Federation Scholar Progenium

(I know I kept Mentioning the Scholar Progenium In Some Chapters, So here is the Chapter dedicated to it... Federation styled Scholar Progenium)

"Isabelle! hurry up we going to be late for the Lessons! We are at the Last Train!" as a Boy Rush by her in a Hurry in a Train Station....

She chase the boy, and Reached the School Train as it started up and Carried it's students to the School, It Moved past Several Orchards, Farms as Children were taught how to take care of the fields and learn farming by World Renowned Farmers...

Scholar Progenium Of Mars is a most prestigious of all the Branches in the Federation as it housed a Enclosed World that anyone wants to learn Real Life would Learn the Trick of the Trades, "Education is a Privilege and Not be Abused" as The Founder of the School, Dean Alexander Solair stated that it is a Place where a Child or anyone would learn how to survive the Reality with a Knowledge, Not with a Useless Diplomas that Make them worthless and Student loan Debt is forbidden... a Chance to Make them Grow without the Burden of Forcibly growing up...

The children in the Train watched a series of factories giving Puffs of White smoke... producing the Daily Necessities for the Children and staff...

As the Train Stopped the Students flooded out of the Train Station and Head to their Respective schools

"Hurry up or Mr.Hagrid will get us again for tardiness!"

As the two rushed to their School, they were met Hagrid the Ogryn the Guard

"Hurry Up little ones" as the Huge man Grinned his toothy grin...

"Good Morning Mr.Hagrid" as the Children Greeted the Ogryn...

Isabella run with Joshua as they reached their classroom Class 3-E name sticking out...

"Hey you two Lovebirds are always together! Why don't you two get married" as Blake the Clown Jest with the two...

The Two Blushed and about to yell...

"Seem that if you have time to run your mouth off, I suggest that you take up your seat... Joshua And Isabella?"

The Teenagers Hurriedly took to their desk...

Jethro Consachas a Retired Guardsman took the job Teacher of Class 3-E to teach the students...

While the Scholar Progenium has A Class Education method it held Four classes, the Orphans the ones that lost their parents due to Divorce or sent to the Orphanages or died in the Front lines, People who want to Enrolled into M.A.Rs,Those who want to learn Trade schools and the last... Children of Criminals...

As Alexander Solair Believe that their Parents Doing, would not impact the Children future, their Family name is Erased from public Scrutiny, and they will earned their own as they prepared themselves for society....

Class 3-E is one of such Classrooms that Housed the Childrens... And They learn some of their parent Criminal Traits, Some of their Graduates of this Class tasked to work as Assassins, Psychics, Commissars and Those that were not Qualified? they were Sent to the Civilian Sector to learn a Trade... as Manpower is Always Emphasized, Even of they didn't make the Cut, they have talents elsewhere... and Alex Believe in their potential

"Did you Finish your Homework about High Gothic today?" the Teacher Asked his Students.

"Oh no, I left my Homework in the dorms!" As Isabella Visibly Panicked....

"Got Ya Covered Scatterbrained... So I took the Liberty to take it..." as Joshua Handed her Missing Homework...

"Thanks... We Make a Good team" as Isabella Praise Joshua...

As all the Homework are present Jethro nodded in approval...

"Now the Time for the Training Exercises, Move to Field B on the Rifle Range..."

Several Gun Range was Raised up...

Despite the People protested about letting Teenagers handle Firearms and Military Training....

Alex Rebutted them...

"Knowledge is Power, If one day a Child That know nothing is Kidnapped and assaulted because you say "no gun Zone?" Then when their Tainted Bodies are stuffed in a Locked Warehouse? Would you give comfort to them, Or Feel Disgusted that they let Criminals Ravished their bodies? I give these Children a Chance to defend themselves, And a Way to survive, so that they are not mere sheep that follow the Blind, but the aware of the Policies...

Several Teens Commence their Firing Rites to their Given Machine Spirit in their Guns and Fired their Weapons...

"How is the Class Performance?" Jethro asked the Trainer...

"Doing well, and Most have a 80%-93% hit Rate... though I see two that Shine out...."

"Joshua And Isabella?"

"They would be perfect for the Lunar Guards"

"And they will be given a choice if they wished to do so, and Keep an eye on the two Sir Jethro..."

He nodded as he looked at the Two as viewed their hit rates score...

After Firing Practice they headed to the Science Room where a Techpriest is Teaching them... the ways of Omnissiah and Proper Chemistry lessons as the Techpriests learn All the Missing Education Materials from the Federation Education such as Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering and made them... more Intelligent than their Original Counterparts as they know how to put things together, and if there is a Problem is that Couldn't be found by science? Praise the Omnissiah! as it's mystical properties can BS any problems it's way out...

Lunch Time

As the Cafeteria was Filled with Students and Staff as Cafeteria workers and Students Trainees worked their Preparations to feed Thousands of People everyday, getting fresh Produce from the farms to feed the people daily nutritional intake...

Mountains of Salad and Meat were piled high Steaming hot, Fresh Fruits lined up in perfect symmetry waiting to be eaten... Bread Continue to Rushed out in Containers as fast as the bakers make...

As The two Students Grab what they fancy and Waited for their friends

"Hey there Sleepyhead, You nearly got your ass spanked by Teacher Jethro again...I beginning to wonder that you must like his spankings?" Chimed a Classmate as she set the Table with a Pile of Potatoes

"Potato girl, please don't bother I just had a terrible time there's so much to clean last night since you messed up my Room!"

"Sorry I won't do it again..." The girl happily Peel her potato...

"Joshy My man, Where have you been?"

"Doing some Cleaning Suiga... there are insects rushing in the Girls dormitory again..."

Both of the Boys Knew the Code name for Molesters as Despite how the Federation is Cruel to Criminals in the Scholar Progenium it have a bit more lenient on paper, causing some of the Risk takers to take advantage of the system, only to find out it's more terrifying than the Federation, as Assaulting a Student would turn them into Servitors at the Worse or Erasing their Identity of Self by Mind Wiping at the Lenient.... as Human Can Still be stupid to test the Limits of the System, there were already 50000 Servitors on both Genders that were now tasked of Maintenance on Mars alone, and the people in the Place have no sympathy to the Criminals, despite there were people riling up the public wanting to protect this wannabe criminals...

Alexander had this to say:

"I gave them Three chances when they Studied the Scholar Progenium, The First was the Time I let them enter the gates giving them a Chance, to become more than what they were, the Second was believing in them knowing the rules, And the last my belief that they could be redeemed...I Gave this Students Paradise and they rejected it, Are you protecting the Criminals? or are you Justifying your egos for Self Satisfaction of Virtual Signalling?"

At the Last remaining Classes was a Technical Course of Engineering as Students pick a Course which would they wanted, a Plumber, technician, Carpentry and Manufacturing Worker...

There are classes for Cooking, sewing, Farming and Survival Training for the summer...

After the last Classes the Student were let out in the City that is housed in the center... as Tomorrow was Saturday bringing them some joy as Sunday is a Mass for the Church of the Emperor as some called it...

What they want could be found there, Arcades, Movie theaters, Specialized Restaurants, A Park for Relaxation, Ball parks and more, to induce some Sense of Normalcy in the students daily life, their Currency is in Thrones as their monthly earnings as they need to know how to managed their money, and they could earn thrones by doing Small time work like Cleaning or On the job Training for the younger students or Handling Cargo and Maintenance for the Seniority...

the Four Went out from the Cinema satisfied with the newest movie...

"Wow, Techpriest Gadget is Funny, how did Necron Man Not know that giant Toaster that is hidden in his body?" as Joshua Eyes Gleamed

"Beats me... that show is boring... I wanted to watch Eldar Princess and Blueberry Prince" as Isabella rolled her eyes round...

as their friends left, Isabella led Joshua to the Kindergarten as they Watched a Orgyrn Took Care of the children the best he could....

"Ez now... Little Ones..." as he Head Pat a Child as the Ogryn were introduce to the Scholar Progenium, most of the kids wet their pants, but they soon grow fond of the Giant... as they called Him Santa during Christmas as he dressed as a man in red and popped from a giant chimney made for him...

"Sometimes I just can't believe my eyes that My Sister was taken care of... See that Child over there? That's my younger sister... My mother was a Abusive Alcoholic and a Prostitute and my dad Robbed Banks to fuel his Gambling addiction..." as she pointed a Child that is Smaller Than the Rest of the Children as she was led off my the Orgyrn hand...

"Why are you telling me this?" as Joshua

Probed her thought wanting to know the reason...

"At the Start... When the People arrived at my old home to take me and my sister away, I was Afraid that I might see a Worse fate... than what my parents Done to me, Afraid of how Society looks at me... But I was Given Food, Shelter and Education a Chance given by Dean Alexander... I hope that when My Sister grows up I would adopt her as my own..."

"Maybe I am Foolish but after I Graduate and Pass the M.A.Rs Enrollment, I will come back to save her from my parents... I wanted you to know that...."

"Why me?"

"Cus I Love you Doofus" as She Give a Peck to his cheeks and left him standing there....

"Ugh any problem Little One?" as the Ogryn that was Taking care of the Kindergartener Moment ago now watched Joshua with Wariness....

"It's Fine I just Wanted to see my Siblings...."

"ohh that so... Let me Get the Superintendent.."

as the Orgyrn walked in....

Later this evening

As the Students Go to sleep...

Shadows Began to emerge wanting get the children for nefarious reasons.... Underground Organizations Inserted their agents to the Scholar Progenium and now Roamed the Silent city for any students roaming past curfews....

As they head to the Dormitories...

"Hey boss, I heard these students cost a pretty good Ransom in the black market... Why must we attack now?"

"Shut it, this is the Moment that their Security is the Weakest that..." as the Criminal Voice Trailed off as his Head Slowly dice to pieces

"Everyone Rush to the Girl Dorms and Grab anyone as a Shield there!" as the Shadows Ran as fast as their Legs could carried them as their cover is blown...

Several was Gunned down by the mysterious Sniper... they were met by Several Teenagers silhouettes...

"Grab them then we could Negotiate the Sniper..." as his head was Blown off...

"Holy shite those aren't normal!" as the man Yelled as The Teens Rushed at Abnormal speeds in Power suits to slaughter the Group...

Slaughtering them before they aimed their Guns at them...

After the Opponents are dead....

Light Began to flicker on... showing the deeds on the battlefield, The Power suit Comms came to life...

++Congratulations, Boys of Class 3-E you done a Successful defense... With Flying colors... now You may return to armor to the Armory and Get a Good night rest... you earned it...++

Such was the Day of the Boys of Class 3-E known as Night Stalkers... Normal students by day, Defender in the night....

As they about to leave the premises as Guardsmen are now doing a Corpse run, Joshua gave a Look at the room where Isabella Was Sleeping... and Gave a Nod as he left....

After the Mass of the Church... Joshua and Isabella was met by Jethro... with a Choice...

That they could be enrolled as the Lunar Guards that worked as Alexander Bodyguards with the Same treatment as the M.A.Rs as their test scores are high... and they were given until the end of the Summer to think about it...

"Joshy, What do you think about it?" as they Were on a Playground swings.... thinking about their future...

"Well I believe that would be safer as my decent grandparents once told me that following the Generals would be a Safer Career Path... Isabella do you want to join?"

"I do... But I am Worried that Director Alexander might do something to me..."

"Heh That Old Fossil might be impotent as I noticed that he never even kept a Woman by his side so it should be easy? Maybe I join you just to ease your fear... oof" as The girl Elbowed him in his ribs...

Later that week they made the decision or join the lunar Guards and Alexander met them Face to face....

And Greeted them Cordially...

As he went past Joshua....

"I am not Impotent nor a Fossil, So Better shut your Yapping where I can't hear you..."

Making Joshua sweated as he never realized that Director was nearby Eating Katsudon as he heard the Conversation while examining the candidates...

Later Isabella and Joshua got the notice, For Two days every week they could meet their siblings in the Scholar Progenium, and Get to have paid leave and medical expenses and College Entrance, all they needed to do was to protect Alexander Family... and be given military training after they finish Highschool, which they believe that it was so simple, Until they realize that the Solairs always having assassination attempt almost 24/7...which they were thankful for The days off


Federation Scholar Progenium is different as they have a bit more standards of not killing your own Friend to pass, Why the Security breaches? to trained Students that life inside tht bubble is not always paradise...

While the Scholar Progenium was primarily to train orphans to handle society, it Expanded to even the Children of the criminals... A chance was given to them...

What is the size of the Mars Scholar Progenium?

About The Size of 1/3 of China without the Canyons and Ridges (Suck at math)

Storm is approaching...