You no longer have to worry about them

Far from the panic and screams they all expected to see upon their arrival, the castle was eerily silent, with only one student staring at them in a way that made them feel uneasy.

The fact that the air still had the characteristic iron smell of blood only made them feel even more uneasy.

-The invaders have been dealt with, but I appreciate your attempt to help," the student who was looking at them with a sort of humanoid puppet at his side told them.

For some reason, the word "attempt" made them cringe.

-Ginny told me about you, you must be Soisen, right? -A red-haired man stepped forward and asked, "I'm Charlie, her older brother.

-In fact, I can tell at a glance that you're his brother. You have several similarities to Fred, George and Percy. Everyone, welcome," Soisen nodded as the host of the place, "If you still want to help, do you know of any spells that might help air out the castle? As you may have noticed, I haven't been able to finish cleaning yet and I'd rather get rid of this smell before the students leave," he raised his hand when he saw them open their mouths to stop them, "Yes, the students are safe and well.

The new arrivals looked at each other.

Because he spoke as if he wasn't a student too? His robes showed that he was.

Soisen could see at a glance their thoughts written all over his face, even without superficially reading their minds and rolled his eyes.

How could they put him on the same level as those hothouse flowers?

He had the courage and ability to stand up to Voldemort, something even many of the adults in front of him couldn't say. The only thing holding him back from finishing off the noseless onion was the pesky prophecy that would twist his attempt if he tried at all.

It just so happened that several members knew household incantations for cleaning and disinfecting, so with their cooperation in a short time the castle was back to its original state before it was raided.

One would never believe that until recently there were corpses of dark wizards littering the corridors, which now smelled of lime and berries.

By the time the cadres informed the professors that all was settled, the students gathered in the Great Dining Hall and several spoke with members of the Order of the Phoenix. Charlie spoke to Ginny and Ron, while other family members and acquaintances exchanged information about what had happened.


A blur rushed towards him and knocked him backwards onto the floor, revealing itself to be Sylvia who was hugging him tightly as she cried and said how worried she was when she heard the enemies had arrived.

Seeing the tears on his face, Soisen suddenly felt that the Death Eaters died a far too peaceful death.

-Errrr, I'm really sorry to interrupt this moment," Charlie approached accompanied by the rest of the Order of the Phoenix members, "Can you tell us where the Death Eaters who invaded the castle are locked up? We will contact the Ministry to transfer them all safely to Azkaban so we don't have to worry about them anymore.

Hermione, who was nearby and heard his statement, shook her head disappointed at the mentality of these adults. With the huge escape at Azkaban in the past, how could they still think that was a safe place to lock up magical criminals?

They needed to create a new, well-designed place of containment.

-"Sure, come with me," Soisen nodded as he wore a neutral expression and kept an arm around Silvia to calm her down, "PX5 and onwards, stay and keep an eye on the area just in case. The safety of the good students is the priority," he ordered.

Some students shivered imperceptibly as they heard the "good students" being remarked and the confirmation of the cold mechanical voice echoed in the room.

-Roger, Roger," the golems spread out around the students in the Great Dining Hall equidistantly, forming a hedge to provide aid and protection when needed.

While it is true that several students were traumatized by these constructs due to their brutal rescues, most were more reassured to know that it was these golems who defended the castle for the most part.

With them here and the teachers nearby, it should be all right, right?

Besides, what Soisen was doing seemed to be in everyone's best interest and it's because of his new security measures that everything was able to be over so quickly. Even the professors, who seemed to be clearer about the true nature of the unfolding events and were silent about it, couldn't help but let go a sigh of relief.

And where was Dumbledore when Hogwarts needed him most?

As Soisen escorted everyone to a disused room in the dungeons, he asked a question that had been on his mind since he saw them arrive.

-How did you know Hogwarts was under attack?

Clearly Dumbledore hadn't warned them and there wasn't enough time for someone to sit down and write a letter and send it by owl. He didn't like it one bit that these people had a possible way to monitor his castle without his knowledge.

-A friend in Hogsmeade tipped us off that he saw the Cursed Mark above the castle," Charlie explained, mistaking the question as mere curiosity on the wizard's part.

-That makes sense," Soisen nodded as he sighed inwardly relieved at the answer, "This is it," he pointed once they reached a pine door.

With a snap of his fingers, they all received a bubble head enchantment and Soisen opened the door to reveal its interior with no intention of giving any further details.

-By Merlin's beard!

A mountain of bodies was what they saw. At a glance, they could identify several Death Eaters known for their cruelty, their ideology of pureblood supremacy, and several Muggle killers.

-As you can see and Charlie mentioned, you don't have to worry about them anymore," Soisen commented.

Silvia did not look inside, but from the reaction of the others her mind was already imagining a dreadful scene. It was only because of the warmth Soisen was transmitting to her that she was able to feel calmer about the unfolding events.

-Did you do this? -Alastor asked as his magical eye swiveled and identified some old enemies that had scarred his body.

Soisen raised an eyebrow, it had already struck him as odd that he had remained silent for so long.

-No, the security measures I implemented and improved at the castle did," he replied without a hint of guilt, "I'd let you examine my wand to prove it, but as you'll recall, I don't use one.

-Would you be willing to put some of these "security measures" in place at the Ministry and the Auror Department? He asked to the complete surprise of those present, including Soisen who was not expecting this follow-up at all.

I was almost certain he would say something like this looked more like the work of a dark wizard, that he didn't have the right to take their lives or that he should turn himself in for further investigation.

-Alastor! -someone shouted in outrage.

-What? In case your memory fails you, this boy is the owner of the castle and he did nothing to break any laws," Moody reminded them as he took a sip from his flask, "What he did was legitimate defense and no one can have a say in how he defends his property, no matter how extravagant it is," he turned his head so that both eyes were looking at him, "And seeing how effective he is, I think we could do with having a couple of them installed in critical places in the Ministry, more so considering the assault we suffered last year.

-I don't think we have the budget for that," Tonks whispered to the side as she grimaced.

-If there is one thing that is clear to me from my experience of teaching in this castle, it is that Mr. Galegold is a flexible businessman. Instead of galleons as payment, he accepts other equivalent means, correct?

-That's right, as long as the "value" is equivalent, I am willing to listen to alternatives.

After all, galleons were the least of what he lacked and he preferred to obtain materials, knowledge and other things that would be more practical for him.

-Well, let's talk later," Moody wanted to make a deal, but he had to get the Ministry's approval first.

There was no point in an agreement that could not be implemented.

-So... Do you need to take the Death Eaters with you? -Soisen asked as he looked at the rest of the people.

-Yes, we need to identify each one to know who can no longer support the dark lord," Tonks nodded somewhat reluctantly, although he handled some corpses during his Auror practices, what he had in front of him was a small mountain of bodies.

Many of which from his view, were incomplete and with expressions of terror still on their deaths. It was going to be a really uncomfortable few hours of work.

-Was it necessary to kill them? -asked Charlie, unable to contain the question that several were thinking.

Soisen held back a lot from laughing in his face, it seemed that the Light's side was missing a few screws in terms of logical thinking.

-If these Death Eaters suddenly attacked The Burrow with evil intentions towards your family, would you just knock them unconscious? -Soisen was not going to give in to the Light's morals.