Welcome to Night City Samurai!

After handling amount of paperwork and assuring that the Frontlines were stable, Alex Prepped himself to enter Night City...

During the Last Conflict with one of the Number Commander in another Reincarnated Universe, A Clue was Found...

It mentioned Night City, and it is just a General Direction instead of where that Number is hiding.... In the Corpos like Arasaka, Militech or Kang-Tao? Or The Streetboys like Scavs, Animals, Moxies or Voodoo Boys? or the Nomads? or within that Blackwall? Though Alex Heard Alot from his Friend that is a Fanboy for that particular universe, He is more concerned about the Cybernetics involved... It would be useful for the Titans Pilots to become one with the Machines than killing them Outright... While his main Objective was to hunt down the number, this place would be a Paradise to the Techpriest under his entourage... and a Vacation spot for them?

"Ready as I ever be, time to crack Some Skulls and go on a Vacation... Perhaps a Corporation Expansion of Wondertainment? Seem like this place has already reached its limits capacity..."

Alex Left his Office in fully armor Suit to meet the City of the Endless Night...

Alex Pov:

After I realigned my senses, I was in a Alley that is filled with garbage and burned-out Vehicle husks... and it was already night...

I walked out the Alleyway, I saw Neon Lights and the Iconic Black tower of Arasaka in the distance...

Time to find where or when the hell am I?

"Hey Watch it!"

As a Bunch of Kids rushed by in a Hoverboards and dived into a mass of people filled with cybernetics and prosthetics...


The People kneel down under gunfire on instinct as if they were used to it.

A group of Masked abducted several couples from the streets and toss them in the van as it about to speed off... one of them noticed me and shot a entire clip at me...

"Never been a Fine day in Night City Does it!" As I gave Chase to the van that speed up whose occupant is still shooting at me from the back door..., I vaulted through the Vehicles and Reached the Van... Jumping on the roof and Magnet Lock myself in place...

"The Bastard Is up there!" cried one of the occupants as a Substantial number of Bullets were being shot at me, making my armor lit up from the lead being pumped into me...

Sensing of the occupants that were shooting, I just shot Several Laspistols Rounds making the abductees not into the crossfire...

We were heading to a intersection where there is a Club..

I just Calmly reached the top of where the driver seat and shot several in the head, ending the man life...

I ripped out the Van Doors to reveal a Terrifying sight, Organs in Containers, mutilated Corpses and limbs hacked in unprofessional manner, "May the Emperor bless your souls" as walked pass the gore, I found the People that were detained, and two couples were in Zip tied and bags covered with their heads, I help those that were blindfolded escaped out and proceeded to cut the Zip ties of the last two...

As I saw the bar neon signs vibrantly show "Lizzy Bar"... as the patrons beginning to be curious of what happened...

"Didn't My friend mentioned they are a Good Faction to join?" as I removed the Bags that covered these two special guests...

The Male wore in Stylish Vest embroidered in Black and Gold trimmings, and have a Goatee and have some cybernetics in his hands...

The Woman wore a Leather Bike Vest, Black hair done up in two buns on top of her head and her arms are fully cybernetics...

Both of them were Sedated or perhaps drugged...

"Partner who are these people?"

Male: Gustavo Orta

Affiliation: Valentinos

Female: Martha Franks

Affiliation: Former 6th Street>

"Why do I already drag in someone love story?" as i watched over the two...

"Hey there, what are you planning to do with those two, big boy?"

I turned around and saw a Woman... more like a Barbie in plastic and have pink hair and Goth looking aesthetics with spiked arms and a Bat just placed on her shoulders...

"Try to find a place to wake them up in a safe place, return to their home, try to find a spot, these two, they have been drugged and sedated... Do you know where to get any Stimulants I can pick up? Miss?" I spoke.

"I do, but wouldn't dare recommend it, this man is a high ranking 'tino. He wouldn't take it kindly for injecting without his permission..." She said while examining her bat...

"What do you Recommend?"

"Tell you what big boy, I'll grab a van and a couple of girls and take them in a place where they will be care for. In exchange, a favor, to be called in anytime by the Mox, wouldn't hurt wanting to have a Bulletproof tank, as I saw how much lead being pumped into you and you still working dandy." as She finished off with a Grin...

That what she is angling for, A Favor? hmm that would be interesting... Since Night City everyone have a give or take as where I am Standing now...

"A Generous Deal Miss, and take good care of them will ya?" I held my hand in agreement... and we shake on it...

"Names Rita Wheeler not Miss, What's Yours?" She snapped back

"Alexander Solair" I Introduced Myself.

"Wow a name that old? Are you a Corpo or something?" She finished her call and waited for the van, she wanted to know a bit about the figure...

"Something like that... Been a Nomad in the 4th Corporate war, Medic for the Nomads...My family chose a wrong side in the war and paid the price for it... Perhaps I am the only one left in the family..." As I Ambiguously Stated my origins...

Moments later a new van with the Mox Sign logo on the side pulled up, and I loaded the Two Unconscious Couple and Hopped in...

As we travelled the streets of Night City, it was a Brand-new place... Something that is foreign but yet... familiar, passing through the city center and the famous corporate towers that shadowed nearby. Eventually we reached to Heywood as some people loitered on the streets at night...

I took my Helmet off as there were some Bugs i need to work out with the cooling... Rita approached me with something to say...

"Wow, You made it to the news, Big Boy? I never knew you look so young under that pile of armor?"

"My family dealt in Life Extending Drugs, And Thanks Rita for letting me know..." I watched the Midnight news on the Van Screen...

Turns out what I witness was a Scav Kidnapping gone wrong, the Scavs kidnapped several couples in the street and was chased by a armored individual, As the Individual Gave Chase to the Van, keeping up to the van, in a High speed pursuit in the city, the van reached 70mph at certain points during the race. the chase ended when the individual calmly shot on the driver seat, what appears to be a optical weapon and stopped nearby of the famous Braindance Club Lizzie's Bar, And Rescued the couples in the vans and left with the remaining couple in another van... And information from the Eyewitness Reports that the Individual that attacked the Scavs are not registered in the traffic cameras, Traffic footage only shows the Van being chased and the light of the optical weapon being fired, the rescued couples were grateful of their rescuers action, and they declined to comment of the night....

"*Whistle* Do you like have a super net runner backing you or Something?" Rita Asked

"Yes... they always been with me through thick and thin during my time as a nomad, and they are like a family. Even during that War, they didn't Give up on me." I mention ambiguously about my system.

She Studied my face as she looks at me with intrigue.

"Must be nice to have a family like that..." as her voice trails off and looked at the streets of Heywood...

We never spoke much during the trip... Gustavo Woke up in a jolt.

"Easy there, you are still being dazed from the kidnapping when the Scavs Drugged you." I commented to the Groggily awaken man as he turned his eyes on me...

"Martha. Where is She!? I will swear that If you done anything, I wil..." As he Bellowed at Me

"Calm down, she is just beside you, if you have time to look around..." I Gestured the Woman lying next to him...

His X patterned shaped eyes and scanned her for any damages, breathing a Sigh of Relief, he turned his attention to me...

"Alright; What do you want from me? That you are willing to kidnapped us from the Scavs for a reason, so spit it out!" as he began to flare out.

"Simple, I want you "Gustavo", is for me to drop you at your home and grab some meal somewhere, it's a Hassle, Since I rather not wished to jump into trouble again..." I calmly stated my intentions of not provoking a agitated man...

After several moments, he calmed down and look beside him...

"I Sincerely Apologize for my behavior, I assumed that you were a Corpo that sent the scavs after us, due to the armor you are wearing..."

"No matter, Better get that frown upside down, your lover is waking up, wouldn't want her to see you upset after all you two was just abducted moments ago, and she might need you right now..." I gestured toward the stirring woman.

The Woman Slowly waken groggily as her eyes were still momentarily blind, as she had a bout of fear...

"Gustavo? Where are you?" As the Woman panicked a bit

"Shh, my beloved I am right here, we are safe now..." as Gustavo calmly hugged her, bringing her fears away...

"We are here!" as Rita Shouted toward the back...

I helped the couple out and found myself infront of the Bar called "El Cayote Cojo", and Several Men Aimed their Pistols at me...

"Welp there goes a hospitality visit..."

"Calm yourselves Chooms, this man Saved my life and my beloved!"

The Men Returned to their post and I called out to Rita.

"Thank you, Rita for the help, I would honor the Favor, if the Mox needed help, I would Provide any assistance!"

"Good Big Boi." As she winked at me and gave me her phone number. "Guess I will see you around then, Let's go Girls!" and with that the van pulled into traffic...

Having a Wild night, I joined the Couple as they headed in the bar, many patrons looked at me and went on their way, while some looked at me with interest, as I grab a seat at the bars, Gustavo was chatting with somebody at the second floor with his lover? While passing time I order something... as running after a van and doing parkours can be calorie intensive...

"What will you be having?" the Bartender asked.

"The Special and Glass of Centzon." I inform him.

As the Bartender made my drink, I watched this homely atmosphere and relaxed, not stressful on the battlefields of Warhammer, not so strict to the books like Starship troopers, sure it is tough but, what I witness there, it's like a paradise for me...

"Here On the House, heard that you saved one of our own..." the bartender handed me the drink as we converse while waiting for the food being prepared, I learned that his name was Pepe, and he was entertaining as he told some stories of his patrons that is interesting to me to know about this local's point of view.

Eventually a Woman called Mama Welles approached me that I should go up to the second floor and my food would be sent there, I went up to the second floor and in a private room in the back corner, Gustavo and a Valentino was sitting, Gustavo Notice me and beckons me to join him at his booth...

As I waited for my food to arrive, Gustavo Start Speaking...

"Listen Alexander, I would like to thank you for your actions today, not everyone would do what you did going after the Scavs. To the point that you owed a favor to the Mox to get me and my beloved to Valentino Territory, and I would thank you, despite me lashing out at you, you calmly eased my fears. I understand that you do this to gain anything from me, but I wished to extend an offer, I owe you a favor, and a Valentino would not leave a Debt Unpaid." He Explained as we gouged on the food...

I chewed my Fake Tacos, Chewing the Synthetic meat, thinking about it, until I swallowed it and explained to Gustavo.

"If you insist of a repayment of debt, how about an introduction?"

Gustavo Raised eyebrows and motioned me to continue my words.

"I am new to Night city, Spent most of my life travelling place to place to see the sights, picking up odd jobs in the nomads and helping people out whenever I can, I need a Introduction to local fixers, place to find a wheels, Maybe a certified Ripperdoc as I am aware of the dangers of unlicensed docs... Simply put, I want a basic start in this city."

The overhead Tv Blared out and showed clips of the chase and the news of what happened earlier in the night...

"Seems I made my first debut in Night city, Although Unintentionally, People are going come looking, I rather be ready when they do... "

Gustavo Smiled in Approval and reached across the table and clapped on my armor...

"This is Something I could easily do Choom! Now Let us toast and celebrate, to our start of a new partnership!"

We Spent a Hour or so Talking, he was interested in my travels, about my journey across the wasteland of Alaska, through Canada, making south in Night City, Making my reasons lack of my identification more valid and more sympathetic...

After couple hours more Gustavo was Taped and he was escorted by his chooms and left for his home... I went to the bar to pay off the tabs to Mama Welles from the eddies I "politely" borrowed from the dead Scavs... and asked if there is a place to crash for the night...

She Showed me a Garage with a Attached rooms Behind the Bar, I wanted to pay for for it...

She laughed it off and said; "We will discuss it later, consider it a thank you from me till then. You did right by saving Gustavo, and we don't forget that sort of sincerity around here..." as she handed the keys to me and left..

"Thanks Mama Welles..."

I entered the garage and found it mostly empty and contains a Well-kept bed in a corner, some tables lined up the wall and a small couch...

I didn't bother to toss the armor in the inventory and slept for the night...

A normal dream...

"Alex! did you do the commissar orders! We will be late!" a Familiar voice was heard...

"Huh? I am... Where am I?" as I faintly remember a place that is filled with snow...

"Silly you, you are still in boot camp, hurry up before we lose our rations cards! Commander has very high expectations to you..." a handheld out to me...

As I grab it... I was dragged to face with a figure that I thought I forgotten...

"WHY DID YOU LET ME DIE ALEX!" as a disfigured guardsman with a hole in her face screams at Me... Tendrils covered around me choking me in my sleep...

I jolted from my dreams and found myself in the empty room at the crack of dawn...

"Loretta... I am Sorry..." only the dead knows what I seen...

As I was taking a wash to forget that nightmare...

I heard banging on the door... and opened the door.

"Hola Amigo, Just came by to visit a neighbor, The name Jackie Welles." as the man infront of me, cheerfully greeted me.

"Name's Alexander Solair" I greeted in return and shake his hand.

"Dayum, Homes look like Gustavo drank you to the bones, you look wasted!" as Jackie jokingly said.

"Nah, just a Nightmare from the of somebody I lost in the war..."

"That serious huh, here are some clothes Hombre. Seeing that armor of yours it might stick out in the crowd. And switching clothes is the best way to go incognito, I will be at the Bar when you are done." as Jakie Pushed bag that held couple of clothes... turn and left for the bars back entrance.

I am grateful for the clothes as wearing Federation Issued Clothes will stick up like a sore thumb..

I wore a Yellow Tank top and Utility pants, A Merc jacket that is refreshing color with a ensemble that is dark in color with a golden trim. It have a golden embroidery figure of Santa Muerte on the back and it comes with a pair of combat boots.

I looked at the mirror and left bringing the armor in my inventory and holstered my laspistol and left...

The woman in his dreams looked at him through the mirror... and vanished from sight...

"Soon, you will join them too..."

"Amigo, Come here Mama Welles makes the Best Breakfast Tacos in here!" as Jackie stuffed his face full of tacos.

"Eat Properly Son, I didn't raised some good for nothing!"

"Sorry Mama, it is just that your food taste so good!"

I joined him in the breakfast, and we chatted about topics until we reached the Boxing and fighting.

"Damm hombre, you looked packing what style did you learn?"

"Military Techniques and whenever I have time, I work out" I informed him, Remembering the Training regimen that my training Necron and Eldar Instructors dished out on him...

"Interesting, Boxing?"

"No, I practiced CQC, and Street Combat that's about it."

"Sweet, Let's have a fight at the gym sometime, really gets my blood pumping!"

"That would be interesting, Jackie you are on.." I smiled a bit.

"Alright Boys, Jackie take Alexander to Vic's so that you continue your day."

"Thank you, Mama Welles for the Food and shelter." as we both clean up the table...

"Just Call me Mama, that's what everyone calls me these days, if you stay here long enough, I expect you to call me that too." As Mama Said her final verdict.

I smiled at her; "See you later Mama, have a good day." as Jackie and I exited the establishment.

As We Head to a Man Called Vic, I asked Jackie; Who gave me those clothes? Who shall I thank? I want to thank them personally.

He laughed; "That would be Mama Welles, she sensed you are out of place under all that armor, and she went out and bought the clothes to make you feel more like home."

"She really a Saint, Anything I can do to pay her back?"

"No Amigo, As far as she concerned, you saved Gustavo, He lived with us along with us growing up and she considered him as a nephew of sorts and he was like a brother to me, Bottom line You take care of our family, we take care of you. that is the sentiment of Heywood." Jackie Explained the actual reason.

We travel in the streets in Heywood as he shows all the nice spots to be with.

We arrived at Victor's Clinic, where I met a Eccentric woman...Misty was her name after Jackie introduce her to me... She wanted to do a Tarot Reading to me... Why not? As Vic is busy with a patient inside we commence the tarot reading.

"Interesting, The Fool... The Tower and the Star? You will meet great things Alexander..." Muttered Misty in her thoughts about the signs... It was only until Jackie broke her trance to her face back to reality.

"Hello Misty? Is there anything wrong?"

"Seem like you Found a rare character Jackie, Alexander has a strange sequence of cards... He can bring change the good or the bad, many looked up to him with inspiration of what can be done, to him another adventure for him to accomplished..." She said.

While I looked at the tarots, I noticed Revelation card the Emperor, after a few moments I asked if I could buy this set?

Jackie Laugh and Misty joined with him as she ring up a set of cards, and taught me how to use it...

Victor was done with the patient, I simply had the neural Link installed in me... and found out that my partner casually converted my requisition points to Eddies behind my back...

"Thank you for the service, Doc, wow it didn't Hurt much..."

"I am a Professional, come again if you want Cyberware installed." as the Ripperdoc Laugh.

We headed up past Misty as she waved goodbye, and we headed to the next location.

We arrived at a Store titled 2nd Amendment and Jackie says; Hombre this is where you can get enough firepower if you have the eddies to prove it. You can sell any weapons that you "acquire" while you are out on a job, I know the guy here, and I guarantee that he will not rip you off. [2nd Amendment? Let Freedom win!]


"Welcome! Oh, it's you Jackie! Ya Gonk! Still doing Mercenary work?" the man Asked as he grinned as he met his friend...

"Yup, Got a Custom Order I want to order. And i wanted too bring in Alexander to visit this place and to make a introduction. Alexander this is Marcus, the best Iron Salesman in Heywood." As Jackie Introduce his friend to Alexander.

The now Named Marcus and I shake hands.

"So, anything strike you fancy? You seem like a Man that doesn't go subtle. Am I right?" Marcus asked what Alexander preference.

"I prefer when it is required. Let see what you got..."

"Got a Wish list or you want to grab anything fancy?" He continues as he watch Alex to finish the orders...

"Wish List, I'll need two M-10AF with Silencers, Two DB-Satara, ammo for all of them, a Mixture of Incendiary, Recons, Frags and Flashbangs... If you have any Emp Grenade, I would like to have those please" as i write the wish list...

"Hoh boy, want some HMG to go with that? Seem like you want a One Last stand or a All out war..." Marus Jokes.

"Sure, Bring me two of those, I will take that as well and can you have some ammo as a freebie?" As I Smirked at Marcus...

Marcus Smiled "I believe that we will have a beautiful relationship together..." as he laughed it off...

"I can give you most of this right now, but the rest need to be shipped in tomorrow to gather the rest of the materials, as long as you have eddies, I will get it for you...Dayum Jackie, you have someone with deep pockets" as Marcus went to the back to fetch the weapons...

I fished out a Cred Chip and bought Basic components ammo for making ammo, and a Rifle making kit as building your own weapon is much more fun than being handed to you.

"Hombre, what are you doing with all that gear? That's amount of gear is enough to stir up some crazy shit." Jackie Spoke in Hushed tone.

"After what happened last night, with Gustovo I am not satisfied with them being left alone."

"I know that you helped my Choom, But isn't that a little too much firepower for a small Scav incident!?" Jackie Asked

"I am aiming high in the sky Jackie, I want them to know the true definition of fear, a "Fuck off to hell" Kind of thing, as what I saw in that Van Sicken me..." I Explained my intention, Causing Jackie laugh.

"Remind me not to get you on the bad side Choomba!" As he Slapped my back as we head to another place.

Jackie led me to a Car Dealership for some set of wheels, and I came out with a Chevillon Thrax, I do need to learn to mod cars, in my downtime...

We took a Joyride and Watch Heywood scenery and pulled into a parking lot next to a Basketball Court..

"Welcome to our Gathering Alex, Well mostly on the Valentino side..."

As we walked among the amount of people that associated Valentinos, as they do daily routines, Playing basketball, playing cards or just hanging around. Jackie went to one of the onlookers and chatted with another until we met Padre sitting on the bleachers watching the pickup game.

He noticed us and spoke up as we approached... "Seems like you been making strides in our little piece in Night City."

"Never really wanted to enter the city like this Padre, Had Plans to just quietly set up a place in the city, But Seeing the Scavs did that, changed otherwise..."

"Well Plans Change, And I would like to thank you for saving Gustavo, So What have you done before this?"

"Was Special Forces for a Time, Doctor in another, been a Mechanic and a Merc earning my keep as I head to night city." I told a Partial truth about my history, earning Suprise from Jackie and drawing Padre Full attention from watching the game.

"You must live a life full rich experience my friend, come to my church if you have time to tell an old man your story?" He requested.

"I'll be happy to oblige Padre." Making the man smiled."

"Go now in peace and welcome to Heywood Friend, I will call you when something is needed for your line of expertise, But be warned Alexander; Job 1:21, "Naked I came out of my mother womb and Naked as I shall return thither: The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; Blessed in the name of the Lord" I will not have you doing job for other people in Heywood, if someone offers you a line of work, pass it through me, I can't have you mess the intricate balance of power in Heywood." As Padre Finished his piece.

We said our goodbyes as we head to a Medical supply store.

"Hell Alex, I didn't know you worked in Special Forces? and a Doctor no less? Where did you serve?"

"I Just worked in the government in a short amount of time and grew dissatisfied with them, and joined a Small time Revolutionist movement, protecting the leaders, but one could only last so long against the hands that fed them. Was a Local Doctor in a Community, prescribing drugs is more likely, Fixed several Vehicles on the way here as they provide a hitchhiker fare. Doing whatever kept me fed and understand the harshness of life, I wonder if I can earn my Medical license again."

"Why you need a license? Not Go Black Market doc route?" Jackie pointed out another path.

"Because People tend to Associate No license as those Scav Docs." I answered my reason...

"Ah one legitimate reasons why you need a license, I will ask Vic, and he would know what test you could take, As Long as you study, You will be re-certify in no time." Jackie helped me, something I appreciated.

"Thanks Jack."

"Hey No problemo Hombre, We could use more doctors that won't harvest your Organs or Cyberware at the operating table." Jakie joked.

And we both shared a laugh at that.

"And you and the Valentinos get a Discount when I open Shop. As thanks."

I left Jackie in the Gym as I head behind the El Cayote Cajo and Parked my car and let out my purchased goods.

Though I could make it personally, I wanted to know how the people live in Night City...

I could Make Potions that I learn in Rimworld but didn't have time to make, But somebody would notice my potions and would make my life worse than being in a Waagh and Forcibly conscript me or worse use my body parts like the Monkey paw to grant their desires, Though I joked with Rita that there was a Net Runner backing me, I needed a Local Netrunner to do my deeds and hacked into the system and make patents for me so me and my Inventions would not get stolen, Even if this is a dystopian nightmare to some, there is still legal binding left from the old world. I contacted Padre for a recommendation for a Netrunner for me and I started to brew some Magical Potions, Healing, Offensive and defensive potions.

Jackie after his daily workout at the gym Led me to a "Education Outlet" and Fitted me with a Braindance Wreath and I added all the Medical Shard they had available on modern medicine, implanting cybernetics and Mechanical Engineering, I had the Option of getting a license and a degree if I successfully completed my test for the first time, If i failed, I end up in a School with Oversite if I wished to continue my career as a Doctor...

I planted a Healing potion and a Concentrate potion into the vapor machine nearby and lie down on the couch to study.

[Several Hours Later]

My Brains Hurts, Remind me of being rammed by the Sororitas in that tent that other time...

I stare at the machine and understand why braindance is so addictive to the people that uses it. perhaps I will send some to the techpriest to learn it...

I went to Made weaker Healing potions as to test my efficiency.

and now I could measure the number of things needed to make it happened...

"Wow Amigo, You are crazy to get all at once! you could have died from the overload!" Jackie barge in the braindance room...

"Well, I Lived Jackie, and I already reached PhD Doctorate for the first time."

"Wow, You could really use a drink, Alexander."

"Ever been to Lizzie?"

"Not since last Night as I went to escort Gustovo to Heywood, The Police might be loitering around."

"The Let me Escort you to that Place Hombre, The Lawmen already left the premises. and it might be a while before I leave for the city outskirts, Padre gave me new job there, so I won't be around a Week or two."

"If anything happens Jackie...I am Blaming you" I Smirked at him.

"Really? Anything? What happens if you meet a sexy Senorita? Will you blame for me for that too?" As Jackie Jokes and Clap me on my shoulders...

"Yup That too... Let's Get some drinks to cheer for your safety and my entrance to Night City!" I grab the Jacket and went to the bar...

"Hahaha, you dance like a rock hombre!"

"Sucks on you, you are wasted as fuck too!"

As the two Party and Drank all night... Until Alex Saw a Mutilated Woman in Guardsman Uniform among the Dancing Patrons and Sobered immediately and went to a seat to calm down.

"You okay Hombre? Look like you seen a Ghost?" Jackie came by with a Beer...

"Just Having a Migraine from the Braindance..."

As Jackie wanted to ask more... Rita phone number ring...

"Rise and Shine Big Boi, You Sober?" Rita Asked.

"Yup, Sober and Waiting for your call? I Could tell from your expression that you need my help from the distance." I replied and Jackie Noticed something wrong with me, but couldn't put a reason why...

"Interesting, We are going to need that favor now, Get your Armor and I'll Explain to you as we get there." Rita later hung up.

"Well, I better go now Jackie, I better repay that favor now. Good luck on your job..."

I enter the Bathroom and Wear my armor and carried a duffle bag and filled it with the weapons and health potions... the Laspistol already stood out and I rather not use it unless, if Necessary, A Combat Shovel that's been with me on my journey safely at my waist, and a Plasma Gun Maglocked behind my back.... and a personalized Railgun Rifle with a Silencer that is made of Necron Living metal..

And Saw a Mirror as I passed by that was once my former friend....

'Our Orders were simple.... Hold that point when the Pirates attack, You knew that Loretta...and that shot was beyond what our medics could save... And reincarnated that died violently in that universe... will never be reborn...' I rushed behind Lizzie Bar and Go towards a Bar past towards a Van Where Rita was Waiting for me...

The People that are not affiliated with me didn't Notice me as My Partner made me Untraceable in All technological sight and detection, only those with those that have an organic eyeball could find me, unless I am Using a Belt Stealth Generator or Stealthboy if I have more materials.

A Half A Dozen Mox Vans and the people around them were already preparing a war with somebody... I saw Rita talking to two women and approached them silently...

[??? Pov]

"Rita Come on! Where is that Muscle that you called in the favor for? We are going to miss our Window to Strike against those Fucking Raffers!" I Yelled out at my friend as I am nervously waited...

"Be Patient Judy, He is already here... Boy you sure are fast." As Rita Pointed out behind me.

I turned around and saw a Man carrying a duffle bag and in Armor that is Advanced than Maxtec Suits, and the weapons are conventional and purely out of the world, a Gun that is glowing behind him Plasma? A Shovel? Who uses that these days? And his duffle bag has enough guns to start a faction war...

The Man Infront of us Spoke for the first time...

[Alexander Pov]

"Hello Miss Rita, who are your friends?" I broke the silence that fall upon my approach...

"Ahem, Alexander This Is my Boss Susie "Q" My boss and Judy a Fellow Moxie." As Rita Introduced them to me, I simply nodded as the tension was in the air.

"Okay, So You are the One that Rita asked for a Favor, Bring enough Gear Big Boi? Where we are going it is no child picnic." Susie comments as she eyed me over for my response...

"Since Rita called me in here a day later, means the situation is serious to the Moxies to handle, so i prepared whatever necessary..." I explained.

"Great Big Boi, I'll explain on the way, Hop into the First Van, And Thanks for coming in a short notice."

I entered the Back of the van along with Judy and few other moxies...

"Rita, Explain the situation." I prompt her as the van convoy headed out of the city.

"Some of our people is Kidnapped in a Human Trafficking by Raffen Shivs. We heard rumors they are shipping out of state tonight. It is a Couple of Militech Behemoths and Heavy armed security, Objectives is to stop the convoy and to bring the people back, easy as pie, right?" Rita Informed the Current situation...

"My Purpose in this plan?"

"Stop the Lead Car, by any means necessary, If any cars try to stop you? Zero them." Rita Grimly stated

"Understood Rita, anything you want to add, I need to be aware off, Miss Susie?"

"Don't Fuck it up, Simple as that." Her eyes gleamed in the lights of night city...

"Understood" As I done my final Confirmation with the head... I do my maintenance once more...

As we rode in silence until we exited the outskirts of the city, Judy been Nagging constantly about me until we reached the destination...

"Why are you helping us?" Judy finally broke the silence.

"a Favor owed, a Favor I pay back, Rita Helped me the other night and I will do so in return." I simply stated my reasons.

"That I don't get, All she did was to Ship the 'tinos Across town, and now you are here taking out a convoy. What's your Angle?" Her eyes was filled with hostility and her grudge was not normal...

"Like I said before, A Favor Owe, A Favor I pay back, Rita was a Good person, and her deal was to help me and the 'tinos across town, and not everyone is decent these days. and I don't Fuck people that help me."

"A Lapdog? Is that what you are?" Judy accusations was already grating on my nerves...

"I came here to help a person in need, I don't go back on my word. Simple as that." Ending the Conversation immediately...

As I watched on the Dusty sands, I see Loretta Just Standing there...

"Loretta..." Judy heard my words and sense my tone around the word...

"Who is this, Loretta?" as Judy Hostility calmed down... Curious about the name.

"My Squad Leader, During the war... We were in training camp, when the Barbarians... attacked us...We were ordered to hold the line, against, people that were more like beast than men? She was Amputated and Had Sieves punctured in her body for them to drink the blood... I killed them all Alone and brought her back... But she perished the moment she was at the field hospital... Even now I see Ghost of her Loitering around me..." I Spoke as I stared in the Distance of the Figure that is blended in the night...

"That's heavy. A Former Soldier?"

"Could be... Could be not?" as I tease the kettle as imaginary steam is coming on her head...

We reached the destination the vans pulled into a makeshift barricade as some hidden in some rocks ready to attack the rear of the mentioned convoy...

"What are your plans of stopping the convoy?" as Rita speak breaking the tension around them.

"Simple, If I did that stunt on the van, but that gun is only good against light armor, so I will be either using these two to put a round in the engine block..."

"A Round will not penetrate a Militech vehicle" Suzie commented looking at my arsenal...

"It Can't Say No to a Railgun Rounds can't we? or a Plasma Gun? will do?" as I held out my Rifle...and the Plasma Gun...

"Hell! those things are still experimental stages, how the heck you got that firepower!?"

"Hunting Down something more dangerous than a Militech truck." As I put Away my weapons

"Soon as I stop the lead truck, I will try to kill the drivers and their pilot of the follow up truck. From there we should decide that we should Blow up or keep the escort cars, Once we have your friends either burn or dumped the truck somewhere? Any problems with this plan?" as a Round of agreements with the plan

"How Long Rita?"

"Ten Minutes"

"More than enough." We waited...

[Raffen Pov]

We Exited from Night City heading towards the border... and nervous of the Night Patrols conducted by the night city, Nerve wracking as we are carrying cargo that those sick fucks wanted to ship out. My Co-Driver Stephan that is equipped with Night Vision and Zoom is scanning the horizon, serving a Early warning if some idiot like a scavs would pounce at us.

We Had 4 Cars in the front as we were inside city limits, But once we exited, they fell back behind us as those gonks need to refuel before continuing the long distant drive...

Before a Bit I see a Armor Figure infront of us...

"Stephan, Did you see that Man on the road? " I elbowed my partner as i pointed at the figure...

"What are you talking about? There is no one there!" Stephan yelled at me for the 15th time...

The Figure aimed at the truck and opened fire, his bolts pierced the windshield and killed Stephan...

As I was about to warn the rest, the last moment I saw was another bolt entered my face...

[Alex Pov]

Huh That weak? Time to kill the rest, as I simply stepped aside and aimed at the follow up driver and killed them as well, the guard cars saw me and opened fire...

As the Raffen that was in the back of the trucks noticed something was wrong and exited only to be impaled by several bolts of Necron Living Metal, Causing their Cyberware to be overtaken by the machine spirits and force to overclocked themselves to death.... and shot the rest with the dual satara on the people that fled...

After a short while all the guard cars occupants are dead, I opened a Truck back and random stacks of crate is piled high, and my partner saw several life signs behind it and upon removing it, I saw people in different walks of life, Joytoys, Some Small time Gangers and Children in the back...

I was saddened even in this universe people give them a hard time, I simply Handed Potions that calm down their sanity, as i escorted them away to safety... as they loaded into the Mox Van

Susie and Judy approached me.

"Wow, A One Man Army Alexander, We appreciate the good will, but this is a bit excessive for a Favor. Why don't you take the other truck cargo? Seems like in this Raffen contraband cargo run aside from what I see, they are backed by some Corpos, so we better hightailed it before they come looking." Suzie looked at Judy with stern eye...

"I am Sorry that I am Hostile to you, thought you hightail it and run off..." as Judy apologize her harsh attitude from before...

"Apologies Accepted Judy, Are you sure about that Suzie? I'd Satisfied for only half of the cargo and those Raffen Cars." I pointed to the somewhat intact cars and Susie shake her head.

"Take whatever Cars you can and no, I rather not bring that much heat in the gang, especially we are loading more people than I anticipated..."

"In that Case, Let me know If you have any jobs like this in the future, And I would support the Mox Whenever I can." Bringing her a Small Smile

"You know Alexander, if there was People like you in this world, we could assist more people in need, As we are now, we are just stuggling to fight against Tyger Claws, Much Less than the Joytoys that work under them..."as She smiled in a sad light...

"Goodbye Susie, Judy. Take care..." Watching them join the last people that loaded up in the vans and left...

I loot the Raffen Corpses and the cargos in my inventory, I took the two Militech Truck that lost only the windshields and 2 Archer Quartz "Sidewinders", and a Quadra Type-66 Reaver...

And Piled the corpse on the last Archer Quartz to erase the evidence...

A groan was heard and I found that Several of the Raffer Survived the Necron Bolts and I proceeded to drain their souls with the scythe and They "willingly" Unlocked their databanks in fear of being eaten alive... which I lied as they were swallowed by the scythe power...List of Contacts, Gps History and some sick Braindance Video...

There were more questions than answers as how deep the Human Smuggling ring is prevalent in Night City. The Corpo Cyberware that is within my inventory is worth its weight in gold for the right buyer, and why it is handed to the Raffens in a unguarded convoy?

As I piled the corpses on the busted up car that is not drivable, I just Tossed Necron Grenade as in a flash of green, everything that surrounded it was eradicated as it melted the fabric of and space...

I drove the Quadra the vehicle that I didn't toss in the inventory as I returned to the city to a Techie that Jackie recommended me for the vehicles that I "Acquired" on the job. Replacing the Windshield, Changing the tires, and Vin Numbers I would get a new ride...

[TIme Skip]

Huh? Not so easy as it takes time to change...

Apparently getting caught with the dead man car will get hefty bribes by the police and a Legitimate Netrunner would do a background check to legitimize my claim... Stuff Something I can't do as I lacked Experience hacking...

I could ask my partner do help me, but that would defeat the purpose of over relying on it, What would happen if my system were shut down, when I am Under attack? sure the Omnissiah Perk would prevent me from hacked, but I wished not to test the limits, in this world everything is complicated and advanced... One reason why I need to Hire a Net runner, I could pay them to teach me, so that i could do it myself, and copy their abilities on more complicated jobs...

The Car was left with the techie and it would be finished in a couple of days. Made a Appointment with Dr. Viktor for check up and maintenance, and to look at the cyberware that I "Acquired."

Jackie congratulated me on a job well done and left for the gym...

Received a call from Padre for some Package to deliver in Heywood, I Done it in record time as I reached my destination.

"I gotten Used in this Place, This Universe that is called Cyberpunk... Not Burden by my responsibilities of being a Director of a Massive Organization... Not a High Lord placed by the Mechanicus and the Backstabbing Politics on Terra, Not Being a Soldier burden by war, Simply me that wish to know peace... But I know Even this place will be engulfed by the fires of war... Whether I like it or not... They will come... And what's left of the multiverse will be destroyed... Perhaps once I find that Number and end this nightmare... I will return to this place perhaps a summer vacation... Perhaps Atlas is apt for my Codename instead of Midas... Being burden to save the universes and cleaning up my predecessor mistakes... And being Cursed to Know the truth than a blissful lie... Revelation... were you like this?" - Alex Passage In a World of Cybernetica


A/N: This is another way of writing? Hints of Alex Past at the Training camp is not all sunshine and rainbows...

My writing style is a mess... More like Chimera of a sorts, sometimes wacky, sometimes normal...

Sometime short, sometimes long, I am not like a normal Author that can type several chapters a day, I have to earn a Living wage. Colleges is hell a lot more expensive than what my Elder brother join in before me...

Never, did I once mention in my chapters, to power stone me or add it to your library... Even so, I am Grateful... There were Many authors I used to follow, But now they locked themselves in Patreon for advance chapters later on... or axed or taken down from the net...

I can't blame them for something that is beyond their means...

Even so I am Still surprised at myself, why am I still writing this?

Originally it was to pass the time during work hours and study, and a way to evolve my English skills...