Ist Lion El' Johnson

Caliban located in Segmentum Obscuris just close proximity of the Eye of Terror... A Colony of Humanity turned into a Semi feudalistic death world after the Birth of Slaanesh as the Support from the Federation Government halted and the Communication was Blocked leaving them to their fates...

But they survived and lived in a fight for survival everyday... But each day a Village or towns were lost to the monsters that lurked into the dark...

It had a dark, twisted forests that covered the surface of this lush making it a source of life, but the green planet were as beautiful as they were deadly.

Animals that lived in the forest was showered by the powers in the warp that is the eye of terror that is the close proximity of Caliban...they turned into a Giant mutated version of themselves known as Great Beast, they hunted humanity to the point they resolved it by hiding in the Castles and Fortresses built in the Clearings of the Forests however it would only delay the inevitable... woodcutting was a Difficult job as it was the only means to expand the Human colonies... there a is Group of Knights that formed Knighlty orders that have the same technology as the First Generation of Space Marines, Chainsword and Bolters is what kept the peace of Caliban...

A Unarmored Man was Sitting on a Tree taking a Snooze with his Feather cap covering his face as the noise of the forest below was Busy killing each other for survival... Until a Giant mutated Cougar silently walked upon him ready to pouched the unsuspecting victim...

It head was Pressed with a Bolter and Several Loud Noises echoed the in the forest, bringing a temporary silence till the Great Beast resumed their way of life once more...

The Giant Cougar skull was Utterly destroyed... As its body is still twitching, still having its body receiving its final commands...

The Man Sighed as his day was ruined...

And the Bolter Shells were not Cheap...

He Saw a Vat that Streaked across the skies... He smiled as He put his Hat on and Hopped on the Branches of Caliban trees...

Ignoring the monster below that want to take a bite out of him...

He reached the Crash site...

A Child of the Emperor... Now lay amongst the Forest of Beast...

The Man Noticed something was Wrong and Hidden himself as a Hooded Figure appeared from the shadows... The person held dagger that was not meant for any of the Great Beast as there is no fool head to the Forest of Caliban with a Knife... He Took aim and Fire and it hit the figure true... Shaken from being found out... The person tried to flee only to be met by a Great Beast that Chomp the Attacker head off... Leaving the Headless Corpse behind for it's young to feast on, He took advantage of the chaos and he grabbed the Child and Fled into the depths of the Forest into a Forrest Cave that protected by the Watchers of the dark...

There he raised The boy for ten Solar Years...

The Language of Gothic both High and Low... Etiquette of the court... And His Mastery of the Blade... He was a Child of Conviction... Teaching him the Necessary survival in this Hellish Forest... And the Eccentricity of the courts... Upon his Tenth Birthday he was Given a Token... But what is the effects was unknown to him...

Years later....

A Blond haired Teenager managed to Hunt down a great Beast with a Sword... From the shadows he Swung his Sword with such precision that killed the Beast with a Single slash ...

His Trained body and his knowledge of the forest is was what makes him survive in the Forest of Caliban...

After his kill, he dragged his kill and returned to a Cave...

Clanging of Metal can be heard from The depths of the cave as he Let down the Hunt...

"Alexander, you there?" The Teenager spoke... The clanging stopped and he was met with a Aged man with soot and Oil on his Shirt...

"Yes, Lion? I haven't done with your Armor?"

"Tell me the story of the Knights of the Order, How Did you met them?"

"You always loved that story do you brother... Alright I will tell the story..."

The Man Led Lion to a Chair made of Marble with fur cushioning him... He sat down opposite of him and told him his story...

"Long ago, Before you arrived in this place, It was a More hellish place that you can imagine of, Monsters that was Bigger than the Castles and Fortresses Roamed the lands..."

"They terrorize the People of Caliban and No place is safe...until I arrive."

"I organized and lead the First Knights of Caliban and With our Code of Honor and Chivalry, we slaughter the Nightmares of the past making only the monster you see today as small...Many of those that survived that battle began to form their Knightly orders... Many have Strayed in their path to defend the people, instead they follow Glory, Money and noble titles, and Some of them Have Condemned me as a Traitor forcing me to leave humanity... Ignoring their Reasons of being a Knights of protecting the people...the Order is what few remaining orders that Kept the Values we Strived for... honesty, obligation of nobility and Warrior skill, where it was not a Blood of Nobility or the Money that makes a Knight, but ones of Merit on the Battlefield... The Word Nobility is just a Title that means nothing in the Fangs of a Beast... Money will be useless when everything collapse around them... I have met Several Leaders of the Order during this birth of the Age of Knights...And I Hoped someday you too, will upheld the Codes that I instilled upon you, where I am at, I am already old... If I remembered correctly...

There is a Group of the Order that wants to meet me..."

In a Distant part of the Forest A Young Champion Named Luther followed his Expeditionary Group that wished to meet the First Knight...

He Heard tales of the Exploits of the First Knight, how after the Great Beast war he retired in the Forest of Caliban living as a Hunter, at the Start how he scoffed how such a Man lived that long...

"Wait till you see him than you understand" his senior politely told him...

As They head Closer to where the knight lived, clashes can be found...

As they rushed towards the Location of the knight, They found a Well Dressed Boy that managed to defeat a Beast that would take several teams of Veterans Knights to take it down...

"Remember, Lion to keep the pace of the Battlefield..." A Aged Voice Sounded from a Treetop...

The Expeditionary Looked up and Saw a Middle aged man standing on the tree, Observing the battlefield that is ongoing... Ignoring the Sightseers as He Look upon the progress of the Lion... He smiled...

"That would explain why he sent me here... The potential of this one is beyond without a doubt... A Gem..." That was the captain leading this expedition was deep in his thought till Luther called him out...

"Are we going to assist him?"

"No... It have been done..."

In a Single Stroke of the youth blade, The Beast have been Slained, never to be awaken once more...

The Youth Notice the Group and Graced them with Court Etiquette that would take Years to Achieve, His Posture and Greetings towards them and his Skull in battle had made them realized that he is valuable...

After the Captain Noticed that he is the Youth that they needed in the Order...

Lion appreciated the Gesture as He found himself wanting to join the Knights of the Order...

"Go brother...I have some business taking care of...I will catch up to you later..." The Knight Beckon him to leave...

As soon as the Expedition left for their Fortress Monastery....

Shadows of Beings began to flood out to undershades of the forest... They were faceless... As they had no eyes to see... But they have Claws in their limbs that would make any close range more unfeasible to kill...

The Knight Sighed as He Raised his Bolter...

For Several Years... They been attacking Lion when he was in his youth... They were not beast of destruction... As they have a Mind to plan with coordination to kill and corrupt their surroundings as the lands they touched turned to Chaos...

"You sure gave me a Worse Job to protect..." He muttered as He Begin to open fire at them...

Lion heard of the Fires of The Bolter echoed behind him... But he didn't mind it as he presume that it was the daily clearing of the Beasts in the Forest...

After a Day of their Travel as they managed to arrive in their fortress monastery... The First knight have managed to keep up to them... He was Uninjured as to keep the Legend as Undefeatable...

"Did you done with your business?"

"Already done..."

There in the Order... Lion further Honed his Skills as a Knight and In his Stay in the place he learned to socialize with the Knights and he mastered all the aspects of the Calibanite culture...

Especially with Luther... He was more like a Brother as they both hone their skills...

In a Short time he rose the ranks in the order of Knights with his skills and People of Caliban heard their name... As he led Several Expeditions of killing the Great Beast in the forest near Human Controlled country... And Rumors of the First knight was his Brother... And his returning cause many to rally to Lion Banner...

He order the Grand Crusade to exterminate the Beasts that Plagued Caliban once and For all... Many Knightly Orders aside from Lion Order heard his Call and They Marched to his Fortress Monastery... Thousands of Knights and Squires Marched as One... Their flags bearing their Heraldy of their Orders proudly shone in the sun... And The people cheer for the survival of Caliban...

However there were some such as the Knight of Lupus that Rejected the call ended up being destroyed as their fortress monastery was slaughtered to the last man and they were found that the knightly order were raising Great beasts as their mounts...

Despite his Calling to arms, logistics was a Issue as they needed more time to consolidate their forces...

Lion stare at a Sand table that featured the Forces that was available...

With wooden chess pieces that shown their generals

He looked at a Chess piece that represents his Brother a Bolter symbol that was Head deep into the Forest of Caliban...

He didn't want to Take Lion Credit and Became a General under him... He lead the First Wave of Soldiers known as the Hunters of Caliban... They were not Knights... They had one wish... To be freed from this never-ending nightmare that plague their minds every single day... Armed with a Bolter and with Bravery that is Borderline insane... They bought enough time for Lion to fully consolidate their forces...

Lion placed his Piece to the Northern forest of Caliban to find any survivors of the north...

He place a Chess piece that was a Symbol of a Sword that represents the Lion Order... And He took his helm and Head out...

The Order was ready for the Lion call.

Knights stood ready on their horses waiting for his Call...

"Are you ready... Luther?"

His friend and brother smiled as he spoke...

"Ready as Ever..."

As the Fortress Monastery gates opened ... Hundreds of Knights soon accompany by Thousands more flooded into the forest...

The War of Salvation Began...

Lion knew that Mercy for these beast is death unto oneself...

Hundreds of soldiers and Knights were slain to torched the Birthing nest of these beast...

With each year that pass, many grew more weary of exhaustion...

Saved for Lion as he knew that being slack is to dammed another generation of the horror of the past...

There were too few people left that stayed in Caliban and if they don't do it now? They will have no chances in the near future... And now it was the total annihilation either them or the beast...

He order ambushes of the Beast feeding grounds, Poisoned the pools with toxins that will kill a planet full of Elephants Several times over... Burn down vast portions of the Forest to sent them to their rival Territory to kill them...

He was well aware of the Fatigue of the men he led... He sent several Feast and Sent those weary to recuperate from the Frontlines rotating them in the grinder...

Many of his warriors now hardened by War spoke of his prowess and his victory and with pride as He explained his reasoning starting this long war, instead of being silent... They had a Purpose with a vision of Tomorrow...

However... There were some nobles sensing their powers slipping away from them, as Each Victory that Lion earn, more rally to his Cause than heed the Nobles powers...

Soon they Declared a Open Rebellion with their loyal Followers rallying behind them...

But Lion was Prepared for this...

He Sent His Brother Alexander that was among the recuperating forces to arrest them and Held a Trial... By the people in the fiefdom...

"Let me go you Ingrate!"

"You touch my clothes you filthy peasants!"

Such words of Ridicule was heard from the nobles that was chained....

The First knight stood on the wooden stage and spoke...

"People of Caliban, You may known me as the First Knight from the myths and Legends of your Ancestors, Do you know why they are being held in Chains?"

Many were silent as they wished to hear the thoughts of the Knight...

"They Betray us, Believing of the Old Tradition of Hiding within the comforts of the wall and let the Beast that Plague Caliban to trampled us, Let me tell you why we are fighting!" He paused for the people to know...

"We are fighting not for Honor! We are not Fighting for Glory! We are fighting for people like you that now stand before me, before the First Knight that was Once the beacon of Hope now handed to Lion...we fight for our survival! And this people..." As He raised his Sword towards them...

"They will gladly sacrifice you to the beast! Yes, the very same beasts that dragged your Families to be eaten, your sons to be slaughtered, your Children without a Father! Now I give you my word as the Knight of the people... What punishment is suitable of a Crime of them?" As those words left his mouth the crowd was in a Uproar...


"Burn them at the Stakes!"

"Hang Them!"

As the suggestion Punishment was being met out the noble paled in Comparison...

They begged and pleaded for the Knight to let them be free...

"I will degree their punishment! They are to be tossed out of their homes to be executed and their corpses is to be used as Beast Baits!"

The Executioner arrived with his great axe and Lopped the rebel nobles off one by one... Many Of the nobles Screams as their blood flood the streets as the Crowd cheer on... Such of the fates of their followers were no lesser of their own masters... The Knights that followed them were Chopped to pieces and their soldiers were allowed to lived with the Tattoos on their foreheads "Traitors to Salvation till the end of days" the Noble Homes were burned to the ground to deter any opportunistic Nobles from trying their hands to be rebels...

The First Knight looked towards the Pile of Bodies that was being burned down as such was the punishment of Traitors... He sighed as he also lamented the fate of the houses of this nobles ended like this...

The people that was their predecessors was his most loyal Followers during the first days when he arrived on the planet... Now their own progeny forced him to culled them...

He sighed once more as he place a Simple Tomb made of rocks that held all the rings that bear the Insignia of the Slain rebels nobel houses...

"I wonder...did I made the right choice?"

As the war against the beast ended... Humanity have won... Every inch of the land was cleanse, every tunnels, caverns and Mountain they were cleanse of the dark taint of the great Beast...

Lion and the Knights held a Celebration...

With such acts on the Battlefield and his deeds, Lion was bestowed with the Grand Master of the Order, With many showered him with accolade...

Luthur which was his friend and Battle brother was envious of such deeds...

But Lion gave a speech that made him appreciated...

"I am grateful of the Honors that bestowed upon me... But I would like to thank the people that helped me on this Journey, this path that that freed us on this nightmare... My Brother Alexander that we known as the First Knight... Had he wasn't there to taught me how to survive, we will never have the person that you see today..." He raise the cup to the Knight that was at the feast.... Which the said knight raised his in response...

"And Furthermore... My Brother at arms, Luther, He have been a part of my retinue from this very start of this war, that made us be united for a Singular cause! If he wasn't here, then we would be bickering amongst the ashes!" He raised his goblet above all higher than his brother...

Luther was Touched... As Not only Lion didn't allow the credit get to his head... He allow Luther to partake the glory he deserves... He smiled in satisfaction as he sat down among his men...

A month Later...

The people of Caliban was undergoing a reconstruction... The Destroyed towns and villages are being rebuilt...

Lion was in his Fortress Monastery now Enveloped with paperwork...

Next to him is the First Knight that was accompanied him in paperwork...

"Gah! Paperwork will be the death of me!" As the man Flailed about the paper containing invoices of the People...

After the People have chosen as Lion as the King of Caliban the papers from the nearest castle and the farthest fringes have sent in their problems...

"Shush brother... That is the price of Peace..." Lion calmly finished his paper and began Reviewing the next...

It was a Day that changed his life as the Emperor arrived with a Detachment of The First Legion that arrived on the planet... The Astartes marched in stride in the streets, their Black Heraldy were recognized by the citizens as the Angels of Darkness of their legends...

Many of those in the fortress Monastery make way for the Unknown group as they knew instinctively that there is no way they could fight but they could sense they were there for a Meeting...

They reached towards where Lion was Located and opened the door... And they were met by piles of paperwork flooded into them... Their Ceramite armor withstood the flow of the paper bashing towards them...

After the flood of Paper subsided they met Lion El' Johnson, surprised that there was a Guest arrived... As he about to greet them... He was Greeted by the golden man that led them... In his eyes was a man of a warrior, but in his mind he saw a Parent that was worried about him...

There the Man introduced himself as the Emperor of Mankind... His father...

He allowed Lion Order to followed him to the Stars...

As Lion question the Emperor....

"What about the Elder Knights that Followed me?"

The Emperor smiled and he spoke...

"They too, will join you on the Crusade to liberate Humanity."

All the Knights and Squire of The Order was Scanned and tested to be his Dark Angels...

Luther and the aged men was too old to undergo the process of a Space Marine...

Until Lion received a Message from a Unknown Brother of his....

"Do you want them to follow you?" A Hooded Figure appeared on the Holo screen

Lion paused and he answered with certainty...

"Yes,I will require their services..."

"Good enough...they will be ready to be is my gift to you brother, and Welcome to the Family...."

A Ship arrive on orbit bearing a Aquila that held the sun... And all the Aged Knights went to the ship to be remade as Space Marines....

As Luther and the Old Knights Found themselves strapped on a Machine...

They found themselves returning to their youth...

As they revel on the wonders of technology of making them young again...

"This is my gift for Lion... May you serve by his side when he need you in his dire times..."

After checking again that they will be Space Marines Candidates, They Undergo Several Excruciating Procedures as their bodies remolded and formed into the Men that someday Lion would rely on...

As Lion waited In Caliban.. He found them as Astartes and in their youthful looks reminded him of the time he Venture to free Caliban...

Grateful of the Brother that made them follow him he ventured forth to the stars....

As He was in the Grand Crusade, Caliban was modernized not to the point of Destroying the Forest, as they slowly implemented a Technological understanding to the people of Caliban... It was more like a 21st Century planet than a Hive world...

Magnus Managed to sneak into Caliban to commence his research...

To offset the issues of production, A Moon was Gifted by the league to Caliban to be remade a Forge world for the Mechanicus...

It appease the Traditionalist and Progressive Nobles as they wouldn't want to see Caliban Ruined... And The Wood of Caliban was a famed Export to Prospero as Magnus Found out that the wood themselves were a Amplifier of Psyker energies as it have been bathed by the energies of the Eye of Terror for so long and If treated right, it could allow the Psykers to use the warp without the backlash (A/n: You are a Wizard Magnus.)

Lion left Alexander to be in Charge of the Planet, leaving the Man wallow in paperwork until he managed to raised a Successor to be in charge in the government...

He Lead the Hunters of Caliban once more, Baseline Humans that now serves as Scouts and Saboteurs ahead of the Dark Angel fleet...

Gramarye a Industrialized Fortress world, the first Homeworld of the Dark Angels long before they place Caliban as their Homeworld... It was Sprawling with Imperium citizens that travel the planet...

There is a Council of Elected Dark Angels Convene long before they met the Lion... Discussing their lot with the Emperor Son ...

Some of them Vehemently deny his legacy, while others Ventured out to bring honors from the Battlefield by killing as much enemies as possible to prove their loyalty to the lion, that some of their Allies that fought alongside reminded them...

"How can you bring any glory to your Genefather if you are dead?"

They fought more cautiously and they managed to kill with lesser casualties...

Soon they manage to reunited with the lion upon hearing news he was the Grandmaster of the 1st legion...

As The Emperor Landed with his Son in Gramarye, Almost all the Dark Angel that was stationed in Gramarye Formed their formation and stood guard in their colors... They looked as they saw the Rest of the Dark angels that was on Caliban Assemble behind the Lion...

Lione took a Silent look towards his Legion... And they stood upright in fear of his gaze...

As he reached the center of the Monastery that held the Council, they observed him with interest in which they placed him in many trials to overcome and he managed to successfully overcome, until he had a final trail that was to Defeat a Champion named Phyrhus Calagat in a Duel, A Duel that Echoed through the Ages, Upon his Victory he was Now the Grandmaster of the 1st legion and they were united once more, Lion Didn't destroyed the Great Stronghold in Gramarye as he Respected the Efforts of the Dark Angels to Made this their Homeworld... He Delegated Gramarye as a Secondary planet to find Recruits and their further training is to be sent to Caliban to be Relegated their duties as a Knights... And the Seat of Power is neither of those two planets but the Lion's own flagship Invincible Reason...

And their devotion to Lion was Great that they made a Citadel on Lion Old Fortress Monastery as it's foundation and they embrace the culture of Caliban...

This was a Unique Legion as they have Two Homes planets one that was fully technological and one that is with nature...

He went on his search to find his missing sons that was scattered in many battlefronts... With the help of the Divisio Militaris that listed all the armed forces of the Imperium and the League Database he managed to find the Battle weary Sons and each of the leader was greeted with a Stoic nod and a brief but solemn vows of Allegiance...

While he was aware of his duties to the Emperor, he took some time to listen to his brothers in between his deployments and tried to understand his men... Sanguinius Ideals... Jaghatai vision, of course one of Leman Russ Feast...

But he knew his duties well... He was the Emperor Sword, and to kill the enemies of the Imperium...but at the same time he was the Elder minded amongst all his brothers...

He participated in Many Campaigns that they called him the Angel of Death...

One such campaign was the Rangdan Xenocides as the blood thirsty Xenos Marched toward the Eastern and Northern Fringes of the Imperium space neither the League Diplomacy and the Imperium threat of force fazed them, War began once more, the League of Ten Thousand marched behind them from the east as to improve the supply lines and to gather all technology of the Rangdan technology intact, while the Dark Angels were sent to the north to eradicate the Foul Xenos

It was the darkest day of the Imperium as massive casualties maimed the Imperial forces and nearly killed the Emperor and Horus had the Lion didn't arrive to assist them... With the Legacy of the Federation at their hands they managed to slaughter to the last Xenos and Freed Millions of human that was slave in the war effort... The Slaughts, a Humanoid Hive mind made of worms that followed the Rangdan is destroyed and never terrorized humanity Once Again. Though there were rumors that a Xeno managed to get the last Slaught to his collection...

However it comes with losses as they managed to grind their forces to just a Mere 90k making the Ultramarines the biggest Legion after the Rangdan crusade...

In the world of Dulan is where he bonded with Leman Russ, on Dulan is where the Governor of Dulan proclaimed Leman as the Emperor's Lapdog and Swear on his family name that he would feed Leman Russ heart to his pet Grox, Leman instead of being goaded into battle, he calmly waited for Lion Orders as he believes in his brother tactics...

And his patience was granted him a reward....

The Dark Angel managed to capture the Governor and Lion presented him to Russ...

In which Leman Russ happily ripped the governor heart out and Feed his heart to his pet Grox before the governor die, Leman whispered to his ears...

"I am not a Dog .. I am the Son of the Emperor..." He smirked as he put a bolter round in the Governor skull and he killed the Governor Pet Grox and used its remains to feed Freki and Greki...

At that moment Leman was Grateful that Lion managed to allow him to get his grudge...

Everytime they meet, they have a Friendly duel between their champions and Feast among the Legions, though... One such brother of Leman Russ was Groaning of the Cost of the feast... He was patted by the First knight as if he too understand his pain...

Their bonds in Dulan was spoken with sincerity among the Astartes as the Bond of Brotherhood...

Sarosh.... a Planet is ruled by a Bureaucracy that is eager to join the Imperium and that would change the fate of the Dark Angels legion...

The Dark Angels were sent in to see to it, accelerate the compliance and to see why they refused Imperial compliance...

Many times they question the authorities, but all they received is that the government is bogged down by bureaucracy...

Lord High Exacter leader of Sarosh was invited by the Primarch to answer why...

After they undergo simple security checks, and found they are unable to check any weapons...

They denounce the Emperor as the False God and their arms suddenly morped into warp blades and attack them... And they attempted to use a nuke that was located in the shuttle they arrive in...

Hoping to kill Lion and the chain of command... Luther along with a contingent of dark angels managed to eject the shuttle in the airlock and it exploded...

There Sarosh was in open rebellion... They killed off any Imperium assets on the planet. And now the Dark Angels fought against the population below... Now they were facing the first major chaos cult that fought openly since the Great Crusade... And now...they removed the pretenses of being a Human and they morph into Daemons and Monster...

It was the first time Lion faced the denizens of the Warp... Their standard issue Bolters had no effect of the possessed... But they have Chainblades to kill them in hand to hand combat...

The fight began and intensifies several imperial fleets, titans legions and a explorer fleet from the League arrive to purge the filth... After several weeks they managed to purge the taint... Seeing that it was ingrained deep into the mind of the the people... They resorted to use Exterminatus...

It made the citizens of the Imperium question his actions...

He was well aware of the Chaos influence... And the death of the planet was covered up by the league as the planet attempted to use chemical weapons and attack the Emperor sons... The people soon became content once more...

The dark angels now suffered severe casualties... He relegated Luther and the Veterans back to Caliban... Despite there were protest, Lion assured they were training a new generation of Knights and he wanted them to be the Bearer and they are held the spirit of the Caliban...

Which Luther appreciated the sentiment and he stayed there...

As wars waged across the stars the people soon forgotten the Name of the Lion... Thought there are some of his brothers that always visited him personally as to assure that his duty is well deserved...

But Horus... Beginning to be under the weight of being the Warmaster...

He sought to make the Dark Angels to obey him... However their loyalty to Lion proves that they are more united as one....

Horus backed off...He continues his plans...

Lion was sent to investigate several locations where there are a doppelganger Legions that is Sighted...

And he was given the need-to-know basis that they may look like his brothers, their personality is different from his own...

One such Instances was he Met a Version of Konrad Curze and what seem to be Night lords in X54 Prime, a Newly Compliant world that suddenly lost contact...

As the Dark Angel Fleet arrived on X54... the Hive Planet was no longer shone with lights, Auspex reading have shown that there were no heat signatures on the Planet... 

Lion took his Dark Angels and took Several Stormhawks on the planet below...

Upon landing on the Landing Zones... it was filled with silence...

there was no Governor waited for them or personnel that is working there...

It was Like a Dead World...

And as they ventured deep, they found signs of struggle...

Bloodstains was on the pavements...

There was food that wasn't touched for a week...

As they marched deeper, they saw the people... or what's left of them...

the Citizens was Flayed... And their bodies were twitching... despite several scans they were living dead... and the Governor was placed in the middle of the masses of skinned people... He was Impaled by a Sigil of Chaos...

Lion looked at the heaving corpse... and sighed...

"Do you enjoy my work brother?" A Voice appeared behind Lion...

He turned around and saw Konrad Corax...

"A Doppelganger?" Lion unsheathed his sword...

"Is that what Father says about us? More like he never told you the whole picture, does he?"

"You aren't the Brother I knew...He does not wish to flay a entire city."

"Really? Tell me, what is my Version on your perception look like?" the Doppelganger Hummed.

"He believes in Order and He already controlled his vision...." Lion took a stab at him

The Fake Chuckled as he disappeared into the shadows... 

He appeared on the Rooftop on the Building just within Lion hearing distance... And Shadows started to form around the Lion... Night Lords.

Surrounded by Hundreds of Night Lords... Now looking at Lion Retinue as they are watching a Prey...

"While you don't know what it is like... to face you once again brother... I do sincerely hope you accept our hospitality..." His Voice drifted away, the Night Lords attacked them...

The Lion knew about his brother Konrad Curze Tactics as he prefer to slay the head and Convert the population with fear of the law...

But this Doppelganger... His attacks were just purely for destruction... His Foresight was Perfect counter to Lion...

"Lion, what are you doing?" A Voice was heard throughout the battlefield....

The Knight Arrive with the Hunters of Caliban from a Section clearing of the sub levels of the hive wondering what had happened to Lion

Konrad Eyes widen as if he was not anticipating his arrival...

The fight resumed once more and the with the Baseline human is able to hide in the abandoned Hablocks as a makeshift bunkers....

Lion dealt a Fatal Blow to the Fake...

The Konrad Curze fell down... As he was Lying down facing towards the skies...

The Night lords slowly turned to Dust as if they were just a puppet.

Lion face appeared in his eyes...

Konrad Curze body slowly turned to Dust...

Konrad chuckle as he accepted his fate...

"Seem like I have like my revenge was unfulfilled..."

"I am no brother to a Monster..."

"I a Sense brother...for freeing me from this torment of being a puppet...I give you a Piece of information...Be wary of the one of your brothers, he is corrupted soon...He is the center of all facing a crossroads..."

"Tell me more!" Lion roared as he demanded more information...

Konrad Curze smiled...

"If I had a brother like you...would my fate have changed?" He looked one final look towards the human that was beside the lion before he was turned to Dust completely... Leaving a Planet of emptiness...

"Should we tell others?"

"No...We should only inform the Emperor..."

After compiling the reports of what have happened, the Emperor looked at the matter seriously... After several investigation... They couldn't find any trace... Just empty planet... X54 was Immediately shut down and no people was allowed to entered there...

In the Horus Heresy...

It was a time for Lion to take a Stand...

He was Sent to Fight in the Gordian League by the order of the Warmaster... He was bogged down by a 6 years war...

Horus Luprecal decided to turned traitor and he hidden himself in Istvaan...

Lion was devastated... Horus Attempted to recruit Lion to his Side once more... But Lion Loyalty to the Emperor was steadfast...

He arrive to Diamat to gather the Ordinatii, Enormous artillery pieces that is the size of a Titan...

As they managed to load up the Weapons wanting to send it to Terra, Perturabo arrived with his fleet...

At this time he still trust the Iron Warrior... As he believed that it was only Horus that was the Traitor... It was a Fatal mistake as he handed the Ordinatii to Perturabo...

Still believing in his brother...

After the Victory of the Istvaan was shown who is the real traitors... He began to regret that he gave those guns...but as Horus spread his terror, a Great Ruinstorm engulf the Galaxy,The Dark Angel is unable to provide any assistance...

Lion recalled that there was a prototype Warp Engine called the Tulcala engine that is powerful to pierce the warp in Perditus... And Upon arriving in the planet, They were met by the Battle of the Iron Hand lead by Casalir Lorramech and Death Guard by Calas Typhon who now already embrace the dark gods...

There was a League Fleet that arrived in the Battlefield as well...

As they waited for the Delegates... The token that was given to him long ago shone...

As the Iron Hands was first to arrive he was simply human... But when the Death Guards arrived... They were walking masses of Rot and Decay... After certain deliberation upon hearing on both sides... He allowed to have the Iron Hands to get one part of the Tuchala Engine and Denying the Death guards of this Engine...

It resumed their strife as the Iron Hands were attacked once more by the Death Guards despite the Lion was still nearby...

He became the Commander and With his skill in strategy, he managed to banish the Death Guard to the warp...

While the Iron Hands was Licking their wounds on Perditus... The Dark Angels were attack by a Flood of Demons lead by Kairos Fateweaver...

He order his Librarian Division to be reactivated and to fight them back...

There were many that Cried out that he broken the Treaty of Nikea....

"If We die here then what the point of following that!" Alexander Yelled as he fought a Pink Horror...

Kairos Tempted the Lion to Fall to chaos...

He was Stabbed by the Lion...

"Loyalty has its rewards.....and I wonder Foul filth... You may claim you know the future...did you forseen this?" As the Lion Stabbed the black Heart of Kairos...

His Fleet was Trapped in the Chaotic Waves in the warp... His Fleet was suddenly guided by a Beacon... As they managed to Return to realspace... They found themselves in the realm of Ultramar....

As the Lion Managed to found himself upon the arms of Guilleman... There he found Sanguinius and Vulkan... Though Konrad was chained up nearby...

As Guilleman wanted to turned it into Imperial Secundus... What left of Konrad generosity informed him... That his death would be the death by his father Assassin's...

And any more they tried to gather from Konrad was just shut...

But a Day later Night lords managed to Extract their genesire and leave the Loyalist confused...

After knowing that the Emperor was still alive...

Sanguinius receive a vision that on the planet of Davin... The birthplace of the Heresy lies the key to stopping the Ruinstorm...

Their combined fleet arrived on Davin... They all felt that Malice and Corruption pervaded in the planet... Lion wanted to kill the planet and just be off, Sangunius wanted to land down on the planet to know what truly transpired here...

They found a Warp Gate to hell, and Sanguinius went down with a ground force to find the answer... While Guilleman and Lion was Waiting for Sanguinius, they were attacked by the Traitors...

They managed to kill them off...

But now They noticed that Sanguinius was Struggling against a Daemon...

They Arrived down on the planet to assist Sanguinius and they were ambushed by Traitors and there was a Soul grinder Daemon Engine ripping their forces off...

Guilleman and Lion joined together as Brothers and with their coordination they managed to bring it down... But the traitor slowly recover and replenished...

Sanguinius arrived with the answer from the warp... Davin must be destroyed...

Several Cyclone torpedoes was launched, Davin as Glowing red, what made the Traitors chained to Realspace now broken they were banished to the warp...

Upon its destruction, The Ruinstorm opened... The Traitor filled the only safe route with fleets with numbers that would shred any that passed it...

Lion and Guilleman Agreed to be a Distraction... While Sanguinius fleet dove into the Traitor fleet...

Lion received news about The League is now fully committed into the War front... Thanks to the Ruinstorm weakened... The League is now sending their ships that were not influence by the warp to all the Traitors Controlled planets... And they sent a Part of their fleets to assist the Emperor...

As Lion Diverted the Forces of the traitors... He found that the Astronomical went dark..

He felt more nihilistic... There his brother stopped his mindset...

"Brother, Don't give in... Your father is alive!"

"Horus have already won..."

He was smack into his face...

"Sanguinius knew he was about to die, but he went there, Konrad Said that the Emperor would kill him, You must not give in!"

"Rather than feeling loss, We should at least give the defenders in Sol time to breathe. We need to destroy the Traitors Supply lines..."

Without the Astronomican, Lion randomly warped Jumped around the Galaxy... Burning The traitor aligned planet and Resupplying on Loyalist supply depots... Upon his Jumps he arrived in Deliverance... He managed to get Lion in his Crusade, now armed with Newest armor and Raptor Marines...

He managed to damaged the traitor supply lines that it was a factor of the traitors defeat...

After the ashes of the Horus , The Lion Landed upon Terra... He watched the Ruins of what they build for... As he slowly strolled on the ruin streets to the golden Palace, he saw the people corpses now piled up into a Mass Graves. As his walk became a stride... He found his father now strapped to the Golden Throne...

He knelt down and wept for failing his duty...

Upon the Corpse Emperor...

Upons finishing his grievance... He led his fleet back to Caliban... After Alexander Went down first a day earlier to prepare the Lion homecoming, Caliban's defenses fired upon the Lion...

Lion retreated away from the orbital defenses...

Lion began to investigate... And Upon encountering a Local Merchant fleet that was from the Moon Forge world, they told him that Luther have betrayed him and along few other betrayed the Lion...

Lion was with fury and Alexander was in danger... He order a Tactical Bombardment to soften up the planet defenses...

[19 Hour before the Bombardment]

Alexander landed in on the landing zone of Caliban He and His Forces was attacked by these Faceless Entities, they flooded out of Caliban forest like a tide of flesh and teeth...

The Hunters of Caliban fought back as much as they could, hoping to stem the tide...

When he heard the defense fortifications opening fire in orbit, He wonder what was going on as he arrived to the Dark Angel Citadel to find what went wrong...

He found Luther waiting for him, he approached Alexander with his Chainsword drawn...

"Luther...what are you doing?" Alexander took a step back...

"Doing what must be done..."

Alexander eyes widen as Luther Chainsword rammed into his guts and being shredded to bits...

"Why?" Was the Only Question spoken to Luther as Alexander blood splatter on His face...

"You kept your promise right?" Luther spoke to a Hooded figure besides him...

"That would be sufficient... the deal still stands..." A raspy voice was heard from the figure...

As it left into the had one last message...

" are dead man either did you like being called a traitor?"

Luther Eyes Widened as Warp power envelope into him...already overwritten the encounter between him and the figure...

Thinking that Alexander was a Traitor and must be dealt with...

Lion arrived in the midst of the bombardment with his dark angel, he found his Brother slain on the footsteps of the Citadel... His Grief turned to fury as he charges towards Luther...

"Why!?" Was what the Lion Said as he clashed with Luther...

"I did it to protect Caliban!"

"You killed him for that reason alone!" as Lion Clashed with Luther...

The world around them was burning...

The Four Gods begin to Empowered Luther making him overpowered Lion Momentarily... But as he slashed The Lion which incapacitated him... It brought him to his senses... As if He realized what he have done as the warp blinded him faded away, he realized the truth... He dropped his sword and fell down on the floor the the damage was done, he killed the first knight for saving Caliban and attempted to kill what could be his brother... The Chaos Gods furious that they failed to bring the Lion under their fold for the last time...

If they could not have the Lion, No One else can...

A Massive Warp Storm Erupted making Caliban and the Moon Forge world beside it crumble to pieces... Both Loyalist and the Traitors held on to what is on the Citadel as the world was ripped apart...

The Fallen was ripped apart by force... And they were scattered in time...

As the Warp tried to grabbed the Lion into hell, A Golden Figure and Several Watchers of the Dark halted it's Grasp and Managed to grab Lion and Hidden him away...

As the Warpstorm ended, what's left of Caliban is just the Dark Angel Fortress Monastary is now known as the Rock... The Dark Angels found a Mind Broken Luther... Frozen...

In Rage they managed to apprehend him and Throughout this day he was tortured for the information of the Fallen... Asmodai have a particular interest of torturing him...

As Luther was kept locked away, deep in his madness of him wanting for the Lion Forgiveness....

He met the First knight Spirit...

"We given you the glory you deserve, the recognition of a Knight, why?" The spirit spoke...

Luther Chew upon his nails as he constantly muttered that he will be forgiven...

The spirit sighed... And he Placed his hands to Luther....

"Luther, if there is any honor left in you in your insanity and still wished to be forgiven...Correct that mistake... Begging the Lion for forgiveness will not be suitable as a Knight of the Order..." Luther looked upon the spirit as if he wanted to know more...

"You will gather all the fallen... And asked for them to be redeemed...that is your final act as a Knight of the Order...only then you can be forgiven..." The spirit disappeared from Luther sight... There was a Chaos Warband attacked the Rock... Luther disappear in the chaos that ensued...

The Spirit was By Lion Side as the watcher of the Dark approach him...

"You sure he will be forgiven?"

"I do... Friend ... May we watch over my brother as he grows stronger..."

"You know you will not last long? You are providing him with your soul..." The hooded watcher pointed out his flaw...

"That is my duty as a Brother...I do hope my gift is ready yes?" The spirit pointed at a Gun that was placed beside the Lion...

The Watcher stood silent...and it answered with sincerity...

"He will receive it... That I assured you..."

The Spirit smiled knowing he will no longer be with His brother.

"Brother...I know that I will no longer be by your side...but know this... I will always guide you...I do hope once again we shall walk in Caliban once more..." He touched lion mind as he disappear from the room leaving a Lone Watcher in the Dark witnessing the last miracle...


A/n: hello back from the hospital...

Lion is the most difficult to image as I read some of lore he was the most Unsociable one and he kept a lot of secrets that made some to begin to question his loyalty...though I like the 41st Version of him where he let go of his brashness as a youth and Learned Forestwalk and forgave those that was in Caliban when Luther attack Lion... And I tried to think what could make Luther to be Loyal... At least giving him some credit he deserves as deep down he was a Knight that values Glory and Honor... Sad to see what happens to him when Asmodai got him...

Original Luther Is not a True Space Marine..

Just a Roided up Man pumped full of Drugs and Surgery's to be almost on Performance to a Astartes but without the organs to be one. That would make him have a Grudge to Lion as his junior and Squires became Astartes just because they were young but he and along with others that have years of Combat Experience could not? Well simply reverse his age as a Youth then turn him into space Marines...

I read some Horus heresy books, But I can't Stuffed all the exploits of the Primarchs that consists of a Library in a Single would take way longer...

More questions than answers is probably best to mess your mind

What was the deal luther had made?

Vulkan is last

Blueberry is Next...

*Groan* Yvraine and Gulliman "negotiations" in the far future...

Then Alexander pov... Returned to 40k then to Starship mine is melting... So many novels to read and so little time...