
Currently, Six was bashing his head against a wall. Veronica, who had witnessed this, saw this before and waited for Six to calm down before asking. By the time Six was calmed down enough, Veronica was sighing.


"What's wrong this time?" Veronica asked.

"I tried to find out how Quirk-Suppression Cuffs work," Six answered as he slumped down and sat with his back against the wall.

"Okay, what's got you so worked up that you're so mopey?" She asked as she sat down next to him.

"I found out how," Six simply said as he held his head in his hands.

"It can't be that bad," Veronica stated.

"Tritium 016-10," Six whispered and Veronica stilled.

"Well, shit," Is all she said.


Tritium is a rare and radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a half-life of about 12 years. But the 016-10 version is something from their world. Indefinite shelf life while producing enough power to help fuel a Nuclear Reactor for centuries. Here, though, it's used to damage and cancel out quirks.


"That explains why it's so highly regulated and kept secret," Veronica sighed and tapped her head against the wall.

"I'm just happy that they haven't found out about its power-producing capabilities. God knows what would happen," Six sighed. "Thankfully, there is an upside to all this."

"And what, pray tell, is that?" Veronica asked

"016-10 is extremely rare and is only produced thanks to Stars-and-Strips," Six told her. "It's thanks to her quirk that they even found out about it."

"What are you gonna do about it?" She asked

"For now, nothing. The HPSC has it tightly under control and has severe punishments for those trying to use it without their express permission," Six sighed.

"How severe?" Veronica asked with curiosity.



Veronica just nodded her head. Understanding just how dangerous the stuff was to the populace if it were to get out. However, it did leave a bad taste in her mouth that they would kill just to keep it a secret.

The two just sat there silently for a bit before Six pushed himself up. Veronica followed suit.


"So, I gotta question for you," Veronica said as they stood.

"What?" Six asked, "Do you want another dress?"

"Asshole," She blushed and slugged his shoulder, "No, I was just wondering if you told those two about that?"

"Who and what?" Six asked, confused.

"Those two kids about you being their father," Veronica clarified.

"Oh," Six said before sighing. "I don't even know how to approach those two about it. One doesn't even care about his father and the other one has found a father figure to look up to."

"Have you talked to their mothers?" Veronica suggested. "Maybe they'll have a way to tell them."

"Don't even get me started on those two," Six sighed again, "One hates me for disappearing and the other has abandonment issues."

"What about finding out who you are?" Veronica asked. "What did you find out about Dylan Jones?"

"I'm not sure," Six said as he started walking with Veronica following along. "Nezu said he'll do what he can to find out for me. But the last time I asked about it, he said he was being bound by red tape."

"That's concerning," Veronica said but then sighed, "But knowing your Luck, it's most likely nothing."

"I hope so," Six said. "Most likely, Dylan Jones is just quirkless."

"That or he had an extremely overpowered quirk," Veronica stated to which he shuddered.

"I hope you're wrong." Six stated, "I'm happy with what I have now."


It's been two days since Six found out what was used in Quirk-Cancelling Cuffs and his discussion with Veronica. Since then, Six had been in contact with Mitsuki and Inko about his apparent fatherhood to their kids. While he still hasn't told Katsuki and Izuku about it, he's been slowly coming around to it and spending more time with them while coaching them on their quirks.

Katsuki didn't really need the help as his battle instinct was similar to that of Six's. But Six did coach him in ways to use his Ultimate Moves while in combat. As for Izuku, Six had trouble talking to him. Izuku had a bad habit of being scared whenever Six tried to help him, always believing that he was in trouble with Six. It took more time to tell him to calm down than teaching him.

Right now, though, Six was sparring with Momo. Well, sparring wasn't the right term as they were running around shooting each other with rubber bullets. As they ran back and forth, Class 1-A watched them from above while they took a breather.


"Man, it looks like they're trying to kill each other!" Denki exclaimed after Momo dodged a shot that would have hit her face.

"A man like that will never get any-" *Smack* Mineta spoke before getting smacked by Tsuyu.

"Shut up, Mineta. *Kero*"

"But still, this seems like overkill," Sato shuttered.

"Trust me, it's not," Veronica spoke up, grabbing the students' attention. "She should be happy that it's not an active firefight with real bullets."

"Still though," Kirishima said as they watched Momo get hit several times before she fell, "Is she gonna be okay?"

"She'll be fine~," Veronica said as they watched Momo get back up.


It was at this point that Six called the training's end. He had been shooting at Momo for thirty minutes and pushed her past her limits. Six knew when to call it and right now, Momo was on the verge of passing out. That and the fact that she lasted longer than he thought she would. To say that Six was proud would be accurate. But he knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg for her potential. It was something that he was beginning to see in a few of the students. Katsuki and Izuku aside, there were several that showed great potential. Kirishima, Denki, Mina, and Ochaco had potential that rivaled their classmates.

Kirishima had the potential to become something that could withstand even plasma. Denki could possibly shoot plasma shots from his fingertips. Mina could make the unmeltable melt. And Ochcao could control gravity and play with it. However, all the students had similar potential. For example, it was possible for Ida to get even faster than he already was; Koda could possibly control people with his quirk.

The possibilities with Class 1-A were gigantic in scope and reach.


|POV Six|


"Quirk Researcher," Nezu said to me as I sat down for tea and coffee with him, and I knew what he was talking about when he said those words.

"I see," I mumbled, "But that doesn't explain why all the red tape and black ink."

"I'm afraid it does when it involves Stars-and-Strips," Nezu sighed to which I connected the dots.

"Tritium 016-10," I said to which Nezu looked surprised.

"So, you know how to make Quirk-cancelling Cuffs?" Nezu asked.

"I found out while going through Power Loader's computer," I told him with no shame. "I figured since he couldn't tell me, I'd find out for myself."

"Sometimes, I despise you and your intellect," He said with a slight shudder.

"Intellect is nothing to raise your nose at," I squinted at him, seeing what he could not say.


Time flew past as I managed to get what I needed from him, even if it was in a roundabout way. At that time, I found out that Star-and-Strip was far more powerful than she was published about. I sighed and started to plan how to take her out should the need arise. I shook my head.

Plan later, I have more pressing matters right now, like figuring out how to break the ice with Katsuki and Izuku.


"I'm just come right out and say it," I finally said with a sigh.


It's been a few minutes since I called Katsuki and Izuku into one of UA's conference rooms. I gave them their favorite drinks and had them sit down. In that time, Katsuki became agitated and Izuku became scared.


"And?" Katsuki demanded after I sighed once again.

"Ka-chan..." Izuku tried to soothe him but got a glare in return.

"Knock it off you two, you may be half-brothers," I sighed and spoke, "but are still brothers."

"What would you know about that?!" Katsuki challenged.

"Because you remember that tube you two spat into?" I asked to which they nodded. "Well, that makes things easier. Those were for a DNA test. One I requested."

"Why would you need a DNA test?" Izuku asked the question I was waiting for.

"Because, if you remember, your mothers were adamant that I was your father," I told them to which they could connect the dots from there. "So, yeah. I'm your father boys."

"SO, you're our shitty Father that's been missing since our birth?" Katsuki asked with an edge to his voice.

"..." Izuku just stared at me while I met their eyes.

"Yeah," I sighed again and scratched the back of my helmetless head. "I have no words to say to you about why I was gone, even I don't know why," I told them truthfully. "Hell, I didn't even know who I was until I met your mothers."

"You didn't know?" Izuku asked with slight tears in his eyes.

"Not one bit," I said. "Look," I sighed, "I'm not even sure how to even progress at this point, but know that me teaching you won't change anything."


Katsuki just glared at me before getting up and leaving, not even touching his drink. Izuku just looked at me before I just jerked my head in Katsuki's direction. Izuku nodded his head in thanks before leaving to go after Katsuki. He too left his drink untouched.

That went better than I thought it would. I figured that at least they would act like their mothers with Katsuki attacking me and Izuku crying. But this was an okay alternative.


|With Katsuki and Izuku|


Katsuki stomped his way toward the dorms, his mind wandering back to where he just learned about his father. Izuku walked alongside him, his mind too on what he just learned about his father. One that they shared.


"Ka-chan, are you okay?" Izuku asked.

"No," Katsuki answered.

"Look-" Izuku went to say but went quiet when he watched Katsuki punch a wall next to them.

"Why?" He demanded a question that Izuku couldn't answer. "Why does he show up now?"

"Ka-chan, he didn't know," Izuku spoke. "He must have had a reason as to why he only came back now."

"What I can't stand is how he was nonchalant saying he was our dad," Katsuki growled. "Does he even care?"

"He must have his reasons," Izuku guessed, "And with how the HPSC has been treating him, I highly doubt we've been on his mind."

"But still, he could have put more care into it," Katsuki sighed.


Little did they know that their perception of him would change drastically.