A thousand year old baby

Hello Severus. I know you must have many questions and I don't know where to start. Do you remember that day when James almost killed you and in the rage of the moment you called me a Mudblood? I guess it all started around that time frame.

You know me, Severus, didn't you find it strange that our relationship suddenly got so cold? Sure, I felt very hurt by your words, but I also know that you didn't mean it. I would come to forgive you in time, you know.

I was tricked, victim of an Amortentia potion supplied by James Potter with the help of his friends: Lupin, Sirius and Peter. And under the effects of the potion, I was influenced to sign a magical contract that avoided revealing what happened and with which James had power over me. He was obsessed with me and made sure to put a lot of restrictions.

I'm sorry to say that when I'm writing this letter, too many years have passed since then, only recently did I find a way to bypass the magical restrictions.

It all started after giving birth to my son, Harry. James was stressed with the screaming and constant attention the baby demanded and decided it would be nice to get away for a couple of weeks while we left the boy with our neighbor. To do this, we used a Portkey that was in the attic, quite old. But during the trip, the Portkey cracked and we were taken to some unknown place, which we later identified as Albania.

At that point, we realized that we couldn't Apparate and disoriented, we could only search the surroundings. What I did not expect was that during our search, we would find an ancient temple.

You know I've always had an interest in these things and it was the only place we could take cover, so I managed to convince James to go in despite his reluctance. There we found a type of mysterious writing, hieroglyphics that James made no sense of, but I was able to read.

The reason? It was a temple to motherhood.

So I deduced that only mothers were capable of understanding what was on the walls and there was a phrase that was constantly repeated:

All new life is protected within these walls, where death cannot reach it.

As we carefully explored the place, I found the counterspells that allowed me to not only free myself from James's magical restraints on me, but also found an ancient type of spell that uses love as protection, which I plan to use on my son Harry. if things go wrong at some point in the future.

I hate James for what he did to me, but Harry is not James.

But that's not the most surprising of all. We found the body of Cyrah Galegold!"

Snape frowned at his last name, he was familiar with the outstanding and pureblood wizards of the last 200 years, but he knew nothing of House Galegold until Soisen came to Hogwarts. The only knowledge of him was obtained by the boy himself, where he revealed the existence of a fifth founder. He didn't know anything else.

He went back to read the rest of the contents of the letter.

«The most surprising thing is that the body was not only preserved as if it had just died, but the swollen belly was held.

She was pregnant!

Cyrah was a woman who could never have a descendant due to the attack of a magical creature that she suffered as a child due to the conspiracy of malicious people, but she traveled the world looking for a way and it seems that she found it.

I wonder who the father will be and how she did it? Maybe the temple had something to do with it...

What a scare we got when the corpse began to give birth to a live and healthy baby when we got close enough to it. It was then that I remembered the phrase on the walls. At first I thought it was just a temple so I could pray for a safe delivery, but the temple actually managed to keep the baby alive.

The baby was held by some ancient magic unleashed by his mother's love for nearly a thousand years!

How much love must Cyrah Galegold have had for her heir?

James wanted to give up the baby, he had enough with Harry and I refused. From what little I know of Cyrah, she was desperate to be a mother and abandoning her child after so many centuries of waiting seemed like a monstrosity to me.

So for the first time in years, I threatened James and made it clear that at the very least, we should put the baby in an orphanage. Though furious about it, I eventually forced him to relent because she was willing to suffer any backlash from the restraints and it scared him enough to shut up.

What Jame doesn't know is that when I went to drop the baby off at the orphanage, I actually magically adopted it into my family through rituals. Not the Potter family, but the Evans family. In the magic's eyes, the baby was mine and Cyrah's equally, so she kept all her rights and gifts as well as getting some of mine.

Later, I returned to the orphanage and took the baby with me to hide it in a secret room that I prepared in my house, one that only I had access to and was magically isolated.

I'm sorry to have to ask you this after so many years, Severus, but you're one of the few people I can still trust even to this day. If something were to happen to me, please help me take care of the child. I'm sure Dumbledore and Sirius cared for Harry for a variety of reasons, but this boy has no one but me to trust.

I even secretly found a place to floo him, with a cute couple there who will surely be able to take care of him in case the worst happens!

Who knows what James would be capable of when he found out about my adoption and that I escaped from his control...

I wish things had turned out completely differently, but there's no use complaining at this point. Thank you, Severus.

Hugs, Lily Evans."

Snape quickly pushed the letter aside so it wouldn't be stained by his tears. Knowing that Lily forgave him was as if she could see the colors of the world again and the emptiness in her soul disappeared.

But when he remembered that James used Amortentia and manipulated Lily to this extent…

If it wasn't for his enormous Occlumency mastery, he might have started screaming in fury and blowing up the dungeons.

But now he found some meaning in the full name of the Galegold heir.

Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus

The Evans name was right under his nose all this time, how could he not have realized?

He suspended the remaining class for the afternoon with an excuse and it took him all night to collect her thoughts, he didn't even show up for dinner in the Great Hall.