mina" as she like to call them saved them, but she had an Inkling it was her Father that saved them...


Technically it shows a bit what happened after the conflict....