(???): Welcome back to our journey and today, High Command have summon us to this radioactive hellscape of a planet and tasked us to eliminate the dregs of the old world and we are literally fighting the organization known as the IRS...
Hold on a minute, let me check the script again...
Oh, boy.
And that's it folks, we are fighting literal tax daemon and their servants of debt slaves somewhere on a island at the Bermuda triangle somewhere in Fallout. And in the fight against the IRS, fighting a actual daemon manifestation of taxes and the supernatural, watch us as we eradicate the fallout IRS and fail spectacularly, and I will see you around..
*Transmission ended*
A acclamator fleet that is led by a Venator is being sent in hyperspace and the Admiral received a interesting order.
(???): Alright Ignis corps, this is your Admiral speaking, stop your antics and get ready for realspace!
As the veterans of the bug wars is having a time of their lives.
A several mini carts rushed by as there was a installed mini cart course inside the venator.
(???): Clive, here's Johnny! I have a Star just for you!
(???): gwonk, not the blue shell, please not the blue shell!
As the mini course delve into chaos, the ones in the hangar was something more absurd.
Two people decided to place Explosive Reactive armor on their Valkyrie.
(???): Hell yeah, More Era's?
(???): The more, tha better.
(???): by the Omnissiah, what have you two doing?!
The two look at the Enginseer and simply slapped more Era's at the aircraft.
(???): More Era's, right at the cockpit.
They ignored the screeching techpriest as Rubrix Raptor is calmly eating his meal... Watching the havoc played out.
(???): Jay, you alright?
The commander of Ignis look upwards at saw Cypher bringing in a bowl of clam chowder and sea food special.
(Jay): yeah, doing fine... can't believe that we are literally heading to another universe, and fallout no less...
(Cypher): Guess all that role playing paid off. Hell, we can have NCR Outfits.... Does what Sky Marshall said that we could have Power armor?
(Jay): yeah, We could issue a few for the Ignis Power Armor Section.
(Cypher): Sweet, A power armor section just for us?
As the veterans calmly ate their meal as a flying UFO waffles flew out of the cafeteria, they ignore as it grew tentacles and tried to abduct Tails that is calmly eating his subway sandwich... And the waffles burst into flames and Tails picked up the warpstone that is embedded in it and ate it directly...
(???): Was tails always like this?
Ever since Tails graduated from the Scholar Psykana, he is more prone to accidents that he even got a written letter from the Headmaster Magnus the Red to tell Jay that Tails is apocalyptic disaster waiting to happen.
A rat with chef hat screeched from the kitchen.
(???): Smash-Smash, bread bread no good! Not kill-kill enough! More Batter-Splatter! More warpstones in the batter-Splattet!
One of the recruits wonder the insanity.
(???): how did a skaven became our chef?
(???): beats me, at 'east his roast beef is good, eh mate.
Said the answerer as he glowed purple.
(???): Man, are you sure you are not a Marine in your last life? Dayum you literally getting all the spectrum of colors every time I see you, last week was green.
(???): and I going blue and I heard it's my lucky color....
In the depth of the Venator a group of hooded figures gathered around a image of a fish.
(???): all praise Greg.
(???): Greg the almighty, Greg the Savory, Greg the succulent, Greg the Tasty... Praise Greg the fish.
(???): umm guys? Aren't we...you know, worship the god emperor?
They turned towards the disbeliever and spoke with such fervor.
(???): don't you see it? Greg is the first fish that was harvested from the last of the holy seas of terra and to be dine in the dinner halls of the Golden Palace, that Greg have been feasted upon by the golden emperor 20 sons... You can't see the divine fish that fed the emperor is the heretic! Proselyte, get the fish beads and enlightened the fool?!
A Commissar was nearby and went to the nearest intercom.
(???): Shit, Lockdown on sections 4-142A Aft, We got some cult in here and requesting airlock!
(???): understood Ejecting Corrupted element in Hyperspace.
As the fleet exited realspace.
They arrived at the sol system, they noticed something different. The rest of the planets is similar in the federation, Mars still had the ring of iron, Luna have the massive docks that still have contingent of ships, they noticed that the earth had been something different, like a shade of glow.
The crew went into battle station and began to scan using the Auspex and found that the Designation of this false Earth is designated as Fallout-1_Earth.
A Holo appears on the communication array revealing Alexander Solair
"Sorry that I had to drag you into this skirmish, Rubrix Raptor..."
"Sky Marshall Alexander, did you conquered a new galaxy?"
"Conquered? More like new management, since the last government blew this place to a radioactive hellscape and I am left with the bills. And I assigned a task for Ignis corps. And I believe you are capable of doing it."
"What horors are we going to face against?"
"Simple, while at the moment I am in Siberia fighting Chaos, you and Ignis is to take out a certain organization."
"What organization?"
"The IRS in this universe, they went Awol since the nuclear fallout, but now they rear their ugly head from the ashes and demanding the civilians under my care, to pay accrued taxes of their ancestors. They been harassing local settlements that is under control by my own forces and we managed to wiped them off from America, however my spies indicated that headquarters that they are housed, is somewhere in the Bermuda triangle, that is shielded by a orbital shield that is protecting the bloodsuckers.
You will take Ignis corps and ripped out their chain of command and free America from their heavy taxation. And they attempt to blackmail the Sky Marshall of the Federation is tantamount to death. Complete it and not only you get tax exemption for 7 years and you earn a bonus as well as a Favor from the Sky Marshall himself, up to the task?"
"I need to discuss with my associates."
"You will be paid by the casualties and death margin, so eliminate the last dregs then we can truly take hold of America continent. And you and your boys can visit Nuka cola world with unlimited passes, have a tour with the brotherhood of steel and Enclave locations... And you get your dedicated Power Armor Section."
"Deal, and by the way, Sir, do you have NCR uniforms?" Jay smiled.
"You can take as much as you want, not that it exist anyway..and be sure to use more advanced weaponry and use any means. And I mean every means at your disposal To eliminate the IRS, if the casualties rate is too high, you can use Continental Bunker busters... Just keep the casualties rate at the minimum."
(Jay): and that's how we ended up here...
Said jay as he was behind a destroyed At-te that is shielding them from heavy weapons fire. Some of his squad is taking potshots at the dense jungles that is shooting volume of lead and explosives at the defunct walker. He was ironically the first wave and it didn't worked out well as it should.
As their luck was bad as some of the plane that is filled with Era's strapped to their aircraft had crashed landed in the beaches as a mere primitive rocket turned the Transport craft into pieces...
(???): Commander, enough of the reminiscing the past, we have a beachhead to secure!
Sound of gunfire and splashes of water was heard around them. Shrapnel pinged off his helmet, reminding him how close he was to his death.
(???): we got more reinforcements!
One of the soldiers pointed out as a fleet of landing ships is making way to the beach.
(???): why is that moron playing the saxophone!
Said one as he groaned as one of the reinforcement is playing the saxophone as waves rammed arcoss the landing ship he was on.
(???): I heard he is taking a hands on training! But I didn't thinking he meant it literally!
The journey on the surface was unhindered, but as soon as they arrived at the located island, here they were expecting to just wipe out a bunch of money grabber in suits, but never in their minds they fought with a semi futuristic IRS that is more technologically advanced than what the Sky marshall is fielding against. They wiped out the assault crafts with missiles, and forcing Ignis to make a Beachhead landing from a few clicks away.
It was awkward that they were using the Defunct government military uniforms, the rookies were uncomfortable but the veterans already gotten used to the shenanigans.
(???): Gad, this uniform make me look fat!
(???): at least you had the right size! My pants are itchy! Did they put talcum powder with Baking soda??
(???): we are about to head to reinforce the beachhead! Take out the defenders and we will get something to eat and wear proper clothes,when we secure that beachhead!
(???): I forget to put my bulletproof underwear!
(???): why you need that for?
(???): it will not make me have no balls!?
A laser hit directly on the complaining on the balls...
(???): my balls!?
(???): lucky you, had you got it, the metal would had melded into it. We will grow you new ones. Hold still before I inject some adrenaline shot.
Mr. Handy that had weapons akin to a hotshot weaponry and War droids hindered the beach assault. Automated defenses began to open fire at the landing ships, Ancient Mines began to sink some of the ships dragging unlucky soldiers to the depths.
Wonder why they didn't even simply use Orbital bombardment or a Raid using aircraft?
The IRS spent the taxpayers money that they could afford, as some came from Big Mountain, Institute and Enclave tech that is being tossed to Ignis corps. They spend and cooked the books for centuries and now they even had Sam sites from Russians. And the poached debt slaves from Florida...
A prototype orbital shield is encased in the islands and all the orbital bombardment would do is just frying the local fish and put a risk to imperial holdings of Florida and Mexico at risk. And the Primitive Sam sites had taken out most of the Aircraft, making another hot landing close to impossible. As automated defenses littered across the island and the natives also fought back with bomb collars strapped to the neck as they fanatically fought back. They manned the heavy ordinances that were unable to automated as they housed in every foxhole, every throne forsaken tunnels. Ignis sent several skaven companies with flamers and bomb vest and lobbed them into the trapped filled tunnels, if they died, their deaths meant nothing for the ultimate boof is waiting for them in the afterlife. Their corpses lit up the tunnels with explosives, bringing whatever defenses is waiting for Ignis.
As the midday sun began to set, the ocean is littered with blood and metal wreckages. 5500 men have either died by the explosion and missing in action.
And all they managed was just 1900 meters of secured landing zone. And as frustration, they launched Napalm rockets into the jungle and the occasional scream that is within had gave them some semblance of comfort, they build a floating dock under the cover of the darkness and the first lander transport arrive and sent supplies and grabbed the wounded on its way out. Constant bombardment had rained the island to a inferno as they had the "infinite arsenal black card" and they discriminately request the quartermaster and navy captains as much as they can without complaints.
"Quails, Status report?" Jay watched as the makeshift camp was set up.
"About several hundred wounded or missing, well I sure they be back..." The staff Sargent sighed. As he looked at the jungle. Radioactive mosquitoes is one of their major concerns, but they were able to survive the night with some uneasiness....
At the crack of dawn, a platoon with mechanized transport was to set out and take out the Orbital shielding in a Hill nearby while the rest played artillery with creeping barrage in locations that the defenders is assumed to be in.
Every inch of the jungle hae been reduced to dust, anything that was still operational either ended in craters or defunct, sentry guns and Slaves is blasted to pieces by high explosives.
The corps moved slowly as they burned, loot whatever that is walking on two or three legs.
They arrived at the center of the island as every peripheral surroundings have been either blockaded and cordoned off with Anti-teleport relays. As they approached the center, they could see a abandoned town that is American made.
It was in utter ruins as if the place didn't had proper maintenance for so long..the corps slowly searched the surroundings as they attempt to make it a field base for expanding their operation.
(???): Wow, American town out in the boonies? I didn't recalled that they have this place.
(???): Stay frosty, This is a unknown area, There could be IRS Agents snooping around.
Said one of them as he poked into one of the abandoned stores, seeing only couple of skeletons from a long dead era.
But as they turned their eyes and searched elsewhere, the skeleton hollow eyes turned blackish green faintly and dimmed...
The soldier scanned the place, the distant rumbling of explosion still occured in the distance as their ships is continuously loading the shells at the jungle. And there was a cheer at the crossroads of the town. As the squad ventures there they found that there's been a decent news in a while.
The flicker of the orbital shield is signifying that it will be down shortly.
And with the shields down, the fleet in orbit would lobbed tungsten rods that rained down the vicinity, eliminating the resistance.
The land around them rumbled with such intensity as dust swept to the soldiers on the ground.
(???): Fockin, hell! Who let out the dust bunnies out!
(???): Contact, At 12'clock! Hostile inbound! It's the boner gang!
The Field base was alarmed that the skeletons in the decrepit town is shambling out in every building.
To regular modern soldiers, they would wet their pants as there is nothing about skeletons to kill in their training. Well they did had one for a zombie apocalypse, but they needed to update it.
But to Ignis? It was field trip, they rather use power hammer than wasting good ammo, skeletal shards flew and cackling of the power hammer came to life as they obliterated the Skeletons.
(???): He shoots, He scores!
One such soldier yelled out as he swung his hammer to a skeleton nearby and the skull was smashed into pieces upon contact.
(???): damned, how your kill count, DieHard?
(Diehard):Going 60 and...69?
(???): Why did you have a call sign "Die hard"?
(Die Hard): I loved that show and my DI found out about our movie night... And I die alot. Like literally.
As if on cue, parts of the building nearby crashed down due to the artillery barrage and a metal rod impaled Diehard helmet into the ground. Making the rookies screamed out in horror.
(Die Hard): See...you...topside.
(Raptor): Jeez, where are those bastards!?
Jay look at the war table that depicted the situation, and each of the squad and battalions are labeled as food and where he stood was a piece of crisp that symbolize how fragile the command structure as it is literally behind enemy lines.
He listen to the radio operator about the situation at hand.
(???): Fucking skeletons!
(???): The rookies are literally wetting their pants, we fought daemons, and went through literal hell. Where are the god-damned reinforcements!?
(???): Found a Underground Bunker in the church, Past Papa Joes Diner! Fallout grade! Psyker Colonel Tail is heading to the site depths!
Jay breathed a cold air, he vaguely knew how capable tails could do.
(Jay): Quails, Get a Heavy weapons platoon up ringing, we are going after him!
[Few minutes ago....]
Squad of rookie that is fresh out of the boot camp, had join Ignis corp recently had began firing at the skeleton mobs from a decrepit church, they heard stories of them being more free willed and independent compared to the other organizations, discounts at high status establishments and hefty bonuses and implemented Insurances, had made them stay there, but all that glitters is not pure gold.
They reminiscing their seniors deeds...
They fought daemons, they fought monsters that the federation could ill afford to fight the abnormalities and against the Fight the bugs at the same time. They were sent to the warp and hell itself to cull the neverborn daily long before Alexander implemented the Space marines into the federation. And they came back charcoal into diamonds by the amount of fight.
In a sense all the rich thing that they afford now, is because on how valued they are to Alexander as a whole than the federation, since they are defending Humanity in the darkness, it was a open secret that Alexander held this organization with friendly ties.
Many heard about the ops was insane, fighting a alternative IRS especially a post apocalypse one.
Especially some of the Americans that joined their ranks heard they are fighting the IRS. As they remember they didn't file their tax returns for couple of months. And they spent it all on the Texas T-bobe steaks.... And Antique 21st century guns...
And the benefits of killing the IRS and doing a good deed does seem to resonate among them... Even if it's the irs from a different world..
Alexander know the benefits is higher than the detriment, when incentives is given, humanity is always find ways to make miraculous deeds...
(???): Johnson, Get your rear in gear private!
(Johnson): Mouthwash down! Skeleton is using bones as spears!
(???): Fck! Need Morphine! Yes, You hold the bandage while I perform triage! Don't you die on me trooper!
(???): Sarge, Flamer running out!?
(???): Just use it until we get the next canisters!
A Flash of purple lightning strewn across the battlefield eliminating the skeletons and a yellow faced man with a smiley face is walking calmly with a smile.
The rookies shudder as they felt the effects of a psyker nearby, as if they were looking at directly to hell itself. But the veterans knows he is just showing off.
Tails strode the battlefield and with a snap, the surroundings is lit up with warp fire.
(Tails): Get out of the Church if you want a trip to the moon.
He calmly spoke and the defenders rushed out in haste, as they know he was not the one to be so kind...
A warp rift open and tore the wrecked church apart, the rotten wood and faded cross is swallowed into the void. And it was a few minutes until the action stopped, and in the hole that where the Church once stood, there was a Fallout Vault that Labeled simply as "IRS".
Tails simply used the power of the warp to ripped it off the hinges, the gate groan and rattle as if it was protesting, but nothing was strong against the warp. The gate finally ripped off and was tossed away to a nearby building and tails began to entered the corridors...
Jay arrived with reinforcements and at the scene watched a group of soldier felt dazed at the situation... Around there were bones and scorched marks of fire.
(Jay): Where is Tails?
He asked the shaken soldier, and the soldier simply pointed at the ground where the church once stood..
Gaping hole and a ripped out fallout shelter door was all it needed to know.
Jay took his men and charge into the darkness of the vault.
The hallways was shut off power and the only source of lights was the headlights and the gun mounted attachments.
Every corridors and hallways is rusted and filled with blood. They followed the path of footprints that seemed fresh, but the occupants are nowhere to be seen... Jay left the Autocannon Squad and a Missile team guarding the entrance. While taking a squad of Hotshot Riflemen.
(???): This is getting way over our heads... We are supposed to kill the IRS, but so far, it's just automated defenses and some skeletons coming to life....
(???): Sector 4-12, Clear, I know this place gives me the creeps.
As they searched for their missing Psyker, they heard strange noises.
From the lower levels, they could hear the gurgling sounds.
As they finish the level they stood on, they found that the elevator is broken, however there was a emergency stairwell nearby.
As they inched towards the depths of this fallout shelter. There was a nagging feeling that the occupants within had done something... unknown.
It was a trait they earned by fighting monsters in the dark.
They are fighting something more than IRS bureaucrats...
As they reached the second floor of the uneasy shelter.
They met another fallout gate similar to the surface and it was already breached by tails.
(Jay): Chonker and Doughboy take point and provide Overwatch.... Activate the Warp Sensors... Something wrong here...
The two soldiers nodded as they stood besides the entrance, ready to provide fire support.
Their helmets eyepieces glowed gold hue.
The rest of the team ventured forth to take Tails back.
Their lights flickers in the darkness as Jay looked into the depths of the gate and found blood stains and internal organs littered across the floor. One of the soldier pushed the organs with the edge of his rifle.
(???): Commander.... This is not Tails doing... He would probably made Balloon animals out of the intestines... And these organs seemed... Eaten?
(Jay): Ghouls.... Is there any heat signature?
(???):There is one that is a floor below than us!
(Jay): Must be Tail. Candyman, inform the men to Leave Reality Anchors and set up a Necron cannon ready for use...
They leave a strange pyramid device that is the size of a baseball on the floor, it held necron engravings and it began emitting haunting green glow. As soon as they left for the lower level. It clicked and began to opened itself and began to pulse with green energy and floded out the hallways as if to keep the men from being sucked into the warp.
In the shadows of the entrances... there was a scream from the shadows as the green energy that flooded the level.
It left a whimpers as it faded to nothingness.
As Jay reached the third basement level. He noticed there was a faded map that show the complex. There were at least 7 levels and the first level was the security room where they get the stolen wealth and the second was the residential areas with a hydroponics garden... But the third and below is scratched out ...
(???): all that taxpayer money gone to them bloodsuckers huh?
(???): Yeah, I never forget that they filed with a fine me for not paying my taxes properly...
As they left the maps, they found Tails by the entranceway to the lower levels, just simply staying there and staring at the gate.
His yellow face is the only thing they see in the abysmal darkness.
(Jay): Tails, what have you been up too?
The yellow face man simply turned around and surprised to see them.
(Tail): oh, Jay, Glad to see you down here... I found something...
Tails trailed off as he looked back at the gate..
(Jay): What something? Tails, speak to me... What did you find?
(Tail): Something... Calling to me...
He gripped his hand and the gate like before, began to creaked and groaned, the rusted hydraulics began to screamed by the sheer force that it snapped by the pressure and the door was tossed aside. The giant gate was tossed aside and tailed ventured inside.
(???): Damnit, Commander, we better grab tails before something bad gonna happen... Commander?
The soldier noticed Jay looked like he was dazed for a few moments and he began to shake out of it...
(???): is it the warp sir?
(Jay): No... Something more... primordial lurking beneath the depths...we better get tails now!
They nodded as they began to rushed into the ruins. And they arrived at the fourth level with a shock to their eyes...
The level is just a blandness room that had no sense of individuality, as if suffocating even.
endless amount of tables and ghouls mindlessly stamping paperwork, it was endless as the eyescould see... Their eyes were gouged out and their tongue is ripped out. Their legs were chained down to their seats...
There were Mister Handy's floating by and didn't minded the Intruders....
One of the soldiers whispered.
(???): I may hate the IRS... But damm... They had it worse...
One of the soldiers noticed something...
(???): something is wrong... Notice their clothes? They look fresh... Some even look like they are from the raiders...
He pointed out and as they examine the situation more closely... Each of the ghouls were of different clothing, pre war clothes to the slaver outfits, all those were just stamping in a monotone rhythm.
(???): I see tails?! He heading to the next level.
Tails simply ignored the ghouls and headed deeper...
(Jay): damm... We must hurry. Something is trying to pry in my mind... And I don't know how long...
As they reached the lower levels... They got a creeping feeling that they were being watched by the ghouls...
As they reached the second to the lowest level, they found tails again...
(Tail): oh. You are already this early?
(???): why are you delving deeper than normal?
(Tail): a great power awaits me... And I know that it would not be kept waiting...
(Jay): You definitely should not be inhaling Boof during the Ops... We have to leave.
(Tail): if we do... Then they would flood out and make a second front... And we known the Sky Marshal dislike it.
(???): indeed you do little mortal...
All of the weapons trained on the location of the voice and immediately opened fire.
(???): hmm... Is that how you treat a stranger? Much less that you don't know them?
A horned figure stood in the shadows and avoiding the hotshot volley with ease.
(???): Less talking more shooting!
Seeing the people before him, the creature sighed as it properly introduce himself...
(???): I am Mammon the Concept of Money and Avarice, I control the IRS, fear me mortals... What are you doing?
He was confused why they intensified their attacks and they even tossed vortex grenades in the general surrounding.
(???): the conspiracy theorist is true! The IRS is controlled by a daemon! Kill it, kill it with holy fire and Burn any money! Voxcaster! Call in the Megabomb!
(Mammon): damn you mortal *hurgk
Several soldiers managed to held it down with their grenades primed for exploding.
(???): I didn't pay my taxes for some daemons!? FCK the IRS! Fck this piece of shit!
One of them screeched as it blow up the daemon.
Tails joined in the fight as warp lightning and fire scorched the daemon.
The daemon was surprised that he was injured as their contempt and hatred surpassed the daemon of expectations of them being feared.
Their eyes glowed red with fury as they rambling about the unjust taxes that they been bled dry by the irs... To the point the demon wondered...
What did his minions did to make them so mad?
The ceiling began to collapse and began to cave in and the soldiers refuse to leave and they inflicted more damage than the daemon could recover..
As the complex collapse from the outside influence... Making the town caved in and left a crater in its wake.
It felt like eternity, and out came the daemon that was wounded and managed to survived the onslaught...
He looked around the ruined and found the soldiers is squash by the volume of rubble... And he senses the annoying devices that scattered around and he clenched his fist and destroying all of them...
He summoned a portal and several IRS ghouls began to shamble out of it.
These people sold their souls to became ghouls by choice and their sucking of wealth of their own citizens gave Mammon more power as money is his strength...
(Mammon): this mortals are insane... Better find a rich realm and start anew..
He paused...
He found himself surrounded by the Ignis that finished cleaning up the surroundings...
He saw the same soldiers smiling with crazed looks at him...
(Mammon): how are you alive?!
(Jay): Killl the Daemon of Taxes! He will suck our money out!
The word Taxes was all that needed to riled up the soldiers...
A volley of mortars began to rain down in the crater and stubber rounds poured in by the thousands, the mammmon dodged by the majority of the attacks but ghouls is wiped out by the volume of shells.
(Mammon): I am the embodiment of greed, you can't kill me!
(Jay): Try us.
He grinned as more heavier ordinance began to fall with such intensity that it both engulfed Ignis soldiers and ghouls in its wake.
(Mammon): you are crazy! Don't you even care about your lives?!
(Jay): nah, they come back and I owe a beer for them.
He nonchalantly said as above them, a Venator hovered above it and in the belly of the venator is a necron pylon that is charged with negative energy... And it opened fire.
Its beam began to directly hit at where the crater stood and the daemon had no place to flee.
The beam began to disintegrate the daemon with its pulsating beam and he screamed as the technology of necron is implemented and his figure is slowly dissolving and turning into a goo...
And when he looked at the ones that killed him.
The blast also affected them as well as the flesh rend and leaving a bunch of bones.
A bunch of skeleton just giving him a middle finger.
As the necron pylon ended, Mammon felt relieved...
A plane approached nearby and launched a bomb
And it slammed directly on the goo...
He could faintly hear the pilot spoke.
(???): Holy Mega bomb Deployed..
The Daemon wided his remaining eyes as a flash of light engulfed the island and wiped it off the map.
The wail of the Daemon was heard as a tremor occurs in the nearby states. Causing a Seismic level 3 earthquake.
Jay stood proudly as he met Alexander.
Alexander eyes twitched as he read the report Ignis sent to him...
(Alexander): So let me get this straight, the documents mentioned Ignis found a daemon that control the IRS, you use a Megabomb, and with limited casualties no less.
(Jay): That I do and we defeated the irs and the puppeteer behind them.
(Alexander): *Sigh* Alright, You get the perks and you get a 6 month leave... And a bonus of killing that Daemon for each member that participate in the killing. Enjoy staying at Fallout and see you back at the federation. Sky Marshal out.
In the cordoned off island, it was at nighttime and the moon is shining brightly, in the crater where the fight ended, a Shard of Mammon struggle to keep form.
(Mammon): Damm you... Mortals... Just you wait... I will have my revenge...
He felt a presence nearby...
The shard started trembling and he felt fear...
(???): Oh? You are still alive? Well... That makes it much more easier than me.
Amongst the shadow that the moon, a Yellow face man grinned at the daemon misfortune..
(Mammon): get away mortal!
The yellow face soldier simply walked towards the shard.
(???): Remember this symbol?
A symbol appeared on the man head and the shard shaken as it recognize it.
(Mammon): You are a soul eater... We killed your entire race!
(???): I find that in your arrogance very... insightful about our passing... Though I find my death to be... highly exaggerated..
(Mammon): I watched you die!
(???): that you did... But this vessel have been proven cooperative.. He have allowed me to gain far more than just staying in the inner circles of hell devouring the souls and daemons alike.
And lucky for you... You are my first meal in ages... Eating warpstones is barely able to satiate my hunger.
The man walked closer to the shard, how the demon before him mewled pitifully as he knows what happens when he about to be devoured
(Mammon): no stay away...
The demon weakly protestested and as he about to be devoured. The man whispered to the shard.
(???): a piece of comfort to you... It was one of your own that sealed a portion of my soul in a book and tossed me away to some low ranked realms... I thank the High lord for the feast.
The Embodiment of greed was devoured and now leaving alone in the moonlight being the witness of what just happened.
(???): Hmm. A Tint of Grapes and raspberries... With a smell of oak... I surprised that the demon of greed and avaruce was quite a connoisseur in wine... Though I am thankful that Ignis have weakened the daemon to weakened him to the point I could safely devoured him...now then
.. I fulfill the end of the bargain Tails... Entertain me some more...
The voice cracked and he reverted to normal.
His radio came to life and a a voice crackling in the radio.
(???): Tails where the FCK are you?
(Tail): huh? When are we supposed to enter the meeting room for this ops?
(???): wow, you should really stay of the boof, we already completed Sky Marshal task and we are heading to Nuka Cola world for some RnR and lucky others noticed you were gone, we wouldn't even remember you?!
(Tail) Send a transport now. I want the first dibs on Nuka cola Quantum!
[Ignis Corp Death Statistics]
6x AT-TE crew members
35 thousand dead
66 thousand wounded
5600 Missing in Action (1400 Confirm to revive at the resurrection pad)
12 Companies of suicide skaven
Vehicles lost
6x At-te
17x Laat (8 due to ERA)
11x Valkyrie (7 due to friendly fire because of ERA, Suspects that comit the crime is unable to join the RnR and ended up in the stockade for the duration of the vacation.)
41x Leman Russ (Basic Variant)
7x Basilisk Artillery
142x Landing boats
20x Mini Cart
1 x BMX Mountain Bike
3x Tractors
7x Forklift (Modified to have a stubber on the roof)
1x Taurox command Truck
2x Ford Trucks
Enemy casualties assessment.
17 thousand Skeletons
4500 Mr handy
320 war droids
5200 ghouls
56k Enslaved militias
22k x Gun crew
35k worth of automated Defense
256 Sam Sites
181 Flak Cannons
987 Machine gun nest
120 mortars of various caliber
Ix Orbital shield generator
60 pre-war tanks
1 Mamon Daemon of Taxation (Bounty: 589 million)