Superior Animago

It should be noted that many books in the forbidden section are so obscure, they should not even be in a school with impressionable students. They are the kind of book that only when one has established a clear path in life and needs specific knowledge, should one consider consulting very carefully.

But because of the common sense of wizards, it is difficult to distinguish them.

Soisen accompanied Hermione to take out the book he had to finish and then, he carefully explored the forbidden section. Volumes on necromancy, blood magic, curses, poisons, etc. could be useful in broadening his perspectives, but it didn't spark an immediate desire in him.

After two hours of searching, the only thing he found that really came in handy was a volume devoted to the lesser-known special processing of some potion ingredients.

He discovered that leech juice could acquire one of the properties he had failed to obtain, but the mode of obtaining it was very tedious. The leeches needed to be fed for thirteen days on the blood of the one who drank the potion, then they need to be squeezed in a mill made of moonstone that has been submerged in a deep-water river for three days, deep enough for the sun's rays not to reach.

And he may need some house elf tears, which wouldn't be hard to come by thanks to his authority over those who work in the castle kitchens. He would give them some recipe books of the world in return, all would be fair.

After quietly taking note of everything, he was about to put the volume of potions back in its place again, but noticed that in the empty slot the book had left, on the wall behind the bottomless bookshelf, there was a mark that looked familiar.

He pulled all the books off the shelf of the bookcase and revealed a small puzzle with square stone pieces on a magically patterned square.

-So this is where it was," Soisen thought as he realized he had found another of his mother's treasures.

There were no other people in this part of the forbidden section, but he still threw up a field of silence and illusion so that no one would secretly snoop around. He carefully examined the stone pieces and began to move them in a specific pattern.

-One piece was missing," he frowned when he realized that everything was in place, but one of the pieces seemed to be missing, one that could be translated as "blood" or "life." "Is it possible...?

Soisen made a small cut on the pad of his right index finger and drew the remaining part with his blood. The drawing emitted a faint reddish light, before the blood was absorbed by the stone and the shelf split in half, revealing a passage.

-Clever," Soisen smiled.

Even if someone found the puzzle before he did, they would be searching the entire forbidden section for the missing piece. Even if they thought to use her blood as he did, she would likely not be recognized if she didn't belong to the Galegold bloodline.

He entered and after walking down a short hallway, he came to a small room where there was only a book on an oak pedestal.

The Higher Forms of Animagus, by Frustren Galegold.

Soisen opened the book and as he imagined from the title, it explained how someone could become an animagus, which wasn't very revealing to him at this point. He flipped through the pages and stopped when he came to a page that contained divergent knowledge from what he knew.

Animagi will assume animal form based on their traits, personality, and other factors. Those who manage to obtain a transformation into a magical creature are so rare, there are only records of three of them.

And I, Frustren Galegold, have discovered the factor behind this anomaly!

He went on to explain how it was necessary to change the dew of the animagus potion, alter the chant when the wand is against the heart, and other additional steps.

Over twenty wizards in the family followed the steps and all had a successful transformation with no accidents, so he put his new method up for sale.

There was also an entry with a much later date where he complained that no one wanted to follow his new method apart from the family, because they did not trust the changes and considered that the form of a common animal was more useful to go unnoticed and not attract attention.

-It's a good thing I wasn't in such a hurry to become an animagus," Soisen was both interested and conflicted at the possibility in front of him.

Indeed, ordinary animals were useful for going unnoticed, but it was all in the circumstances. If a wizard transformed into a gazelle in the middle of Ireland, it would certainly attract attention. There were powerful magical creatures, such as the Nundu, but there were also those that no one wished to transform into, such as the fire crab.

-But no matter how you look at it, a magical creature would certainly be more useful," Soisen concluded. If his transformation wasn't something to his liking, he could always pretend he wasn't an animagus and discreetly set that ability aside- Too bad that despite having figured out how to make this version of a superior animagus, he hadn't made a list of possible transformations....

The randomness of the transformation was annoying.

He took the book and put it straight into his magical fanny pack, he could consult it in depth over the summer when he wants to become an animagus

He left the room the way he came and once he was out, the bookshelf returned to its original state and the puzzle turned to dust. As to whether it had just been permanently locked or the room had been destroyed, he had no idea. He removed the magic that was still active and exited the forbidden section, where he ran into Hermione.

-Hermione, have you seen the Weasley twins? -He asked quietly in her ear so Mrs. Pince wouldn't shoo them away.

-I think I saw them sneaking off with a sack towards the Quidditch pitch," the witch replied, "Do you need me to ask them for anything for you?

-I'll need some leeches," she told her some of the ingredients she needed to finish her potion. As for the moonstone mill, he would ask Silvia to make one for him.

-I'll tell her when I see them in the Gryffindor common room," Hermione nodded.

-Thank you, see you later," she said goodbye to the witch and left the library.

She intended to go to the kitchens and ask for the house elf tears, she just needed to remember where the picture with the pear to tickle was.

-Soisen," he bumped into Silvia, which wasn't too surprising considering the Hufflepuff common room was next to the kitchens, "Headmaster Dumbledore has asked me if I see you to tell you to come to his office when you can. The password in "peppermint cockroaches."

-The headmaster? -Soisen wanted to confirm, and when he saw Silvia nod, he was puzzled.

Did he find out what happened with Peter? No, I don't think Snape said anything.

-Did he say why he was looking for me? -he asked.

-No, but he was accompanied by McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout and Sinistra," answered Silvia as she looked at him carefully, "Be honest, what mess have you gotten yourself into?

-Come on, am I that kind of person?

-Right," Silvia started to walk away and then remembered, "Tomorrow I'll send you the new sample of butterbeer you asked for.