Bun Bun

The Frumentarii.

The eyes and ears of Caesar, his intelligence officers are tasked not only with infiltrating enemy society but also carrying out his campaigns of terror. They operate separately from the main Legion forces and are hand-picked by Caesar himself.

Their current leader was Vulpes Inculta.

While most would consider them nothing but Warmongers, the Frumentarii were the brains of the entire Legion. Without them, the Legion wouldn't be what it was.

It took Six and his entire family to eliminate all the Frumentarii over a long and grueling year to achieve. Even then, they still had their hands everywhere. Eyes, everywhere.

But now that Six knew that the Frumentarii were here, those he cherishes would be in danger.


Six couldn't help but grit his teeth as he let Vulpes walk away. He couldn't believe that he was letting him walk away for the third time. The first time was Nipton as he was still a weak little brat. The second time was at the Strip as Vulpes knew that the Securitrons would protect him should Six attack him. And now, this time. As if he didn't, he'd be openly going against the HPSC. Something he didn't want just yet.

As Six calmed down and tried to rationalize his letting him go, Aizawa tapped his arm to let him know that he was still holding on to him.


"Sorry, he just knows how to get under my skin," Six apologized, though his mind wasn't there at the moment.


Once Six was sure that Vulpes had left, Six stood up and told Aizawa that he'd leave the students to him. Aizawa understood the underlying meaning as he watched Six walk off. Ms. Joke was still shocked from meeting Vulpes that she didn't even register that Six had left until he was long gone.

Six got down to the street and hailed a cab. As a cab slowed down to pick him up, the cab took off before it even could stop. Six figured that his notoriety was the reason behind the cabbie's behavior. Six just sighed as he called up Doctor Disaster and asked for a portal but was rejected as he was in the shower. Six just sighed and hung up before starting to walk back to UA. A three-hour walk.

Not that far for him, but one walk he didn't need or want.


Six sighed, having walked more than half the distance to UA. As he walked, people that saw him gawked and whispered; sometimes outright shouting at him. They ranged from compliments to insults. Sometimes in between the two. Normally, he'd just brush off the comments, but some of them got under his skin. One person even dared to call his mother a whore. Needless to say, Six may have knocked a few teeth out of the person.

But that led to another thing. Currently, Six was staring down a certain Heroine that was annoying, to say the least.


"And, how may I help you?" Six asked as he stared down the mocha-skinned rabbit hero, Mirko. Also known as Rumi Usagiyama.

"I saw what you did," Rumi spoke as she eyed him up and down.

"And?" Six asked once again.

"You know that assaulting another person makes you a villain right?" She spoke as her eyes glinted.

"I know where this is going," Six sighed and muttered, having dealt with people like her before.


Six just waited until she moved first, as she spun around to deliver a roundhouse kick to his jaw, he just calmly caught her leg with his left hand. As Rumi's eyes widened as she couldn't retrieve her leg, Six gave her stomach a one-inch punch. Rumi coughed and slid back from the force of the blow. Six couldn't help but be surprised at how she was still standing. Rumi looked back at him with battle lust in her eyes. Six saw this, sighed, and then started to remove his armor.

He knew her type well, she wouldn't stop until she died or was out cold. And already a crowd was starting to form.


"Finally, a worthy opponent!" She shouted, "Show me what you got!"


She then charged at Six with a great burst of speed. As soon as she arrived, her foot was already tracing an arc up from the ground. Six sidestepped the kick as he knew that if he'd tried to tank that would be foolhardy. As Six swung to the side, he sent a left straight directly at her chin. Rumi rotated with the punch as it connected and dropped her leg down in a diagonal arc. Six showed his strength and skill in dodging the kick by a hair's width before bringing his leg up and sweeping her pivot leg out from under her.

Rumi smacked the ground as she couldn't move before the leg sweep. She bounced back up with a lightning-fast back roll before changing it into a tackle. Six was caught off guard at her speed and took the tackle head-on but remained standing. Then in a feat of flexibility, Rumi swung one of her legs up in a back kick that reached to Six's shoulder. Six felt his shoulder groan under the hit as Rumi retracted her leg before Six could grab it. Then before Rumi could remove herself from Six, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and picked her up.

With a vertical suplex straight into the pavement, Six thought that he'd knocked Rumi out as he put almost all his strength into that move. But all that earned him was a cheap shot to the face when Rumi punched him.

Six and Rumi then separated as they both rolled away from each other. Both had busted noses, but Rumi had the worst injury as she had a cut above her eye that bled heavily. With one hand, they both quickly reset their noses.

This all happened within three seconds.

Six saw that they were both about equal in terms of skill and strength, but he had more experience.

As they both got up, Six got into a boxer's pose and Rumi got into a pose similar to that of a Savate kickboxing pose.

The crowd around them looked on in interest as they both slowly closed in. But as they both came within range of each other, an explosion rang out from across the street. The crowd that had gathered to watch the two fight scattered. Rumi and Six just shared a look before booking it to where the explosion occurred.


As the two ran up to the site of the explosion, they found a bank being robbed by some clown in a suit with bombs strapped to his chest with white face paint. Rumi charged ahead, not caring what the villain's quirk may have been. Six, on the other hand, kept back and pulled out a pistol.

As Rumi got close, the villain waved his hand and several sticks of lit dynamite flew out from his vest. Rumi disregarded the dynamite and continued her charge. Six saw that they were the more important threat and shot them out of the air, making them explode. The villain's eyes went wide as that happened and before he knew it, the villain got kicked by Rumi.

Six ran up after the kick and quickly stripped the villain of all the dynamite he had while pocketing it all. Rumi shook her head when she saw this but didn't care.


"I could have handled that," Rumi said as she walked up to where Six and the villain was.

"Before or after the dynamite exploded on top of you?" Six asked as he handcuffed the villain.

"Either way, but you still need to answer for assaulting another person," Rumi said as the look in her eye came back.

"It was at most a playground scuffle, so you don't need to get involved," Six told her as he stood and began to redon his armor.

"The man was missing a few teeth," She deadpanned.

"Again, playground scuffle," Six stated as he began to walk away. "And besides, you just want to finish our fight."

"Damn right, I do!" Rumi admitted as she followed him, "Not many people can match me in terms of strength and skill."

"But I still hold the card of experience over you," Six told her.

"Bullshit," She told him.

"They do if you feed them," Six sarcastically said.

"Ha ha," Rumi said, "But I doubt that very much."

"How old do you think I am?" Six asked her.

"Probably mid-twenties." She answered truthfully.


Six didn't answer or correct her in any way. He knew to let people know only what he wanted them to know about him. After all, false information was better left unchecked.

As they walked, Six did his best to ignore the stares he got from passersby and even some of the whispering. Rumi, on the other hand, could hear what they were saying and talking about due to her quirk, Rabbit.


"Look, there he is,"

"How can someone like that be allowed to walk the streets?"

"What a monster,"

"How can he live with himself?"

"Someone should do to him like he does to villains."

"Yeah, he should die."

"No, he needs to be put in his place."


Needless to say, she was a little put off by all of what she heard. She could deal with all the negative she received as she didn't care. But, she couldn't help but shiver at the thought of Six getting what so many of the villains deserved as she respected his strength.


"How can you stand it?" She asked when they came to a crosswalk.

"You're gonna have to be more specific." Six answered her.

"How can you handle all the negative comments and threats?" She asked once again.

"Simple, when you walk the fine line, you need to know who's there for you." Six answered as they crossed. "However, even then it's not enough. You need to understand where and who you are. What you're willing to do and what lengths you'll go." Six stated as they continued to walk among the crowds. "I know who I am, what I'm willing to do, and what lengths I go to. I'm not afraid of what people say. I'm not afraid of what they'll do either. I've been betrayed and outcasted before. I've been shot and left for dead. Hell, I've sided with true monsters for the sake of revenge before."

"But you still have things you're afraid to lose, don't you?" Rumi asked as they came upon UA.

"Of course," Six answered honestly, "I have things that I will go to great lengths to keep safe that I'm afraid to lose. But at the same time, I have things that keep me grounded to where I am."

"I see," Rumi answered as the gate opened for Six, "I think I can see where you're coming from."

"But?" Six asked as he knew there would always be a 'but'.

"But," Rumi sighed, "Even if there are things that would keep me sane, I don't know how you can deal with all the negativity so easily. I would've gone insane from it all."

"Who said I haven't?" Six asked her as the doors shut behind him.


As Rumi stood there, wondering if he truly meant what he had said, she realized one thing.


"God damn it!" She shouted to the heavens, "We didn't finish our fight!"