Back to Hogwarts

Soisen prepared to arrive early at the 9 and ¾ station. This year unfortunately, Ann and Ingta were busy with their work and could not accompany him, so it was Nagini who escorted him to the station.

-You know, Nagini, I just had a random thought," said Soisen as he contemplated the wall in front of him, which in a few moments he should cross to get to the other side and board the Hogwarts express -What should he do if someone blocked the entrance to the station?

-What would you do?

-I would use the Flu network, of course," Soisen commented without hesitation, he remembered that there were some points in Hogsmeade that he could use if necessary, "But others might think of something crazier and less responsible.

-For example? -Nagini knew why Soisen brought up the subject out of the blue, but after living with him for so long, she had already started to get used to his way of acting.

-Remember Potter? -after seeing his totem guardian nod, he continued- His friend Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, has a flying magical modified car. I'm sure his first thought would be to take the car to fly to Hogwarts.

-That would be... immensely stupid," Nagini said after a few moments of silence.

Did they even have a driver's license?

-Well, it's about Ron..." Soisen shook his head "It would also be very dangerous for Potter, he'd be safer if someone took the engine out of the car" he looked at the clock on the platform and decided that was enough "Let's go, I want to find a comfortable carriage.

They went through the wall and arrived at the station, where there weren't many wizards yet due to the early hour.

-You knew there was a house elf spying on us, didn't you? -said Nagini.

-His name is Dobby, the Malfoy house elf. A bit paranoid, but he's nice, unlike his owners," said Soisen.

-Should I ask him the reason for his spying? -Nagini didn't even ask how he knew the listener's identity.

-It's not necessary, maybe he was just waiting for someone and overheard us.

-In fact, that is a possibility," Nagini nodded reflexively and changed the subject, "I will follow the instructions you left when they finish cleaning the premises and will consult you by owl if I have any questions that need your answer or decision. And Soisen.

-Yes? -He turned to look at her.

-Remember to write to your mothers every week or you will end up with Howlers at breakfast, the ladies were very clear about that," he said with a serious expression while trying to contain his laughter.

-I understand," Soisen wiped the imaginary sweat from his brow, "I've left some funds in the trunk at home, where you know. Use it if any unforeseen or necessary expenses arise that we don't consider.

-Take care," Nagini dismissed him with a little surprise hug, but to which Soisen did not refuse.

Soisen got on the express and didn't even bother to take the suitcase off his waist, it was so small he could just move it to the side of his waist and sit comfortably. Besides, that thing cost a small fortune and he preferred to have it with him at all times.

-Now, what will happen during this year?

With his intervention, the basilisk would not be released into the school and would continue to sleep in its depths. He also spoke carelessly about Mr. Weasley's flying car, because he was curious about what Harry and Ron would do when they saw that they could neither enter the station nor use the flying car. He wasn't worried about them being expelled, it wouldn't happen with the Headmaster's support.

After all, Dobby doesn't know he has the diary and believes Harry is still in danger.

Now the problem was how to get rid of the diary permanently. According to his memories, it is not enough to just split or crush a horcrux, it has to be so damaged that it cannot even be repaired by magic. His known options were:

-Basilisk poison.

-Godric's sword.

-Evil fire.

-Killing curse.

The curse can be ruled out because it only works if the horcrux is a living being like Harry or Nagini was going to be, he can't kill a newspaper with that curse and he doesn't want to be corrupted by dark magic.

Evil fire is something extremely dangerous and requiring control that he most certainly does not have, so he will not risk incinerating himself. The fact that he doesn't know that magic either is also a bit of a drawback.

Godric's sword... forget it, I seriously doubted he could get his hands on it.

That just leaves basilisk venom. If he were someone like Ron, he would surely think of having no choice but to do something to the basilisk under Hogwarts to get its venom, putting his life at risk for absurd reasons like saving the world because it was his duty. But fortunately for Soisen, he was someone with a higher IQ and therefore the solution was also much simpler.

Just buy the poison.

Basilisk breeding was forbidden by the Ministry and if something is forbidden, it will naturally appear as a black market product. Maybe getting something like eyes would be tremendously complicated, but poison?

Just say how many liters you can afford.

He didn't know how long he remained in his thoughts, but he was snapped out of them when the compartment door was suddenly opened.

-I knew you'd be early! -Hermione affirmed as she gave a glance to Silvia, who was standing next to her.

-"Alright, I'll buy you something from the candy cart later," Silvia admitted in what appeared to be a bet on when Soisen would arrive, one that, moreover, she lost.

The two witches entered and settled on the vacant left side of the compartment, leaving their luggage on the top and began to talk while Soisen occasionally joined in the conversation.

Silvia and Hermione weren't bothered by that, most likely Soisen had started thinking about some new product, an experiment for a potion or something crazy with magic.

The express pulled out of the station shortly after and another person knocked on the door.

-Hello, do you mind if I sit with you? -asked the newcomer, who was a witch who was undoubtedly going to start this year.

Perhaps the two witches didn't know who she was, but Soisen recognized her immediately.

Luna Lovegood.

Her father was the director and owner of "The Quisquilloso", a friend of Neville and Ginny and much bullied by her Ravenclaw housemates because of her unique personality and made-up creatures. Subsequent to the end of Voldemort, she became a reputable Magizoologist, which revealed that her creatures were not as imaginary as people thought.

-Sure, go ahead.