VIII Primarch... Konrad Curze


Location: Nostromo Quintus, Near Planet Core...

Crime, Madness, all known forms of Humanity Twisted Desires and Vice all Centered on a single Planet, Where Criminals Are the True rulers of the Planet and What Form of Government is but a Farce to the Masses Below... And Suicide was the only was a way to Paradise in this world...And Keeping this Planet population in check...

A Streak of Light Burned through the Night Skies of Nostromo... But nobody noticed the Burning Vat That Burned into the Eternal night skies of Nostromo.... It Crashed into one of the Biggest Cities in Nostromo, Crashing Through Several Architecture and Buried Deep into the Planet till it Almost Reached the Planet Core...

The Vat open and a Child Popped out...

'Where Am I?' He Asked himself as He Survey the Land Around him... It was Hot and Suffocating... But He Needed to get out of here...

A Cloth Was Plopped into His Back, His Senses kicked in and Looked to the Direction and Saw a Man in a Armored Uniform, locked in a Motion...

"Hello... Brother?"

The Child Looked at him Warily...

They Heard a Tremor... and Something was digging down to where they were located... The Man expression was frowned at the ceiling...

"Come with me Brother! If You Want to Live!" The Stranger Held out his Hand...

And The Child Grabbed it... and he was placed behind the Back of his "Brother"

"Hold on tight... " He Jumped and onto the Cliffs and Edges of the Caverns that lies below the Depths of Nostromo... Trying to Avoid the Cannibal Miners that Hungered Human Meat... But He didn't Managed to Dodge all of them... As they Almost Reach the Mining Elevator a Miner Noticed them...

"Fresh Meat!" A Crazed Miner found a Succulent Meat on the Stranger Back...

"Get the Frak away from my brother!" A Power Bat Caved into the Skull of the Deranged one Splattering his brain matter all over the face of the Child, The Child Felt Fear of Death happened for the First time...

"Shhh... Don't Worry... Brother everything would be alright..." The Brother Wiped the Blood off the Face of the Child...

The Journey to the Surface was Fraught with Dangers... Blood Sucking Bats Tried to Surround the Elevator Cage... Miners that waited for the Lift Saw a Juicy Piece of Meat, only they have their Skulls Crushed...

They Reached the Surface... It was Raining making the Atmosphere Gloomy...

They Were wet in the Rain...

"Let's Go...There is a Place Nearby to Shelter from the Rain..." He Laughed...

As they Hurried through the Dark and Damp Streets of Nostromo, Gunfire and Wailing in the Streets was the norm, The Man Had a Small Chit Chat with Him...

"Do you know your name? Mine is is Alexander..." The Man Cheerfully Smiled...

"I remember...Ughh... My Head!" The Child knelt down, His Mind Was Messed up... Visions... Future... His future... His Future version of Him... He Sat on a Throne of Skulls and Flayed Corpses was Around him...

Tired... Gloomy...He Noticed the Intruder and Looked up at him...

"Konrad Curze..." The Man on the Throne Muttered... As his Crimson Eyes stared deep into his soul..

"Brother, Are you okay?" His Brother Jolted him Back from His Trance...

"I am okay Brother, I am Konrad Curze...That is My Name..."

"A Nice Name... Did you though of it yourself?"

"Yes, Perhaps so..."

"Well you Look Like you could use a Warm Meal after that Exciting Adventure... Let's Go to my house...You better take a bath as well..."

They Walked to a House that have a Size fit Enough to fit the future Primarch...

It was a Bit Dreary to Konrad, but it was much better than being outside in the rain... As they Enter the Hallway they were met by several awards...One Such Award made Konrad Stop just a moment as he Joined up with Alexander...

"Alexander Hyde, Lord Arbites of Nostromo"

Alexander Gave Konrad A bath as he Scrubbed and Removed the Grime off the Primarch that clung to his skin..

They Reached to a Dining Room where there was a Feast and a Jug of Water just for him..

"Come... Let's Us Feast and Celebrate our Meaning of Life!" Alex Raise a Chalice as He Savor the Survival...

Konrad Took a Piece of Meat... And about to Bite it...

"Ugghh Arrrgh!" He dropped his meal, screaming as his head Was Pounded as if a Several Jackhammer Pierced his Skull..

'Another Vision?' He Found Himself in a Alleyway, He Raised his Hands and Saw that it was covered by Blood... and There was a male Corpse that had his head Ripped off...

He looked in a puddle and Saw him... Bloodied and Thirsting for Hatred that he might not know... "Do you Deny what you done?" Konrad Turned Around and Saw His Older Version...

"What Is Justice?" The Man Spoke...

Before he could answer...

"Konrad!" His Brother Voice Brought him Back...

"Who..What Am I?" Konrad was Troubled with his identity...

"My Brother... That's What you are...You better go to sleep now..."

Alexander led to his room and Covered the Primarch and Hummed him a song... His Humming soothe the Madness that he suffered as he slumbered to the sleepless void...

Several Years Later... There was Several Ghost that Prowled on the Rooftops of Nostromo...

Ghosts of Nostromo was what the People called them, Some Called them Saviors, others called them Monsters, People that were still sane in this Mad world that Had their Sense of Justice... Followed The Man Before them... as he calmly sat on one of the highest points that overlooked the City...

"The Next Criminal?" His Words was Husky...

"Sir... There is A Man that Have Several Counts of Murder..." A Hooded Figure Spoke a Paper to the Now Giant Man sitting on the Rooftop finished reading it...

"What is the punishment Sir?"

"Gouge one of His Eyeballs out, Have 50 Counts of Lashing, Flay His Skin and rip his hands... to Warn the Others..." He Spoke...

"Understood Sir"

With the Knowledge of The Police Department and all the Missing Cases given By his Brother, He Followed the Visions but not to the point that He Ate Brains to Justify the Fate of the Criminals...


Under the House is a Place for him to Learn... Human Psychology... Laws and Training against Humans... Everyday to sharpen his knowledge...

He is Training Under his Brother... All the Laws and The Loopholes of what the Criminal was able to Exploit...Weapons to use for interrogation.

"Tell me Brother, Why do you Teach me this?" Konrad Groan to understand all the Laws of the World...

"Tell me Konrad... What Punishment is this Crime worthy of?"


"Correct and Wrong at the Same Time, Brother If A Child Steal a Fruit, Does he Deserves to die?"

"That is Difficult..."

"He is too young to Deserve to die... Just a Severe Spanking and They will be good to go as the Fear of Being Caught is More ingraining in the mind of a Child that they would not Try it again, than a Man that lived his life committing crimes... But How About this... If you Met a Compulsive Thief would You kill them?"

"Of Course...Death"

"Wrong again... You Should Have Flay the Hand instead of Killing him...He would not learn his Lessons if he is dead and other that commit the same crimes will just simply write it off as a mere coincidence that he was just unlucky, But If He fails again, Lash at his limb that commit the crime never the rest of the body, Refuse to Obey the law another time, his finger slowly chopped off one by one to make him realize his crime...If He never repent, chopped his limb off...Death is such a Sweet Reward for those that create crimes, it will not make others repent their crimes but embolden them to commit more crime of that nature. Pain is the Thing that Prevents them from doing it again..."

"You ask me once when I told you My Planet Laws before I came here... Why do you think that the Law there works instead of Here?" Alexander Asked... After Seeing the Primarch had no answer...

"Because the Laws have Power and Fear Behind them... Konrad... You Can Make Several Thousand Rules and Laws, but it they are meaningless... Without the Power and Strength to Back it up...Fear without Purpose behind it is Not Justice, It is Tyranny. A Law Without purpose means is a waste of ink on a parchment of paper..."

"Then I will be Justice!"

"You Cannot be the Embodiment of Justice.... That is your Personal Justice, It would Warped you and Make you no different than a Thug in Streets of Nostromo once you led Astray from your Beliefs... not the Actual Justice for the World...Never Mixed them Together as no two Crimes are the Same...Remember that Brother...Justice come in different forms."

"I shall Rule them In Fear!"

"Then that is Dumber than Usual Brother...What Happens when you are gone then?" Konrad Pause from the Question...

Sure, He Could Rule in the moment... but...what happens when he is are truly gone?

"Ruling through fear is Like a Candle with a Limited Life... Brother... When People Is Under the Rule of Fear for so long, they will breed Resentment and Hatred... And Despite your Good Intentions... they will not take it kindly...There Comes a time that there are Planets beyond this one that have Crime and Corruption beyond that need Law and Order, Fear is the Last resort, Konrad remember as Fear can be easily forgotten the Moment that Object of Fear is Gone from their sights... And if you done with the discussion of fear... and Remember, You cannot be everywhere at Once...Take Some time to Reflect of what I Said... I aware of your curse that ails you, of seeing your future... remember Konrad... "The future's not set. there's no fate but what we make for ourselves." That is what I give my advice to you...

I will be Making Food soon..." Alexander Said as he Headed Upstairs....

*Flash Back Ends*

Konrad received Visions now and then and he consulted Alexander about his predicament, Which He Always Took it seriously...

"Alright... I understand..." Was all he said...and took Action upon it...

Despite how long he became Lord Arbites in Nostromo was unclear... He was Completely Understaffed and All his Retinue was Placed By Nobles that Used them to sweep their deeds under the rug from all their wars for political. Making Investigations Meaningless...

So, He Made a Newer Organization... Knights of Nostromo... They were people that didn't gave up on the Hope of Nostromo became Serene once more...They were Heavily Vetted by Konrad Visions... They were pure... in this Planet of Crimes definition of pure...

They Reaped the Lives that were too corrupted... to be redeemed...and too late to rehabilitate...

One Day, The Duo Walked out in the Market that was teeming with life... A young Hooligan that walked by..

"Brother, tell me what you see in that vision of yours?"

"Two paths...One he will attack me with a knife as I apprehended him..."

"And the other?"

"He will become my confidant and Aid me..."

"Did You see me in those paths?"

"No...I do not see you in those paths?"

"Then Let's take a leap of faith, shall we?" Alexander Smiled...

Konrad Approached the Child... The Child Raised his knife in front that trembling... But he didn't strike out in fear...

"See... Brother... Your Visions were wrong in a sense..." Alexander Words resounded in Konrad... Making him have doubts of the Vision...

Later the Child Became Alexander Replacement of Arbites...

A Follower of Konrad Vision of Order... And He Became the Second leader of the Knights of Nostromo that uproot the Darkness of the Planet...

Many Corrupted Lords was Ripped from their throne, Many Syndicates was Uprooted...

It Made the Citizens began believing in the Guardian of Nostromo...For once in their life... Peace had return to Nostromo, His name was a sign of Prayer of Safety... There was Life in the Lifeless planet...Faded Lights flicker in the Planet of Darkness...

With the Help of Alexander, Konrad made a Private Army of Zealots that follows the Primarch Beliefs of Maintain the Order and Rules so that Nostromo made safer when he was gone. A New Generation of Arbites that patrol the streets of Nostromo...

Alexander gave him a Gift for his Birthday... A Scale of Law fashion from wood...

"Konrad this is my gift to you... Remember, this Scale Represent the Justice that you believe in... What Punishment that is Suitable for the Crimes...Never too great for a Crime that is Small, Never too soft of a Punishment too big..."

The Planet was Conquered By Order and Fear and he ruled as a Absolute Monarchy of Nostromo, the First Dark Lord of the Night... And The Emperor Arrived...He and his Legion of Giant men Headed to the Center of Nostromo Quintus...

His Golden Psyker Light Emanated around him and Blinded the people that saw him...

Alexander Wore Sunglasses beside Konrad to avoid the Light..

"Flashy Jerk..." He Muttered...

"My Son... I have Come for you...And I have come to Bring you home... This is your brothers..." The Man Smiled... And Several Giant Men Stood Beside him... Each Introduce him their names,

Rogal Dorn, Ferrus Manus, Fulgrim and Lorgar Aurelian...

Logar Remarked that he senses a Vibrant of Life in this Planet of darkness, as if they are clinging to life itself...

But Konrad was Silent... Until he felt a Nudge from his waist...

"Why don't you greet your brothers?" Alexander Smiled...

"Konrad Curse Dark Lord of Nostromo..." He Bluntly Stated...

"That is the First step to the Right Direction..."Alexander Laughed...

The Emperor Gave him VIIIth Legion and he named it Night Lords...

He was taught the Basics of leading a Crusade, But his Mantra of Justice is the Same...

While the Night Lords was the Terror Specialist, He Ensured the Loyalty of his Legions...

Those that go too far Killing for pleasure than purpose was immediately purged...

Thanks to the Order that Konrad Left behind and the Fear that Impacted the Lords of the Nostromo, Fresh Recruits was not of Dredges of Society, but those that belief of Justice...As the Syndicates Almost Eradicated the reason of Crimes being a Wealthy Occupation was meaningless... Alexander Gave the people Jobs and Pay to make them more reasonable than letting all the Wealth forcibly distributed to the masses...

Alexander And Konrad Jest around making them believe that he is the lord of man, They Feast, Held a Spar and Told Stories... As no People Would have stared directly at Curze and Laughed about it...

As they Asked the Man that was Constantly By Konrad Side, he Laughed it off; "He is My Brother that is all you need to know.."

They may be the Night lords that brought terror but the Worlds that was under their Compliance was the Safest in the Galaxy as He Left Some of his Trusted Night lords to keep the peace... Crimes was none existent but their cities were bustling with life, more vibrant than they first made contact...

During his Bouts of Visions... His Brother was there to calm it down...

"Brother you are stronger than this!" Alexander held a Small Sapling he received from the original.

On the Time that the Legions was Not Order to Crusading, they were patrolling in the night of the controlled cities... With Alexander help, He Made Friends with Magnus and Sanguinius as they were somewhat able to curb and understand his Vision as he was told that his Visions were Psyker in Nature...

During the Council of Nikea, He Vehemently Opposed the Vote of Banning of the Pskyers... As Opposed in the Cannon that he hates them with a passion. Making them In His ranks a Rank of Psykers known as Night Guardians... But the Edict was given a go... And the Start of the Horus Heresy Began... Alexander that Accompanied Konrad got a Message that he is needed in Nostromo and Left Konrad...

After a solar month Konrad took his fleet and Return to Nostromo...

Konrad returned to See Nostromo In Flames...

"Why... am I wrong?" As he Stared the Planet that was in flames...

A Vox Blast was received with his brother voice "Justice Will Prevail!"

It made Konrad Curse eyes widen... as he order the crew to increase the magnification of Nostromo...

People was Fighting not because of a Crime outbreak...But the Citizens of the Planet is Fighting back against the Newly formed Syndicate that absorbed all the remnants of Nostromo Criminal Elements...

In their Lead... was a Battered Alexander in his Arbites Uniform now cracked, rallying his Cries for the Safety of the People...

"My Brother will Return and Peace will come to Nostromo Once more!"

Konrad Advisors that believed in his cause surrounded him...

They were also tasked by Alexander if he was gone for more than a week "If my brother is in his fits again when he arrives at Nostromo... Stop him if he want to blow up Nostromo, Reason with him of preventing a mistakes that will scar his me... he is my brother that I trusted him the most...and so should you...This is our home..."

They were worried as they knew of the Primarch Eccentric Quirks... Worry that he might actually condemned a planet to exterminatus that believes in him...His Justice...

"Let's Go Down and Aid Him..." Was all Konrad Could Muster as he left the command deck, opening their Eyes... as they followed him into battle...

The Moment they Landed was not a Screams of Fear, but Cheers of Encouragement that soothe their Minds as they were almost used to the fear of every enemy, that stood facing them...

As they Rushed in the Flames they Found the enemies and do what they are made to do...


Screams of the People that Defy the Imperium became a Chorus of Litanies as Konrad Reach to where his brother was station at ordering the flames to die down as he notice and Waved as Konrad approached him...

"Brother! Sorry I am late..."

A Gunshots broke out... Alexander body slumped down from the force, bleeding as a Bullet holes that pierced his Cracked armor...

"Frak...I Screw up on that one..."

"Night Lords...Find that Person that shot him..." Konrad Voice Suddenly Turned Cold... The people around him Spread out in a Flash faster than what a astartes could muster...

"Hold Still..." As Konrad Quickly removed Alexander Armor... he saw Bones was sticking out... and the Abdomen was Ripped apart showing the Organs now flooding out...realizing that he was already dead but kept alive due to the Armor life support system in place..

"Brother, I know I am already done for... I Have Several Cracked Bones, My organs Punctured except my lungs... and the Shots was the last Straw to my body, I injected with stimpacks so that i could stay strong to keep this planet...our ...But I am Glad I met you before I perish..."

There was a Brief silence...

"Remember My Lesson... Brother...Justice...Without...purpose..." Alexander felt weaker to complete the sentence.

"Is Tyranny...Brother...Thank you...For Raising me..." Konrad added his sentence as he hugged his dying brother. Which Alexander Smiled Weakly before his life faded away...

The Rain began to fall on Nostromo removing the flames...

Was there a Divine Intervention that hide the tears of Konrad?

There was a Painting that was made during that time...

"The Silence of Nostromo" Was a Painting that was Donated to the League...

It Shows one of the Leaders that kept it safe, his belief of hope in Humanity in a hopeless planet... was slain by a Assassin that wanted to return to their status quo and a Primarch held on to his corpse surrounded by Night lords... Raindrops and Burnt-out structure was In the Background...

After Several moment Several Night lords managed to drag the assassin that murdered his brother brought him to his knees...

"My Lord, Your Orders?"

"I will handle this..." Konrad Voice suddenly spoke sharply in the rain... and the Assassin eyes widen as he was dragged by the Primarch to his palace...

Screams was Heard from the Dark Lord Palace, and it sounded Throughout the Planet... The people felt no fear as they were informed of the punishment of the Assassin that took the foundation of Nostromo revitalization...

When a Week Later the Criminal was Placed infront of the Palace all what is left of the Killer was just a Head that was still alive and Tortured beyond recognition...

The Primarch Return to his brother Home... Somehow Miraculously Survive the Conflict...

Memories started drifted in Konrad Mind as he walked in the house..

"Conrad that is a Cockroach they are not meant for eating!"

"Time for your Bath Brother, Don't you dare hide from me!"

"Dinner is almost done, Wash Your Hands!"

"Are You Okay Brother?" He turned around to find his brother voice but just mere emptiness...

He Headed to Alexander Studies... and it was filled with reports...Statistics of Crime rate and a Book of Law Placed on the drafting table... "Regulae Juris" was intricately crafted on its cover and the Book that Alexander Taught Konrad about the laws and punishments.

And he perused all the Records Alexander kept up to date... and He found the Locations of the Syndicates that formed a month before his passing... He managed to Uprooted most of them saved one that was Backed by a Noble...

The Night Lords Fell swiftly on the Noble Family Residential Area and label them as "Infidelis Traitoris"

And the Targeted Noble tried to use his connections to the other houses and his pleas felt silent...

As News Came out that he was the one that order the hit on Alexander

"Why do you do this to me!?" A Noble held out a Lasgun shivering at the Primarch...

"You are a Death of Hope for this planet..."

Konrad took time to Skinned the Noble alive piece by piece until all his skin was lined up into a Pile of Folded Cloth... and removing his voice in the process...

He ordered the Night Lords to Crucify him and Had him Paraded in the Streets of Nostromo... Many People Loved Alexander as they Tossed Everything they have at the noble, Ethanol. Rotten Foods, Stones tossed into the skinless noble... With him Screaming wordlessly in the open air that stinged his naked flesh as he was led to his execution spot...

Konrad gave a Brief Speech as he stood on a platform.

"Citizens of Nostromo, A Month ago...There was a Fire that almost engulfed Nostromo...But A Man... My Brother, fought with his life do defend it, to defend the people that sought peace in this planet of darkness...and he perish in the process...This Criminal Before you is the Man that took the life of the man that believes in you... What is his punishment?"

"Death!" the Crowd Yelled

"I don't believe in death... would be suitable for this criminal... I have a Better punishment..." Konrad said as a Night lord gave him a Flamer that was carrying a Blue Flames

"Burning for Eternity" Konrad pulled the Trigger and The Noble was engulfed in flames...

Flames that were so unique that it didn't hurt the people of Nostromo eyes... but it burned the man not to the point immediately... Eternity Flames... Was the Flamer Fuel his Brother Concocted that used for interrogation that didn't damage the eyes but more than enough to burn the target for eternity.. Even the charred corpse and water will be the fuel...

It was a Famous Attraction for Nostromo...

During the Start of Horus Heresy, Horus Managed to Exploit the Weakness in Konrad... But due to the Teachings of his brother about Justice and With the Help from Magnus and Sanguinius he barely managed not to be Insane...

In the Istvaan Massacre... He Ordered his most Traitorous Element that Joined Horus to the planet leaving those that were loyal to him alone, Horus Not realizing that he was duped...

He Discerned whether the Warmaster was telling the truth or a lie, most of the time he stayed behind the Warmaster fleet... And Observing the Actions of Horus...

Planets without strategic purpose was burned to the ground. People Summoning Demons that butcher the Civilians...The Astartes morphing into something Grosteque, Was this the Savior he Proclaimed to be? Is he the one with justice on his side? The ones that were not butchered on Istvaan began showing signs of Desire of Brutality and Think of Torture as a Art...Separated from the VIII Legion and Formed Warbands loyal to the Warmaster Vision of him being a Ruler of the Imperium... Spilling Blood Of the Innocent in the Warmaster name...

As they Landed on Terra... They Forced to Fight on the Frontlines under the Bolter from the Sons of Horus...

As the Fight on the Planet Continued on till, they almost reach the Eternity Gate, The Iron Warriors Retreated... Giving them the Excuse to retreat from the frontlines...

They spent Centuries Hiding from the Imperium instead of Following their brothers into the Warp... Until one day...Konrad Spoke his Final Order...

"My Brothers... My Gene Sons... It is time for you to head to the League..." Konrad was Tired...

"My Lord..." Before one could protest...

"I Heard that Perturabo Sons that didn't the partake in the slaughter Entered the League under Asylum...I believe that you should join them for safety..."

"My Lord...We should stand by your side..."

"My Sons... I already received a Vision that determine my fate...I would not bear for you to be delved in hatred..."

"My Sons...My hands is Covered with blood...I did not stop my own sons from killing the innocent...My life is cover with sins...from doing nothing...Leave me before I change my mind!" He Snarled.

A Ship left for the League Space... Diving into the Warpstorm that now covered it...

Konrad Was Alone in his Flagship... all the Noise was the Still Active Machinery and Machine Spirits operating...

He Sat in his office in the dark... Watching a illusion of His Brother just Sat on a Chair across him silently smiling..

"Brother...Was this my fate? Is that Vision come true?" He asked to the Shadow of his Brother...

"My hands is covered in blood...Of all the things, Horus sought...I failed to prevent the innocent from dying in a war.. My Justice was Tainted...Tell me Brother..." Konrad Slowly growing insane...

"Brother...You knew...That I would become Night Haunter?"

"TELL ME BROTHER!" As Visions Now Flooded in his Mind in Full Force, his actual Fate...He realized the man in his Vision from the Youth was actually himself...

There was silence from the Illusion...

An Aged Cloak wrapped around Konrad the same one that cover him from the Escape from the Depths of Nostromo... He turned around and saw a Fragment of his brother still wearing the armor that he first met him slowly fading in the darkness...

"Night Haunter? That is a Future you diverted from... You are Konrad Curze, My brother....Not Night Haunter that Dammed you in your dreams...For all this time you kept that Version of you at bay..." The Fragment Patted Konrad Back...As he slowly faded completely into the darkness.

The Konrad Curze... Wept...Alone in the Darkness

A Assassin Arrived in the Konrad Curze Flagship Nightfall...

She Silently Rushed towards the Last Living Soul Left in the Ship... Taking Shortcut along the way believing that there was traps or a hidden ambush... But she managed reach the end...

A Tired Primarch wearing a Soulstone in a Crown that he got from a Campaign just sat in his chair... Just Tired as he offered no resistance...He Just Stare Blankly at the Assassin...

"Do It Assassin..." He Closed his Eyes as the Blade Reached his Neck...