
How long has it been?

Sometimes my consciousness is blurred, as if I were in a half-asleep state. I feel like I have memories that are mine, but they are not at the same time. Knowledge that I never heard appears in my mind, as familiar as it is unknown.

I am a spectator in the sad life of a child who is not loved by anyone.

But it's not always the child, sometimes I also see a woman cry.

A woman who, despite having things that everyone else fervently desires, feels empty and looks for a way to fill that void.

It's weird, I feel like I'm connected to both, but I'm neither of them.

I can't move and I can't even open my eyes, I should feel frustrated and helpless in my state. But what I feel is very different.

I feel safe, here nothing can harm me.

I feel warm, comforting and cozy.

I feel love, vast and deep as the sea.

I feel the pulse of something inside me, powerful and ancient.

I feel the desire to stay like this forever, but I also feel the desire to get out.

And Rob...

That person said something, what were his words?

I remember tears along with a deep sadness and sorrow in his voice, did she apologize?

Why should I do it?

Oh, my desire to sleep is coming back once more.

Rob, it's such a strange name.

I wonder if I have a name too?

My name… yes, I remember someone gave me a name.

My name is… Z Z Z…