Seven is magic

Soisen's eyes went wide and he choked on his red tea when he heard that he was also named as champion, coughing in surprise. Luna at his side had to tap him on the back to help him, under the shocked gaze of the Galegold house members and the rest of Hogwarts.

After several days of rumors, everyone knew that Soisen despised the prize and had not the slightest interest in participating!

Even Fleur and Maxime were aware of that!

In fact, he strongly supported Cedric in the Weasley betting!

At this point, no one looked at Soisen wrong, because they understood that there was a problem with the goblet without the slightest doubt.

-Headmaster Dumbledore, are you sure you read that right? -He couldn't help but ask, trying to deny the possibility, "Perhaps you need to clean your glasses?

-I'm afraid not," Dumbledore did not look away from the paper in his hands, as if he was trying to see something else there, "Go to the hall with the rest of the champions, Mr. Galegold.

Soisen's good mood was completely ruined as he walked with the other four towards the room, under the gaze of the rest of the students.

Whoever did it had the whole castle to choose from, but does his name come up?

Didn't he have enough to add two students besides Potter?

This move doesn't make any sense to him!

Unless they're targeting him for some reason?

-Why did so many people come? -Krum asked as he saw the four minors enter.

Even if they wanted to call them back, one would have been different.

-Soisen? Curie? -Fleur looked at her friends in surprise and approached them, "What's going on? -she asked them.

-The thing is..." -Curie was still a bit disoriented by the sudden events, so she didn't think too much and explained everything that happened.

Krum and Fleur were dumbfounded. So, it's a Seven Wizards Tournament?

Well, seven was a number with many magical properties, wasn't it?

Dumbledore, Maxime and Karkaroff came in almost running followed by the Ministry staff and found out that apart from the three initial champions, the rest were honest in saying that they didn't even try to throw their name into the goblet.

The fact that all their names were on one piece of paper is evidence enough of conspiracy!

The worst part is that even if they knew something was wrong, and that the Ministry had been careless and incompetent for not putting Aurors to guard such an ancient artifact, the pact with the chalice was made and the seven champions were bound to participate or face the consequences.

And none of them were willing to be punished.

Worst of all was Headmaster Karkaroff, who was still trying to squeeze the situation by saying that they and Beauxbatons only had two champions and Hogwarts had three, so they should grant them some advantages to even the score.

Maxime was not so blatant and had more confidence in her students, she understood that something was wrong and doubted that the headmaster of Hogwarts would have stooped so low.

Dumbledore on his side, although he regretted not putting up his own vigilance, refused to give in to Karkaroff, because he knew that the moment he did, he would ask for more and more.

Be steady as a rock, let everything slide around you like water, and blame it on the Ministry. From his life experience, it always works.

Krum and Svadika were abashed by their headmaster's behavior, which was far from honorable and more akin to a rabid dog.

Maxime took Fleur and Curie away after giving a few more follow-up words, Fleur having a look of realization as she realized that even if there was something strange, she could truly compete with Soisen.

Hogwarts champions Cedric, Soisen and Potter looked at each other.

-"I don't think anyone expected this," said Cedric laughing a little as he saw Soisen's grumpy face, "Don't be like that, it will be fun to have you as a rival and partner," he patted Soisen's men and looked at Potter, who was scratching his nose uncomfortably, "And you Harry, don't worry and concentrate on surviving. That's the most important thing.

Yes, Cedric didn't believe for a moment that Potter had the skills to excel in the competition after getting used to the level revealed by his fellow Order member, so it was best that he focus on protecting himself so that when the Tournament was over he would still be in one piece and breathing well.

Harry understood the innuendo and could only clench his fists secretly, vowing to make sure he would change Cedric's mind with his performance. And perhaps, he'd impress Cho enough that she'd decide to change partners....

Potter's thoughts were all over his face and it wasn't complicated to decipher.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Soisen had another concern.

Would the tests be altered due to the unexpected number of participants?

By their original design, if they just added more it wouldn't be a problem and they could still be used.

More dragons, more hostages and all fixed.

But I really feared if they would change any test to a different one, eliminating the bonus you have in knowing the ins and outs of each test. He could only cross his fingers and hope that the wizards would be too lazy to think of a new test, wanting to just go ahead with the current ones.

That would mean the first test would be held on the twenty-fourth of November, with the task of confronting a dragoness to steal the golden egg from her.

-I guess I'll have to go get some books on dragons to refresh my memory," he sighed to himself.

He had no idea what dragon might touch him. He only remembered Potter's Hungarian Horntail, Cedric's Swedish Snout, Krum's Chinese Fireball and Fleur's Common Green Welshman.

Add to that mix three other unknown dragon types, and there was some speculation in his mind.

It could be the Black Hebrid or the Ukrainian Ironbelly.

They could even throw in some Peruvian Vipertooth!

The Romanian Longhorn was too valuable and their population was too depleted to be a possibility.

He also had the Antipodean Opaleye in mind, but it's a very beautiful dragon, quite tame and not considered very dangerous, as it only kills sheep usually when it's hungry.

-How troublesome...