Is it biologically possible?

I have seen several comments suggesting me to use DeepL to translate instead of Google translator, so I have tried it with this chapter. Let me know if you notice a decent difference or not. If you find it more comfortable to read, then I'll start using it.


-Another failure! -Soisen couldn't help but complain after failing so many times.

After convincing Hagrid to watch the egg hatch and letting him know she would be going with two friends, Soisen went back to the common room and talked to Nagini. They were getting to know each other more each day, she needed to talk to a person and she was able to learn some things that Hogwarts would not teach its students, knowledge of the magical world only perceived by some less than honest people.

And it was only then that she remembered how dark the magical world can be. In the wake of that reminder, he made a note to remember to look up some spells to protect himself in case of trouble. But as he waited for time to pass and the time for the dragon's birth to approach, he went to find Professor McGonagall to ask her about the permanent transformation.

Even with her obvious talent in the area, Minerva hesitated because it was even more advanced theory from the books she had previously recommended and she didn't want it to divide her attention too much. In the end, she only reluctantly agreed when Soisen swore to her that she would only study it during her free time, without committing her time to homework or preparing for exams.

And after more than twenty attempts, he still hadn't succeeded and had a headache from the excessive use of the required magic.

-"If you keep this up, you can't succeed," commented Nagini who was watching him beside him for entertainment, "You've focused too much on trying to get results quickly and you're stressing yourself out. While striving for improvement is good, too much will only backfire.

-You're right," Soisen sighed wearily and sat down next to him.

-Stop trying for a few days, do something else to relax and then when you try again your mind will be clearer and more perceptive," Nagini stretched his back as he spoke, "Too many people don't end up realizing that their effort and hard work turns into an unhealthy obsession," he added with a sad tone.

Soisen nodded without question and thought about what else he could do. Since coming to Hogwarts, his focus had been: making money, inventing or learning, searching for his birth mother's treasures, and avoiding trouble. He hadn't even tried to use the Philosopher's Stone shard because of his distrust of Dumbledore. He would only try to study it when he returned home in the summer.

-Nagini," Soisen called suddenly, "Do you know the Fidelius Charm?

When he thought of home, he immediately associated the dangers of the magical world he had just pondered with discrimination against squibs and suddenly became anxious. Muggle parents are minimally protected by the Ministry of Magic and its laws, but according to his studies in the library, squibs fell into a loophole that left them very vulnerable except in ridiculously specific situations.

He hadn't expected wizards to take their intimidation of squibs this far!

-I know the charm, but I can't cast it in my current state and without a wand," Nagini answered him.

She was regaining weight and strength during this time, but she had not yet reached her peak. Soisen cunningly took her one night, barely avoiding Mrs. Norris, to the Menagerie, which turned out to be a great sewing room, and was able to get some clothes for her. But the wand would take longer before she could get one.

Soisen didn't even have one to lend her!

-It's okay," Soisen sighed in relief. The Fidelius charm was the best solution that crossed his mind when it came to protection for his family, he didn't have a place like the Black house full of dense layers of defenses and curses- This summer, when we get back to my house, we'll go to Diagon Alley to get you a new wand and after that, I want you to become the Secret Keeper of my house.

-I'm already a Totem Keeper, another similar title is no big deal," Nagini laughed as she understood Soisen's concern when she remembered the two mothers she had.

If you combine your status as a Totem Guardian along with Secret Guardian, there is simply no chance of escapes or betrayal.

After all, look what happened to Harry's parents, great protection but the wrong guardian and wham, dead.

So letting Nagini take on the role, was the smart thing to do. She couldn't betray Soisen, she couldn't be coerced by magical methods like veritaserum, Imperius curse or legilimency.

Even the people she revealed the secret to couldn't say anything without her explicit permission!

-You're going to see the dragon's egg this afternoon, aren't you? -Nagini asked interestedly, "Can I come with you? Even I haven't seen a dragon hatch from its egg.

-No problem," Soisen nodded, "But if you get caught, you'll have to pretend to be like Rada, is that all right with you?

Nagini would naturally follow him in her Occamy form hidden in Soisen, so if others know about her, she would have to act like a magical creature so they wouldn't suspect that she was an animagus, even though animagus forms of magical beings are extremely rare.

-I have a bit of experience in pretending to look like an animal," Nagini sarcastically teased, "A sudden, fixed warning look, puppy dog eyes, purring, etc. I know all the tricks in the arsenal, just keep them from trying to feed me insects or I'll peck them.

Soisen didn't know what to say. He understands the former because of the snake shape, but what the heck were the latter two?

Does a snake know how to make puppy eyes?

Was it even biologically possible for a snake to purr?

Feeling his train of thought going off the rails, he shook his head and tried to focus on something different.

-What do you want to learn permanent transformation for anyway? -Nagini asked, "Most mages use the temporary transformation because it's convenient and less magic consuming, rarely does anyone use a permanent transformation.

Soisen explained his plan to sell transformed products.

-I see," Nagini put his index finger to his lips as he thought, "Did you think about learning the duplication charm, Gemini?

-I thought about it, but it's not convenient when it comes to business," Soisen shook his head.

If he could use permanent transformation and duplication without a problem, one could imagine what a tremendous BUG it would be to make money. The problem lies in the fact that items duplicated from an original, degrade much faster and wizards have ways of knowing if what they are buying is a magical duplication, which is essentially worthless.

Then, it could be useful for copying and sharing notes, making some extra chairs if they are missing for the table, etc. But for selling? I was afraid of being labeled a scammer.