Only one

He wasn't going to lie, Soisen was inspired by the Order of the Phoenix to set up his own Order with people who were trustworthy to a certain extent. It's just that there was no stupid philosophy like sparing the lives of dark wizards and murderers, no way.

The rules of the Order of the Hippogriff were simple and magically binding from the moment you became a part.

For example, the first rule of the Order was that no one could talk about the Order with non-members. Literally.

They were incapable of leaking information associated with the Order on a voluntary basis. Where they would meet, who were members, what they had done, teach others what they had learned without permission, etc.

They could not gesture words, write, gesture, or take advantage of any loopholes.

They couldn't even teach memories of anything related to the Order!

She still remembered how Cho Chang's best friend, Marietta Edgecome, would betray Dumbledore's Army two years later and her only punishment was a curse that filled her face with pimples that formed the word DELATORA.

Soisen was not going to be so innocent and directly denied the possibility of any leaks in a spectacularly thorough manner.

The second rule, was that all members had to be proficient at some level with the practice of Occlumency. Ideally, strong enough to resist Veritaserum.

Yes, Soisen continued to spread this magic to all his acquaintances and members without fear.

The third rule, they could not join another Order.

Clubs, gatherings of friends, family reunions, study groups, and so on.

Even something like Dumbledore's Army was okay since it was temporary!

Who was he to stop them from showing off, but no Order!

Soisen refused to let the members he taught and trained, his people in a way, end up being used by Dumbledore by inviting them into the Order of the Phoenix.

No way. If they were so short of staff, let them put an ad in the paper.

As for the rest of the rules, they were to cover fairly specific and unlikely scenarios. Besides, it's not like they lost anyone when they formed the Order of the Hippogriff either. Let's do a review of the current members:

Cedric was dead by then (Mental note, save him from his death when he competes in the next school year's tournament).

Ginny was underage and they didn't accept her, much to their own frustration.

They also didn't accept Ron and Potter for not being old enough, so Hermione can't count either as well as Luna.

And I was pretty sure Cho Chang, Silvia and Neville weren't part of the Order of the Phoenix either.

The only pity was that the Weasley twins were not interested in the "summer study group" and missed out on the Order's membership and founding, as they were more interested in researching pranks to expand the catalog of their future store.

A pity, because their inventiveness would have been most welcome.

But! He also knew that the twins were quite rebellious, so he could only console himself with the thought that he had prevented future leaks by some creative way that he probably hadn't thought of yet.

Did he mention the tattoo?

All members had an H engraved on the right thumb with some incantations he learned from the library and upon greeting a person in the Order, the tattoos would react and visibly reveal themselves.

The rest of the time they are invisible and undetectable.

A countermeasure to the multijugos potion and the Imperius curse, as the reaction will warn that the member is being controlled by someone by alternating between a hot and cold sensation.

Even in the event that someone discovered them, they could argue that the H of Hogwarts and that they had it made as a small tribute to their alma mater. They didn't need to confess that the H actually came from Hippogriff.

Wow, only now did Soisen realize that he got maybe a little paranoid about this whole having his own Order thing.

Did he overreact?


Nah, these things are better to have from the beginning to avoid unpleasantness.

They all went back to their respective carriages so they could have some personal space and Soisen asked Ginny to stay for a moment.

-What's up? -asked the youngest of the Weasley family.

-Although we have agreed on a date and place, I will need some props so that we can make better progress in practice. Your brothers happen to be handyman, so take this scroll and ask them to do what's inside by then and bring it with you when we meet. Tell them I'll pay for everything, so they should do a good job," Soisen handed a scroll to Ginny where some wooden dummies, dartboards and more were listed, "You know what to do if the others in your family ask.

Ginny nodded and walked away.

-Don't you think I should be the one doing these things? -Silvia asked, a little annoyed at giving that job to others.

-No, you, as well as Hermione, should prepare for the first lesson of the Order. I think from Hermione's expression, she has a pretty good idea what it will be about.

-You're going to test everyone, aren't you? -Although it sounded like a question, it bordered on a statement.

-Bingo! -Soisen confirmed without letting them waste any more time speculating, "Theory aside, I want to see everyone's true practical level. To be honest, I only expect a challenge from you two and from Cedric.


-Neville is too nervous in these situations. Both Ginny and Luna are still learning how to cast spells well, while Cho seems like the type who would rather talk than wave her wand to settle an argument," Soisen explained, "Maybe I'm wrong though, you should never let your guard down, you know.

Constant vigilance!