Master and Lord of Hogwarts

In the Great Dining Hall, despite it being lunchtime, full and with the smell of delicious dishes in the air, only a single person could be seen eating as if the bombshell he had dropped just a few minutes ago was as irrelevant as asking the time.

-No one else is hungry? -Soisen looked around trying to act calm and turned his attention to Professor Sprout who was standing near him, "A taco?

-I... -the Herbology teacher was flabbergasted -You know what? Give me six of them and give me the sauce, I'm off my diet today!

-That's the spirit!

(Remember to take care of your eating habits to live a long and happy life).

-Errr, Soisen? -Silvia was currently as confused as everyone else present, but she had superior mental stamina from actively practicing Occlumency and being prepared for all the crazy things that her boyfriend was still managing to surprise her with today. A summary, if nothing else.

-Say the magic words.


-Well, although I don't know what part of what I said is hard to understand, I was very clear -He finished the taco in his hand in three bites and drank some apple juice to help down the food- I am the owner and master of Hogwarts as of today.

-But in first year you said- -Minerva as the deputy headmistress tried to understand, but couldn't.

-I didn't know much myself then and my memories were incomplete, remember? -Soisen stated the facts to the audience around him, "I myself did not learn of the possibility of reclaiming Hogwarts until much later and there were several conditions. As it happens, the moment that pink toad expelled me, they were all met and now the grounds, the castle, the house elves and every last brick or shell in this place is mine to do with as I please.

-What conditions were those? -Snape asked tersely.

-Majority of age in the eyes of magic, connect with castle magic, go six hundred years without anyone in my family going to Hogwarts, no legitimate headmaster present and I graduate," he expounded as he counted on his fingers, "This year fulfilled the first requirement and consequently, I got sick when the castle magic connected with me, too much difference in levels, but I'm over it. The six hundred years was a loophole Rowena accepted from my mother, but her overconfidence in her intelligence has proven unwise. Dumbledore's absence fulfills that there is no legitimate headmaster (because Umbridge clearly wasn't one), and since she expelled me from the school, I am considered a graduate. Even if I re-accept myself as a student, the inheritance of ownership is already permanent.

-You didn't consider asking our opinion? -Minerva frowned with discontent, "Because you didn't tell us when you found out?

-Opinion? -Soisen looked her in the eye without understanding what she meant. "Professor, this is my family heritage and I don't need to answer to anyone outside my family.

Minerva wanted to refute, but she couldn't really find a solid counterargument.

She couldn't say that Hogwarts belonged to everyone, because it never did!

Soisen already explained very clearly how it all unfolded in the past.

-As for why I didn't say anything, I think you will understand that it is information that can only be used against me and not in my favor, before the time comes and now it is irrelevant," Soisen pointed out as he shrugged his shoulders.

McGonagall remained silent because although it was not expressly said, the professors understood what she was referring to.

Would Dumbledore allow the school to become someone's private property? Never!

So the reason Soisen said nothing to them was to prevent Dumbledore from using this knowledge against them and trying to nullify their rightful inheritance using trickery, technicalities, or any other trickery.

In fact, if anyone here were to become the owner of Hogwarts, they wouldn't reveal that information to anyone either unless they were fools.

-So now you have the same authority as the headmaster? -Flitwick asked, not knowing how to feel at the moment.

He was immersed in the joy of Umbridge's expulsion, worried about the Ministry's reaction, and bewildered to learn that the young wizard in front of him owned Hogwarts from now on.

-No, my authority is superior," Soisen clarified to avoid future problems, "The school will continue to function normally, for now, but I can modify the place as I wish among other things, as it is my private property.

-That means that when Dumbledore comes back....

-He can regain his position as headmaster, he simply has to understand that he is no longer the highest authority in this place and some important things will have to go through me if he wants to implement them," Soisen was trying to be delicate in the transition of power, but that old man needed to understand that this place was no longer his to dispose of as he wished.

Hogwarts was now his domain.

-What kind of modifications do you plan to make? -Professor Sinistra asked.

-As you may know, Hogwarts is in urgent need of updating in many places. The kitchens still use middle age facilities, there are areas of the castle that haven't been used for decades because the school board won't approve the budget to repair or maintain them and don't get me started on the botched spell that was used on the floating stairs -Soisen mentioned some of the things she was going to modernize or fix- I have the resources to fix everything and I don't need to go through any permissions, so actually everything will be better.

-What will we do when the Ministry sends Aurors to interrogate us about the expulsion of their Grand Inquisitor? -Although the situation was strange, McGonagall was an experienced witch and knew there were more pressing matters.

-We will tell them the truth, of course," Soisen stated matter-of-factly, "That the owner of the castle expelled her from his private property for misbehavior. And if they think they have a say in this place, let it be clear that they do not. The Ministry NEVER had the right to interfere at Hogwarts and they would do well to remember that.

And unlike Dumbledore, Soisen would not allow the opposite to happen as long as he lived.

The wizards and witches felt dumbfounded as the castle around them shuddered slightly, as if resonating in agreement with their teacher's statement.

-"So in summary, everything will return to 'normal' for now," Soisen clarified for those who did not yet understand the situation, "I authorize Minerva McGonagall to temporarily assume the responsibilities and rights as temporary headmistress, I will override my recent expulsion from the school and those stupid Decrees. I will personally prepare myself to participate in the T.I.M.O's and once finished, I will continue with the castle changes -she looked around as she took another cue from the table- Questions?

-And who will be teaching DADA for the rest of the school year? -Neville asked as he realized that Umbridge's departure equated to a possible cancellation of a much needed subject for the times.

- "I'll discuss that with Professor McGonagall later, I have an idea that I think may suffice for the time being," Soisen looked at the temporary Headmistress, who nodded to imply that they would be meeting later, "By the way, you can use the Headmaster's office as normal. I've already ordered the gargoyle to let you in. And now, everyone, let's eat!