Side Chapter: Meeting Cegorach and Eldrad 30k? Dark Undercurrents.

After a Conducting a Meeting with The Imperium, Alexander was tired from the Issues at hand...

But work is never enough as he now dove into paperwork in his office on several fronts needed Resupply and Reports flowing in by the Crates...

The Progress of The Great Crusade is Ongoing and The Objectives of Ensuring that the Artifact that led into the Downfall of Horus is Now Kept in his Inventory... He could only pray whatever reasons the Primarch fall into chaos it would be better be not what he thinks it is as His System did warn him the Heresy Still occured but how?... He had a Time Limit nor because of Uniting Humanity with the Emperor of Mankind... But also, the preparations of the Heresy to happen at least make the Imperium Less Shitty to live in...

Until he heard that familiar Jingling...

"Can't be... Cegorach?" Alexander Pen Stopped as a Harlequin appeared from the shadows in his office...

"Hmm... Seems like you got approval from me in the Future? [Bazinga]" the Harlequin was curious...

"Welcome Back Friend or the younger version of you? It is nice to see a Breath of Fresh air around here..." Alexander smiled as he gestures the Harlequin to sit down...

"Oh how you sure to flatter me A Millennia or two is nothing compared..."

"To your Sister Isha still locked up in Nurgle Garden... Cegorach we spoken this many times before in the future...right now I am Stuck in the Past... currently there is no way I am able to influence what is coming...And Do you Forget Slaanesh?"

"But you currently have My people living free from That Bitch...and that Obnoxious Golden Man to Boot as your Friend what more can you do it?"

"Problem Cegorach "The Golden man" is just a Friendly relationship with daggers on our backs...he doesn't trust me...not yet and he told me every time when the Primarch arrive I have to hide my face and it takes time for him to understand that not everything goes his own way. We may still smile, he is constantly probing my thoughts every so often... And So do Macaldor... Funny that man have a bunch of Assassins being trained against me but I ignore it...not like the Harlequin standards mind you..." Cegorach chuckle of having Macaldor assassin's compared to his harlequin's...

"Are you planning to keep the future the same way it is?"

"No... As currently I am equal with the Imperium because that I have all the Dark technology from the Federation behind me, I have a say in his decisions...removed that... I doubt that he would listen..."

"I see Clock is ticking Tick Tock, Better get my sister in the future or Else~ Ps... Eldrad is looking for you...and other note... There are forces that is not within this timeline... Be wary Champion..."

"I will... And I uphold my End of my bargain old friend...anyway... How is Life at this time?"

"That is something you might never know... Tata~" the Harlequin left and echoes of the Clown bell still jingle in Alexander ears..

"Sometimes old friend, seeing you around here make me feel relieved to see a familiar face again.." he whispered as he worked once more in the Trade deals...

A Eldar Cosair approached the Territory of the League containing a Certain Individual that Divine the Future of his race...

(Eldrad Pov)

Hmm... That Man beside the Emperor that founded the Imperium is Dangerous... But at the same time... He is blessed by Cegorach...

I do hope that he sincerely accepts our request to see him...

When I divine his path, it is endless...

A Future where humanity and Eldars join forces against chaos...

Or a Path of Destruction where he grows into one of our ancient foes that devour souls for eternity... A Second Void Dragon?

But every second I peer into the Warp for his future it always constantly changing for the better or for the worse... I need to see him with my own eyes...

I took my entourage and Arrived at the borders of League...

Their Remnants of a Better future still thrive with him it seems...

As What was once human technology that covered the stars now working in full force...

I noticed the Technology that brough the downfall of Humanity is working in tandem in the Fleets...

I wonder how did he managed to do all of it?

"Farseer we have arrived..." A Banshee arrive to my quarters to informed me..

"Iras Pryre thank you for informing me..."

A Crewless ship went aside my Cosair and Scanned my Ship... I sense there was not a living being alive in the ship...

"Farseer Eldrad of Ulthwe, Our Leader have been expecting you...Proceed to Dock 51" the Monotone Voice... We heeded as ships that accompanied the Empty ships aimed their Guns at the ship... I could try to fight back. But it would make him believe less in our cause...

As Our Ship head to the docks, we could see our brethren that lived there speaking with a smile to the people around them...

Since when was the last time, I seen one of our own smiled in the Hallways of the Craftworld? And enjoying a Good Life? I remember the Paths that were made long ago when we have aspects to define our way of life... But our brethren in here are protected by a Force that is stronger than the one that seek to devour us...

As I was led to the Embassy that was meant for my own kind... A Wraithbone Building with Eldar Aesthetics... Perhaps none of the tacky designs like the Emperor have design on his Palace embassy... A Field of Gardens Tended by Eldar covered the entrance...

I see several flowers that was Planted there...

I saw one of them reminded on my old Homeworld... I never got time to admire or reminded of the things that we lost...

And some of them was from our homes that we lost long ago...

As I about to touch...

"Feel free to take one..."

I heard a Voice behind me.

As I turn around, I see the Leader of the League...

He was not Gaudy in dress or Eyes of Conquest... He was Wearing the Eldar Ambassador Clothing cater to his size... Simple but Elegant... At least he have certain respect of our race... And What he dress was not in a Form of flattery... As Several symbols depicted a Star embedded in his Cloth... Perhaps the Sun in Terra?

"I see... May I Have This Crystal Flower?" I picked the Glowing Flower from the tree...

"As long as the Memories of your Home that Keeps you alive then it is worth it...keep it as a token of friendship..." He smiled cordially.

Our meeting was more like a Friend we haven't met for so long... With none of the Pompous Court greetings... He introduced himself as Alexander Hyde... The one of the founders of the Imperium....

He led me to the Inner sanctum of the Embassy...

It was more reminiscing of the bygone days as the style and architecture made me felt homesick...

A Simple Table along with a Bowl of Fruits and Bottle of wine could be seen from the Entrance of our Meeting place...

Several of My guards was wary of such fruits...

"Why should I poison those that have knowledge of the Dark Beings in the warp?" His words made my heart skipped a beat...

"You knew?"

"Me and Revelation have already knew it... But we took different paths to deal with it... He made his people not aware of the warp hoping to starve them from their powers... While I along with several races under my care... We know about it that we prepared for it. Revelation plan can only be hidden for so long until they reared their ugly heads into the Materium...We made a God To deal with it..."

"What is your God's name?" I am Interested to know what god did he worship to deny such a Prosperous land?

"That is for another time...He is still sleeping like your Eldar gods..." So... He is being vague...

I took a Few moments to Collect myself...

"Now that you are here, what have you come for? To Divine my Future that is not set in stone? To see your brethren? A Peace Treaty by the Will Of Isha for Ulthwe? Or a Joint corporation against Chaos? I am very hospitable to Entertain you... But do bear in mind that we may look weak from your more Genocidal Craftworlds brethren, We Still Have Our Legacy in our backing...." All of these things were what I needed to hear the most... But I do wonder of the End of his sentence... A Threat?

"How Audacious!" One of my Guards Aimed his Shuriken Cannon against Him...

The People that worked in the Embassy was not worried... More like they were amused of the Attempt...

As the Ranger was tempted to pull the Trigger...

Alexander Already pulled out the Cartridges from Several Of My Guards weapons and placed it on the Table... And holding one to admire the Artisan designs...

How? He was just sitting there and how did he managed to Grab all our weapons without noticing it...

"Do keep your mind Eldrad that I allowed to keep your Weapons and your threats are meaningless... I been Trained by Cegorach Elites after all..."

"You speak of our God Fondly?"

"After all... He tasked me to Saved Isha herself from Nurgle Garden..."

Many of my Guards were in a Uproar...

"You Liar! We been searching a way to saved our Goddess, and he granted that to you?"

"Though you kind managed to make Khaine to slaughter his own family? At least Cegorach is more open minded for allowing me to save Your Goddess."

"That is the Results of our Ancestors!"

"What? You Directly Gave Birth to the She who Thirst? Your Contribution to this Cesspool of the Galaxy have caused countless Species to their doom. Even now You Hide in your Craftworlds hoping one day that Death God of yours would save you by sacrificing your race...a Mere stupidity... For the ones created by the Old Ones. And I am Aware of How many of you ventured there to become screaming trees to Nurgle." His words is more alarming now...

"How do you know our history?" I asked.

"I was there when She was born from the Aeldari Empire that their Debauchery have corrupted the Materium... If I didn't have the Heart to Allow most of the Aeldaris that still have a Sane mind into our Territory leaving those fools in their madness...Your Race would be more miserable... Heck Even in the Imperium I still hold sway to Allow the Craftworlds they found to be handed over to me in exchange for Technologies and keep Slaanesh away from growing her power."

"So that's why they were unable to be heard..." I realized that the man before me is more realistic...

As my Guards protested once more... I held my hand to stop them from escalating...

"I do apologize for my Guards behavior... It was not everyday that I see a Champion of Cegorach in another race..."

He smiled as Took no offense of the Outrage...

"I am Curious about your Last sentence about your legacy?"

"Ambassadors from Biel Tan Came First and Threaten that I should Free the Eldars that is living here...and I am curious if they were under orders from the Farseer Eldrad like what they done to my Brother Angron from Nurceria?" I paled as I remember of Divining his fate and Biel Tan took matter in their own hands...


"Don't Apologize for them... Sadly they already carve the Path to his Damnation...and all I done was Merely Temporary stopped let's talk business." his Aura Turned sharp... As if he was used to backstabbing and his Friendly nature turned cold...

"What do you wish from the League?" He Implying that Now he is not a Representative of the Imperium but the Empire he ruled...

"Two things... A Peace Treaty of the Eldar Race..."

"Pass." He bluntly turn down.

"Why not?"

"I known some of the Craftworld looked down upon me like Biel Tan and I seen some of them Retracted their obligation to the Federation Treaties of Peace when the Drukhari Ventured in Imperium Territories... So I leave them in their fate.. only select Craftworlds that are trustworthy to keep Chaos at bay is necessary...and I wonder Eldrad... Are you willing to save Your own Craftworld...And I pray to Isha that you better make the Right choice of not Making my forces Exterminate what's left of the Eldar outside my Boundaries...And I have several Copies of Treaties of Isha containing several Craftworlds under my care...I treat my Allies with care and My enemies more brutal that they wished they should have taken my deal." He placed several Documents... I picked up one of them and See familiar Signatures and Psychic Imprints of the people...

"I will sign it..." I sighed as He Cornered me...

I tried to Divine his Actions... But it was Either Destruction of Ulthwe or Salvation...

He smiled as he handed another piece of Paper that was catered to me... There are several clauses that is both beneficial... But I see no loopholes for now.

. The Craftworld of Ultwe should not Undermine the Authority of the League of Ten thousand, Nor Attack any League Assets.

. When Facing Chaos and Outside forces, Ulthwe and the League Shall Join Forces to Defend the Galaxy from the Warp.

. Craftworld Ulthwe and those that is associated with Craftworld Ulthwe is allowed to Enter League Of Ten Thousand Space for Specified Reason (Trade, Refueling, Recuperate from the long voyage. And Weapons Under certain Levels could be purchased.)

. The League will Provide a Embassy Planet For Craftworld Ulthwe and they shall have a Voice in the League. If they want to stay, they will be granted Citizenship on the Embassy planet.

. Craftworld Ulthwe shall Speak The Issues of Chaos More Directly than Speaking Riddles. (Eldar love Speaking around in Circles.)

. If The Provider of the Treaty (Alexander Hyde) is Slain or Missing the Treaty still stands. Ultwe is bound by the Treaty.

. If there is a Race that is not belong in this Galaxy the Eldars were to Find it, Inform the League of the Findings, and Visa versa for the League.

"And Remember this treaty is not bound by ink and Empty Platitudes but in blood and Sacrifice...and As long as One of Us is alive, that Treaty will be in place by Isha Herself. One of us will be dammed to Her Wrath... And I pray it is not your Craftworld Foolishness to think they could retain their former glory unless they want a second slaanesh?."

As I looked to the clauses I noticed it never said the Imperium... Nor the Emperor of Mankind...

As I about to ask why... His eyes Glow gold...

I found myself standing in a Planet facing a Field of Symbols... This Ritual... Isn't it meant to call the God of death Ynnead?

I heard explosion in the skies...

The Astartes... They looked different as they hold one of our dark brethren... They wear Black Colors and one of them Introduced himself as the Black Templars before attempting to decapitate me...

I managed to avoid the attack but he already damaged the ritual... Making the Ynnead unable to be awaken...

In the Next Vision... I found myself in a Place of Worship...

The Smell of Incense covered the place...

An Endless Tide of Believers praying to the Emperor whom now they proclaimed as a God Emperor...

I was taken to another Craftworld being attacked by a Beings Called Tyranids by one of the Defenders... as they attempted to defend their homes... A Small creature passed by their defenses and Sneaked into the Infinity Circuit and Began Devouring the Soul Stones...

I began to feel horrified as I could hear the Screams of the Eldars that was encased in the Spirit stones being devoured into nothingness which I wonder what is more worse than being devoured by She who Thirst or the complete obliteration of the soul, what was once a place to be hidden ourselves from Slaanesh is now our tomb... And the Creature Psychic Imprint Began to Grow more and More Power by consuming our Dead Brethren... It's psychic screams nearly Deafen me... (A/n: it is Loosely Based on the Real book of Eldar screwing the galaxy up by letting a Tyranid eat their Infinity Circuit... though I never saw the continuation of what happened to that thing...)

I found myself on a Craftworld that is trapped in the warp forever fighting for their lives against the horde of Demons... And they were shunned by our own society as tainted...

I found Myself Standing in the Void showing what's left of the Galaxy... A Huge Warp Rift Separated the Galaxy in Half... Watching the world in flames... As Every Races Vied for Survival...

I stood on the Terran Moon and saw the Priestess of Ynnead now covered with Ynnead Blessings now accompanied One of the Emperor sons to Terra... Though I wonder why she clung to him?

I see the Four gods of Chaos Smiling ever so widely of the Imperium demise... As the Newest champion of Chaos whose face is shrouded in Shadows order his black crusade towards Terra...

"The Downfall that your kind have started is already in motion... Better to have a Sane Signee that understand Chaos than a Fanatical Imperium that believe that All Xenos must be killed." Alexander Stood next to me as I contemplating of what going to happen...

"Tell me Alexander... Is this our future?"

"I afraid so... This is the future I tried to prevent and Take this Memory Crystal... It will show you of the Future that is to come for your species, whether you want to play a Part of the Theater dictated by fate or Defy the Audience is up to you... All you need is a Little Psychic power to open it.

A Gold crystal was given to me of what is to come...

"Whether if you want to let the Seer Council know the future is up to is your words that shaped the Eldars Craftworlds...but...Do bear in mind That I still upheld my obligations of the Old Treaty's your kind have made by granting them Asylum to their new home...and I hope that you will do the same...for the sake of our Respective races..." His eyes glowed once more...

I found Myself Sitting on a Chair and My Guards is ready to pierced him with their Wraith bone blades...

"Stop, he told me something that is important!"

I held out my hand to stop them only to find out that the Crystal was in My Hands...

"Did he mess with your mind Farseer!"

"Only the Truth of our future..." As I clenched The crystal that is Important to my people fate...

"And What is the Next thing you want?" His words remain cold .. but I knew he have more than a Heavy burden... Shouldering the Future that is to come...

After seeing all of that... I simply requested to see my own Brethren living in the League...

His Cold Demeanor vanished as if He was happy to show off the livelihood of the Eldars...

I Kept the Crystal with me as I know the future... Is too much to bear and there are some might not take it kindly to me...

Me and my escorts arrived in a Sector of the league for Eldars that survived the Fall...

Their Wraith bone Cities shines in a Gilded Gold and I saw Several Children that Rushed by our Group... Curious of us free from the struggle of the danger of the warp as i saw they were being protected by something... And They greeted Alexander Cordially.. as they played in a Park...

Alexander Explained what their Contribution to the League and the tone in his speech sparked with passion...

Eldars worked in several Departments...

Most of them Trained The League Psykers to comprehend the warp... Some of them Worked for a Bureau for Searching the Supernaturals or even joined the ever-growing army of the League.. they never called the Humans Monkeigh, just simply their names... We visited a Hospital where Eldar worked as Nurses and Doctors and They attended a Injured squat, something that we never comprehend...

I wonder... If such a Day like this would be okay for our race to coexist?

We Ventured to the League empty handed and we were given enough gifts from them...

The Crystal that Alexander Gave me the View of the future... When I told the Seer Council of the Visit of the League and the Vision that the Leader of the League granted me they didn't believe in me...Until I showed the Crystal... And the Contents with in it were horrifying...

It was a Mixed Feeling that it will happen to the near future... Some plotted the deaths of several Imperium Officers that is corrupted by chaos and Informed the Imperials of the actual truth... The future change a bit...

Some of the Craftworlds that soon destroyed were ordered to head to The League for Safety...

Though some wanted to End the Vision of the Future by killing Alexander... Eldrad Chimed in that he was the Laughing God Champion which brought many to disbelief...

The only saving grace of Alexander Encounter with Eldrad... Was that During the Horus Heresy... the Eldars provided much help as needed and at that time, the Treaties that Alexander have made formed the foundation of the Treaty of Eden that encompasses all the Surviving Craftworld and Exodites Planets that sought the League help.

Not much Eldar Corsairs raided the Imperium territory as they bought supplies cheaply from the League negating the need for Raiding Imperial Worlds during the Horus Heresy before Magnus Covered it with Warp Storms... Buying much time for the Loyalist to Shore their defenses...

While Alexander was Doing his work, Hoping to bring light to the future darkness...

The Darkness never waited as it Grows around the Imperium as if it wanted to correct the Timeline.

Hostile Doppelganger legions being reported slaughtering Imperium Affiliated worlds, Whispers in the Void now become more prevalent...

Planets went Radio Silent as the Vox Comms no longer able to reach the designated destination...

The Emperor and Macaldor Have Uneasiness of the Future ahead...

Alexander Began to Fortify the League more than usual that ensure trade and Raised more armies and Fleets in preparation, And he Ordered a Ten Millennia Order to Stockpile of Every Basic necessity to materials needed for the factories to Food Supplement by Canning, Smoking, Dehydrating and put them in Stasis Worlds that become like giant Refrigerators to await the Tide that is to come but not at the expense of the growing industrial efforts... The Galaxy will soon be embroiled into the prelude of bloodshed.

Primarchs seeing a Visions of themselves that is not them. 

Several Systems retracted their compliance for no reasons and forcing the Imperium to land their troops to subdue the rebels...

In the mist of the Turmoil.

A Single Word Bearer Receive the News that he was delighted for...

Erebus received a Vision of the Gods of the Kinebrach Anathame blade is located in Interex that was needed for his plans, His Opportunity arrived when Horus took his time to visit the planet as a Diplomat to congratulate their Compliance... He managed to get away to the crowd and went to the Interex Museum of Technology... And Found the Pedestal to be empty...

Frustrated that the Gods lied to him.... He Met a Hooded Female Figure holding the Blade he Seeks...

"Unhand that Blade Wench." He Growled as He Aimed His Bolter at the figure...

The Figure simply Shrugged as She Tossed the Blade of his desires as if it was meaningless to her...

"The Original Blade is already Taken... this is a Mere Replica of it from another place."

"Where Is that, Blade?" He Aimed his Bolter at the Figure as he examined it.

It was Like the Same Blade he saw in his vision...It was Pulsating with the Powers of a God..

"In the Hand of Alexander Hyde..." Erebus Paused as he Knew how Important Alexander is to the Emperor and the Imperium and he Knows that making a False Accusation as a Astartes calling the High lord as a Heretic is absurd...

Better to get this blade as a consolation prize...

"Why Give me this Blade?"

He could have sworn that he saw a Smile that was not beyond this place...Madness and Insanity was in the shadows of the hood.

"Both My Masters and your Gods, We Both want to see the Imperium Fall...Both of us can see your dreams come true...that copy is no inferior of the Blade you seek."

"Huh, It seems that the Gods did not abandon me after all."

"When the Time Comes You will get your chance after all. The Emperor is worth bringing down after all... " The Figure disappeared into Dust...

He Managed to Sneaked away from the Museum and Joined into the Crowd of Astartes that was leaving the Planet...

"Where have you been Erebus?" One of the Sons of Horus asked Erebus. Unaware of the plans that soon to come.

"I heard there was a Craftsman that boasted that he had a decent blade, But he was a Fraud..."

"That so? Tell me about it some other time. Never thought a Choir Boy have an Interest in Blades." He laughed as they returned to the fleet... Erebus Avoided the Detection of the Librarians of the Sons of Horus and Headed to the Word Bearers Librarian Ship...

Kor Phaeron was already stationed on the ship conducted several rituals that made the Blade fitted to their purpose... All they needed was an Opportunity To make Horus the Champion of Chaos...


A/N: This is Probably a Stop Gap Measure how the Eldrad saw Alexander and The Birth of the Treaty of Eden that I mentioned in the earlier chapters of the Soulstorm Arc...

Question Time

"???": But Author if Alexander go back to Warhammer 30k Wouldn't the Future been changed?

Nope it is Still Grimdark as Even If Alexander got the Tools that made Horus Fall, What make others Blades that is Similar to original came from another Universe fall into the Hands of Erebus?

It was only a Matter when Horus Fall... and how Prepared the Imperium and the League handle the threat.

So It is Less Grimdark than before but it still grimdark after all.

You cannot save everyone in the Galaxy as you have limited hands.

"Never Underestimate Human Stupidity"

No matter what laws that was Implemented in 30K what makes you so sure that the High Lord Arbites made more absurd laws to cater their needs during Alexander Transition to 40k? TTS Already shown how absurd the Book of Laws was made when Dorn show the Emperor how many laws that he violated. It still happened on the Usual 40k

What did I think about 40k?

All the Bad Choices that Humanity have made come to bite back. The Writing is more warped and many of the Books have many sudden end, Like how did the Grey Knights chasing the Ynnari when they are allies to the imperium and the Eldars are more likely to ally the Grey Knights to any of the Imperium factions? And one of the Cronesword is in Slaanesh Palace?

And the Tyrannid Fleet protecting something instead following their automated bio harvest?

Or the Chaos War Titan Abominatus?

And that Tyrannid that devoured the Craftworld infinity circuit what happen to that?

"???": Wah Mobile Suits and Star wars in Warhammer you are ruining the Experience! And Zakus and Zeon Mobile suits belongs to Space Nazis! and Star wars never intergrate with Warhammer!

Uhh, We already have Lightsabers in Warhammer and they are "Extremely" hard to manufacture. And Psykers could be substituted as Force users with Warp Lightning... So there is not much difference except the Warp can possessed the Psykers while two force users are screaming on both side whether you are Jedi or Sith. AS One Forced themselves to stifled their feeling without understanding the Cause of the fall while The Other Embrace the Darker side of the emotions without discipline of reining in their beliefs... as the sith code used emotions to break free and only till the end they abandoned it to self destruct themselves...

And the Zakus, It is technology that i am Interested in, I don't really care that it was behind the Doctrine of a Doomed Ideology that paraded into a corpse of it former self, Zakus and Armored Cores is a Tool, It can be used by a good guy or the bad guys it is the perspective of the User, What does matter is how much can it truly kill and it is more cheaply made than imperial Knights? Warhammer is meant that there is no Over preparedness of what's to come especially in 40k where you can't nice things all the time ...

It is where no matter how OP your "Isekai" Characters can be, there is always someone in the Lore is ready to screw you over. Like Kaldor Draigo or Lucius the Eternal, The Harlequin Tropes for examples... Uhh How to Kill Lucius? yeah... Hard to be Humble when you ended that twat. only to come back from the dead from a Factory worker that proudly made a Mine that killed him. I hate there is no way to truly kill him unless you kill slaanesh. In Canon lore is very impossible to do so.

And Besides the Dark Age of Technology can be made as a Excuse as perhaps one of the planets made mobile suits as a Hobby... It never explained much as I delved into Warhammer Forums gathering Materials...