Golden eyes

-Do my eyes change when I do magic? -he asked to confirm if he heard correctly, surprised by that fact that he was completely unaware of.

-Yes... didn't you know that? -Hermione and Silvia didn't expect that their friend didn't know that trait of his, they thought he did it to be cooler.

Which worked.

-Since when? -Soisen asked, raising his voice without realizing it.

He was truly speechless, he never looked in the mirror when he wielded magic and his minor changes, such as hair color, was something that stemmed from his natural ability as a shapeshifter.

-Since the first day? -Silvia tried to remember, but in her memory, it really had been a fact since they met. Like the snapping of fingers.

-Besides, it seems like the harder you try, the more they change to a shiny gold," Hermione added as she noticed, "Remember our first Flight class? You took Neville's reminder from Malfoy and your eyes barely changed. But during one of the Transformation lessons, where Professor McGonagall asked you to do a more complex transformation than the rest of the class, your eyes turned gold all over. You really didn't know that?

-Why didn't anyone tell me about it? -Soisen asked himself in confusion as he put his hand to his head.

-Maybe they thought you were doing it on purpose," commented Silvia, "We thought so.

While it may seem very cool that your eyes turn golden when you do magic, they also completely mess up your attempts to do magic silently or secretly. No, you have to check if you can control those changes or find some solution like wearing enchanted glasses or something.

Which was very ironic, considering he invented a potion so people wouldn't need to wear glasses for their eyesight. Was it the Karma of opticians?

-You don't have to take it like that, it's a bit like... Harry's scar?

-Yeah, no, I don't want to have anything remotely resembling a mark left by a killing curse. Besides, I never understood why she doesn't use a little makeup to cover up the scar if it bothers her so much that it attracts attention. Maybe the dark magic keeps it from healing, but I doubt she'd do anything to be constantly visible - even letting her hair grow a little longer would do the trick!

From Soisen's point of view, both Harry and Dumbledore were not the brightest in using the conditions they had. For example, Harry's condition for Lily's protection to be effective. No matter how they wanted to deceive others, the real condition was to be close to his mother's blood, i.e., Aunt Petunia's blood.

Harry had to go through what he went through, when he only needed Petunia to donate a little blood every year, keep it in an enchanted vial and hang it around his neck.

And presto! Ancestral protection for another year while she does what she wants and goes where she wants.

No abusive family, enjoying a magical upbringing with responsible people, etc....

They say wizards are wise and cunning, but there are times when even a child is smarter about certain matters.

One of the walls of the Hall of Menesters began to change and a large full-length mirror emerged, where Soisen saw for himself that he was not being taken for a ride. As he looked at himself in the reflection, he pointed his hand at one of the boxes of materials in the crafting workshop and levitated it.

Yes, the eyes changed vaguely. He was casually doing magic, but the change was definitely there.

-Stand behind me, I want to try something," he asked the two witches.

Once he was sure they were both in a safe place, he moved to the training area and expanding the mirror to see himself clearly, he recited aloud:

-Fire! -continuous tongues of fire erupted from his right hand and choked the mannequin, which was bent backward by the power of the flames.

Turning his head, he saw that the gold in his eyes became more intense and as he increased the output of magical power and concentrated the flames with force, his eyes even began to emit particles of golden light.

He stopped channeling magic and walked to one of the seats and plopped down on it, feeling mentally tired all of a sudden.

-Soisen, are you all right? -Silvia asked carefully.

Hermione stared at the pile of ashes that had previously been the dummy. In class, the Incendio spell was shown to light a candle or start a bonfire, so the emphasis was more on control than power. Now I understood why it was included in the list they were given, clearly they did not understand the potential of the spell.

-I'm fine. I just... need some time to digest this- Several of his future plans went down the drain because of this seemingly insignificant revelation, so he needed to perform a readjustment in his mindset- Let me explain in more detail how each spell needs to be practiced.

Seinen needed to distract himself for the moment and he managed to do so as he explained the approach they needed to use with each spell, the proper safety measures, etc.

-No problem if we want to come here even if it's not for this, right? -Hermione asked.

-As long as you make sure to take the countermeasures I told you about, I don't see why not. I mean, it's not like this place is mine.

At least not yet, Soisen thought.

After introducing them to the functions of the Menesters' Room and clearing up any doubts about the proposed training, he talked about the business focus he hopes to develop during the half-year he'll be away after Christmas.

Protective gloves and hats.

The Weasley twins were supposed to create something like that in the future and it was so useful that the Ministry placed large orders. Soisen would take the lead, which would force the twins to borrow more money from him and he could get a bigger stake in their future prank business.

The work was divided as follows: Silvia needed to find a material for the gloves that would be comfortable, durable enough, but would be destroyed after all her defensive incantations were exhausted.

This would turn the equipment into a type of high turnover consumable.

Hermione needed to research Runes and find a combination strong enough to be worth its price, but weak enough that it could be produced without requiring large amounts of time or specialists.

Also, it should not be able to be repaired once damaged.

Then there was Soisen, who would combine the two results, set up production lines, invest in advertising and contacts for sales. Naturally, the profits were divided and Soisen would retain ninety percent of the profits, leaving five percent each.

After all, the "idea" came from Soisen and both Silvia and Hermione understood that they only made contributions to speed up the process of creating the product. Besides, initially they only wanted to receive a few galleons for their efforts, but it was Soisen who convinced them that getting a percentage would be much more profitable for them in the long run.

Perhaps he should have kept quiet and agreed to give them the galleons, but he knew that after seeing the profits, their friendship could be greatly affected.

They simply did not understand the sales potential of these items and would thank Soisen in the future for changing their minds. Of course, Soisen made sure to sign some contracts to give them a legitimate guarantee, a contract that contained "discrete" clauses, such as that they could not transfer their rights to a third party.

They were only hypothetical situations that the young witches found nothing wrong with, but it was still much more lax than the contract he had Hagrid sign at the beginning of their combined project.

Why else would Dumbledore still be in the dark?

Well, among other things, he told Hagrid that he wanted it to be a BIG surprise.....