
Through the carriage window, Soisen could see a beautiful castle surrounded by gardens almost as incredible as the one at home and some animated magical fountains. The difference in style between this place and Hogwarts is too brutal.

-Our school has quite a cultural variety as it accepts students from France, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. Although I don't think it's necessary to mention it, we have strong sanctions against all kinds of discriminations and I hope I won't hear anything about it from you," said Chloe with a warning look.

Soisen shrugged, he didn't feel disgusted by a person's origin, it is usually more usual to judge him by his attitude towards himself and his own.

-By the way, although most of the school is available to students, you must remember that you can't access the stables, the teacher's tower or the kitchens.

-Is it a problem if I walk around the school? -Soisen asked.

-And why would you do that?

-Exercise, I like to keep fit," he commented.

Her mothers were quite worried that she wouldn't get used to the foreign food or get carried away by the new atmosphere, so they were quite clear that she couldn't leave her healthy habits behind.

-I see. In fact, you seem to be rather fitter compared to other students your age," Chloe nodded in understanding, "But no, you can't leave Beauxbatons for exercise. You can do it in the large gardens we have or go to the student gym, so maybe you can form some friendships along the way.

-Do you have a student gym? -Soisen looked away from the window and looked at Chloe in surprise.

Why didn't Hogwarts have something similar?

There are plenty of empty places that could be used for that!

And those British wizards are heavy on their arses with the food they swallow!

-Of course! Our students like to stay at their ideal weight, so we have some facilities to burn fat at a slow and steady pace.

Suddenly, Soisen wasn't quite sure if the so-called gym would meet his expectations. No matter, he could transform some weights if necessary. The carriage landed and it only took ten minutes from the village, whatever that was.

-Welcome to Beauxbatons! -Chloe said theatrically before letting out a giggle and motioning for him to follow them, "Our headmistress wanted to greet you, but I'm afraid if she hasn't arrived yet it means she's too busy. Follow me and we'll start the tour right away.

-Where exactly will I be staying? -Soisen asked as they walked through the garden and smelled the scent of grass and flowers, "I mean, I'm not classified in any of the three houses you have here.

-Don't worry, it's not the first time we've done a school exchange and we have rooms set up for it. They just needed a bit of dusting and making them presentable after so many years, modernizing the furniture a bit, etc. I think you would like its location, it's near the greenhouse where the wood nymphs sleep.

-Oh? -Soisen's gaze immediately became interested, "I understand that the wood nymphs sing during the students' meals, and they are quite pleasant to listen to.

-In fact, their singing not only helps to get rid of sleep and fatigue, but leaves the mind in a clear and receptive state. You must remember that when nymphs start singing during the meal, it is forbidden to speak - not even a whisper! If they are offended, it can take up to a week for them to sing again in the worst case.

-I take note of that," Soisen assured.

He didn't plan to upset the whole school just because he couldn't hold his tongue for a few minutes.

-Besides, they really like music and singing. As long as you have confidence in your voice or musical talent, you can go and visit them in the greenhouse to listen to you. If they like you, you may be in for a surprise.

-What if they don't like you?

-It's more fun! -Cloe laughed as if she remembered something- If you just waste their time or they dislike your piece, they'll spit out a sap that makes all your skin turn green for three days, implying to anyone who sees you your failure. And there's no known cure!

-I see, sounds interesting....

-By the way, you can only try again once your skin returns to normal. Otherwise, if they spit sap on you again while you're still green, you can become temporarily deaf or mute for two weeks.

Soisen followed Chloe through the halls of Beauxbatons and looked around intrigued. The floors were made of perfectly level marble so polished it looked like a mirror, the paintings returned the greeting politely or gave little nuggets of wisdom, the windows let in a generous amount of light that warmly illuminated the place and at no point did they get lost on their way.

-Hogwarts definitely needs updating," Soisen thought at the stark contrast.

Hogwarts hardly changed in a thousand years and it's clear that it has parts that clearly need updating, repairing or replacing. But until he reaches the fifth year, he will not be able to claim the castle as his own, assume full authority or make substantial changes.

Frankly, the supposed "four founders" did a pretty shoddy job with everything Cyrah gave them. The only salvageable parts were a few places like the Room of Requirement.

-This will be your room," said Chloe, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Before Soisen stood the stone statue of a water nymph. The statue looked at Soisen with a charming smile and pushed aside her long hair, revealing the door to her quarters.

-This place is very suitable," Soisen said, pleased with what he saw.

A large oak bed, a couple of well kept closets, a private bathroom with shower included, a desk with an assortment of ink and blank scrolls ready to be used, a corner for the pet or owl, a window to ventilate the place and let in enough natural light....

All that would be missing would be a small kitchen with a pantry to make it look like a bachelor pad.

Besides, even if the place wasn't decent, he could always go and sleep in the room he has in his own trunk. In fact maybe he would do them sometime, for a bit of a change of scenery.

-I'm glad you like it, leave what you must leave here and we'll continue the tour of the school. We'll go through the wood nymphs' greenhouse and then take our first test in the Charms classroom, which happens to be the closest one.

Chloe seemed calm, but she was a little excited inside. From the letters she exchanged with Flitwick, it seems that Soisen was monstrously talented in Potions and Transformations, but still not bad at Charms and the other subjects.

If she wasn't so busy later due to preparations for lessons starting tomorrow, once she finished the tour she would ask him to bring up the project she needed his help on. It sounded like such an interesting idea!