Returning to 40k and Rewards...

Alexander is tired, all his efforts all he could managed was to stabilized the Imperium for a couple thousand years... But now there was a timer limit closing in on him and he knows it was time to return... To the future where he belongs...

[Time: 3231 hrs 52 minutes and 32 seconds]

The rest of the loyalist Primarchs was busy maintaining the Imperium, Alexander spend his last days to see what would the Imperium looked liked before the decay... The parks, the remains of Macaldor Museum... And visiting the silent emperor for the last time...

He looks at the golden throne as the emperor is under perpetual torment... But there is nothing he could do as now he was warned that any more intervention would destabilize the future...

He already had a doppelganger maintaining his league and nobody noticed it.

With order to grow the League for a ten thousand years... A daunting task but... It was possible.

There was a rise of the cult of the emperor worship now growing and the Imperium truth being rejected, even if Alexander enforced the remains of the emperor ideals... How could the people accept it?

Demons and monsters appeared before them and there was no way he could stomp it out... Like Macaldor did..

So he allowed it in exchange of mitigated the destructive tendencies of the budding Echlesiarchy by making restrictions of not be destructive and they should used more tamer forms of faith as the Emperor sacrifice his life for Humanity so does the church core tenants... But even he knew with those restrictions people like Van Gogh will undermine his policies of the church... And Cardinals and bishops in the future will be bloated by the wealth they obtain...

He took a few visits with the Primarchs that was in Terra...

Vulkan stood guard in the eternity gate, he watch as the destroyed Terra now rebuilt it was his duty of to defend his family home... He was allowed to visit Nocturn to his adopted daughter...

But one such days he noticed the High Lord approached him.

Somehow he could sense the sadness in Alexander and He welcomed him by offering a room that overlooked the city...

"What's the matter brother?"

"I'm preparing on a journey back to the League."

"You know that your place is covered with those Warpstorms... They seem to have no end."

"Yes, I have to see my people."

Vulkan understand the struggles of Alexander in the court and was well aware he had certain mode of transportation to go past the Warpstorms.

"I see...what are your plans before you head back?"

"Checking up on Dorn and Roboute... Then I will journey around the Imperium, a General Inspection of the newly established Astra Militarum before I leave. Could you say to my niece that I will miss her?"

"I see to it that she gets your message and now take care brother... Losing Father must have put a heavy burden in your heart. I hope you can remain strong."

"Thank you Vulkan."

As Alexander left the room, Vulkan somehow got a feeling somewhat Alexander would be far away from them...

"Don't you die on me brother..."


"Meeting my Lord is not feasible at this time, High Lord Alexander." a Raptor Imperial Fist guarding the front of the entrance of Dorn study room informing Alexander.

"Could you sent my brother a message when he is available?" Alexander asked.

"Feasible, what is it?"

"Please don't be too hard on yourself Brother...and I will be heading back to the League. Take care of the Emperor for me will ya?"

"Message received and now allow us to escort you to the docking bays."

"Thank you." Alexander took one last look at the study room before he left the premises.

As he approached the office of Roboute in the golden palace in hopes of reconciliation, they made many disagreements lately especially of his dividing of the Astra Militarum and the thunder warriors. He understood the reasoning of Roboute fears of further rebellion but in the far future that limits he placed on the Imperium would come to haunt them... Especially the Chapter limits.

As he entered the room, Roboute was busy with the paperwork, and he had no time for reminisce with Alexander... Paper piled up on his desk while he was focused on the task at hand...

Seeing he was busy, and he was not in a mood for conversation Alexander left the office.

During the scouring the traitor legions Homeworlds was placed under extermination order, but Alexander managed to assimilate some of them first and claimed them as the property of the League and erased their existence from Imperium star charts.

Nostromo and Cthonia became the loyalist planets and swore loyalty to Alexander as they knew their Primarch started their rebellion they would be complicit in their Primarch dark dealings with chaos... Though the population was innocent as a whole they know that Alexander was more fairer judge compared to the vengeful Imperium.

But the rest of the traitor homeworlds they were destroyed...

Olympia was recent in its destruction and perhaps Dorn have the answers of what happened there, he was the only survivor, and he was managed to get a Emergency beacon that a follow up fleet managed to pick him up, Barbarus was the last stronghold remains until the Exterminatus protocol was enacted. The screams of the civilians and traitors alike screamed as the poisonous gas become a fuel to scorch the planet and it was blown to pieces.

Nurceria was proclaimed a death world and Chaos taint was prevalent as leftovers from Angron ascension to Daemonhood. Alexander visited there to cleanse the taint and stood Infront of the city of the freed slaves... Now crumbling as there was no one left to maintain the forgotten infrastructure..

He had memories of the shards but recalling it and witnessing it was two different things... He could recalled the child laughter's and the grindstones of the blacksmiths... The chattering of women in the market place... And the Governor mansion where Angron Foster father maintain the planet now fallen into decay... It was deathly silence... Only the weak winds now swept across the planet empty ruined cities...

Alexander did had plans to make it as a Automatic factories churning out Men of Iron... But sentimentality of the echoes his copy remained in him... Which he just labelled the world in the league map... Shrine world of the Freemen as a sign of respect of the moments he spent together with Angron. He planted a Sapling of a Yggdrasil and left it alone...


A symbol of culture and learning... Had it been a few more centuries before the heresy started it would be the symbol of learning... Alexander shard managed to teleport the entire citizen to the League... But after informing of the current state of affairs in the Imperium, the residents of Prospero decided to stay in the League and they founded a new planet called New Prospero, they only required the building materials and denied any forms of help to their construction...

Alexander stood in the derelict command center where his shard was coordinating with Ahriman...

He stood in silence as he watched both side perspectives played out in their pain and suffering... But he mourned for the fact that brothers must be killed...

"One last stop..." He muttered as he left the remains of Magnus home.

Istvaan system a Venator appeared in realspace...

A place where it all began... Where Horus believe a lie that became a reality... Approaching this place the crew felt uneasiness and anxiety... As the death throes and hatred of legions and solar Auxilia echoed in the system... He was aware of Rylanor that is still active in Istvaan III but choose to respect the warrior hatred of Fulgrim and his decision of Virus bombing him.

He sense the echoes of his shards last moments flooded into his mind... Painful...sadness, there was not little he could do as the souls of the loyalist is no longer linger on the cursed lands.

He watched the planets as he left for the last destination in this time...

On the Military Headquarters of the newly established Astra Militarum, a Officer Corps arrived at the entrance that awaited the High Lord arrival.

Many looked up to him as the Hero of the Imperium despite he was a leader of the League they were well aware of the sacrifices he made, while Roboute allowed the nobles voices to dissect the Astra Militarum into two separate entities like the Imperial navy and the Imperial guard to prevent the rebellion from happening, Alexander provided assets and a one of the major backers of the Imperial Guards... Making him the financer of the foundation of the newly headquarters that is made on Terra.

Some the officers greeted him cordially with respect while others were sending flattering words to bootlick Alexander to give them a more decent position... While few who have connections with noble houses hold veiled hostilities as they were aware how dangerous Alexander was to their self-interest.

After seeing the foundation and the manuals of officer training is up to task... He left the Astra Militarum headquarters and stranger blocked his vehicle, aiming a exotic gun.

"Die High lord!" As the assailant pulled the trigger shooting a beam of light that made Alexander disappeared...

The criminal was cackling like crazy as his mission was accomplish...

The Arbites arrive too late to do anything as somehow they were sabotage by the noble houses to prevent their aid by some rebels causing chaos around Terra.

But they did put a few bullets in the assailant arm and apprehended the criminal and the weapon is no longer working as if it was a one time use...

As they tried to investigate him, he chewed a cynide pill and died, leaving the Arbites to check his belongings of him connected to a noble house...

Such was the life ended in Alexander Hyde in 30k

Alexander eyes opened and he found two familiar women sleeping beside him, Ephritta Blaze and Sarah Hyde Du Mornaal... And he recognized the Bucephalus... Still in transit in the warp.

"I am back...." His words whisper from his mouth.

And he managed to escape from their grasp and headed out in the corridors of the Bucephalus, he could now remember the echoes of the Emperor and Macaldor as he search for his sons...

A System notification blared out in his mind

[Check-in timeline: Warhammer system is now Partially Online]

[Your contributions is enough to change the future..Rewards is calculating.]

[Now you are able to recruit selected Heroes from your chosen Factions]

[Imperium and Chaos have now Raptor Strain Astartes in their ranks] (Balancing reasons.)

[Squats are able to be recruited in the Imperial Guard Barracks.]

[CMC suits are now available in the Imperial Guard Armoury.]

[Mobile suits are now able to build in the Titan Command Centers.]

[Castigator Titans is now available to be created in the Titan Command center.]

[Men of Iron is now Recruitable]

[Imperial Guard Now have Solar Auxilia Cohort available and Their training is implemented to all Imperial Guardsmen.]

[Imperial Guard now able to recruit Sub-Factions. Mordian Guard, Catachan, Valhalla, Tallarn Dessert warriors, Chemdogs.]

[Mechanicus Faction is now Available to use all their arsenal to aid you.]

[Imperial of man Vehicles are now Nuclear proof. And Shielded with a Matrix Shields.]

[Baneblades now able to move at 120kph both backwards and forwards.]

[Thanks to providing the Eldars a sanctuary you are now able to recruit Aspects warriors.]

[Warp Spiders now able to Teleport 10x its normal radius.]

[Eldrad plans for the Eldar future have made their relationship with you more favorable, and more unlikely to backstab you.]

[A war in heaven version of Khaine is now able to be summoned to the Battlefield without sacrifices.] (Come on I may be a Imperial Guard Player, let Khaine win for once outside Ciaphas Cain novels!)

[Necron Triad had heard of your existence and now looked upon you favorably... You have been granted "Honorable Noble" on your treatment of the Necrons in your territory and the respect of using Necron Technology. The Silent King have heard of your deeds... And his faction Nobles now look at you amicably...From Insect to Interest]

[Psykers under your banner now benefited the teachings of Eldar, able to use the Warp more proficiently and 5 times more power to their attacks.]

[Thanks to maintaining the relationship, Necron Faction under your control now able to build weapons from the War In Heaven. And Necron Gauss Weaponry have no radiation effect on your forces...]

[Granted the plans of creation of a World Engine and Celestial Orrery, the Celestial Orrery plans have no sun destroying capabilities but in exchange, it is now able to use in the multiverse and allow to see troop deployment.]

[Thanks to Reverse Engineering Selected Technologies in 30k. Bonuses are added to your system...]

. USS Enterprise (Star Trek)

. UNSC Spirit of Fire (Halo)

. Super Star Destroyer Lusankya (Star wars Legends)

. Loki Battlecruiser (Starcraft II)

. Yamato Battleship (Space Battleship Yamato)

[Reverse engineering Enterprise granted you a Permanent 80% discount on all faction recruitment under you and there is no more rising cost and it will revert back to zero, now All Vehicles are installed with a Replicator...and teleporting have reduced cool down by half. ] (A/n: Now it is technically everything is infinite Ammo. As long as there is power generating it.)

[Reverse engineering Super Star destroyer, now Allow Techpriests to Create a engine with the power of a Red Sun, Its Hidden Databanks allow you to know Star wars Common Language and The galactic Empire Tech. Lasguns now able to shoot 70k Giga Joules per shot at minimum settings.]

[Reverse Engineering Yamato now grant you a Infinity Engine...Ships like Acclamator Beam Weapons now able to collapse a system on maximum power.]

[Reverse engineering Spirit of Fire allows you to make slipspace drives and UNSC tech is now available ... And Its design allows your ships to handle more structural damage before failing...]

[Reverse Engineering Loki Battle cruiser have granted a 20% reload and Rate of Fire capabilities on all ships, Now able to use the Dominion of Man Tech, Odin, Thor, Siege Tank, and Cmc suits are now able to tank more durable shots. Imperial Guard Bases can now lift off and use rockets engine to move their buildings around.]

Alexander watched as the rewards numbed him, if it was before... He would have been with joy... But now? He felt indifferent to the rewards he's been given.

He found himself in his old office he made during the Grand Crusade, now opened for the first time and dust flowed out of the corridor as no one managed to enter his room for several thousand years.

There he found a apparition of the emperor sitting on his desk.

"Welcome back Alexander. Leader of the League of Ten Thousand." Revelation smiled.

"How did you know?"

"Well, I am the version that is aware that Tzeentch would send you back to the past and you meeting me in my quarters is the version for you of meeting me firsthand, Care for a drink?" A several thousand years old Amsec bottle floated towards Alexander.

"Fine... I take it, I could use a drink of what I seen." as he grabbed it and used a cork puller to remove the cover and poured its contents in a cup...

"Take your time...thank you for holding up as much as possible... I never expected that you would be shot by a time gun."

"I miss my brothers."

"I know...will you still up to the task? Of saving my sons?" He look as Alexander for the answer.

"Revelation... If I was that man that we first met, I would follow your words unconditionally... Now I have a vested interest of saving them..."

"Thank you...Son."

"It kinda arkward of you calling me son after all these years...when we usually called each other by our names..."

"Well you are part of the family?"

"And a very estranged one at that. Family reunion is going to be a bitch to handle." Both of them chuckle...

"Anyway...I better get ready then..." Alexander gulped the last contents of the aged drink and opened his Computer...

It's aged circuits came to life as it required the password...

"Let's see...if I remember it .... Yes it was FckyouErebus1toSuperhell42" Alexander opened the computer...

"I never understood why you hate that specific son of Lorgar?"

"He was the intergral reason why you are in the golden throne in the first place. Seem like he somehow evaded your gaze."

"Fair enough. What do you got here." The Emperor peek behind Alexander computer..

A unfinished solatair game, several PowerPoint presentation that is past it's due date...

"Never thought you were the boring type."

"Well I never thought I got hit by a time gun! The paperwork when I get back..."

After reading through the backlogs of what happened before the Soulstorm Campaign he got the gist of the current Government actions. And information of his operatives and the territory that is under control beyond his own territory come into account... While the Warpstorm that surrounded the League it didn't prevent spy ships and colonization ships from bypassing the Warpstorm that enveloped the League. They managed to colonize planet that was unneeded by the Imperium or left forgotten. And they brought them to modern standards, Lost feudal worlds become a 21st century planets, Agri worlds become more productive... In a Sense he controlled half of the Imperium assets that is unwanted.

Ever since the War of the beast and the Goge Vandire Age of apostasy, Paranoid of controlling everything... The Imperium underwent several political changes and upheavals and as predicted, the bureaucracy was so bloated that they lost entire systems and what remains is now controlled by the league and placed them under his controlled with little tithe... Calling themselves as the League Remnants until the Cadian Pylons in the league are activated...

The League of Ten Thousand is now reaching a half a million at this point... Though it was using the scraps of the lost systems and settling in the planets that is not used by the Imperium, Mined planets that is devoid of its resources and Hazardous planets that was not colonized is now under League rule as they have the Technology to revert the planet back to it's pristine condition or Terraform the planet comfortable for human use.

In a Sense it was half of the Imperium is now under the League... If one didn't take account of the hidden bases that is still operational till this day..

And several wars like the Badab war where Chapter Master Lufgt Huron now profess his loyalty to the League as he knows how much they sacrifice enough for him to make his own automateous empire as he knows that the League was under the founder of the Imperium and it was not betrayal but choosing a better path and several micro empire including the Severan Dominate... Which was a shitefest of who is loyal to whom... As The Leader of the Severan Dominate, Duke Severus XIII tried to play on both sides by allying with the League and Dark Eldars at the same time...

And it became a Four way standoff of Imperial expedition group that was trapped, the Dark eldar pissed off of their deal of free slaves being under question, the Orks that look for a fight and the Severan that thinks they be better off on their one man show... He thinks that The League was a pushover even if they were what's left of a glorious past... The duke underestimated the price of backstabbing unlike the Dark Cabal that he tried to please... The League is very brutal as they already labeled it as Conquest since the Imperium ignore about them as they forced to retreat, it was free estate...

The duke was ousted and it took 3 months to repelled all the xenos and and 6 years to make the population to be under the League Banners. And that was the last reports he received before the Bucephalus entered the warp. Now he went to the rumor section...

It didn't mentioned the organization in the space marines as they were more harder to infiltrate as rumors of Alpharius and Omegon still alive making the process a hell to infiltrate...

But Baal was attacked several times by orks... Thanks to the Nanite river he repurposed them to defend Baal now worked... Baal was saved with minimal casualties. And the Stasis pod that held Sanguinius was miraculously unscathed from the years of fighting.

"Brother..." He took a pause as he look at the rumors bout Baal. But he continued forward...

Vulkan adopted daughter is still alive and she already founded a Sororitas to defend herself from the growing xenophobia... A visit would be in order... Without the cloak. Time to visit his niece if he could...

And rumors of Rogal Dorn disappearance was highly debated as the rumors mentioned he was alive and now wander in the golden palace as a Centurion and they could not verify the figure as it managed to elude them... The Black Templars once join the search of their Genefather, they suddenly stopped making the rumors more valid.

"You have a lot on your plate..." Revelation muttered.

"Thought you are all knowing and all seeing?"

"Well, when your mind is shattered and trying to move the direction in favor to humanity in every battles, you can't look at every minor thing. I hope you can be more lenient towards my material self...for I am just merely a part of him that remembers you...and entering the warp is the only way I could speak to you..."

Both went silent as Alexander knew what he would face.

A Dark Imperium... And a corpse on the throne that might not be the same Emperor he serves...

As Alexander was done reading the backlogs...

He looked at the apparition of the emperor...

"Take care friend..." The golden figure smiled as the door closed.

He returned to his bed that now the two women woke up... Curious where did he went during the transit...

"Just remembering the wonders of the emperor..." Was all he could say...

Until the Vox Comms was heard throughout the ship.

"We have arrived in Holy Sol System! And the God Emperor have blessed us on this voyage! We have arrived a week earlier than our estimation!" Said the voice in the comms as the background was murmurs of Psyker choir humming and singing their hymms as the ship returned to realspace...

As the bright lights faded Alexander took notice of the places he been... He was in near the vicinity of Mars...

Mars is partially jade patches of greenery as the planet was now the red jewel of the sol system once more... Albeit with streaks of wood and vegetation... Their forge cities still thriving with manufacturing and people worked in Manufactorum with their daily task to produce the necessities of the warfront demanded...

And he could sense his oldest friend that is in the noctis labyrinth, the C'tan shard is doing well...

But the Mars is different from what he knows...

As the Bucephalus moved past Luna there was the domed cities that he helped rebuild still active and functional... "Some things just stay the same." Alexander muttered as he watched the planetary defenses of Luna slowly aimed at the Bucephalus just before they went neutral position...

As the Emperor Flagship docked in the orbital dockyards... Aquilan shield Captain Leonidas escorted them to the planet below...

On a modified Stormbird that is made for custodes, Alexander looked out from the window and saw several changes on the city of Terra..

One could see several architecture changed and the Golden palace is still standing with countless of pilgrims that walking in numbers near infinite to the entrance to the Golden Palace... Just to see the emperor...

They landed in a Landing zones that is cater to the Custodes and Alexander stepped off, seeing many things changed when he last stood in the Golden Palace...

"Alex... What do you feel about Terra?" Ephritta asked as her beloved was reminiscing something...

"I am home." Alex said.

"Terra is the Home of all Humanity." Ephritta nudge as she hugged Alexander...She may spend a brief moment with Alexander, but she somehow knew he been through something...

The Custodes ignored the little interaction as they escorted the two women to the Living quarters for Guests... As they led Alexander to the Golden Throne... As he passed by the halls he had mixed feelings as many have changed in the interior...

The balcony that provided the view of the city where Horus and he discuss their stories that night is replaced by a sister of battle statue... Blocking the entrance...

The Halls of which he could remember every moment that he spent with the emperor and the primarchs, changed. The smile of Sanguinius as he listens to his brothers in the Inner Gardens, Leman Russ boisterous claims of his feats, Magnus discussion with Jaghatai and Horus conversation with the Emperor... All of them... gone... leaving him alone... He knows that Roboute and Lion waking up soon and at this time Ferrus Manus is now revived by him and doing his reformation to the Iron Hands in secrecy... but would they feel disgusted with him? Knowing that he was from the same timeline that they despise the most? Would the Artifacts he held for the Salamanders would actually make Vulkan return? Would Sanguinius be happy of what have happened to the Imperium? Many questions plague his mind... And no one could answer him...

He saw several sisters of silence that moved silently with the custodians that dedicated their lives to defend the Emperor of Mankind... Candles dotted every hall, Cherubs and Servo Skulls now flying in the top of the hallways with the childish cries of the cherubs and the silent scanning of the Servo Skulls floating to their destination holding parchments of order... melted wax of the old candles was the only existence how long they done this method.

As the Custodes led him to the Sanctum Imperialis, past the Eternity gate where the Emperor sat on the Golden throne... Alexander walked upon the almost endless stairs.

There the Emperor custodian companions stood guard on every few steps their faces forward as they never saw Alexander...

But as he reaches the top, the Radiation was intense that it would have given any other person cancer if they weren't faithful...

Every step he ascended to the golden throne...

He could remember the times they shared, the good and the bad... All the dreams Revelation spoke for uniting humanity... Now turned into a farce...

There he met face to face with the physical manifestation of the Emperor...

The Corpse Emperor, stood silent before Alexander.

Seeing that he is unable to answer, Alexander resolved to enter the emperor soul to lessen his burden of conversation to him in realspace.

His soul combined with the Shard of the Emperor instilled in him, he travelled into the Mind of the Emperor...

Alexander found himself in the same place filled with sand, where there is Hive Cities in the distance... now replaced with a verdant green... And the silent hives were briming with activity...

And one of the Hive city is a Enormous Tree that is Grown...

Alexander looked at the skies and found something different compare when he first entered the emperor soul...

It was void... a Endless darkness that had no end... as if something was incomplete within the emperor...

Alexander looked in wonder of what it meant but now he had to journey to the Ziggurat where the Core version of the emperor where he once place a sapling....

Along his journey... He met waves of pilgrims that is escorted by the Sororitas who died ages past as they sang their songs of praise to the Emperor... All converged to his destination...

They escorted him with reverence...

But as he approached the once empty Hive city... It was filled with life... Guardsmen and Astartes manned the Walls in silence, their deeds in the Materium have allowed them to settle in the Emperor city... Priest sang their hyms and sermons while there was child laughter in every corner... Clanging of Blacksmith forges now burning bright.

They reached to the entrance of the Ziggurat until he met a giant figure dressed in robed conversing with a scholar... But a part of him blurted out a name...

"Ra Endymion..." The figure heard his name called out and he found Alexander standing...

"Welcome Alexander... The Emperor have been waiting for you..." The Custodian greeted him warmly. And he escorted Alexander to the top of the Ziggurat now instead of the crooked ridges is now a regal stairs that lead directly to the top... Alexander asked a few questions of his passing...

"I thought you lost in the webway? That demonic blade is impaled in you? What happened to it?"

"I did as the Emperor asked of me...I ran as fast and far as I could... Away from my creator, away from Terra and into the depths of the webway... Time was meaningless, but the blade sapped my strength and my willpower...until a Man called himself Abaddon from the Sons of Horus killed me when I was at the weakest as he was empower by the chaos...and took the blade from me...I failed in my task but... He forgave me and tasked with one last order to defend this place."

"You did what you had to do...even if that task is impossible, you gave it your all to let humanity a chance to survive, you did more than any of your brothers done in that time...Thank you for your service Ra." Ra smiled at Alexander words.

"I can see why my creator called you his son...for you harbor his compassion..."

The journey to the top was uneventful, he found a few custodian that stood guard on the Ziggurat Stairs perhaps they died in the line of duty?

After Ra Managed to escort him to the top he respectfully return back to the entrance...

Alexander looked around and found that the Throne room has changed ... In place of the wires that attached to the emperor was Strands of Vines that was giving him life... Albeit slowly...

There he found a Family conversing with the emperor who is now sitting on a Simple Wooden Throne that is carved directly from the enormous tree that touched the skies and the familiar child saw him and walked towards him...

"Mister... Thank you.." the child looked at him and he remembers the same child that died in the Fortress wall in Kaurava...

"You are welcome little one..." He patted the child and the child returned to her parents as they decended from the throne room perhaps a good ending for a grim future, he approached the entombed emperor...

"Alexander...Old friend...Ally...Son... Benefactor... I could see it now, your done so much...while received so little..." The Emperor spoke... His complexion was now less despondent... Compared to the last time they met in 40k...

"I wished there was more I could do to help you..."

"I know... But the Imperium you helped build is decaying as we speak..."

"But humanity has a chance to survive... You didn't had to spent ten thousand years to manned the golden throne alone..."

"But I must... As it is my duty... As do yours... Alexander Solair..."

"You know my alter ego?"

"I have been to the Nexus that Connects me to all my counterparts... Every variation of me there are mixed, Many that treated my sons as tools... Others became grandparents and lived in peace, others was strapped a text to speech device to handle the affairs of the Imperium... But I am the only one in that place watched your efforts come to are an Outsider from the universe that cares for the denizens that lived here and instead of being appalled by how brutal and distorted my dream had become and you gave it your all to slow the decay..."

"So, you are not mad at me making hidden bases in the Imperium? Like the Original despise Guilleman for making the Imperial Secundus?"

"We could see your intentions clearly... And I come to accept that the Imperium was doomed to fail ever since my son Horus betrayed me... But you didn't... You gave up a chance of power to control the Galaxy just so you could prevent me from despair... And who respected my son Sanguinius Funeral the most? "

"I wished that future he envisioned never come to pass..."

"But I know, he would come back to me in due time..."

"Now... Time to give you a gift... From all of us..." The emperor smiled as his hand was a whirlwind appeared in his hands... It formed into a Shape of a Halo...

"May this legitimize you as one of the Imperial Lost sons and protect you from the warp..."

"Do I get wings? You know Sanguinius did mention how much pain to clean every single one of his feathers."

The Emperor smiled and Handed Alexander the Halo...

"You can removed it by your will as it is Psychic in nature both the ring and wings will be improved... But make no mistake that I am doing it for free...think of it as a Collateral... perhaps when you travel to the Multiverse... May you remember the Bonds we all shared..."

"Fair enough...Father."

The Custodian in The Golden Palace stood in silence but they noticed that Alexander stood silence in front of the emperor as no words converse to each other... They sense fluctuations in both of them was conversing in another matter... It has been a week since he stood before the Emperor.

Alexander have these fluctuations of Energy beginning to rise around him... And a Halo materialize on his head.

And the Golden Throne began to shine brighter and brighter and made the Custodes began to aim their Spear guns at Alexander...

Circuits and Gears began to regenerate... As if the Golden Throne is going back in time to the point of its creation... The Companion lower their Gun in awe that the Throne that they knew is going to collapse is now slowly repairing itself...

The radiation slowly removed from the throne...

And in several hours the Throne is fully fixed...

The flesh that was left now slowly return to the bones of the emperor.... and the Glass orb on his left eye popped out as eyeballs are regrown, but his body is unable to be awaken... as his flesh may be cured, but his spirit is still shattered.

And the Astronomican now shine more brightly and fiercely in the void... Making some of the dark god wary of the Emperor was coming to fruition...

A voice played out in all of the custodian minds, a Voice that is ancient and familiar long ago... Trajann Valoris in his dimension heard his creator call and smiled.

The Centurion that wander the depths of the golden palace halted and heard the Emperor decree...

"So he have returned..." He muttered as he began to approach toward the surface...

"The Lost High Lord have returned...and he walk among us once more..." Emperor spoke and solidifying the position of Alexander. Making the Custodes along with the Mechanicus Allowed him to return as a high lord of terra...

With his contributions in this Era... He hopes that the Echlesiarchy would stand by him and especially the Sister of Battle that he heard he was a War Saint Candidate... The Astra Militarum is a Hit or miss as he did provide the weapons, but he was only known in a small sector.

he has doubts of the Assassinorum that is willing to be under his banner despite he held half of the Authority of Macaldor Creations...

The news of the Golden throne that was fixed by him was spread around like a bonfire...

And that was his political card to play...

The Emperor still unawake from his slumber as he is needed to fetch Isha, Magnus and the Star child that is now fully heal the Emperor from his throne, and have Magnus sit on it...

And he have a task to bring all the Primarchs back on Terra...

But Alexander knows how corrupted the High lords become... And their intricate web of connections and political power over the years, he been missing have made the interest towards themselves more entrenched and difficult to remove out.

But it would be nice to do a little spring cleaning before the Favored son of Macragge comes knocking in Terra...

Alexander was Led to the Imperialis Senate to be seated on his position his contributions of fixing the Golden Throne was heard throughout Terra... The Fabricator General looked at him with curiosity, but he paid no heed... as he believes that Alexander would die on the bloody throne...

The Sister of battle representative looked at the figure with interest as he got a Halo and wings directly from the emperor himself... And he could not be counted as a heretic as the custode respected him with grace and a sister accompanied him, perhaps providing advice...

And the cardinal representing the Echlesiarchy looked at him with surprise...

The Grey Knight that represented the Inquisition looked indifferent...

As he sat in the seat that made by the skills of his brothers... He only felt their presence in the throne... Their passion of creating the seat still lingered there...

A syringe needle now aged from the millennia pierce his arm to gather his blood... Perturabo made it as a nasty trap if one was not his brother seating in the throne he made for alexander, they would be injected a Poison that will kill anyone instantly... And their skulls drilled out.

A Monotone Voice Rang out from the Throne clarifying his identify...

"++Alexander Hyde...Leader of the League of Ten Thousand, The First and the Last of the 13 High Lords of Terra, The Throne awaits for further instructions...Glory for Mankind.++"

Many of the Imperial Nobles watched as the Stranger sat on the bloody throne that claimed many lives... Now spoken his true Identity... Began to have mixed feelings... He was the man that fixed the golden throne, and their ancestors have many interactions with the High Lord, A Man of his Word and he killed several of the Nobles that tried to fished in the muddy waters after the Horus Heresy... And the Nobles that controlled his Territory of Old America sweated as they know their lands are not their own and the High Lord will order another purge if he found out what They done and they contacted their associates to deal with him...

The High lords that saw of his return was less than cordial than before... Especially the Astra Militarum and the Imperial Navis...

They believed that the Mechanicus was doing their things and brought a puppet to the missing seat to hold sway over them...only to find out that he was the genuine article...

The Fabricator General smiled as he knows he was the authentic as the High Lord feats from the ages past and the founder of the Mechanicus have prophesied the return of the Emissary of the Omnissiah...

The Grey Knight exited the premises and Contact the Grey Knight Headquarters in Titan moon of this event.

The Lord Commander Militant of the Astra Militarum sweated as he didn't believe that a Lowly Corporal from a Campaign in a far fringes of Imperium space was a High Lord of Terra in disguise... It would make sense of his absurdity he had done...

In the Chaos that erupted in the Senate, Alexander sneered of the fools that think that they have power over him...

The Speaker for the Chartist Captains approach Alexander... Kania Dhanda was wary of the New High Lord, but she senses an opportunity. She one of the few such that wanted the Adeptus custodes to leave the golden palace, but a stain on her career was that she along few of her associates such as Lord Inquisitor Adamara Rassilo's and Master of the Astronomican Leops Franck's cabal to smuggled a Dark Eldar Haemonculus in hopes of making the throne to be fixed... which she retracted her support when she realized that the Haemonculus had no intention of fixing the Golden throne, But her detractor now sense her weakness have almost killed her political career but she barely maintain her presence as a Speaker of the Merchants, she was no longer a High Lord but she hopes that at least one would be her backer...

After the uproar she approached Alexander with questions...

"Hello, I am Kania Dhanda, I would like to make a deal with you?" She nervously spoke first among many...

The High Lord stare at her as if he seen through her soul. All her secrets unraveled from his eyes...


"I heard that the Legends of the League from my Ancestors... how it is rich with trade and alliance between us... seeing that you have returned... would you keep your obligations? And the recordings of you retracting the Protecting most of the Trade lanes was obscured tell us what truly happened?" She worded her speech carefully... Not knowing the High Lord Stance...

"For the latter of the question why I stopped Protecting the Trade lanes is because my generation of the High Lords have the gall to confiscate my territory, my people for their gains... if it wasn't for the Emperor and my beloved Brothers the Primarchs informing me, I would have returned to my League and Let the Imperium fallen."

The High lords breathed a cold air as they do held records of what happened, the Inquisition may have redacted most of the history, but the events of the High Lord fallout are not redacted...

"And Miss Kania... After I spoke with the Emperor... He has now given me new orders... The Warpstorm that shrouded my Territory will be banished... and I will resume the Trade Lanes Protectionism...and I have legal rights to kill any opposed his dream..." The High Lord spoke Calmly.

"Would the League demand any tithes or Tariffs? Or do you demand any ships?"

"Inform the Charter Houses that I will not grab any of your ships and the tithe is just mere 5% for defending against Pirates and Raiders, if you want ships to add to your fleets you can always visit my League Shipyards and I will assure a Fairer Price for them. And trade is a foundation of every nation."

"Thank you, High Lord. I will inform the Merchants of this wonderful news." Kania spoke with relief...having the League opened up allows more blood to trade and lessen the impact of the logistics...

"I sense that you are here for something else?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I have a personal request of mine... Will you hear it?" Kania ask with a sense of hope...

"Come to my office later, I will inform you when I are ready... Then I will hear you out... Try anything funny, you will know firsthand why I loved hanging fools at the Eternity Gate..." The High lord words brought shivers in her spine...

"As you will my lord..." Kania watched as the Custodes accompanied him...

In the old office in The Golden Palace, while the office in the Bucephalus was meant to received the news, the one in Terra had more administration priveleges for Alexander to tackle the problems in both Impei and the League... No one managed to touched his seat for almost a millennia... But the cleaners meticulously managed to clean every nook and cranny, perhaps out of devotion or spies that want to know the secrets of the Organization he leads...

On his desk was a plain wooden desk but upon touching it, it came to life and Messages and notes from a Millennia flooded in...

He saw a Holographic picture of the Primarchs along with Macaldor and the Emperor that still walked the earth... He found a Interesting Message from Alpharius that show a map of the golden palace hidden passageway and a Message from him that is locked with a password that only they both know...

"I am Alpharius... But this is a Lie.."

Alexander inputted his answer..

"You are always be my brother and this is the truth."

The file was opened and it show a Holovideo of Alpharius and Omegon now Aged... Now in a undisclosed location...

"Brother if you are now looking at this file, it means that you are already there with our father... Me and Omegon did some soul-searching throughout the millennia... And observed and balance on both side of the war... Though Warmaster have flipped the script by making deal with people beyond our Galaxy and destroyed the balance at least you kept it intact... Don't worry about searching for us as we will come to aid you in due time as I believe in you brother that you would do the same for me... The Imperium that we witness is no longer the Imperium we both served... And Like father I took a gamble, that the League that is hidden from the Warpstorm my brother Magnus made, will still obey you... May we meet again somewhere in the Galaxy brother... -Alpharius out."

Alexander watched the recording and it deleted itself as Alpha Legion protocols intented...

"I will keep that in mind brother..." Alexander called for a secretary and inform Kania to come to his office for her personal request... He read the Files containing Kania and her contribution...

Kania was nervous than before as she was in a place where no people in the Senate entered Alexander office for several thousand years...

There were many exaggerated records of the description of his room, some mentioned it was filled with blood and skull as his loved hunting down Pirates, some mention that since he was the founder of the Ecclesiastes, his room is filled with decoration of emperor worship... many rumors persisted but she arrive there with some expectations... But all she saw was a ordinary office... Several Picts of Macaldor the Hero and The Emperor with the High Lord and a Warrant of Trade personally written by the emperor himself placed by the High lord Wall...

As the High Lord Name is written with such care compare to the mass produced copies the High Lord sent out...

Seeing how powerful he boasted of returning the League from the Warpstorm that Plagued the borders for several thousand years...

His figure was observing her

And his halo somehow bring some sense of comfort to her... Perhaps...

"Kania please take a seat." he gestures...

She did as she was told and observe that while in the Senate he have a Ruthless persona... But in private he was like a Normal person that she once saw in the Charter houses...

"Now tell me... Kania what is your personal request?"

"I would like you to be my backer..."

"What is the benefits of doing so? Miss Kania?"

"I will ensure that the Merchants of the Charter houses will provide you less obstruction to your ascension to the throne..."

"You know I could just immediately go to them personally right?"

She gulp as her card was revealed..."Sir... It been several Thousand years since you disappeared and many only heard myths of your existence..." She spoke with certainty.

"Carry on..."

"Seeing that your throne have already identified you as a Heir... While many felt disastifaction even if you have the God Emperor Words, there are some that will do their back deal with you..."

"And what make you any different from them?"

"I believe the Imperium could change for the better under your leadership... With the Trade routes opened to the League and the Deal with the Emperor that you protect the trade lanes... You will have considerable power in the Senate... provided that the Warpstorm that enclosed the League has disappeared..."

"I see you done your homework well... Now I done mine..."

"I read your report... You let a scumbag Dark eldar Haemonculus to the golden throne?"

"I thought that he would had fixed the Throne... But I never thought he would cause trouble in the golden palace!"

"And what happened to your associates?"

"Possibly dead...and I lost contact with them when their last transmission was that they went to Comoragh..."

"What else of treacherous deed you have done?"

"That is all..."

She nervously waited for the judgement of the High lord... Every second that tick on his clock made her heart beat ever more faster...

He spoke...

"Seeing that you did it with the good intentions of preventing the golden throne from failing...I will represent my old friend... You are forgiven... But that forgiveness comes with a heavy cost..."

"What is your demands?"

"You are now representive and a trade ambassador towards the League and the Current Imperium Charter houses, and No one would replaced you in the senate, you will be sent there upon the removal of the obstruction of the Warpstorm...and if you failed your given task, I will personally bring judgement on you." He spoke with certainty...

Kania Eyes opened as that wasn't a punishment but in a Sense a reward... Nobody would dare go after her as she would be a Link that is irreplaceable... But in a sense if she failed she knew how brutal the punishment of the League can inflict upon her...

After a Contract of Souls... She left the office with a smile and a shield Orb that protected her... She enter the office and reaped a reward so great... Having a Backing of a Powerful High Lord is more than enough to wash away her stain...

Alexander hummed as he noticed the female Calidus Assassin that was nearby... He ignored it as he received a encrypted message from the current head of the Assassinorum... She is a Escort for him... He didn't care less if the assassin tried to kill him... He was more than welcome to try how much they are effective since Macaldor passing?

He approached the Guest rooms that held his family, unaware of the uproar that he have caused.

Perhaps that is one thing that is Solace in his heart...

"Dear... What happened outside?" Ephritta walked towards him wondering what is the uproar...

"Just a normal day in Terra..."

"Can I see the Emperor?" Sarah looked at him with anticipation...

"No, but he provided teachers and Scholar from the scholar Progenium to teach you..."

"Ehh, I don't want to study?"

"Well at least you would be a more decent daughter of mine if you were to meet him... He would mind that such a person like you would wished to meet him like this? At least if you pass the education he have given you... Then he would meet you personally..." Alexander smiled as he hopes that despite the Imperium had fallen the education for elites remained the same... At least making her safer from the political maneuvering from his enemies...

"Really thanks Dad!"

"Now follow the Custodes that is waiting outside the room... He would lead you to the training room." Alexander escorted her to meet with a Aquila shield that she followed to the ancient university that trains Adeptus Custodes aspirants...

He knew the perks that was imbedded into her, she would survive the training...

"Dear while our daughter was here... There was something different about you..."Ephritta asked softly...

"I met with the Emperor... And now he placed me as a confidant..." Alexander removed his veil and there was something holy emitted from him and a Halo materialize above him... Ephritta was not amazed of her Husband... But she was glad in her heart that the Emperor approved her vows with him... She smiled despite he have changed appearance... She knows he still remain the same lovable Guardsman that she first met in Mina..

As the issues of his family was met...

He decided to enter the depths of the golden palace...

The map that was given by Alpharius was the up to date of the current palace... There was many mazes and forgotten paths....

He came across one of the Emperor wish for his sons...

A set of underground houses that fitted the Primarchs stature... As he noticed there was Twenty of them line around in a muddy underground Lake now stagnant as there was no one to clean up who knows how old the Algae, and the artificial sun now dimmed in the ceiling... Emperor added a Extra house next to Horus, XXI a important part of him placed next to his beloved sons... The Emperor did consider him as a son...

He approached the lakeside and began to cleanse the filth... And it was cleanse until the last dirt was cleanse ... And the miniature sun now shone brightly in the hidden paradise...

He headed deeper past the Emperor forgotten dream... And found his destination...

As he enter the room he faced countless pods containing Alpha Legion... Around hundreds of thousands just waiting for that single word ..

They were in a Psycho Indoctrination Stasis pods... All them required a single word to be reactivated... To change the fate of the Imperium for the better or the worse...

And the ancient panel that held a Microphone just needed to hear that final word...

"Partner... Can you erase all of the codes that is in the alpha legion Infront of me aside the one I am about to input?"

[It would cost ya?]

"I will spend any amount of wealth just to have my nieces free from those damnable orders."

[The cost is deducted... Now all you need is that word you know most...]

"Thank you Partner..." Alexander approached the microphone and say it...


Those words activated the pods and one by one they silently exited their pods and look down at the man that activated them...

"What are your orders?"

"Time to unite the Hydra as one. Too long it have been fractured over the years, it is time my brother legion remember their duties lie."

"For the Emperor! Hydra Dominatus!" Alexander shouted that ancient rallying cry of the Alpha legion of old...

They shouted in return..

"For the Emperor! Hydra Dominatus!"

Alexander was grateful of what Alpharius left behind...

He have a legion under his command...

After satisfied with the gift... He headed even more deeper... And in the depths he came acros a League Console... It was untainted by the sand of time...

He activated it and Inputted the codes needed for the activation of the pylons he placed long ago...

It takes time...

A message arrived that his Shard that managed to lived till this day informed him of the League is doing well ...

Time for the counter attack...

The League of Ten Thousand... Ever since the Horus Heresy they were the least impacted aside from the border fortress planets and the Thunder Warriors Homeworld now healed from the scars of Horus attacks, the news of their Leader have returned as his signature and the codes that was unravel by the Men of Iron in Nirvana confirmed it... Many welcome the news... The Factories burned more brightly, the dockyards now emitted lights that never ceased to end... Traders now held their hands in Glee for the profits to be made as news of th Warpstorm ended soon...

They were ready for the new galaxy of war ahead of them...

Arrik Taranis smiled as his friend now returned and Now the 30 legions have formed into a 100 as they were practically immortal and they were more extensively trained compared to the original 20... Only the taste of battle must be drunk to call the newly formed thunder warriors legion... Battle brothers

Fleets now numbered in the Millions, Man and Machine now lined up ready once more for the call of their leader to purge the filth that is destroying their brethren beyond the veil ... New technologies were researched during their enclosed space... Now more destructive than before... Or more benevolent...

Those colonies outside the veil have heard his return now making preparations of their own... Working as a vanguard...

And the time limit is the Pylons that is awaken in a few weeks...

Magnus now aged for a millennia observed his scrying orbs... He was aware that some of his brothers is alive... Including Horus that now dwell in the league... He hated Horus for the fact that he knows that it was the Warmaster that destroyed his home... But after seeing his people living a new lives in the league.. his stance towards Horus soften as he defended his people new home from the excursion of the demons... Despite the Thousand sons are defending the mess he had made, daemons still bypass their blockades... He still had a obligation to protect his people which bypass Tzeentch commands...

He was amused that Alexander did promised he would come back in a millennia...

"Now... Then... Time to play my part..." He cracked his neck as he exited the planet of sorcerers...

A part to play in a farce he called a stage... He was no actor like Fulgrim... But he could play his part...

He smiled as he could remember the sense of beating Roboute to a pulp... He never really like the codex Astartes that his sons managed to bring in having borrowed from one of the chapter fleet that some priest sent on a abyssal crusade...

But he somehow sense that part of his legacy that remains loyalist still existed... And they were well aquatinted very well with his long lost brother...

The Blood Raven somehow sense that their missing heritage will be shown in a near future... But first... They needed to borrow something from the Flesh tearers and the Malevolent... And plans to raid Trazyn vault for the 15th time this month...

The said Necron Lord was amused that the League is opening up soon... And he did wonder what new entries was added in that library?

But he had a trade... And he ventured towards terra, using a League Acclamator that he managed to "borrow". He was grateful that it was the variant that was fully control by A.i as it travel in a mode of transportation that is similar to a Necron Inertialess Drives... But more human made...

He managed to arrived towards Terra without worries of the defenses aiming at him As Alexander gave the order that his ships are not to be scanned...

A Transaction took place... For Fulgrim Clone...

The Necron Lord teleported in the designated location far from public eyes and found himself staring at a familiar person that was his friend...

"It would seem that you played a bigger con than Orikan ever did Alexander.."

"That's so old friend? I heard that the Warpstorm is ending soon... Would you like to visit the Library once more?"

"First thing first... Our trade then we talk..." Trazyn handed over a tesseract Cube containing the Perfect Fulgrim Clone...

Alexander lifted it from Trazyn hands with grace that he wouldn't dare damaged such a priceless artifact...

And He handed a Similar tesseract Cube that contains his version of Fulgrim ... Except it was bred for war...

Trazyn cared for such frivolous things as at least he got a replacement for his missing copy...

Alexander handed him another cube...

"Just in case Orikan comes to destroy your galleries again..."

"It is nice for someone that still remember the importance of history... Thanks... For giving me a sense of my old life back..."

"No problem Friend...after I get my territory set up we shall go to the warp together."

Later when Trazyn accompany Alexander to the warp...

Orikan appeared in the galleries once more...

Now pissed at Trazyn disappearance...

He found a Pedestal that held a Tesseract Cube and note for him...

"Do not touch this Orikan!" Was finely printed for even Orikan Monocular Eyes could see...

"Hmm something that Trazyn says no... I say yes!"

He activated it... And he was filled with regrets and his internal processor is screaming he had made the biggest mistake in his life...

What was the contents was three Necron sitting in a pool of boiling necrodermis... Now staring at him...

A Song began to emitting from the background...

*Pillar man theme song?*

"Oh,Hi There Handsome~ care for a bath?" as one of them said hello... Its words brought shivers to Orkian spine...

Orikan tried to use his prowess of time Mastery and prevent that mistake...

"Oh my~ playing hard to get? Three of us can play at that game." Orikan realize they were also chronomancers and had impede his efforts to bring trouble to his rival...

He raised his Staff of Tomorrow at the trio but they somehow dodge the future?

He tossed his Temporal snares in hopes they would be impeded as time around them slowed down...he hoped that it allowed time for him to find a plan to trap them back in a Tesseract Cube..

"Hah that trinklet will not stop us~ We are molded by the Emperor of Necrons himself!"

The snare broke under the sheer pressure and it force Orikan to leave the galleries until Trazyn came back...

"What are those things? Who is the Emperor of Necrons..." Orikan muttered as he exited the territory of Trazyn ...