Meeting Yorinobu Arasaka, London Shenanigans

[Alpha Centuri]

While Alexander couldn't Place more IG Command centers in the Solar system, Why not beyond it? He could Now create IG Bases beyond his line of sight, it increases the cost of length of the distance in his realm of Control Causing the Cheapskate to open his wallet. Now, What was once a planet suitable for civilization by humanity is now Controlled By Alex....

Massive Factories and Bases Covered the Emerald Planet and a Small Dockyards that is able to produce Acclamator and Venator is now constructed and Some of them were constructed immediately and were sent as Expedition Group to travel the Universe of Cyberpunk What the Local Inhabitants of this universe deemed impossible, he already passed the solar system limitations, Now in a Secret Research Base deep within the Planet crust

[Alexander Pov]

I Stared at the Armor that was Given by "Khorne", Placed Several Yggdrasil branches and Charms and Iitany of the Emperor to kept it in place. Several Techpriest is examining the Armor... Behind a Reinforced Glass Examining the process

Tell me about it, I simply don't know the danger. And what do you mean "Hostile"?

I even check my back on the mirror, And there was not even the Sigil of Chaos.... At least I am not a Person that I will go to Khorne when I die right?

What Deal?

Fair point.

Perhaps I could Disguised Myself as one of them as I try to save That Man...

An Alpharius Moment?

Now Let's leave....

I halted the Examination, I Stuffed the Armor in my inventory.. and walked out the Examination room into a Massive Underground Facility where Mecha was Created and Housed there for maintenance...

There was a Testing Bay nearby. I watched as they do the testing from the remains of the Battlefield I had with the Eighth Lackies.

Some Techpriest used a Zaku II to Walk About as they Examined it for its efficiency, MS-18E Kämpfer tested for thrusters Maneuverability... Mostly Zeonic and the Federations MS were Gm and a Ground Gundam. and what's interesting is a Zaku that have been heavily modified with Psycommu systems, Perhaps the Psykers could use it? Psykers with Funnels? That would be funny.

Armored Cores Where being Exchanged for Weapons Choices.... Missile, Rockets, Laser Rifles.... Soon With Warhammer Variants of Bolters, Lascannons and Necron and Eldar tech.. [I checked no Warhammer and Armor core crossover pictures.]

That Last Fiasco showed me that Eighth have a eye for Mechas particularly, I believe that She been supplying the First for all the mechas... so Seventh is on Cyberwarfare I noticed as he couldn't hurt me when we first met "Officially", so he resorted to use others of attacking me. Matilda? Probably the youngest, had she summoned the Indestructible Lizard from the start instead of the Flesh that hates to get rid of me... things would have turned out differently...

Did She believed that I couldn't recover all the wrecks? Or was she that confident that we couldn't trust the Gifts as she believed that The Techpriest abhorred the technology in front of them? Oversimplifying the Imperium is her greatest mistake. In the Mechas database there are several maintenance protocols, Materials and Manuals that needed to build them... I should be grateful for her generosity. And When I Get to her, I will give her is not Quick ending that she deserves from a bolter.... But a Eternal torture in the Pits of the Warp that she so loves the most...

I took one last look at the Techpriests as they made a Toaster Gundam? I shrugged as I saw one of them attempted to operate the prototype as it popped a giant toaster? How do you even beat a enemy with that? Superheated toaster Rods... Great...

"++Director, The Chronosphere is ready. ++" A Techpriest approached me as a Structure in the distance began to glow blue with electricity crackling with life...

"Thank you, I will be ready now.." I thanked the Techpriest that informed me as I stepped into a Chimera that was prepping for teleport....

[Teleporting In 5...4...3...2...1...]

I never get used to the teleporting...

I Got out in the vehicle in the Old Mining Facility in Badlands... Now a Sprawling Military complex with several buildings was created for immediate war against the world if necessary.... Chimeras are pretty much the norm and the citizens in Night City don't mind about my vehicles as they are just labeled as "Security" As they already were seen in Pacifica to quell the abnormal elements and being sold as Tractors for farmers to till the soil, If I had ordered Leman Russ... I better Check David...

[David Pov]

"Rebecca Dodge!" I yelled as a Scav attempted to shoot her from behind...

"On It Boss!" She Smiled as She Shot him with Guts and dodge from another Scav gunfire.

"David there are more Scavs are more than what the Fixer told us. More are coming down from the rest of the higher floors!" Lucy exclaimed as she watched several Video feeds are flooded with Scavs.

"Let's Do This!" I Activated the Sandy that my benefactor given to me.... Time slowed down in my very eyes... I remember the lessons that Alexander have said...


"Old Man, Why Can't I beat you?" I am Tired as Around us is Filled with Bullet casings and we fought in a abandoned Factory, we trained for all sorts of possibility of any given situation... From Assassination to outright brawl...

"Simple David, you rely on believing that the Person did not have a Sandy... Remember that there are Jobs that people have those said those things. And those that have the Perception to avoid it like me." Alexander Pointed out his flaws.

"Really? There are those that are like me?" I turned to look at him.

"Of Course, David. All of the Corpos and those that affiliated with them have the good stuff, But Mine is even better David."


"That Sandy is special Only you can use in the world have the most advanced Technology compare to other Sandy. Your mother is such a worrywart. Jeez how much favors I burned through." Alex said as he Shook his head...

"That powerful huh?"

"Not that powerful, But enough to avoid danger... If you fought against Adam Smasher... You are able escape on your own or provide at least that time spent to delay him..."

"Why did you say that?"

"He's a Full Borg, David, all I did was Strengthen your Natural body to handle the Pressure of the Sandy I gave you...if you used it, before I gave you the Super body, you would last only 20 time before your body is damaged." Alex Said

"I know you are climbing the ranks of the Afterlife in a Rapid Pace, Take some time out and cool down... You really making me and Gloria worried, and there are a lot of Things you need to see in this world. And Your life is still young..." Alex Held out a hand and I grabbed it.

"Gee, Thanks for the Advice, Dad." I laughed.

"No problem Son, Always remember that your mother is always with you... That Jacket your mother gave you is a good luck charm is it?" Alexander Pointed out the EMT Jacket I wear that Mother got from her retirement...

She gave it to me as a good luck charm, it was the jacket that she met Alexander and given us a new Start... She gave it to me when she realizes that I couldn't be kept in her wings no more...

"Next time you call your mother, please don't video call her during the gunfight next time, You know how very worried she is..." Alexander Sighed.

"I know, I know. Please don't get worry Gramps.."

"Keep calling me Gramps, I will Expect Some Grandchildren Son." Alexander jokingly said.

"Oh Come on Gramps, Lucy and I.... Hadn't gone that far yet..." I trailed off...

"That far off huh? I am sure that you really grown so fast now... No matter, Next time, We will train in this place for Environmental Damage, No matter how Powerful a Cyberware is on paper, you have to be aware of the surroundings that could be proved useful to you..."

[Flashback Ends]

In a world where time stops, I could see the Scavs moving in Slow motion... I raised My Pistol that Maine Gave me and Shot several of them and Saw Several Pipes nearby, I stabbed them and Moved on and Proceeded to head upstairs to meet them.

Five minutes was a Blur and in those five minutes.. Before his Crew Realized it... David was on a Crate Drinking A Sports Drink... and all the Scavs were dead.

"All Clear! Sister Your Input is Coming!" Pilar Laughed as He was Chased off by Rebecca that is blushing in red.

I took a Few moments to Call someone....

"Maine, You there?" I called my one of my old Teacher in the trade... Maine Retired a year ago and he got hired by Alexander for Security, Sure it was boring, but there were times that he got a piece of the action when Corpos come and sabotage with the company, He handed me his crew and I have to give reports time to time.

"Doing Fine, David How's the team?" He Said

I turned around and Smile; "Just the Same as usual Maine, How your day?" He smiled.

"Well I am living the Good Life as the Head of Security for Alex, what a great place to retire at...Damm You should visit us Sometimes." Maine chuckles

"Will do... Thanks For bringing me under your wings..." I smiled as I ended the call.

"Alex You are here!" Rebecca swept past me in a Flash as She hugged the Man coming out of the Vehicle that pulled up...

"Hello, my little bundle of Joy." Alex Came out laughing.

"You been gone for 5 Days now with Judy, I wanna go on a Date you you." Rebecca Pouted.

"Sure, Let go in a Date after you done taking a bath, okay?" Alex sighed as Rebecca Rushed inside the car.

"Yo gramps, How's Life?"

"Doing fine, tying up lose ends...I came here to see you. What's your life, Big Shot? I see that you have more members and you and Lucy is getting the mood now huh?"

"Shut up Gramps. Why are you here anyway?"

"You better watch out about your fixer... Something is not right about him..."

"How So?"

"You know Padre and Wakako? I sent you to work for? Those two have Decent honor... but that man you are working for? He Smells like a Rat and that's coming from a Merc that knows all the high ranked fixers...When you get a Job from him, be Wary and keep a way out for you when it goes south... Keep in mind that this Scav Haunt is not natural... " Alex spoke as he looked at a distant Building...

"How is it not natural?" I asked.

"Most of the Scavs what you cleaned up are from NUSA...And he is testing you for your Fck ups"

"Why me?"

"Well, Your mother is Affiliated with me, and you have some tech that I didn't hand to the rest of the Market...Take Care David and Watch your back..." Alex Bade me goodbye drove off...

I knew what he was trying to say. Somehow, I am thankful for his warning. I bade him a farewell as Lucy Dragged me to a park.

On the Moon...

"Where are all this Ships come from!" Screams from some Highrider as several Cloaked Dagger like Ships appeared out of nowhere and launched an attack on the Two colonies on the moon without provocation and not even a Single cry of help was sent... Those that were manning the Mass drivers that might prove a danger to the ships were killed firsthand and when they done, they rushed towards the pressurized Door and breached it, Swarms of Enemies fired on the station, Disregarding the damage of what they done, Not Caring if they wanted to take Hostages or keep the Colonies intact, they attack the people stationed there regardless of age or gender. Defenders of the station charged towards the attackers with Knifes and anything that is melee available to them as to not further damage the Colony... They were Slaughtered to the last... A squad of Skitarii Went past a Room, a Whimper was heard... They Shrugged as they Dropped Several Grenades into the room and Closed the Door and Killing the Inhabitants inside as High temperature burn out any oxygen and burned any people inside. Screams and Flames burned the halls of the Colonies, Children, Women, Men It didn't matter to the Invaders. Fear spread on their faces as they faced the army of armored undefeatable suits marched in tandem. Many Charge to defend the base with their genetically modified bodies to defend what's left, Only to be blasted by Meltas and Plasma Cannons.

"Why Are you attacking us?" One of the Highriders asked as her body was bleeding out.

"You attacked Us first..." One gave her the answer and gave her a bolter to her body and limbs...

As Blood Leaked from the holes in her body... She tried to find several reasons why they attacked them... She remembered a Man that they sent assassins in Earth.

"What...Is... that...Man..." Her mind slowly fades away from the blood loss...

"Detonate the Charges!" Yelled One of the Voidsmen as They started the Melta Charges and Collapse the Structures in the Colonies and Set off a Blackhole Bomb to erase the Evidence... And they left as soon as they came...

The Tourist Outpost came nearby to check hours later after they weren't responding.

"What happened to the Colonies?" As One of the Scouts wonder as now they are looking Infront what was once two colonies bustling with life is now Craters that is devoid of life....

There was a Panic around the world and everybody is blaming each other for it, UE Blamed NUSA for the Attack. NUSA berated with them telling that there is no capacity for them to even bypass the European Space Committee radar and how did they attacked the colonies in a single sweep without them even knowing? And Especially two Colonies that have Genetically Modified humans in it? Both Quarrelling of the Incident, but The Highrider Confederation had a Inkling of the man who gave the order and they tremble if their theory is correct and The man that they been sending Assassins have the Capacity for Space Travel and He Made good on that promise...

While the world is not realizing that the Man that Gave out the Kill order is Now Meeting a Arasaka in the Forest outside of Night City...

After sending a Call using the phone number given to Hanako, Yorinobu Asked for a Meeting...

"I do apologize of meeting in this place... The Konpeki Plaza is not suitable for what we are discussing here..." Yorinobu Said.

"It's understandable, Yorinobu San. After all the public knew we both have bad blood and perhaps this might lower the heat..." Alex Said Cordially As He Handed a Freshly brewed Tea to Yorinobu.

"Now Tell me Yorinobu... I read the news that you wanted to meet me on the behalf of the Japanese Government to help Japan Revitalize from Horizon Dawn, But I'm Guessing that there is something more than that? Right, Yorinobu San?" Alex Questioned...

"I want you to deal with my father..." Yorinobu Said ...

After a Few moments of silence...

"Are you sure? What about your Sister Hanako? She loves her Father?"

"For Far too long, Arasaka has become a monster that my father created, I sought to destroy it from the outside and I failed...I intend from the inside..."

"Shoda, stopped your revenge or more like turned your faction into a puppet am I right?"

Making Yorinobu Shocked for Alexander to know that.

"Best be wary of him as He is your father executioner, And Did you know that It was he that tried to pin the on blame me by Using your faction to kill Hanako?"

"What?! He did that!?" Yorinobu Stared in disbelief.

"I have Contacts from inside aside from the Three factions that is publicly known there is a Fourth and Even your sister Faction that your father handed to her paled compared to this..." Alexander Stated. Not Telling him of the Brains he Casually "Borrowed" from the Attackers...

"Just how big is his Faction?"

"He's got contacts in NUSA, UE and even those Highriders, Even in the Underworld, infact he sent assassination squads to deal with me a few days ago." Alex state as Yorinobu Paled...

"I apol..." He trailed off as Alex Interrupt him; "No need for apologies Yorinobu, All I want is that man Head, And your father will be the Side dish in my revenge And I will leave your decision if Arasaka will be under my umbrella or not, I am Probably aware It was the fear of your father that Made The Arasaka's the Feared Corporation to face, What make you so sure that Once you killed him, will the Madness End? It will only be replaced with another kind of Lunacy. Your Sister will be dragged in the Whirlpool of Insanity, The Same insanity that you are trying to prevent?" Alex Paused Giving Yorinobu time to think...

He Hated his Father and his grip in the world... but Alexander was Right, even if he did kill his father... Even from a Outsider Perspective it would make the Arasaka's look weak ..

"And Don't forget Shoda, Even if you were His chosen Heir, Once Your father is dead immediately, Those interest from outside your company will want a share of the pie through Shoda..."

"What will I do?"

"Nothing, I already have taken measure to prepare both you and me..." Alex Handed Him a Document...

"Do you actually know why your father accepted Hanako pleas to let you in the family? And that he designated you as his heir?" Yorinobu looked in surprise... as he parse the document...

"This is not possible!? How!" Yorinobu saw was a Data between him and his father compatibility of mind transfer...

"Like I said, I have Contacts in Arasaka, Your body is perfect for him to replace his Consciousness, the moment he Dies, A Engram of him will be Awaken on Mikoshi...He never loved you as a Son... Only a Replacement part, the moment his body will expire..." Upon knowing the Truth... He Had A Moment of grief... And Fear that his own mind and action will be replaced by him...

"I am sure that you might rage out Yorinobu... But reign it in, unless you will awaken his Engram and He Replace you Immediately." Alex Consoled him...

"So All my life I was just another skin for him to wear?"

"Not really Yorinobu, there's another choice."

"So... Will you, Yorinobu Arasaka Join my Company to shield your Sister and help lower the grip on the world of Arasaka by restructuring the Conglomerate or will you just Simply Wait and have what you live throughout your life only to be replaced? The Choice is yours, Yorinobu..."

Moments Later

[World news network]

"Hello I'm Arif Iqbal, and this is Wold News Network"

"This just Came in, The Rumors of Yorinobu Meeting with Dr. Alexander for the Horizon Project has been confirmed by the Doctor himself has affirm the actions of Yorinobu Arasaka meeting him."

"Now Several Machines Are being Shipped from Night City To Japan to Commence the Revitalization Of Japan"

"Japan Government has Gifted Yorinobu Arasaka The highest honor, Grand Cordon, Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum for his negotiations with Dr. Alexander"

"Japanese Monarchy Wishes to speak to the Doctor when he has the time..."

"China has been Aggressive of Late as Foreign Diplomats Slander Wondertainment for Colluding with Arasaka and Biased approach to helping Japan for Allowing them to become the First Country in the Asia to help revitalize their lands."

"Dr. Alexander had this to say; "I would have been Agreeable, if you haven't sending Assassins to me all day long." And it speculated that Kang tao have a Hand in the issues with Dr. Alexander..."

"Chinese officials have no further comment as of this moment..."

"And Kang Tao stock took a 5% fall as Some of the Investors feared that their involvement with the Company might not let their Nations be a suitable candidate of Reformation of their lands..."

"Time will tell if this situation is blown over. We will keep you up to date with the lastest news on WNN"

[Time Skip]


Queen Elizabeth II was Looking at a Letter Given to her by a Man She Heard from the Official Channels in UE... She Mused herself as There was no one else in the world would write on paper...

In the letter was a introduction of Formality...

Then it got into the Parts that Interested her the most...

He Would Introduce Wondertainment and Bring jobs to the Nation, Revitalize the London Soil and assure that London will no longer sink to the ocean... And all he ask was Legitimate land for him to own and make a Space port for His company to land on...

She Sat on the table, thinking of the Cost and Benefits of letting him in... All the UK nowadays is just a Faded Empire, known as a Dumping ground for Migrants that flooded here... And The Only Known Export UK is known was the Luxury Cars that was Catered to the Elites... As Much as she was aware of the Outside... London as of now is sinking to the ground, Poverty and Crime Reigned on the Streets of Britain... And This might provide a Salvation to the Native Population... Sometimes... She was weary of the Throne... She held the burden of a Sunset Empire... As She stares at the Faded pictures of her predecessors... As if Seeking guidance for her answers... She Made up her mind and Signed it... "I hope I am doing the right thing...."

[The Old Bell Tavern]

A Stranger Entered the Pub... He looked around and Sat on one of the pub seats...

"Your Finest Ale, Barman" He Ordered as a Pint of Foaming Ale was Handed to him... The Patrons surrounded him...

"What Ya Doing Stranger, in this fine part of the City?" as a Man With worn down Cyberware eyed him...

"Enjoying the View... And curious about this city?" He said...

It cause a chuckle among the patrons... For in their part of the City, they been walled off from the world and someone had the balls to enter this place...

"Am I expecting the British Hospitality, Sir?"

"Sure look like you deserve a Krumping."

"Fair Enough, Let See how you fare."

A Ring was Set up and Two men began to fistfight.

"You hit like my Grandma, I seen better hits then that!"

"That mean Your Grandma Loves you that much huh?"

"So we have a Fancy mouth that like to be krump, Get Him Bois!" As the Patron swarmed the Stranger...

[Five minutes later...]

Most of the decors was Destroyed and tables was smashed apart, In the makeshift ring several men was piled up as The Stranger drank his Ale....

"Next time Landlubber, Try harder than that!"

"Here is the Payment for the Damages Barman..." As He placed a Pot of Gold as he left the Tavern... Leaving the Bartender Baffled..

"Is he a leprechaun?"

"He ain't Wearing a Green outfit...I reckon he was one of those Corpos"

"I heard of Eurodollars but a Pot of Gold? Madness I say?"

"Wait!" a Patron came out with a Bruise face...

"What is it?"

"Your name?"

"Alexander Solair and I Have Come to Unify Britain... And Yours?"

"Thomas Manus... Sir"

"Aye, That's a Good Name your parents gave you, Want to Join me?"

"In what Sir?"

"Being my Security staff in London... you sure pack a Mean Punch, even with those outdated Cyberware..." Alex Laugh as Several Chimera Passed by and Helped him aboard...

UK Parliament report:

-Wondertainment have landed in London-

The Corporation has begun a company branch in UK, And as Promised on the letter they made the livelihood of the people better, the lands have been slowly turning back to normal, Causing the Nomads living in what's left of the verdant lands of Britain Calling Alexander a God? Making London not swept under the Ocean have cause the People not wanting to strived deeper into Nomad territory. They have touched several interest that powers in the London did not like their meddling, Mafia, Yakuza, Triad and even the Migrants that were hostile to us, now focused on attacking the Hired employees that were working in Wondertainment, And they ended up dead, and Impaled in a Aquila as a Sign of a warning....

They did not stopped but emboldened sending more to harass the Company, They warned to us of a Purge they will be doing... and We should not stop them... Some of the Parliament vowed to stop them and only found several evidence that they taken bribes from the Triad to look the other way, and they were detained and given the Company the green light...

A Purge indeed came true as the Streets of Britain is stained with blood... All of those that affiliated with the Criminal syndicates were killed on sight, No Mercy, No Remorse... They were not bribed like those in Scotland Yard.... No Migrants dared to walked out the Streets under the gaze of the Company Security... What had plagued our forces for decades was erased in a week and they Cleanse all the malefactors of this nation woes... Sometimes I do wonder, if we held a Faustian Bargain? As Soon as the Spaceport was Constructed, Spaceships of unknown size landed on the platforms and unloaded Supplies and materials for the Company Branch to keep afloat, But I am wary as some of this vessels have Weapons mounted on it... But they Assured me that it was for Meteor defense...

- Lord Of Winchester

[Alexander Pov]

I Stared at a Chip that My Spies had snuck out and it contains a Engram of Johnny Silverhand... I would have tasked Yorinobu to fetch it for me, but he's not in a state of mind to carry out my order after all what would he knew the truth of him being replaced... What better way to kill Saburo Arasaka is a Man with a Grudge against him? After Sabotaging the Inactive Saburo Engram, Causing him to not activate, This would be a Fine gift of revenge against Shoda..

Managed to get his Corpse in the Oil fields and I found out that it's been too heavily radiated and the DNA is already Fragmented...

So I turned to Meatwagon Inc. Since Silverhand did work in the military, I suppose they kept his Intact Arm in their Inventory as he replaced it with a Sliver hand and forgotten about it? The package arrived at my hospital and I transfer it via Chimera and Began the reconstruction of Silverhand... Stronger, Faster, and perhaps not more leaning to Psychological Outburst...

"Welcome Back Samurai" I said As the Man Before me blink his eyes for the First time ..

[??? Pov]

I remembered some of my memories of my life... Before Arasaka Stuffed me on this Soul killer thing... Everyday I been question with all the same personnel, and reset until I turned off my sanity... Until One of them helped me bust out of this Prison... I woke up hearing those words and Found myself in a Vat, as a Man Stood Infront of me...

"Welcome Back Samurai" He grinned and Release the Vat... I gasps for air as I looked around and Saw Several Doctors examine me... and Someone handed me a unmarked Merc Uniform, As I Dressed I question the man I first saw...

"Where Am I?" I asked.

"The Future, Johnny..." He Grinned ...

"Am I dead?"

"Pretty much, but We Brought you back to life"

"Are you going to do some sick experiment on me?"

He Raised Eyebrows and Laughed...

"Why should I spend my time and resources bringing you back from the dead, just to torture you? Come Let's go Outside..." He Led me to the Exit, he informed me several interesting things... He was a Merc turned Corpo but in a good way, as he helped clean up the mess that the others made... I honestly didn't believe him as I saw the verdant greenery of what was once a wasteland my fickle memory remembered...

"Some things never change" I muttered as I saw the Arasaka Tower still standing strong...

"Some but not all, As of now, The Son of Saburo asked that you should kill his father."

I raised my eyebrows as I looked at him with confusion.

"Wow, Even his own Son wants to kill him? Interesting... I should have a Drink with him Some other time." I ponder of meeting this man....

"First We should get you suited up..." He led me to what was presumably the Armory...

"Lot of things have changed Johnny, including the weaponry, And Cyberware from your time..." He Handed me a Several guns on the table...

"*Whistle* That some sleek Firepower you got..." I Held a Rifle...

"Well, it's to armed yourself as there are some folks that are not friendly with your return."

"Couldn't Find your Stuff at the moment, So get used to this. If Rouge was here.... She would ripped my head off..."

"You know Rouge?" I raised my Eyebrows knowing a interesting fact ..

"Of course I am part of her Team and She now Owns Afterlife... And You definitely have a lot to say to her don't you? She gotten old over the years but she still remember you... Named a Drink after you..." The Man Said...

"How is she now?"

"Doing fine and Calls me time to time for jobs... You want to visit her?"

"I will wait as I guessing you have more to say?" I stated and he Beamed with a Smile.

"Truth is, We are preparing for the Assault on Arasaka too, And I want you to be the Lead charge, I have some Beef with a Certain Asshole, like you do with Saburo..." He said...

"Is that so? What is your plans with Arasaka? After you are done?"

"Me? After I done with my business, I will absorb the Company and remove all their Secret projects... You may think that they are darker compared to your time... it was hell... At least I planning to give that Girl a New lease in life..." He Said Somberness, I knew that there was something in him that was wrong but attacking a Corpo for that reason alone? I done Insane shit but that is absurd.

"So when will the fireworks start?"

"About a Month from Now, You will need to get used to the City and the Roads around it...What about you, after you are done with your revenge?" He gave me a Question that I shoved back to my mind to resurface...

It's been Years since I have been alive... After I kill Saburo... I just a Mere Ghost now...

"I will hear your Answer after we are done with Arasaka...." He left leaving me with a Strange hooded fella looking at me...


a/n: Late I know, There was a Surprise Inspection from the Region Management...

Everyone had to attend, regardless if we are Full time employees or Part time Worker like me... For couple of days I barely have the Time to write, the higher management cut several full time Employees to cut "cost" and Sent their workload to the rest of us... I notice that there were more Part timer than regular employees... my lunch breaks getting less than before... Couldn't stop...

For about Three or Four Chapters I will end this Cyberpunk Arc... And I will let Ignis Corps take over... my head..