Fallout ending

(It ain't fallout when we have the Fallout ending do we now?)

The Imperium Ending:

Not much have been heard about this organization before the bombs fell. And for almost 200 years they were myths, until they marched from the Us state formerly known as Texas, they came upon the wasteland with fire and fury.

Bringing order and prosperity upon the ashes of war in their wake.

Gods, Demons, Mutants, none stood before the might of the Imperium, peace and order have now echoed throughout the lands and beyond the stars that the High lord Alexander Solair, the Son of the Imperium have conquered the nuclear wasteland and bought and end to the Fallout age.

The wasteland have been reformed as United States of New Imperial America or Usonia where the north and south hemisphere have been united as a single administration.

Every continent is under their rule and the stars now belonged to humanity, with low taxes and incentives to produce, they sent tithes to the unknown...

The world either thanked them for their service or downright hated them for denying their freedom of conquest.

New Vegas Side:

Town Good springs:

It was a village that is slowly dying, now became a central trading hub that connect Texas and New Vegas. The village grew ever richer by the day as they paid little taxes as life in the desolate village began to budding into a Town. There is a church of the Golden Emperor where dozen of pilgrims swarm to pray for good luck as they try their wits in the Casinos of Las Vegas.

The Big mountain:

Once the secret base of the former government that housed the best and brightest scientist in America. Now under the watchful gaze of the Mechanicus. Their research and development have benefitted the wasteland and the world greatly. The Thinkers that once housed in lobotomized floating jars now returned to human form, assisted the imperium desire of sustainable growth.


Once was the slums outside the strip, now bustling with life as people worked and see hope for a brighter future, it provided jobs that is requested by the Gun Runners and the imperium. It was a place for those who lost hope in the glitz and glamour of the Casinos as it is enough for them to go home.

Factories and workshops have been propped up as a kindle of industry is revived.

New California Republic:

The echoes of madmen, a failed institution now lain on silence as their citizen witness the horrors of war and their constituents voted a war against the Imperium and down right nuking them, the government failed and fled to the endless oceans beyond and never to returned.

The citizens were frighten as the Imperials guard crash into the capital and they lived in fear until they were assured that their lives would change for the better.

Many do not believe their invaders until the first spark of electricity and fresh water abundantly flowed into Shady sands and at little cost. The Glow, now rid of the infestation of feral ghouls and radiation that it was renamed back to San Francisco. Job postings began to proliferate in the bulletin boards for the poor and in the slums.

The High lord of Terra have made a Apartment for himself that overlooking the Golden Gate bridge and Raised a Memorial of the NCR soldiers that died in Combat.

Slowly almost all, but a few people remember the name of the NCR as the new generation now slowly identify themselves as Imperial Civilians.

And the last the intact flag of the forgotten government now rest in the Senate now turned to a museum of the NCR.

Caesar Legion:

What was once a mighty legion of wastelanders now a mere echoes of the annals of History.

They fought using espionage, deceit and their figurehead, the mighty Caesar killed and his ashes spread across the winds.

The Remaining Territory of the Legion thrashed and wailed about as a final gasp in history. Until it was stomped out by the boots of the Imperial Angels of Death and Mercy. The tribes that followed Caesar that survive the slaughter, now slowly integrated into the culture of the Imperial that after 30 years, their children is now believing they are a part of the imperium.

Those that survived and remembered the old ways is Joshua Grahams and Ulysses both remembered the old ways and their memories are the ones of the legion...


A group of Vault dwellers that arrive in the air force base at Nellis now understood that times are changing.

And the world beyond them have change for the better.

Pearl, now grown old, accepted the Imperial Acceptance and they are a part of the autonomous zones that Alexander spread across the imperium.

As the years ago by, they fear they will lack a purpose, until the Imperial proposed one solution.

They were the first unit of the USONIA Astra Militarum Aeronautica, locally producing the finest and the craziest fighters this planet have and the First Las Vegas Artillery Regiment that station in New Vegas. And they proudly planted a sign that they almost manage to get the artillery strike against the High lord.

Followers of the apocalypse:

A non profit organization that have their missionary work out for them.

After seeing Freeside that is revived by the Imperium, they came with a offer.

To be the non profit organization that is supplied by the imperium and sent across the globe. Though with great reluctance they agree and became wandering doctors to those that is unable to recieve aid by the imperium.

Most of their operations now ended up in Europe and Middle East.

Enclave Remnants:

Alexander knew of their existence, but allowed them to live the rest of the days in peace, as they already done their duty to America and they could watch in relaxation as the world become better than ever. They died peacefully and was buried in Goodspings Cemetery. And their graves were marked with the Enclave Symbol and a Aquila.

And rumors persist that Alexander visited them every Sunday...

Midwest Brotherhood of Steel:

Veronica now the Elder of the brotherhood of Steel, became the connection between the imperium and the Brotherhood.

Their journey to reach the Helios one solar plant ended in a failure. But they were captured and they were well taken care of.

They live in the outskirts of Las Vegas as their knights patrol the wasteland, in tandem with local enforcement. Though they may forget their heritage their armors and duty is a testament to the ideals of the old world where one protects the civilians and citizens in the new world.

Great Khans:

Once was a mighty raiders that fled from the horors of NCR, ended up in New Vegas, where they desperately tried to make a living by selling chems to the local raiders, until the Imperium swept in and scorched the market, forcing them to join the Caesar Legion.

Perhaps it was fate that Papa Khan and his clan managed to get captured and bested in a dual between Alexander Solair. He retired peacefully.

And watched as the Khans managed a company and grown a Brand of Chems for the people that needed it. As promised, Alexander allowed them to roamed freely across the States and if you were lucky to see a biker gang that held the Khan jacket, get a beer and ready to hear tales from Papa Khan and his fable duel with the High Lord.

The Kings:

A group of loyal fans that loved a ancient singer Elvis Presley.

The King accepted into the Imerail fold without regrets of joining the Imperium and as promised, a extravagant building was raised in the peripheral vicinity of new Vegas that dedicated to the King of Rock.

Memorabilia and memoirs of the late king of rock laid with special care as it allowed visitors to understand the legendary rocker. They worked as town watch for the local people Incase if the Arbites have something difficult to handle issues in freeside. And opened their concerts in Sundays to dedicate their thanks to their founders.

The Strip:

Once was the intact site of the fallout now became the tourist destination as many ventured with their cash and luck to relax their weary days, they get to experience to feel what's like before the bombs fell.

Many came and go, winners and losers flowed out like river.

But as time passes by, it was no longer the jewel of the wasteland but a place for those that seek the glory of the past.

And they saw a figure moving in the presidential room in Lucky 38, though that is just rumors in the end...

The Courier:

He was tasked to bring the Chip to the Lucky 36 when he was shot by Benny and left in a shallow grave near goodsprings, but his tenacity have brought him back to life and went on rampage across the Mojave. He was assisted by many and he ended the life of Benny in the outskirts of Freeside. He joined Robert House as a Representative of the Strip as the world change too fast for him. But he received a challenge from the divide and he fought with Ulysses with their beliefs. The fight was decided when he walked out and looked back at the divide...

Craig Boone:

A Former NCR Ranger that captured in the outbreak of the war between the Imperium and the NCR, where he was interned in the Correction facility near Primm. He worked in the Prison to earn his wage and after the war ended, he decided to take his wife and child to Texas and worked as the US Western National Guard. He found peace in what he do to defend the downtrodden.


A super mutant that is under surveillance by the Imperium, though they managed to fixed the Handybot named Rhonda, they observe the duo in the distance, Incase she done any harm to the locals. They wandered across the states, making deeds undecipherable to those that observe them... Their deeds were recorded in a book and children loved their misadventures.


A Nightkin Super mutant now turned back into Human per her request, though her memories is fragmented, no longer hearing the voices in her head, she return to California in a caravan, with hopes she could meet her grandchildren.


A Caravan owner that survive the fire of war, she and her caravan team was held in the duration of the war between the NCR and the imperium, under the assumption as a spy. As a apology after the war ended, she was given a permit to travel across the Imperial controlled territory, she have doubts as she heard bad rumors from the propaganda made by the defunct NCR, but she made her wealth and owned several caravans that travel to California to Boston. Many girls heard tales of the Cassidy Caravans and wanted to follow her footsteps.


A former Caesar Legion and now a philosopher, after he parted ways with the high lord, he found himself staring at what was his home , a place to lay his wings In rest. After the fight with the courier, he returned to his farm, raising animals and his crops and wrote a book about his accounts during his time with the legion.

He looked back and wondered if this world is right for him?



Once a former contender of controlling the Boston, now realized that the Imperial have done so much for the better they decided to join them.

Fearing that they will be relegated to useless position, Garvon Prestly was inform that they were to be the Town watch and patrolmen as the locals were used to their presence. And few years later they are relegated to the Eastern National Guard as dangers from the bygone age still linger in the shadows of the old world. And they are the first Responders of what comes to haunt the citizens of US...


A sad fate for the institute, a Organization that wanted to used the synth to replace the High Lord, have brought the wrath to their footsteps and their almost complete destruction have warned other factions that the Imperium is not to be messed with. Now under the management by the imperium and their vast resources, those that survive the purge. The synth technology is considered Heresy by the Tech priest, however they kept it behind closed doors never to be seen in the wasteland, the synth that scattered across the Wasteland is either reformatted and shut down by their former masters code.


For a minor faction, their purpose is ironically done by the Imperium. As the Institute is under management by the Mechanicus, their new role is to oversee the escaped Synths and observe them for long term use.

Children of Atom:

A deranged cult that worship the atoms. It was ironic that, in their fanaticism, they gave birth to a Radioactive Daemons of Nurgle and was forced to be put down...

The lands they inhabit is cleansed of radiation and warp taint, every personal belongings were to be burned and tossed to the sun...

Diamond City:

Originally it was just a baseball field that turned into a survival shelter against raiders and the dangers of the wasteland, now returned as the locals entertainment center as they claimed the Boston central as their own, nowadays they often look back as Diamond City is preserved for future generations on how what it's like during the Age of Fallout....

Goodneighbors: it was a town with a history to it's name, a independent town in the east coast that allows those that been scorned by the others for their shady past now able to stay in without question.

With the arrival of the Imperium, the balance in the town had change, and those that had lenient crimes were able to get back to society and integrate themselves into the imperium. Many still remain in the town, giving services to the people beyond their town, but occasionally they met a red robed of mars meeting with Kl-e-o as a repeated customer... And sounds of whirring is occasionally heard in the second floor of the shop.

Nuka Cola World:

It was a nice place, after the bombs fell, It became a haven for raiders and slavers that reside it and terrorize the surroundings.

It took a Squad of Iron Warriors and a Battalion of Imperial Guards to clear out the infestation and a Company of Techpriest to managed the operations.

The Amusement park came to life and offer services to the civilians of the imperium.

The Leader of the Company was found and was left alone as the High Lord took over Nuka Cola and the holdings and franchises in his stead.

The high lord muttered a sentence that made remembrancers confused.

"I guess this is so much for immortality huh? I got the last laugh in the end."


Hancock knew it was inevitable that the imperium arrive and it made the people had doubts of their neighbors but willing to join, he let them go.

He had vision of a man for the people as his brother tossed the ghouls that retained sanity out of diamond city. He felt embellished to become a Hero. A Patriotic Ghoul and helped them in any way that's possible.

After taking the advice from Alexander, he ventured to visit Zion to meet with Joshua grahams about life and felt enlightened there.

He came back a changed man... He returned to Goodneighbour and resumed his duty as mayor and became more partial to his citizens.k


Almost became a Slave at the Age of 18, she was dragged by her father to be sold to a slave trader...

Perhaps it was fate that there was a Imperial Preacher that protected her and her Chasity from being defiled, she learned under the preacher tutelage while she suffered by the constant abuse by the slavers, until her protecter died by his beliefs, she was found by the Anti-Slaver Units of the Eastern Coast and undergo rehabilitation. And joined the War in Europe as a medic in the Western front. She retired peacefully with a family that she called her own and visit the Mausoleum of Saints where all the Preachers bodies kept as their duties to spread faith are kept in the hearts of all wastelanders.


Once supposed to be the protagonists in Boston now living peacefully under the Imperial banner, they found their son in a orphanage and found themselves in a recovering society.

Nora, now working as a Judge in the Boston Judicial system and Nate that worked in the National Guard, they spent as much time as they could with their son, making up for the time that was lost between them. Nate take Shaun to a baseball game or enter the now controlled Nuka Cola world park.


He was a former Head of the Institute, His memories is wiped clean as promised by the High lord, his age and mental state is that of a 10 year old and spent time as a regular boy, albeit a genius as he win competition in science fairs.

When he was 25, he was given the truth of his original existence and he accepted it rationally and he was grateful despite the High lord took his past, he gave Shaun a better future... He took head as the insti and change their goals for the betterment of mankind.


One of the Super mutant that was caught and apprehended, he dislikes being weak and ended up in Las Vegas Coliseum to prove to be the strongest. He reign as the champion for many years until he retired with his life lost in the rite of combat.

Robert McCready:

A man that worked for the gunners until it was wiped out by the Astartes, he managed to evade death during the fighting, he manages to burn his record and pretended to be as a prisoner by the Gunners, he was let go as the supposed Psyker that process him, declared him as innocent as he was just starting out.

He managed to get some money and sent home, where he met his wife and Son that is waiting for him in the farm he bought near little lamp. Where the children that living there received supplies from his farm.

He worked as a part time guard during harvest season as a Caravan Guard, killing off Mole rats and raiders.

Elder Lyon:

Was a Man of his word and assisted the Imperium in controlling the Capitol, his ideal coincided with the Imperial beliefs as they wage war on the feral Super mutant that did not see reason. And his Chapter now grows as people swore to protect the capitol and rebuild it.

He sent Maxsome to Boston to gather and oversee the Artifacts that held by the Institute to prevent nuclear war.

The Circle of Brotherhood Begrudgingly agree that he was in the right path..


The People of London is pretty much on a powderkeg as Imperial soldiers now loitering the streets of London. But as time went by, they began to agree that being under imperial rule is better as they allowed the royal family to represent the interest of the people. Thought some surviving noble whisper with ungratefulness behind closed doors, they know who not messed with the imperial as many were hung in the tower of London walls...


The Japan Pantheon agreed to send their people and the Citizen of Japan to Alexander Subverse.

Despite the fact the world is healing, Amaterasu Fear that sooner or later, their faiths would clash and war would break out.

And she sought the High Lord Aid to move them away from the now increasingly Pro Imperium religion world.

They been given a fertile planet and solar systems to proliferate and grow, in exchange, they were to give aid in The final fight against His Enemies.

Some people looked at the shadows of the High Lord as he disappear into the annals of time, but the legacy he built now thrives on and ready to assist the Son of the Imperium ..