Match interrupted

Perhaps because Soisen was not paying attention to the quidditch, he was really unaware that the match was going to take place so soon. The effects of his weather manipulation spell were still present and resulted in the storm being worse than in the original story.

-Is that an umbrella flying through the clouds? -Soisen asked as he squinted his eyes.

-Are you really paying more attention to a stray umbrella blown by the wind than to the game? -Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

-I can't help it," he defended himself, "The only part I saw entertaining, was when that beater's broom suddenly caught fire from the lightning strike," Soisen shrugged noncommittally.

Quidditch was a boring and stupid game.

And he would defend his opinion against the magical world if he had to!

Several people around her joined Hermione in rolling their eyes. If it weren't for the field Soisen set up in the stands to shelter them from the rain and cold, they might have protested slightly, but no one wanted to get wet in the storm that was falling as the pitcher's revenge.

Yes, Soisen found it rather strange that the teachers did not put up some protection to avoid catching cold in the rain, but who is he to judge them?

Could it be that they need to feel the wind in their beards and the drops of water on their faces for a more authentic experience, who knows.

Although it should be noted, the fact that the rest of the spectators were using umbrellas and raincoats to protect themselves from the big storm instead of using simple wand-waving spells was even stranger.

Sometimes he questioned whether they really were wizards.

-Harry has seen the Snitch! -shouted someone from Gryffindor who was standing a few feet away from the Soisen barrier, braving the rain.

Yes, he could see as Potter and the Hufflepuff seeker were heading off the pitch in a certain direction, clearly chasing something very specific.

Soisen found it interesting to watch as the Snitch received an electric shock, causing the Hufflepuff seeker to fall without the golden sphere actually being affected. This left only Potter chasing it at high altitude.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the glass of water he was holding, driven by a single purpose, suddenly begin to freeze despite the protection he set up.

-They're here," she thought.

And sure enough, after only a couple of minutes, he watched as Potter fell from the sky from a height of forty meters without a broom as the Dementors rushed after him. Dumbledore could not stand to watch and raised his right hand pointing at the fainted boy.

-Arrest Momentum!

Potter began to fall more slowly and managed to land like a feather on the ground, without too many injuries.

The teachers began to evacuate and protect the panicked students while the dementors stole some happiness there and there.

-Hermione! -Soisen called, "Silvia! This is the moment, if any Dementors approach, use the Patronus without hesitation! Remember, happy thoughts.

Hermione and Silvia exchanged glances as they took out their wands, which Soisen insisted they bring just in case.

Thank goodness they listened to him!

Raising their wands, a silvery mist covered their positions as they signaled the others to approach them. The teachers, recognizing the Patronus, indicated to go there and helped reinforce the silver mist dome with their own Patronus. Within minutes, the students were all under the dome and the Dementors were trying to get in.

The teachers were worried because they needed to focus on keeping up the defense and not letting them in, so they couldn't go on the offensive.

-Give them some room! -Soisen shouted around them, "I need a three by five space to try to chase these creatures away!

Hearing him, the students quickly gave him some space by squeezing together as they looked at him with interest. Soisen pulled a potion from his sleeve, gulped it down, put the bottle away, and as he watched the Dementors through the dome, the same silvery mist that formed the dome over their heads sprouted from his hands, only instead of joining the defense, it formed a solid construct of light the size of a horse.

-Hey, Dementors! -He shouted at them as he held his creation, "Say hello to my little friend!

(Visual aid image)

What followed next was a hellish noise as Soisen mowed down the dark creatures with a Patronus in the form of a continuously rotating heavy gatling machine gun!

Under the cadence of happy fire and bullets, the Dementors didn't know what to do until they saw the damage he could cause and retreated within minutes, understanding the gravity of the threat in front of them.

Sixty Dementors burst onto the Quidditch pitch and only twenty-three managed to get out of there!

What the heck, since when did those little morsels become so ferocious?

And if the Dementors were speechless, the students and teachers who saw Soisen's counterattack were dumbfounded at the ferocity of the little wizard.

Seeing the dementors leave, Soisen immediately dispelled the Patronus and sat on the floor, sweating profusely. He had mastered the Patronus solidly during his accelerated state when he left the family vault at Gringotts and could alter the form rather than just settling for a fixed construct. Using his happy memories plus a potion whose function was to amplify that happiness, he now felt as if he had just run three marathons in a row and passed right out.

How was he to know that each bullet had such a large consumption?

Adding that consumption to the rate of fire?

It seems he didn't properly calculate the backlash he would receive this time.

Fortunately, he was surrounded by friends and teachers, so he wasn't too worried about the Dementors suddenly returning to take advantage of his weakened state.

But before he passed out, he mentally cursed Dumbledore.

Why the devils didn't he cast his phoenix Patronus!!!!

Did he want to assess how people would act in a crisis situation for the future?

You old bastard!