You know what?...

"Shit, shit, shit," Veronica nearly shouted as she ran through the halls of UA. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead."


As she ran, she repeated that like a mantra, hoping that it would come true. But, as she was right now, she was panicked.

Someone had royally pissed Six off. She had already gotten the report that he was in the gym repeatedly beating on a punching bag filled with steel pellets. But what she was most worried about was that Six had thrown a kid through a wall. After witnessing and feeling Six's full strength, she was on her way to ensure that the kid was fine.

The only problem was that Veronica had no idea which student was the one that got thrown.

As she rounded a corner, Veronica headed to the Nurse's office as fast as she could. Upon arriving, she barreled through the door, almost taking it off the hinges. Which resulted in the door breaking and Veronica getting a few splinters. Recovery Girl, however, was not happy about it.


"What could possibly be worth you breaking my door?!"

Recovery Girl shouted at Veronica.

"The student," Veronica panted, "Are they alright?"

"Oh, Monoma," Recovery Girl spoke in realization, having somewhat forgotten about the incident that just happened.

"You forgot?!" Veronica shouted. "How could you forget?!"

"Do you know how often that boy's mouth gets him into trouble?" Recovery Girl asked.

"Good point," Veronica deadpanned then sighed, "So, how is he?"

"He's doing well, only a few broken bones," She answered, "Nothing a few sessions with my quirk won't fix."

"I'm just happy he didn't die," Veronica sighed in relief.

"I'm more curious as to what he said to get this kind of treatment for Six," Recovery Girl said, "Do you know what was said?" She asked curiously.

"It was a joke about his mother," Veronica answered.

"That's it?!" Recovery Girl.


Six sighed, he had just gotten out of Nezu's office. Apparently, throwing a kid through a wall was frowned upon. Well, at least the kid didn't die was the consensus of Six. Nezu, on the other hand, had really chewed into Six and had him suspended for a few days without pay.


'It could be worse,' Six thought as he made his way to his dorm, 'The kid could have died at the worst, and at least he knows now not to insult someone's mother. Still don't know why I get so angry at mother insults.' Six sighed again, 'More to figure out later.'


As Six thought this, he entered his dorm. Little did he know that trouble was on his way to him. In the form of Hero Work-Studies.




"So let me get this straight," Nezu spoke, his tone somewhat mad. "You want to hire Courier Six for the raid against Shie Hassaiakai?"

"Yes, that is correct Nezu," A voice spoke through Nezu's phone.

"You do realize he won't just roll over and accept it, right?" Nezu asked.

"We're willing to part ways with quite a reasonable sum," The voice answered with a level voice, giving nothing away.

"I don't believe money will sway him after all you pulled," Nezu told the voice.

"As a peace offering, tell him that a Legonary by the name of Vulpes has been apprehended and... disposed of," The voice said which caught Nezu off guard.

"Very well, I'll ask this of him," Nezu agreed somewhat reluctantly.

"That is all, goodbye for now." The voice then hung up.

"This is going to be a bloodbath," Nezu sighed as he put his head in his paws.


Nezu then called Six to his office.


"There's been a situation, please come to my office."


The next day came and went by faster than a flash of light and Six was gearing up to take Overhaul's head. An HPSC member had come by and briefed Six on what he needed to do, and that was to kill Overhaul. He had been in talks with Power Loader and Dr. Disaster about some of his Heavy Power Armor. With the information the HPSC member gave him, Overhaul's quirk was something that needed to be removed.

Overhaul's quirk, aptly named, 'Overhaul', worked on organic and inorganic matter. But Six was able to figure out that Overhaul's quirk relied on his hands. Six figured that he'd had to get him into the air either and render his quirk useless or disable/remove his hands. Something Six had no bother doing.

After all, Overhaul was going to die.




Six sighed, he had walked into the meeting with the other Heroes with an HPSC member by his side and was met with glares. Even after the HPSC member stated that Six was here on their request, it didn't help. So Six did what any other person from the Mojave would do, he told them that if they wanted to tango, he'd be willing to show them what he was made of. Sir Nighteye, who Six thought was a child predator, started the briefing, Six just zoned out and only listened to the important parts.

Once it was decided to search for Overhaul's daughter, Eri, Six figured it was best to point out what he managed to figure out about Overhaul's quirk. After Six stated what he found out, Nighteye thanked him, somewhat shocking Six as he wasn't expecting someone to thank him. But once it was over and they agreed to start the search for Eri, Nighteye explained that his quirk had a 24-hour cooldown period.

Six had been able to find out about Nighteye's quirk with some basic searches. So he knew that Nighteye was telling the truth and not wanting to slow down the search. So, after 24 hours, they reconvened with the intent to find Eri.

Once she was located, the raid team convened and began to plan the next step. As they were making teams, Six interjected.


"While this is good and all, the plan won't survive first contact with the enemy," Six stated with his years of experience. "What we need t-"

"What we need is for you to shut the hell up," A hero interrupted Six. "We don't need advice from a killer."


The students, HPSC member, and those who knew his personality were looking at Six to gauge what he would do. To their relief, he didn't draw his gun and shoot the hero. However, he calmly walked up to the hero and looked him directly in the eye. Just as the hero was about to buck up against Six's chest, he was sent flying with a one-inch punch. A sickening crack was heard as the hero hit the wall and left an indent. Six just calmly lowered his hand and turned back to the rest of the heroes.


"As I was saying," Six started to speak once again, "We need fallback plans as soon as first contact is made. Because no plan ever survives first contact. So, what we need to do is to have more heroes on station in case something unexpected happens. Like Overhaul becoming a giant monster or he making a tunnel at the last minute to escape."


While Six was speaking, not a single person spoke up in an attempt to undermine him. Those with experience with these kinds of things saw the truth in his words while those who were new to this saw the wisdom behind the words spoken. But one thing was on everyone's mind, it was that they should never interrupt Six unless it was for a very important reason.

One hero got that lesson firsthand and they were all witnesses to it.




"This is Six, moving in," Six whispered into his com as he skulked through the Yakusa base under a [Stealth Boy].


The plan was simple, Six would move in first. Knocking out and hiding all the guards he could as he made his way through the hideout he was on the lookout for either Overhaul or his daughter, Eri. Then when he found either one or was spotted, Six would signal the rest of the heroes to attack. This was the best plan that they could figure out on such short notice.

So far, Six couldn't knockout or 'remove' any threats as they were all in teams of three or had cameras watching their every move. So Six did the best thing possible, let them be and moved past them. But Six noticed that they had their guard up as if they were tipped off about a possible breach.

Or a possible escape.

Just as Six was about to call the issue in, he heard the sound of something wet hitting the walls of a room he was about to pass. The stench of wet iron filled the halls and the sounds of whimpering soon emanated from the room. The sounds of a little girl whimpering.

Six then knew he had found the place where they kept Eri and it appeared that Overhaul was in there as well.

Well, shit.