"Our Cause in the Ullanor Crusade is Just, our Existence for Survival in this cruel Galaxy is in jeopardy, Peace between the Orks and us is impossible, We seek Unification of Humanity and all sentient race that seek peace in the League, We want to be united like the days of old, we face a enemy that is unreasonable, Bloodthirst like any barbarians that we faced, they wished for Eternal War, Their society lives for war, they thrived and Loved every second of it! It is either them that destroyed everything we loved, what we cherish, destroyed by their blades, be trampled on by their feet while we looked at our families enslaved or worse being ripped apart for fun? Is that the life we want for our families to end up, our homes Destroyed? Or we must first outright exterminate them! Burn every planet that they hide, slaughter this sentient warlike Fungus, till what remains of their barbarism is just a Mere echoes of our history!" - Imperium Broadcast M000.31.
The War is Grinding to a halt... The Orks were more well defended than what was told by the scouts...
Planets they captured from the Imperium, they enslaved the population and forced them to make fortifications...
"Move men! We have a Timetable!" A Sergeant of the Solair Auxilia yelled to his men...
They been fighting against the Orks horde for months.
The dead was ignored while the living struggled to survive...
"We are overrun in Sector D-891!" A Vox operator called for artillery support... While a Slug swept past his head.
The Orks roars with morale as the Orkz began their unrelenting charge of Choppas and Guns.
Basilisk and Griffin mortars roared with ferocity and stem the tide as Limbs and Green blood flew from the crater they make...
The soldiers sigh in relief believing that the Okz were held back... But they heard the noise that dreaded them the most...
A group of Shadowly figure appeared in the distance... Followed by the roars of Orks of seeing their totems are coming on the front...
"Gargants!" One of the soldier that saw it through the Magnoculars trembled...
"They are three of them...shite a Mega Gargant...inform the Artillery to rain down on my grid mark and make sure they won't stop till it is over!"
After receiving the Order the Crews began to load the shell as fast as they could on the coordinate they received.
They know what happens if they let those Gargants into firing range...
Several shells dropped on them like a endless rain, He shells splattered on the Gargant armor as they each took a step closer in the defense lines...
The Orks knew this and they bombarded the Artillery zone first and killed the artillery...
The Soldiers felt a Sense of dread as they ran out of Anti-tank weapons...
The Gargants about to open fire as a Series of Shells rammed into the Gargants once more...
The soldiers looked behind and saw the League Titans aided them... Mobile suits they called them... Their mono eyes glared red at the Gargants... Several of them launched 280mm Ramjet Bazookas and while those armed 120mm Bolter Installed Machine guns into the Gargants making holes into the Ork Titans... Alexander knew Mobile suits are unable to survive in Warhammer as the First Generation that was sent to the Ullanor was inadequate as the losses was catastrophic...
The Compressed steel was inadequate So he provided them newer "upgrades" they are now equipped with Protype Void shielding by using both the golden age void shield , Powerful Engine and Warhammer version of their weapons, each that could "theoretically" punch Titan armor, and their Frame is Adamantium and Ceramite Composite armor... He haven't tried against the Orks but this battle is a Field testing...
The Zakus Aimed the Bolter Machine gun toward the Ork horde as the Shells that is pushed by the Rocket propellants ensure a more explosive mix delaying the Ork march to a crawl...
While the heavy hitters chased after the Gargants... While anti-infantry focused on the Ork The solider saw the titans fighting and their morale soared and they began to rally as they helped alongside with the Mech...
Melee focused aimed the Gargants barrels and limbs to prevent the Orks from utilizing them, upon doing their duty they swung their Power axes destroying a cluster of Orks in its wake... And Unholstered Volkite Pistols which is upscale to Mecha use to kill off the Ork... While the fight was ongoing the medic ships landed in the hot zones and loaded up the severe wounded and let the imperial grab the potions on the more manageable wounds...
The battle took several more hours as the last Orks began to buckle and yield...
"Command, the skies are clear and the orbital cannons are disable... Proceed to bombardment phase. Any Imperium and League forces get to cover!" It was rung out in the comms as the Acclamators on orbit start a Base Delta Zero... Orbital Bombardment on the planet below cleansing the land from the Greenskins filth. The Imperium went into their trenches as waves of dust and shrapnel swept upon their lines like a storm...
It was like a lifetime until it faded into nothingness...
Standing amongst the ashes was the Human that survived... Every Orks is pretty much dead and Medical Ships arrive to provide the aid to the soldiers...
A pre-Fabricated Hot Kitchen and mess hall was being set up...
Both side went to grab a hot meal that they didn't ate in days...
Stacks of cooked food was piled up and the soldiers of the Imperium said their grace as they ate in silence...
They just had a stressful day of losing their comrades can take a toll on someone but a hot meal, a beer and a pack of cigarettes was more than enough to calm their nerves...
They heard laughter that approached the entrance of the Mess hall.. a Squat and a Eldar squabble merrily...
"How many ork Gargants did you kill?" The squat asked.
"It was not bad for a Pointy ear that join the League at his first battle."
"Mine 43" the human chimes In
"It was already dead, because it was my axe that finished it off!" The Squat Bellowed.
"It was twitching."
For the first time the Imperium soldiers manage to see the League soldiers...
They look as if they just had a walk in this land.
Whispers spoke among the soldiers... How life is so carefree In the League that they Casually count the Gargants they killed and Called it a day...
The Orkz that escaped the planet was all they needed to know how both organization operates...
They knew the Humans were coming and they knew that they have a "Propa Krumping" as they heard story of Metal men and Giant warriors that come from the skies, they long for a battle.
Planets turned into fortress that make a Vietnam like battle, Hive planets that is contested between Orks and Imperium started daily...
While The Raven Guard and Alpha Legion managed to sabotage the Ships that Supplied the Ork Empire with the necessities... It managed to starve some of the dockyards of the Orks. Making the journey a lot more smoother... However the Alpha legion dropped midway as if they had someone to contact... Alexander knew The twins are making Contact with Cabal and hoped his gambit paid off...
A Heavy fortified net of Planets Stood between Humanity wrath and the Ork Capital.
There was not a Trace of humans left on the planet only Ork cities that covered the landscape...
The Imperium took no chances to Drive their forces into the heart of the Enemy making a Spearhead, while the League was being more "creative" in defeating the Orkz only planet making a Net that slowly tighten the Net that is cast around the Orks....
They Launched a Series of Asteroid Drops with the Size of Minnesota and Texas's on one planet and scorching the planet alive. Boosters that is strapped on the Asteroids that is laced with Anti-fungal posion is much more cheaper than a planetary invasion.
Launched a Nanite storm on a Planet that shreds everything apart. To see if it truly ripped matters to shreds.
Some planet they experiment if purple paint on tanks if it does affect the Orks manifestation of being invincible... (Addendum: Failure, Request extermination.)
Alexander Managed to remembered the "Pot of Infinite Teef" he used in the Soulstorm Campaign...
And He Experimented on one planet... What would happen if that the perfect society of orkz currency that is Teef was inflated beyond it's current value?
A Civil War... Erupted...
It was hilarious as they fought one another of a Teef that did not belong to a Clan, and their inherent desire of hoarding Teef caused many to not listen to the leaders. And they clobbered each other to death. The Mad doks don't really cared as business was usual to them as the Teef was flowing into their pockets until one Ork decide that they are more richer and they were butchered as well...
Only when the last Ork was left injured, alone on that planet and Clutching the Mountain of Teef, it was destroyed along with his desire by orbital bombardment... He roared in anger not because he was being killed, he was angry that his treasure was destroyed...
Such experiment was carried out as "Field" testing.
After being the planet is freed by the Orks,the planet is immediately turned into Frontline Factory worlds...
A unique form of a Forge world. Where they drop prefabricated factories to manufacture items in danger close to the Frontlines and after the Frontline is beyond the factory capacity supply chains they will convert into Civilian use and handed over to the Imperium, it is a Gambit if the Soldiers can hold the Frontlines while workers that chased after contracts of working double pay is risking their lives. 17500 League Dollars per week tax free... With medical expenses paid. Upon which it was a Measure of money that made many worth risking their lives... As Alexander knew it was a good incentive to make them work...
It lessened the Logistical pressure while pushing the Frontline closer to the enemies... A Economic War on how much enemies they could slaughter before it breaks...
The League can only do it as it is very costly for the Imperium to achieve such a thing...
The Imperium lines managed to hold as they often received supplies daily and the wounded that lost their limbs came back intact or they requested Prosthetic arms from the league...
This caused pressure on the Orks as more and more of them is diverted to the front making the Capital planet less secured...
Horus Appreciated his Efforts as He already arrived to Ullanor Prime...
His Fleet arrived in position and launched countless Bombardment and followed up by Dreadclaws and Landing ships dropped from the skies into the vicinity of the Warboss Fortress-palace... While the remaining forces landed outside and provided much diversion to the Ork defenders as more reinforcements arrived to alleviate the pressure of the Luna Wolves...
There he truly unleashed his Legion. Heavy shuttles deployed Land Raiders and Predators in the Landing zones that the Shock troops provided and Space Marines advanced on the defences. Then, as Thousands of orks rushed to join the battle on the perimeter walls, Horus Saw the Thunder Warriors managed to land in the distance and helped his legion furthering diverting the Orks to their location as they were bigger than normal Astartes the Orks tend to fight the biggest one... He could felt the support of the two, Alexander, his Father and all his brothers behind him...
Horus took several Terminator detachments and teleported directly to the foot of the great central tower. As the Luna Wolves blasted away the guards, Ork mobs from the walls raced back to protect Urg, more Thunder Warriors Teleported behind Horus wake joining the defense of the Luna Wolves keeping the Orks at bay. Horus took his Terminators up the tower, leaving the thunder warriors to hold back the orks. He smiled at least he could depend on the reliable the thunder warriors .
At the pinnacle of the tower, they found Urg in a grand chamber accompanied by forty of the biggest orks in his empire and surrounded themselves with dozen of Kaptains and their Kustom Armors. Horus charged straight toward the warlord, slicing through muscled green bodies with his lightning claws. The Terminators with him similarly crashed into combat. They hacked a path through the mob until Horus faced Urg himself.
"Wot iz dis a 'umie?" The Ork was surprised as he didn't expect Horus.
"Die Xenos scum" Horus ready his Lightning blades.
"Let see if yer kan try ta get ma head!" The Warboss Bellowed. As he charges towards Horus.
The enormous Overlord realized that he was simply no match for the Primarch's skill and unnatural power. Horus crippled his enemy ripping the Orks limbs apart, He grabbed the Ork body and dragged him to the balcony, and threw him, the Ork screaming from the balcony to fall far below, amongst the horde of orks still assaulting the lower levels.
The Ork Warboss was splattered on the ground making a crater, the Orks was confused as one of them reached to the edge....
"'Da boss iz dead!" Cried one of the Orkz that saw him fall.
The sudden demise of their mighty leader sent a panic through the Greenskin forces, which fell back from the Thunder Warriors into the advancing Luna Wolves and were slaughtered. Back in the Overlord's chamber, Horus smiled that he saved the Imperium. As word of his death spread, the Overlord's empire fragmented into infighting to who gets to be 'Da Boss. The Imperial forces retook control of the quadrant within a year.
The League chased the Remnants and ensured that the Orkz were exterminated Instead of the scattered... Alexander hoped that it will buy time and if that failed it will be less hassle to the Orks intervening in the upcoming civil war...
Naturally, the Luna Wolves claimed to have liberated substantially more worlds than their allies.
The Emperor decide to make Ullanor a Triumph for his son...
The Ork planet is terraformed with the Mechanicus and League making the planet into a Smooth Graphite...
A Palace Constructed on the ruins of the Ork Fortress-palace to Cater to the Victory over the Ork hall.
Almost all the Primarch except Alpharius that disappeared attended...
The nobles and the council of terra of the Imperium watched as A grand Parade was shown to them.
Millions of Imperial Army and League soldiers and thousands of armored vehicles marched along the Granite path in parade formation. After them came hundreds of Titans from the Collegia Titanica. Then came Space Marine Legions and followed up by the League with their advanced power armors and vehicles... The Men of Iron returned back to Nirvana as they had filled their duties...
The skies was filled with Imperial Armada and League Aircraft shown their skills as they performed maneuvers that deemed impossible...
The Imperial remembrancers and League Biographers recorded this memorable moment.
The Emperor gave his speech that shocked all but Macaldor and Alexander...
"My days in the Crusade are done, for I must retire to Terra and continue the great work of humanity. However, your days are far from finished, and, with the wisdom of my war council, I name Horus Luprecal my Warmaster. Horus, beloved by many and respected by all as befitting of one whose hands bring the fortitude and stability only matched by his unbreakable will and loyalty will serve as my herald and voice. From this day until the stars die out, treat the word of Horus as if it came from my lips, for all the fealty you swore to me. Not for the sake of consolidation, my sons, for I know all of you compete with one another as you do love, as brothers are want to do, but now is not the time for squabbles as humanity is still in danger of strife. And remember your bonds of humanity and brotherhood, and become the champions you are all made to be, glory awaits, do not let it find you wanting." The Emperor spoke that shock many in the crowd...
"Make me proud son..." As the Emperor hugged his son. Many pictures this moment for years to come...
Each Primarch came to give congratulations some were a mere words other was just a nod of acknowledge...
Horus would have never dreamed of such a thing, a position that was close to his father... Alexander gave his congratulations... His face still hooded from all to see..
"Congratulations brother, I guess you have reach the top."
"Thank you brother, I know you always be at the right time..." Horus recalling the Thunder warriors tht helped them...
"Your father and I wouldn't want to lose you. I hope you are well aware of the responsibility that Revelation have placed on you."
"I do, and I will do what I can to make Father proud."
"That's the spirit, I hope that you know that we are always ready to listen. All you need to do is just ask."
"I keep that in mind Alexander."
After the festivities and a Banquet was made for all the soldiers that participated in this conflict...
They were allowed to see some friendly duel of the Space Marines and Thunder Warriors. And several Entertainment trope was hired and they had a good time...
Alexander watched in the darkness... His face was cold as he looked at this moment as a mere memory... He looked in the glowing lights on the palace below and heard cheers of laughter...
Wondering what if this Moment might last forever...
Revelation along with Macaldor approach Alexander that was gloomy...
"Alexander... Why not join my sons as we have plenty to discuss?"
"Tell me... Revelation...are you going to complete the Webway? Is that the reason why you named Horus the Warmaster?"
The Emperor frowned... But he smiled.
"Of course even if I had too it will proved beneficial to us in the far future..."
"You do know that those Psyker houses despise your plans right?"
"I believe they would listen to reason." Macaldor chimed in.
"Yeah, when you about to make them lose the reason why they were noble houses, never underestimate a Emotional human even if their mind is logical. And you do well aware those bastards in the warp might make their moves right?"
Macaldor and Revelation stayed silent as they knew who he referred to...
Chaos Gods...
"I believe that pushing the Human in the Webway might prevent the Gods from using humanity..."
"Sadly I don't believe that Xeno design might hold up forever it is old that even us could penetrate it?... Heck even Comoragh might be invaded by demons what makes you guarantee that they will not come after us?"
"I know I can... I seen that path before me..."
"Then what about me? What about your sons? If all of Humans is in the Webway... What makes you sure about the sons that might not know it?"
"I believed in you, at least you have a Empire to defend us when we need the most..."
Alexander looked at the Emperor as he drawn his plans... Long before he even met him... Alexander somehow knew it was doomed to failed.
The Psyker noble houses will never agree to the Webway project... And most likely they will sabotaged it.
"Is that what you truly wished for? Not the ones inside of you?"
The Emperor simply smiled.... And Alexander knew that smile...
He wouldn't move his decision even if he tried.
"I do hope you know what you are doing."
"You know this time I am right."
After the Meeting of the Emperor... Alexander went to his office in the Bucephalus and sent out encrypted messages to the League...
"Prepare for the worse. Whatever the Warmaster Horus said, keep one foot at the door, if he betrays the Imperium, retreat back to the League and those are closest to Terra, head there... For your sake... And mine..."
After ending the message....
Alexander sighed as he looked at the picture that shows him with Macaldor and Emperor standing side by side at the Summit of mars...
"I hope things would not get worse than it should."