Felix Felicis

Potions Lesson Time, Dungeons

-Welcome everyone to my Potions class, I am Horace Slughorn and as you should already know if you were paying attention during the banquet, I will henceforth be in charge of your training in the delicate and complex art of Potions making. Knowing how to manipulate the ingredients with precision is certainly a....

Soisen looked at Professor Slughorn with interest, hoping to use the club excuse later on so that he could discuss advanced potions theory with him, but without revealing anything significant from his side. If there was one thing he was clear on, it was that this man was willing to take advantage of everything in his power and would not allow his discoveries to benefit the other side... too much, just enough to make him willing to go for more.

After Ron and Potter arrived, where Slughorn already reveals his bias by saying that any friend of Potter's is a friend of his, he asked them to take the spare books before joining the lesson while Hermione identified the potions prepared by the professor beforehand.

-Correct, Miss Granger. Of course, Amortentia is not capable of generating true love, only strong obsession and is without a doubt, the most dangerous potion in the classroom at the moment," said Slughorn as he capped the cauldron and brought four female students out of their trance, which all the male students made a mental note not to eat anything offered to them on Valentine's Day, if at all.

Well, all except Ron - who in their right mind would turn down free food?!

Then what happened happened...

-Miss Granger, would you be able to identify this potion? -Slughorn pointed to a smaller cauldron next to the Amortentia - As I understand it, everyone here should know.

-That's Filter of Reason and it serves to neutralize and prevent the effects of Amortentia," said Hermione as she turned to look at Soisen.

-Right! Five points for Gryffindor," Slughorn applauded enthusiastically, "Indeed, this is none other than the potion that your fellow student, Mr. Galegold, created during your first years at Hogwarts. An interesting potion with very respectable purposes. Which one of you...?

-It's me, Professor," Soisen raised his hand, not about to be humble when it came to potions.

-Excellent, if I am to believe what I hear, I expect great things from you, Mr. Galegold," Slughorn approached Soisen to shake his hand excitedly, "I have only had one student in the past with a talent close to yours.

No one in the classroom knew who that talented student was, but Soisen knew immediately that he was referring to Lily.

-Professor, you still haven't told us what potion is in that vial," Hermione commented as the lesson seemed to veer off course.

-Oh, this little one is a potion called Felix Felicis, also known as....

-Liquid Luck," Hermione finished.

-That's right! Terribly difficult to brew and a disaster if a single step isn't carried out correctly. But if successfully distilled, all your wishes become possible... at least for the duration of its effects.

-Have you ever tried it, professor?

-Twice in my life, with a teaspoonful in the morning," Slughorn nodded as he seemed to reminisce, "Two really perfect days. And this, dear students, is today's prize. I will award this vial of Felix Felicis to the one who manages to create for the remainder of the hour an acceptable sample of Living Dead Filter. Although I must warn you that only one person has managed to achieve such quality in the past. You can find the recipe on page ten of their books," he reminded them.

Everyone got to their potion stations and began to follow the instructions in the books carefully. Some people like Draco seemed especially motivated, despite knowing that with Soisen as a competitor their chances didn't even exist.

While everyone was trying to cut the sopoforo beans, Soisen took a silver knife and smashed it to get more juice out of it. He didn't even open the book, as he remembered perfectly well the recipe for the Living Dead Filter and how to prepare it.

And he wasn't just talking about Snape's modified version, but his own even more optimized version that he extrapolated from that recipe.

As Slughorn caught the flying grains that shot off the cutting tables and watched as some mixtures ended up forming a sort of green slime or explode leaving the students' faces black, he noticed Soisen's familiarity with the process along with the fact that he wasn't even with the book. What's more, glancing at the remains of the ingredients on the tables, he seemed to be preparing his own version, which piqued his interest.

Once the time was up, Slughorn began to examine all the mixtures. Some didn't even need a second glance and he was secretly disappointed to see the purple-smoked mixture Potter prepared, realizing that the boy didn't seem to have inherited his mother's talent in potions.

A real pity.

He tossed a bay leaf into Soisen's potion and the leaf turned to ash at the touch, which sank silently into the mixture.

-It's perfect! More than perfect, let alone that one drop would kill us all. It would take just half a drop to kill the whole school! Mr. Galegold, consider me more than impressed. This vial of Felix Felicis is yours.

-Thank you, Professor," Soisen accepted the vial to lukewarm applause.

Even Hermione was frustrated that she couldn't compete for that vial of liquid luck, despite following the book's instructions to the letter. But she knew long ago that when it comes to potions, there's no point in comparing herself to Soisen.

At least he knows that in the hands of his friend, it won't be used for evil purposes.

Oblivious to the thoughts of the others, Soisen wasted no time in storing the vial with the lucky potion in his personal bag after finishing the lesson, right next to the others.

Yes, Soisen had several vials of Felix Felicis that he carefully prepared over the summer based on a revelation he had during an afternoon while talking to Silvia.

Drinking too much of this type of potion couldn't be good in the long run for anyone, but....

What if everyone on the same side drank the potion synchronously on the same day?

Regardless of who won the showdown between Voldemort and Potter, there was nothing wrong with having their people drink the potion that day.

If Potter won, they could end it all without too many problems arising, serious injuries, or it might prevent deaths

If Voldemort won, he could finish him off with some luck and get on with his life.

Did he just make a joke? And a bad one at that.

Who cares, the point was that Soisen was willing to use the resources necessary to send that dark lord to the underworld permanently and if he needed to use the power of luck as a backup, he could use it.