Meeting the Arasaka's Princess, Who's the real Hypocrite?

[Alexander Pov]

Ever since the Opening of the Supermarket and Releasing information to the Public about the Project Horizon Dawn, I been Receiving plenty of Calls, Threats, offers from all the Corpos around the World, Especially the Corpos that made the CHooH2 Production, my method would overturn several countries that have their livelihood that relied on Exports of Food in danger.

When they grab the food from the supermarket storehouse in secrecy, and even put it in Nitrogen capsules as if I make a Treasure in the food, made me laughed a bit...

There have been a Massive Surge of Cyber Attacks All concentrated to my Servers around the globe, Putting The Black-Ice "Imperium" to the test, I Finally Added the Last Two Programs. The "Emperor", A Final Defensive protocol to defend the Black ICE from being overtaken and Rely on Macaldor to Ascertain that the virus or Daemon was Too Strong for the Data Krieg to handle, It would Stepped in to deal with it and be the final line behind the Imperial Fist, and the Last is "Vulkan", A Improvement program that continuously evolve the original defenders as the Majority of the defense is mostly captured Daemons and Programs.

I smirked at the numerous Death Of Corpos Agents in my kill count. It's Already Approaching 2 Million Agents, Making me the Bloodiest Company to Face, Aside from Arasaka using Adam Smasher that relies on brutality to achieve their demands, I use Subterfuge or Chaos behind their backs. Making my actions more mysterious to the Corpos.

I am aware that some of them did have families, Business is business, they should have declined those missions that sought harm against my company.

Sure, I am willing to help, however their proposals is absurd. Some of them want me to be a Puppet under them, other outright want to make a hostile takeover of my Company, that I painstakingly build up in this universe? Screw that. I already did the same and now they worked for me, Firing the Board of Directors and Replacing them with my people. It cost me several Billions Eddies to buy them out to have Several Locations around the world under the Wondertainment Banner, Some Being a Outlet for Fantasy Food co. To expand making the lives of the people better and earning a better PR to my company. Though I did scratch my head, on why most employees in the corporation that I hostile takeover willingly joined me, I offered the same i done with my Employees albeit bigger pay than the actual owners done... Money works in mysterious ways....

[Konpeki Plaza]

Currently I am listening to a Kang Tao "Negotiator".

"Well If we would like to invite you to our Great Nation, so that we can discuss a proposal to help our nation recover from pollution..." The Negotiator Sweated bullets as He was aware of the number of agents died before they reached me and "Escorted" to the China Embassy...

"No deal, I have seen too many times that you want to reverse engineer my machines and to torture me for my secrets, I am already aware of the poison dart in your cuffs, want to try my patience? And Those Snipers you prided that they could take me out, they themselves are already dead." I Smirked at the Sweating negotiator. I released my bloodlust causing him to cower in fear; "So, are you willing to try?" I repeated.

"No.. Never mind, thank you for the meeting I will be off to tell my higher ups that you declined the offer." He received a call, and he left in a hurry.

I arrived at this hotel, because of the Kang Tao wanted to invite me to talk about some proposals... Funny when there were several Snipers in the building next doors away from the hotel, and I knew he was about to get cocky the moment all those Snipers aimed at me. Only for my assassin bodyguards defeat them in record time.

And this place is already wiretap by the Arasaka, So In a Hypothetical event that I did joined Kang Tao, they would picked up my answer and they would not let me walk out alive.

I walked out of the room... Tired from the constant attacks...

"Better Get some sleep in the hospital..." I Said as a Bellboy passed by, he turned around and tried to kill me with a dagger, only met his end with a shovel in his skull...

"Not worthy of keeping a Skull." I muttered as I stuffed him into the inventory for incinerator....

[Time skip]

[Wondertainment M.D]

I woke up and head towards the balcony and saw several LV's passing by and surrounded the hospital all bearing the Arasaka Symbol... and the street was Cordoned off..

"What the Fck do they want now, it's 4 am in the morning?"I said, Feeling frustrated that these gonks wouldn't leave me alone, How about another Johnny Silverhand incident as I really want the urge to use a Black hole grenade instead of a Nuclear Bomb and end it all. But since they aren't putting lead to my front door, at least I would try to be Civilized?

I dressed in my Doctor uniform and Went down towards the Ground floor and Alerting the Techpriests in the mines to teleport, if the meeting goes south.

A Mass of Corpo suit flooded the streets and they make way and revealing a woman and there are several of the people around her looked at her with respect?

"Hello, Dr. Alexander, I would like to talk to you something." the woman smiled at me.

"And You are?"

"I am Hanako Arasaka..." She introduced midway as she noticed my altitude shifted midway. Several of her Guards stood in front of her ready to attack me.

"Hanako-Sama, Let us leave!" as one man in a Corpo suit

"Hanako Onee-sama This man is a Brute!" another corpo speak out.

"Is this an Official Declaration of War From Arasaka? Ms.Hanako?" I coldly watched her movements.

She was somewhat shocked of my openly agrresive nature especially when I heard her name...

"No, I wished to discuss business with you and See if you could heal me..." She felt fear...

I stopped my rage and do my job professionally, even if she is The Daughter of the man that held those Tyger leash, a Patient is a Patient....

"Now Let's go inside and if anyone complain, get the strongest among you to follow her, unless you really are just decorations." Several Agent got the balls to strode forth from the group... Interesting...

I lead them into the Lobby...

Hanako looked around and Saw the Flaming Tree and Stood in wonder until she noticed one thing that was placed on the wall.

"What is this Plaque?" Hanako pointed out a Plaque that was full of names...

"People Died in front of my hospital, Ms Hanako, Left By the Tygers of course. Reminds me of who is my real enemy that holding their leash. I'm a Doctor and those people are the ones that I failed to saved." I stated, Causing her to flinch.

"I am sorry to hear that..." Hanako paused, Realizing the reason for the man hostilities from before...

"Now Here we are, Let me Jack into the Bio monitor..." I booted up the Bio monitor and checked her internals...

Hmm, a Raynaud's Disease... fine Elixir drop.

I went into the Medical Cabinet and Grabbed a highest grade cure all potion and slotted into the Air hypos.

"What are you doing to Hanako-Sama!" as One of her bodyguards barred my path and aimed his handgun at me.

"This is a Medicine, if I truly wanted her dead, I would have killed her in front of my hospital and the lot of you with her, not in this Building, where all life must be respected, The Merc in me would relish such a thought, now, I am just a Doctor attending a patient. Step aside so I will heal her."

Before the guards escalated the situation; "It's fine, Akimoto, Let see how this doctor will do to me." she gave a Tacit approval with the injection

Hanako felt that her disease that plagued her simply vanished. She removed one of the Golden fingers and saw that what was once a Reddish hands was returning to normal.

"How? The doctors said that I needed a Cyberware for the disease..." Hanako looked in wonder...

"Now come to my office. Let's see what the Sheltered Child of the Arasaka's have to say. If your bodyguards have that much paranoia, they could stand outside my office and escort you to safety. I will not shed blood in my hospital." I led her group to my office.

[Hanako Pov]

I am confused with his actions, the moment of me introducing as the daughter of Arasaka, usually most would cater to my needs to get closer to earn reputation with my father or even fear my family name, but he was different, He emitted a Aura of Violence and Blood around him, nothing that a Standard Mercs and Agents could comprehend, a Soldier perhaps from the Corporate Wars? I did read Reports about him giving jobs to the Veterans... Upon my request to heal, he changed attitude and acted cordially... and lead me inside... Upon the Lobby was a Flaming Tree that emitted a Golden light, it brought calmness to my mind.... I noticed a Plaque on the wall...

"What is this Plaque?" I asked wondering who is the names in the board.

"People Died in front of my hospital, Ms Hanako, Left By the Tygers of course. Reminds me of who is my real enemy that holding their leash. I'm a Doctor and those people are the ones that I failed to saved." the Man nonchalantly said, Implying that he knows our connection to the Tygers...

He lead my group to the Doctor's table and healed me as I requested... and he led me to his office...

"Now what do you want with my Company, Ms.Hanako?" He is implying that I only meeting the representative of the Company, not the Doctor that I met moments ago.

"I wished to know about the Machines..."

"No Deal, Do you know how many times, Arasaka Agents attempted to steal my machines?" I paused as a Document was handed to me containing our missing agents all K.I.A by this man organization behind him.

"Already, a thousand agents died under your banner. And sending threats to my friends to strong arm me in negotiations to caving into your demands? And Even Assassination around 24/7 like those other Corpos? Give me One reason, why I should trust a Arasaka especially the one that is the youngest in the family? There are many people that still hate you to the bones behind closed doors, and I am already opening leaning towards that direction ever since the Tyger Klaws dumped those people, whose names that is written on the plaque, and the some of the constant Assassination and Cyber hacking attempts come from your father corporation? Now Enlightened Me, Hanako what's on the table? Even If you say something that is wrong, I will escort you out, but never come back."

I paused... knowing that the man before me already have the power to fight against the corporations... And backing down will make me look weak in front of him and looking strong will make him assured that my arrival is already a signal for a corporate war that he wanted the most. something that he is wanting most from me, he could wage war and still have the population backing him, since he would just recover the Environment with no cost, while other corporation that my father crushed have no power against our might... I know about Nusa, and we can't risk a war. We could not be able to handle two fronts at once.

"I will try to convince the Board of Directors and my father to rescind the attacks..." I stated my offer.

"I know what is like to have a daughter, do you honestly think, that making him stop just on your words? I am the bringer of change, change that he is not in control, and he already sees me as a threat. And you meeting me already either a trap for me or one of your factions that is vying for power. Just because you have your father faction backing you, doesn't mean that others will not take it lying down." The man Stated as he drank a cooled cup of coffee.

"How did you know?" I am curious as how well did he knew about my family affairs.

"I have my ways Ms. Hanako as whatever the shit your factions in that company been doing is already spilling out, even now there is another faction in your Company already taking action." He pointed several screens that shows the Entry point of the hospital.

The Men I lead is no longer there, and Hitomi is nowhere to be found. what comes is several of the Special Forces of Arasaka. And they already killed my bodyguards at the office door.

"Tell me honestly Hanako, Your Answer will depend on how you will survive. Did you sanction a Hit against me, when I welcomed you cordially in this hospital? Or is it another Arasaka Faction method of Pinning your death on me?" Dr. Alexander began to light a smoke. Waiting my answer.

"No, I haven't heard a hit on behalf of Arasaka, I believed it is one of the factions that want to use my death as a Casus Beli." I honestly Answered.

"So, do I have to kill them?"

"Please don't, Father will make a reason about harming you."

"Well, that sucks, so that means I have to keep you alive then. Wait here." He Suddenly Disappeared from my Cyberware Eyes and I heard the Door Open and Closed behind me.

"What is Happening!? We should be after Hanako!" As one of the Special Agent was befuddled.

"There is an Enemy! Switch to Heat Seeking and IR's! " One Leader yelled.

"Nothing Showing Up on the Vision... *Gurgled*"

I heard gunfire and suddenly silence...

The door opened and the man appeared on my vision. Now in an Armor that I don't recognize.

"Now, Princess How about I escort you home?" A Handheld out to me and I grabbed it.

I was led out into hallway filled with Arasaka Agents that were Knocked out and tied up.

"Like I said Princess, no blood is spilled on my hospital. And you already messed up my rule." He Growled.

The Newest Rayfield Caliburn was Waiting in front of the hospital, I don't know how the car reach here under all that surveillance. I already took no chances and followed him into the car, Someone wanted to make an issue by making me dead and pushing the blame on him.

"Where to?" As he walked into the Driver seat.

"The Arasaka Estate in North Oak, even if they did want to kill me, I would have a alibi that i been living in the Estate when it happens."

"What a Good Little Girl. Alright Arasaka Estate. Might as well head to hell." He changed gears as he drove off towards the estate.

While I looked outside the car window, I noticed several Arasaka Agents was in Every corner and crossing, As if they are looking for me.

"How did they notice us?" I look in wonder as several Agents was looking frantically for me.

"Simple, I let them not see us." As he changed gears and drove off at the green light.

We passed by several crossings and the road leading to my Family estate In silence. I stepped out of the Vehicle and Several Guards stood in attention.

"Ojou-Sama Sama! I thought you gone missing! We heard reports that you were presumed killed by Alexander Solair!" A Middle Aged man Rushed out towards me...

"Goro San, I am Safe... Dr. Alexander Saved me..."

My Bodyguard Looked at the Man Beside me with Wariness...

"I Give you my Thanks for Saving Ojou-Sama." He took A Bow.

"No used saying it with gratitude, Just leave me and my company alone, and we sweep the Incident between us under the rug."

"I will do just that, Did he made any injuries to you, Ojou-Sama?"

"He Cured my disease."

Goro San opened his eyes and about to thank Alexander, he disappeared and left a note as we heard the sound of the car disappear from the gated community... Goro Picked it up and read it;

"Since our discussion is not finished due to the situation from before, I will give you another chance to explain yourself" -Dr. Alexander Solair.

And what's on the bottom of the Note is a Phone Number.

At Night I had Dinner with my family, It was tense due to the incident in the morning.

My Father, Saburo looked sternly at me.

"My Child... Why did you head to that man Hospital?" Father Asked why I head there.

"I heard that Dr. Alexander was a Good doctor, And I made an Appointment with him, and I already Got healed from my disease." I removed my finger cover and let him saw the healed hand.

"Good, Now Head to the office After you are done. We have much to discuss."

At the Dinner Table was a fifth Arasaka that is nervously looking at his Twin sister... [What number was it again?]

"I missed again?" Muttered the Man and Yorinobu noticed his actions and became more wary about his Sibling that had something to do with the incident this morning...

[Alexander Pov]

After escorting with the Princess of Arasaka to her home, I had a Meeting with A Representative of Free state Coming up...

The Representative is a Man with a Texan Accent.

"Howdy, I would like to invite you to our Free states, for your Corporation to expand. Come Have a Seat." He Gesture me to the seat in front of him.

"Wouldn't that affect your autonomy with NUSA?" I Said as I took up on his offer.

"So far, What you have done is pretty good job in Night City, All we could Gathered from the News Channel N54 about your efforts to change the land and Providing jobs for the downtrodden, the Job offerings that you sent out is even better than some of the Corporations in our Free State, So I think we could trust in you?"

"Why you don't go to Militech? Surely they have more influence to your state? Thanks Miss." I Gave a Smile As the Waitress Gave Us a Cup of Coffee.

"It's a Open Secret that Our Current "President" managed to Beat us to a curb. But I think we should need a Company for the people. Militech is Pretty much for Corpos or whatchamacallit and they focused more on Weapons sector." He Grabbed a coffee and Downed in a single gulp.

"So what Benefits does the Free state offer? And Do you represent the interest of the politicians at the Free state or just the people?"

"The Some Politicians are pretty much at the beck and call to NUSA at this point, However there are some of them saw the value of your company in the Free state a little mixed of both, So they offer a Place for your corporation and Allow your Machines to fix the land and they will not to be interfere with their task, Low Taxes, finally they will not Nationalized your local Branches as we all know how that went. We also heard rumors that your organization crushed the Tygers, their brutality can be even heard from Oregon. Sheesh that is brutal." The Representative Sighed.

"So, does the Free States allow free passage for my security forces to enter? And I also Have Anomalous as I needed to to my work undercover."

"Let me call the higher ups.... Yes its me, He still wondering if his security able to enter in our states and he wants to be undercover... Yes... Understandable..." He picked up the call and ended it just as fast.

"Yes, They allow it, Provided you also "Assist" the local police Departments as part of the package, not much people willing to be cops since they been dealing criminals with Cyberware and They could only handle so much crime. Do we have a Deal?"

"Deal. Having pleasure with you" We Dealt Some Contract and Double check the fine print, and found their offer to be satisfying.

[Judy Apartment]

"Hey, Alex How's your Day?" Judy Smiled after she done editing a Braindance video, She notice me.

"Doing Fine Judy... Say... Want to meet your Grandparents?" I Asked her.

She Stiffen for a Bit...

"Really Alex? Can I meet them?" Her Eyes glimmer a bit.

"Yeah, I'm Heading to Oregon Next Saturday, and I heard that your grandparents are still alive...please inform Suzie that you might take the Day off at that time." She rushed toward me.. We did spent several moments in silence...

"I wonder what present will they like?" I did ponder, Causing her to burst into laughter...

"Thanks, Alex... Next Saturday?"

"Next Saturday, Better get some good clothes cause we are going by air."

[Time skip]

[Forest in the Badlands]

I did receive a message from a Familiar Person, I want to put his skull on...

Eight... He wished to speak with me after attempt to use another number to nuke the city and Hanako words, her eyes didn't sanction the Hit... Certainly not Yorinobu as he dotes on his sister...

I Met the Number Face to Face... Not in a Hooded Cloak this time... He looked Japanese enough...

"Greetings, I supposed that you are meeting me for the first time in the flesh? Name's Shoda Arasaka..." He Held out a Hand.

I swatted his hand away.

"I Expect From a Corpse Emperor worshipper... Justice will be on our side..."

"And How "Nice" of you trying to hack me at Every Picoseconds, Even now? And To even Send Mistress "Eight" lackeys to Nuke Night City? Even Making a Fourth Faction to deal with me, That is awfully somehow Convenient "Justice" is on your side on the Aisle"

"That Is Irrelevant as Their deaths are justified against the puppet of the Corpse Emperor. I will Simply Erased this Timeline when I am done with you and...." His Voice Trailed off as He sense a Massive Blood Lust coming from the man before him

"And What are you implying? Erase this Timeline? Ironic, that I saw you running like a Rat from the last encounter."

"Threatening me? That is your biggest mistake."

"I have more to say about the Corpse god puppet."

"What did you truly Accomplished the moment you landed at this universe?"

I laugh at him not for being a villain but for being a Dumb Brat that will change the Chessboard when things not go on their own way...

"You were born as a Earlier Twin to Hanako, and What have you done with your power? You could have changed Arasaka to be a Better Megacorp, You could have Changed the world, Instead you did nothing, You kept the Status Quo, Enjoying the Suffering, Wanting thing to go your own stage play for your power fantasy." I Lambasted the Number before me.

"Meanwhile You kept claiming that I am a Mere Puppet of the Emperor, But this "Puppet" Has done more than what you will ever achieved. Hah I already got some steaming Pies waiting for me and You? Oh I seen plenty of your transactional record in Clouds when the Tygers ran the joint. Rape and Amputation play is it? You sick Fuck."

"I could Swarm this Place with my loyal men and forcibly Claimed it for the Imperium, I would Sent the Stars, crashing down on you and Ended this Cat and mouse, But I didn't, I stayed and Made Friends, had a Fucking vacation, And Now your time is almost up, Shoda, Your Sins been weighted and the Emperor have found your soul to be worthless, your powers will not stop me, The Emperor Wrath for breaking his faith in you. As a Final Sign of Kindness from me, You will only have a Year left to live. So Call for help in the rest of your Organization to heed your aid, Means I get more stronger everytime you tossed at me."

"Family Names don't matter if you hide behind it. Not even Saburo Arasaka Would Stopped the True Emperor Of Mankind Wrath. So Count your blessings, Shoda, Your death warrant is signed. Next time we meet, It would end in your death. And the Difference on who's the real hypocrite? Definitely you. As I will always get the Skulls." I Said My piece leaving a Pale man behind me.

As I left the Grove of trees, I receive a Message about the Voodoo boys...

"Time For War..." I Grinned at a Deed of rights of Pacifica.
