Chapter 44: Movie 2 action

As the War Progresses the Mobile Infantry and Navy has Stretched thin and the Bugs Grew each passing day... the Federation Council Add More Political and Military Powers to the M.A.Rs to produce more war materials and Manpower to the grinder, Despite the detractors kept calling out that it already being a Separate Organization from Terran Command and might clash with their objectives... their Results prove otherwise, what they held, always under their control... Due to the Lack of Population, Terran Federation Remove the Standards of License of Pregnancy by the Requisite for joining the Mobile Infantry, due to the lack of Manpower, as Alexander Solair Predicted...

And Johnny Rico Was the first man in the Federation to marry his Two Wives, Carmen Ibanez and Dizzy Flores in a Church of the Golden Light in Mars, Paid For by Alexander Solair as Guest and Carl Jenkins as The Man Of the hour...

The Groom Room

(Alexander):"Wow... You sure have grown Little Rico from that boy that I met in Buenos Aires, into the man I see today, Lucky you, you married two that is part of your life..."

(Rico):"Thanks, Alex...I just Can't believe it is this day, that it feels like a dream..."

(Alexander):"Shall I punch you? to wake you up?"

(Rico):"No Thanks Alex, I rather not get a black eye on my day of the Wedding..."

(Alexander):"Fair point... Let's not keep the ladies waiting, shall we? Here my gift..."

(Rico):"What's this?"

(Alexander):"Stamina Potion, perfectly harmless... You going to need it...let me know if you need more..."

(Rico):"Thanks... I will keep it...Alex?"

(Alexander): "Yes?"

(Rico):" Thanks for everything"

(Alexander): "Don't get sentimental to me, lets go and say it on your speech..."

As Rico Kept the potion in his pocket as he remembered how thirsty Dizzy was, in his first time with her...he Followed Alexander to the Altar...

As the Music started up, and the Choirs sang their praises, and the Guest look at the two brides coming on the red velvet carpet...

on the right side of the Aisle, Carl Jenkins as lead Dizzy Flores into the altar...

(Carl):"Dizzy this must be a special day with you?"

(Dizzy):"I do... It Feels like a Dream... Wanting to be with him...thank you Carl..."

(Carl):"You shouldn't be thanking me... you better thank Alex for bringing you three together..." as Carl scratch his head...

And the left side of the Aisle was led by Carmen And her Father...

(Mr.Ibanez):"You know Daughter, you made me proud of what you achieve this day...You were just a Little girl when I held you in my arms...I hope you make a Right choice..."

(Carmen):"Dad...I managed to be successful... and thank you for giving me everything that I needed..."

(Mr. Ibanez):"*Chuckling* If that Man Make you cry, let me know... I still got some strength in me to teach him a lesson..."

(Carmen):"Dad... He is a good man... He would never let me down..."

The two Brides Reached on the Altar...

The Uriah Olathaire now a Pope, oversee the wedding.

(Uriel):"Would you Johnny Rico, Take Carmen Ibanez and Dizzy Flores as your Wives?"

(Rico):"I do."

(Uriel):"Would you, Carmen Ibanez and Dizzy Flores take Rico as Your Husband?"

"We Do x2"

(Uriah): I shall pronounce you Husband and Wives, and this shall be A Miracle waits for all of you, may you will be blessed in this life and into the Afterlife!

With his arm raised on the Altar, a Flaming Version of a Female Angel appear before all to see, Blessing the Wedding with Grace and Left Three Flaming feathers as she Left...

(Uriel):"It would mean that the God has approved this marriage!" as he nodded as he raised the Feathers for the crowd to see...

Bringing several cheers as the Married was accompanied to the Wedding vehicle and left.

A Great feast was held and many of the groom friends gave their congratulatory words to the married.

(Alexander): "When I first Started Out my Career on my journey as the Director of M.A.Rs, I met Rico and his friends on a Football match in Bueno Aires years ago, can you believe when he called me "Sir" when we first met? I am not that old, but over the years, I trust in him grown and there is no person that I could trust with my life, also you Carl Jenkins if you felt left out, Now I wished that the people that Rico Love, Live Long and Prosperous." as Alexander Raised his Champagne to the Married

In a mansion on the outskirts of New Texas, Given by Alex as Wedding Gift for the Trio...

On the Bed Rico was staring at two Thirsty Women waiting for him...

(Rico):" Alex, I hope your Potion Works!"

as he Drank it and Pounced on the Two Woman and they committed their night with fiery passion, In the Morning Rico wake up looking Haggard as he was Drained to the Bone...

(Dizzy):"Honey Wake up, We Prepared breakfast for you..."

(Carmen):"Wake up Sleepy boy..."

(Rico):"Thanks Dizzy, Carmen... It feels like a dream...."

(Dizzy):"Should we tell him?"

(Carmen):"Not yet he might faint..."

As the two held a Pregnancy Kit showing positive behind their backs...

After a decent breakfast, Rico was Slapped with the News that they were Both the same time... and Rico is Screaming with Joy and Bragged to his Accomplishment to his Friends.

Alex was looking at a Folder containing a certain individual...

"Now, Time to free that guy...."

While there was Bliss in Mars.... on the other side of the Federal Controlled Space is a Gruesome Fight as a Company of Mobile Infantry was Desperately Rushed In a Hurry towards a Active M.A.Rs Base as Bugs Were attacking them from all sides... they were a part of the Group that were still not Phase out the Morita Rifles and Armor due to the Logistical Issues as Major Divisions got the First pick.. Despite they have Upgrades E-Pulse technology to compensate the Issue, it was still not enough as the Arachnids grew in larger numbers to handle their caliber...

General Jack Shepherd Made a Last-Ditch attempt to divert the Arachnids as the Majority of his Group Managed to reach the Presumed Base...


Bravo Six

. Sergeant Dede Rake

. Psychic Lieutenant Pavlov Dill

. Private Jill Sandee

. Private Duff Horton

. Private Lei Sahara

.Privates Ottis Brick

. Private Billy Otter.

They Managed to escape the Arachnids Trap and Ambushes, some died along the way including the Radio operator with much of Lieutenant Dill frustration... a Dust Storm Kicked up almost Blurring the Vision of the Soldiers... there they see a Light in the Distance... Hotel Delta 1-8-5 an Active Base on this front as the Lights became a Sole Comforts to the Surviving Soldiers as they head towards it...

As they reached the light a Walled Structure was surrounded the lights that they needed...

(???):"Halt, who goes there?"

(Dill):"This is Lieutenant Dill of the Mobile Infantry requesting assistance..."

(???): "Alright you pass, this is Commander James of M.A.Rs holding jurisdiction of Hotel 1-8-5 and You will be quarantine until further notice..."

(Dede): "You can't do this to us!"

(James): "Standard Protocols are in place to prevent Infection and infiltration... You will be release in an hour, be grateful that I don't put a Bolter in your skulls..."


(James): Great and you let those bugs follow you? Guardsmen, Cleanup Duties now!

As the Guardsmen took up arms and went to repel the Bugs, and Stubber and Punisher Turrets began to light up, filling the Sandstorm with lead and explosive shells...

The last words made the Mobile infantry group Nervous as they were led to their quarters...

While they Waited for an Hour in the quarantine bay, with explosions and barrages of artillery rumbled outside the walls, they noticed that there was someone in in a Locked Room, in the Quarantine Bay, along with them...

(???): Newcomers? That's new?

(Dex): Who are you?

(???): Just a Criminal

(Sahara): I don't feel so good...

They saw a Federation report next to the Locked Room.

(Dede): Captain V.J. Dax, says here he's a big hero, Combat medals, Bronze Stars, Purple Heart x3. Federal Medal of Valour at Widowmakers. M.A.Rs Medal of Heroism of Site 13 [What Happen at site 13?], that's alot of crap, wounded, 6 times, refused Battlefield recommendations from both Mobile Infantry and M.A.Rs... Pending for Execution for murdering his superior.

(Dill): Give me that...

After the group read the report the Quarantine Ended, they were release and met Commander James in his office.

(James): Tell me Lieutenant, why are you here?

(Dex): Sir, I am here to request troop extraction from this base as our radio operator is killed. The operation was a failure.

(James): Next Shipment will arrive in a few days you can use it for getting off this rock, in the Meantime, You and your men get ready to ready to relax and enjoy what Amenities we have in store, and get checked by our medics, now go while I inform High Command about this blunder, and if any of you wished to help there are places that could use your expertise... he shooed them away...

As the group wandered the base, filled with vibrant light and activities as Guardsmen and Technicians wandered the base, Greenhouses was set up as permanent way to get food, factory was raised, providing shells for the artillery now lobbing shells over the walls, Fission Power plants thrumming with life as it provided with energy that the base desperately needed, Canteen was found for soldiers to enjoy hot meals.... a mine that is constantly in action as workers rushed in and out with minecarts laden with metals toward the factory.... A Plaza that held a Tree that is on fire and nobody bothered about it...

Sahara went to the Infirmary that held a series of Medpods and a Medic staff approached her...

(???): Welcome do you want a checkup?

(Sahara): Yes please...

(???): Come Lie down on the Medpods... We will see what is wrong with you...

(???): Your heartrate is Palpating fast did anything happen?

(Sahara): I am scared...

(???): We are all Scared... is it about Commander James?

(Sahara): Yes...

(???): He been like this when his brother was slated for execution..., and his jurisdiction cannot defy the ruling of the Council... and it was that guy that is stuffed in the lock room in the quarantine zone...

(Sahara): What Happen?

(???): During start of the Zulu alpha Campaign, our group join up with the battered 701st Mobile Infantry company where Dax was under... and Director Alexander sense that the tide was turning and requested to retreat so that the Fleet could initiate a Planetary bombardment, and the commander leading the 701st Mobile Infantry company saw it as cowardly and almost dammed the company and ours... Dax killed him and ordered a retreat, he was sentence to execution, I heard that the Director is working hard to reverse his death sentence as the Commander is not in a state of mind of leadership.... Though I hope he is done with it... oh... it seems that you are pregnant? Congratulations.... Who's the father?

(Sahara): He works at the M.A.Rs newest "Ignis Corp" as a logistics captain... [A certain Ytuber arma Army I followed]

(???): Ah that Corps, the Casualties are high but the pays good... You could tell him about this bundle of joy... You could use the Communication array about this... A doctor slip for the entrance...*Wink*

(Sahara): Thank you Doctor...

(???): I heal, I provide Counseling and I listen to love problems, just stay away from the Commander until his head cools down... Next patient... Ah Jake you rammed your fingers in the leman Russ again? May I prescribe you an Idiot Pill? Tanks are not meant for Humping!

Sahara stepped out and Headed to the Communication Relay to talk to her Boyfriend about the new....

Quarantine Zone

A Commander was seen next to the Locked room talking to the prisoner...

(James): You know that the Director is working hard to release your sentence.... Brother

(Dax): I know... and I accept my Fate... You don't deserve to have a brother like me... A murderer

(James): I worked my way up to get this rank through the Scholar Progenium... just to see you like this? You did what you had to do and if it weren't for your actions, we would have been slaughtered at that blasted Place!

(Dax): Leave me alone...

(James): Fine I will ask someone to send food for you... I can't let you starve to death... Brother...

As the Commander Footsteps faded from the corridors, Dax Held out a Faded Picture of his Company and the Dog tags in his hands... and held his head down... whose thoughts was unknown...


(???): More bugs? this is the fourth time this week!

(???): Another day of work, get the shells pumping!

(???): Points for the Point God, points for the Points throne! BUGS MUST DIE!

(???): Dude you are scaring me...

(???): Contact! 4 Humanoid Figures are approaching! Holy Hell! they brought another Wave of Bugs!

(???): Provide Cover Fire!

(???): Get those Mobile Infantry Stragglers at the Walls! Let them earn their keep!

(???): Shit It was Clam Chowder day!

(Sahara): Uggh... My head....

(???): You Okay trooper?

She Saw a Vision of the Base being overrun by Bugs, At the same time Lieutenant Dill also witness the same vision as well...

(Dill): What is this!

"Open Fire!"

A Barrage of Lasguns and AutoGuns Began to Light up in the Sandstorm, Killing Several Bugs as the survivors rushed into the Base... And the Bugs Left as fast as they come...

(James): This is M.A.Rs Jurisdiction, Who and What are your reasons here?

(???): This is General Shepherd of the Mobile Infantry tasked with the Operations in Zullu Alpha Campaign, and this is Corporal Joe Griff and Tech Sergeant Ari Peck and this sleeping Beauty here is Private Charlie Soda, we are here the moment my Defenses is breached and this three picked me up and saved me...

(James): You are Under quarantined for an Hour until we are sure you are not "infected."

Making Joe and Ari Visibly shaken about the quarantine...

(Sheperd): Under Whose authority?

(James): That would be me Sir...

(Shepard): Nonsense a Commander? I Order as the General of the Federation, I Demand that you override the Quarantine Protocols we have a Life at stake! Or I will call a Case of Insubordination!

(James): Fine....

A Day later Joe Was Frustrated...

After the General Order the Lockdown to End, the Base Personnel was more wary of his group especially the Officers in the Base, as it turns out the General Defy indirectly the Director Orders and while he manage to "Infect" some of the Female Personnel, Soda didn't fare well as she managed to infect a third of the workers in the mines her cover was almost blown as the "Techpriest" discovered that his Workforce is Infected, They were Incinerated without notice or warning as he quote "Productivity Insufficient", and the information he gathered from the infected that survive the purge was that they were "born" Here...

As he heard that a transport is coming, and he ordered the Infected women to infest the rest of the Guardsmen...

Slowly the Base was filled with irregularities except the Maintenance crew of the Armor Pool, the Factory worker, the Powerplant technicians and the Medical Staff... as the infected tried not to even kill them in fear their plot would rouse suspicions of the untainted... and those areas was filled with techpriests and would alert the Commissar of this base...

Joe Grinned as the Base is almost complete under their command...

Sahara met with Dill about the Visions that she witness at the Rampart a few days ago, Dill scoffed it off as she was a failed Psychic, only for her to tell him that she was pregnant... which prove that pregnancy temporarily Given her powers back... He Went to Inform the Commander first as he believes in Protocols... and Informed about the Strange irregularities around the base... and left to inform the General about the strange vision...

Which Commander James took it Seriously and Ordered the Techpriest and a Commissar to conduct a Surprise inspection and almost half of the Guardsmen were infected, he didn't panic amongst the infected and ordered them to return their duties and went to his office in the command center and activated "Vulkan Protocol", and headed to the quarantine zone...

*Door Open*

(Dax): Brother? Why are you opening the door?

(James): No time to explain, the Base is Compromised we head to the Armory to get you suited up...

(Dax): What is happening? Tell me Brother!

(James): The Base is Infected by Bugs! and now you are the One I could only trust right now...


(James): Let's Go!

As the Two Bravely charged into a Fire against the Infested Guardsmen and Loyalist as the infected realized that they couldn't use the Lasguns and Autoguns due to the Machine Spirits realizing that they were not their real owners and resorted to use Armor Crew Weapons created by the federation... they reached the Armory that is being held by the Saner people...

(???): Sir, what you requested is ready sir.

(James): Let me through.

The two reached to a Maintainece Bay of Power Suits was held as pilots now entering the suits, and a Techpriest waited for them.

(???): ++Query: What is happening outside? ++

(James): Infestation

(???): ++Conclusion: Understood, the Omnissiah has bless this machine for your use...++

(Dax): *Whistle* That is meant for me?

(James): Your Birthday gift Brother, until you killed that officer, Get in... We need to cleanse the base from infestation... Do you know how to lead?

(Dax): Easy as rain... Who should I shoot?

(James): those that have a Low Heat temperature, the information will show up in your visor... I will head to the Walls to Destroy the Manual Locks of the Gate and prevent it from opening and manually activate the turrets that is offline... Take care Brother.... And kill that General, I fear his attitude has let this happen in the first place... And I am sure he is already Infected to go to Federal Command! I guess he would try to call for Transport as we now started a Communication blackout, head towards the Communication Relay!

The Commander Left with a Railgun Rifle along with a Psyker waiting for him...

(Dax): You Four With Me! We will clean House!

As he Barked Orders to the Power Suits pilots as he left the Armory...

Meanwhile Hours Prior of the infighting

Dill left the Commander Room and went to inform the problems with General Shepherd, realized that the General already compromised... He threatened to the now Infested General with dissection, only to get his head snapped by Joe as a group of "Believers" are now heading to the Landing platform....

As they about to hear the Transport coming here....

*Vulkan Protocol Activated*

Making the M.A.Rs Transport retreated until the issue was resolved

Private Sahara accompanied the Mobile Infantry that entered first place heard about the protocol.

The Soldiers bust into their rooms, Confused, they were led out and they were scanned with temperatures...

(Officer): They are clean, Move on to the next...

As the Officer ordered the soldiers to head to the next block, the Mobile infantry asked him questions...

(Sahara): What's Happening?

(Officer): A Bug Infestation

(Brick): Really a bug Infestation?

(Otis): what the hell is going on?

(Officer): There are some people that been infested with bugs and the Base is under lockdown until we cleanse the Base.

(Brick): You Shitting me? Bugs infest human? What happens when you fail the Cleansing?

(Officer): We die, Simple as that.

(Sahara): What is the Vulkan protocol?

(Officer): We sabotage the Heavy weapons such as artillery and will be subjected to a 950 million tons of Promethium shells around the Planet until it reaches this base and a Black hole bombardment within 4 hours by the nearest M.A.Rs Fleets and along with a Communication and psychic Blackout will be enacted until the Protocol is turned off, to ensure that this planet be cleanse from the galactic map, that is what Vulkan Protocol is for, to prevent any technology from handed to the bugs, if we are successful the M.A.Rs fleet will immediately pick us up... Only the Officers knew about it and the Guardsmen would not have any clearance.

(Jill): You knew about this? Why so Excessive?

(Officer): It's because you never took the Bug seriously, you honestly think that human alone could be the Superior race when they also evolving?

(Officer): Why else we enacted the Quarantine Protocols? it was to check that you weren't infested, now we have to clean up Mobile Infantry Mess, First in Klendathu is where we first found about it... Now your General has Let in the Wolfs in our gates... Here Take this Temperature visors, you could tell the infected if their temperature is cold, and they are a shoot on sight policy, doesn't matter if they were your friends or your superior, kill them or the bombardment would commence if you wished to live, I hope that you know what you are doing...

As the Mobile Remnant Wore the Visors and saw a Different reality as temperature of human body were to be seen...

(Officer): Now you wish to stay fine, if you want to help, you lot will be granted access our Armory next to your block and help us eradicate the infestation if you wish you want to live?

The Group Rushed toward the Armory shown by the Officer, and they met defenders shot the Humans in the head rushing towards them in Pipes and Wrenches... and bugs beginning to spill out from the blown-out skulls...

(???): You receive the visors? get in and arm yourselves!

As the Guard rushed them toward the Armory....

(Brick): *Whistle* this must be a Early Christmas in here.

(???): ++Get your weapons now... Take the weapons on the right, the Infected is immune to small arms fire...++

As a red hooded figure gestures the Plasma weapons racks to the right

(Sahara): Thank you...

(???): ++After you are done... Leave++

As the hooded figure continued on his work as if the world end doesn't bother him slightest...

As the group armed with the Visors and went out the block, a Fire fight happening... Unsure which side to take until they saw that the ones that have no temperature is now attacking them... they retaliated and kill the soldiers and found Bugs crawling out of the blasted skull...

(???): thanks, never thought that thing I played Poker with is actually a Bug freak...

(???): I am heading to the Armor Pool, we need to get heavy weapons out and rolling... and those mechanics are under siege!

the Wall

The Defenders are confused as their own brother in arms are now attacking them... and during a Scuffle, one of them deactivate the Base Defenses and the About to open the Gate only to have his head Impaled by several Rods of Metal on his helmet.... and the Psyker saved him time and Energy to knowing who the one been infected....

(James):"Guardsmen On to me! and Kill the Traitors that is opening the Gates!" as the Commander began to shoot the Infected...

(???):"Sir... The Defenses controls are Destroyed and with what remains of us left? we will not hold long as possible Sir..."

(James):"Put the turrets on Auto using that lever and guard the Gates properly, we will cleanse the Infection once and for all..."


The People on the walls looked at the distance as Flames brighten in the distance... Shells began to rain down in the Distance igniting the land from orbit... Discriminatory Bombarded every inch of the land, whether there was any loyalist mobile Infantry left outside that wasteland or any Bug Infested Units, all were equal to the Judgement of the gods...

(James):"Let's go men... we have a Base to save!"

Sahara Group help the Guardsmen to Aid the Armor pool defenders and in exchange they were granted with a Chimera for fast travel as they Headed to the Communication Array...

Communication relay

The Main Infected were baffled why the transport ran off... and now a Doomsday Protocol enacted, Erasing them from existence... they lost communication to the Hive mind, now they were confused... as they kept Checking the Communication to let the Transport ship picking them up... despite several efforts, they were unable to communicate anyone...

(Shepherd): Come in this is General Jack Shepherd of the Federation, Come in... *Smash* Shite no Communication...

(Joe): we can't go out the Door now... they are enacted the Vulkan Protocols and now the Ones that joined us is already being wiped out in a Rapid Pace...

(Shepherd): we would have to try hailing for reinforcements....


as one of the Infected from the imperial guard was Smashed into the Wall into a paste and the ones that followed.... them...

And Four Power suits entered the Room...

(Dax): Hello Bugs...

As the Infected raised their weapons, they were assaulted with Railgun Rifles and Plasma....

Sahara Group managed to reach the Communication relay and Saw 5 power suits standing among the corpses and she recognize one of them as Dax...

(Sahara): Captain Dax?

Before he could respond to Sahara

There was an explosion at the walls... as the Artillery stopped the Counter Battery, the Bugs took advantage from the infighting... and the Plasma Bug Concentrated their Attacks on the Gate and the Shielded gate damaged from the civil war Collapsed... and despite the turrets that is still available to fight they were unable to handle the unending swarms, the Scorpion Bugs then Took out the remaining turrets, the Leman Russ and Chimeras that done killing with their infested brothers in arms rushed toward the cracked gate...

"Anyone that survive, Head to the Command Center! the Wall is Finished!"

The Commander Voice rang out in the voice speakers in the Base and the Vox comms of the Vehicles forcing them to reverse as they Firing their weapons at the direction at the gate as the swarm of bugs are heading in their direction....

All the remaining survivors converged at the Command Center, all the roads and passageways have been blocked and the Vehicles are turned into Pillboxes and Makeshift Barricades, Mines and tank Traps were erected in the main road to make a Kill zone, and Commander James went to reverse the Vulkan Protocol as after the Thorough inspections, all of them are perfectly "fine."


"Apple Seed"

*Static* "Commander, is it done?"

"Yes Director... the Contamination has been culled, Director... Base is now 69% Overrun."

"The Black hole would be put on hold, But The Promethium Bombardment will still commence, as the Bugs are now swarming the Base as seen from orbit...."

"Understood Director, Requesting Transport to retrieve the Non Combat personnel of this rock..."

"But not Yourselves?"

"There are tasty targets for the bugs to attack, and we will hold out as long as we can... So that you can immediately bombard at the largest concentration of the Bugs."

"Understandable... We will send Reinforcements."


Sahara has the Toughest day in her life, She witness what had Happened to the base is now Fighting for her life, She just witnessed her Commanding officer Had a Brain Big in his Head, Now Warrior Bugs are wanting to chew her face off...

"M.A.Rs Transports at the ready, Keep those Bugs Distracted!"

A Series of Valkyries Landed on the platforms as Some Still on the air, Opening fire at the Bugs...

(James ): All Non-combat Personnel are to be Evacuated First....

As the Commanders Gave his Final Orders...

As the Last Mobile Infantry Rushed to the Valkyries.. Sahara Was help aboard Onto a Valkyries by two Men....

(Sahara): Wait, you two should Come With Us!

as She Knew the Truth about Dax and the kind Doctor that let her use the Comms relay to tell her Boyfriend about her child...

(Dax): Murderers don't go Home...

(???): Me? My place is here to stay, Ms. Sahara... You Got a life waiting ahead for you... and your Newborn child... Pilot, This is the Last One!

(Pilot): Roger that, Leaving this Dustbowl now...

She watched as the Soldiers of M.A.Rs was Fighting a Losing battles and the remains headed to the Command Center and She Saw in the Distance of a Planet in Flames, slowly engulfing the planet....

On the Ground....

(James): So...How About a Friendly Competition with your Brother?

(Dax): Hmm like Old times... Mines 320

(James): Heh, I already Got 970 since you were in Jail, Let's Make the Bug Bleed!

They Fought on even as the Command Structure was Breached.... the Flames of Vulkan has Reached the Base....

Scorching Flames Engulfed the Base as it Cremated any Bodies from outside.... Burning the Bugs their Liquids in their Bodies Vaporized...

The Flames Engulfed the Command Center.... Burning the Corridors and Hallways until they reached the Last defenders of the base....

Later The Federation was given Information of a New Control Bugs that shaken the Federation as a Whole.. Thanks to the Information Provided by the Survivors of the Campaign... They were Given Honorary Discharge to keep them Silent...

Dax was Given A Pardon by the Federation for the First time in the Federation, A Convict Gave his Life to the Federation, now Given a Bronze Statue and Several Soldiers and a Doctor From M.A.Rs accompany Him as a Image of them doing a Bravery Charge and Relegated them as Heroes....

"Shed no tears for me; My glory lives forever!" Sahara Watched the Video in Disgust as she watched it from a Recruitment center, Holding her Newly Born Child in her Arms...

As a Man Approached her, Telling her that her Child was meant for the meat grinder....

(???): We will decide our Children Fate, not you.

As She Turned around and Saw Her Boyfriend, Now A Husband as He Managed to survive the Craziest Corp and Paid Handsomely...

(Sahara): Steve! You Are Back!

As She Hugged Her Husband and They Made Quite a Scene....

(Steve): Sorry I am Late... I Managed to get a Paid Leave... How My Little Angel?

he tickled the Child as she gave a Chuckle...

(Sahara): If it weren't for the Doctor at that base... I wouldn't have know that I was Pregnant with your child... I Wished he could See us like this...

(Steve): I sure he probably will, Soldiers of M.A.Rs Are a Tough Bunch.. as I know some of them...

Alex Berated The High Command For the Inept Command of the Zulu-Alpha Campaign as Not Only actual Records was Found at the Base was sent before the cleansing, that it was a High Command General that Allow the Infestation Almost affect Entire M.A.Rs Base due to him Uplifting of the Quarantine Protocols, it Became the Highest amount of Casualties in his Organization Records, He Almost Popped a Vein as Some of his Technology was Found Out by the Spies of the Bugs, He Requested that Whatever the Operations that Mobile Infantry does From now on, No Military Staff of the Mobile Infantry would take Command of the M.A.Rs forces and it would become a Third Armed Organization, It cause a Uproar as Some saw the Usefulness of the Branch, But when he wished to make a Branch fully Separated from the Commands Of High Command they threatened to Make him Step down...

"Should I show the Video How Your Mobile Infantry Nearly Killed My Troops?" As Videos of Mobile Infantry Soldiers was Found Infecting the Soldiers and Staff at the Base with the Bugs, Saw that they sabotage the Base Defenses? that is Hard to Digest...

"We Have Found New Methods of Detection, We Have a Individuals called Psykers in our Ranks and they would find the Infected Faster than your Technologies of Probing..."

(High Command 1): Why didn't you share The Information to us!

(Alex): That's because you have been too drunk of Victory! and What would the Population would say? There a Brain controlling Bug "among us"? And what would you say! That I became a Lunatic? I see the results of my research, With Hard evidence viable than just on a Whim of Disbelief!"

The Council Reached a Impasse

They Come to an Concession

From Moment on, the M.A.Rs Organization would not be ordered by any High Command and Any other Branch with Legality on Paper Not spoken words on the Battlefield... But Alex would Not speak of this "Discussion" again... which Alex Agreed...



A Worn Down Commander Approached a Power Shit with a Beer... that is Sitting on the Rubbles of the Destroyed base

(???): Seems like you been Pardoned? Eh Dead Guy?

(???): Shut it Brother.... Though... I never knew that The Director Knew me that much?

(???): He works in Mysterious ways and perhaps he knew how Incompetent that Commander was... Come Help me with the Rebuilding, You ain't Dax No longer, But Now Commander Cypher....

(Cypher): Feels good to be Free... Cheers for the Director

(???): And Cheers for your Newfound Life, Brother

As the Two Celebrated and Gaze at the Base Reconstruction and Titans Roamed the planet...

Federation Report:

Tactical: Bugs Managed to Chase the Federation of the Planet "Temporarily"

Strategic: It Has Proven that Bugs Could Infest Humans and the Planet is Now Under M.A.Rs jurisdiction for Cleansing.

Conclusion: It supposedly became the First Titan Test Site, Terraforming Candidate, The soldiers on both organizations that were killed on the campaign were not verified due to the Enactment of the Vulkan Protocols as their bodies were never found....

M.A.Rs Gained More Autonomy and Political Power within the Federation...

Later Reports from Captured Brain Bugs Reveal that they didn't Receive any information concerning about that planet...

Causing the Mystery of Alex Organization to become a Boogeyman of the Bugs ...

Bravo Six is intact during the Conflict and given Honorary Discharge


A/N: Boss I worked with a Real tiresome, So I spent some time, Writing this during my Lunch Breaks and From my Coworkers Inquisition stares, sometimes I wonder, how the Hell did I managed to reached 88 Chapters?

Sure its not Like the Same movies but it give question?

What happened if it was a fully staffed Base instead of the Derelict Hotel?

At this Time Alex Organization was Like a Mule, but this incident already breaking the Chains of Command of the High Command...

As Alex Beginning to doubt the Sanity of the Mobile Infantry Commanders as the war Rages on and Also at the Same time the High Command is Wary that Alex is Showing signs Of Breaking Apart...

Causing a Tension with the "Current" Council with Alex...

Why no Necron Or Eldar Tech?

Simple "Logistics", it takes time to Retrofit Entire Units with the New Stuff and They are pretty far away especially on the Fringes of the warfront... How on earth Guilleman Done that? To make Half A Galaxy to Heed his Orders?

Why no Titans?

Well look to the answer ^

It also takes time to Bring one across the Fed Control space to Bug Space And Currently there are ships Building to house them and the only other Method is Teleportation... and Teleporting required Precise Coordinates, and The Infested took control of the Comms Relay?

In Canon, Bravo Six was Obliterated Saved for Private Sahara...

Sahara Was originally Fraternize with the Unknown Boyfriend, Stripped of her rank and he died... so I just randomly picked a name..

Ignis Corps?

Rubrix raptor? Cypherius? Probably they will be included in the Terran Command, Since I Watched them play The Starship Troopers Extermination? So it would be Hilarious instead of the Normal Doom and Gloom...