
|With Izuku|


"Can you solve this one, Eri?" Izuku asked the little girl while pointing to a problem.

"8+7 eqauls..." Eri muttered before counting on her fingers, "...15!"

"Good girl!" Momo, who was helping tutor her, praised her with a pat on the head.


Currently, the three of them were in the dorm's common area. While everyone else was doing their own things, Izuku and Momo were at the kitchen table with Eri doing the homework that Nezu assigned her. While she was doing her homework, both Izuku and Momo were taking turns helping her while doing their own homework.

Unbeknownst to them, the rest of the class was watching them from the hallway. A few even had their phones out and recorded the three of them. Mina, the ever-gossipy girl, was fawning over the fact that they looked like a small, happy family. Jiro, the rocker girl, looked on with envy as her crush was having a great time with her friend. Todoroki just sat there and watched the class as he slurped his cold soba noodles.


"Now, this is the last one for tonight," Izuku said as he noticed Eri getting tired.

"May I have an apple before bed?" Eri asked with a slight yawn.

"You may, but finish your work first," Momo said as she smiled at the little girl.

"Okay, mama," Eri yawned again while not realizing what she just said. "10-7 equals three."


As she wrote down the answer, Momo was a blushing mess. Izuku, on the other hand, heard what she said and got secondhand embarrassment from it as that meant he was 'Daddy'. While the two of them stewed, Mina was having a field day with their embarrassed faces. Toru, who had been quiet as a mouse as she watched them, was delighted that little Eri was so comfortable around them that she would call one of them mama.

Just as the good times were rolling, it ended abruptly. Six had just entered through the front door. With a tired look and a binder, he looked like hell had again run over him. As he entered, Six just looked at the ever-so-quiet class as they looked at him.


"Just," He sighed, "Be in your rooms before 9 o'clock."


With that, he headed toward his room.

The class, usually used to his antics, was surprised at how tired he seemed. But they just chalked it up to Nezu giving him hell. Little did they know was that Nezu made their lives harder than they would realize.




Six sat up late that night at his desk while reviewing Class 1-B's roster and personal files. With what was coming within the next week, Six needed all the information he could get. From what their quirks were to what they ate for dinner that night, he researched all that he could. He needed anything but conjecture.

As he worked through the night, Eri and Elizabeth shared his bed as Eri was having nightmares. Six didn't mind as the girls could use it plus he reasoned that he was getting too used to sleeping in a bed. Plus, those two were getting along like sisters in a good way.

After glancing at them, Six sighed and shut the light he was using off. Using his duster as a blanket, he draped it over the two sleeping in his bed. After grabbing an extra pillow, Six found a comfortable spot on the floor and slept. Though his instincts dulled a bit, he still kept a weapon on hand, just in case.

The next morning came around faster than Six would have liked. He yawned and sat up, seeing that Eri and Elizabeth were still asleep, and decided to go take a shower. After a quick shower and shave, which he felt was unnecessary as he rocked the scruffy look better than Aizawa, he walked out in a fresh set of clothes. Eri and Elizabeth were still asleep, Six decided to wake them up and got an unexpected comment from them.


"Come on you two, wake up," Six said gently as he shook the two slightly.

"Five more minutes, Gramps," Came from Elizabeth.

"Not now, Grandpa," Eri whined.


Needless to say, Six was surprised as not one of his adopted kids in the past ever called him Grandpa or Gramps. So it was a bit understandable to him being choked up for a second. Once he processed those comments, he shook his head and shook them again. This time waking them up.

Once they were up, showered, and dressed for the day, Six made them breakfast in the shared kitchen of the Dorms. Though simple, eggs, bacon, and orange juice, it was filling for them. After they ate, Six escorted them to the school and then to Nezu's office so that they could continue their schoolwork. While Six couldn't remember his school life just yet, he understood that it was important for their growth.

Once they were dropped off, Six made his way to the Teacher's office and waited for the start of the day's business. The rest of the teachers soon arrived and surprisingly Aizawa was the last considering he was always the first when it came to starting the day. Just so he could sleep. But considering what today's agenda was, it's not surprising for him to be last today.


"Alright everyone," Present Mic started, "You know what's on the agenda today. You know what to prepare for and what to expect."


What came next was a quick overview of today's schedule. Where we were going to be and who was on patrol duty today. As everyone prepared themselves for the day, Six checked on the Robo-scorpions that he had left roam around. As he went through the 60 he had roaming the school, one was moving a bit too fast for them on their own. So he quickly switched to the scorpion's point of view.

When he did, he was greeted with cross-arrowed shaped irises. Sighing, he turned on the speaker that was on the scorpion and shouted at Mei. Needless to say, she was spooked once again even though this was her thirty-first or second time she's tried this.






[ Hey guys and gals, I should be back sometime soon with another chapter.

Good news, better news, and bad news.

Good news: My grandfather is happily buried next to my grandmother in their home state.

Better news: I finally got my new computer working right!

Bad news: There is a hurricane coming through my state and I will be without power if the damage is too bad. Please wish me good luck in the coming few days.

That's all and sorry for the short chapter!

Your crappy author,
