Izuku was crying as he wandered the streets late at night. His 'father' had just kicked him out of his home. His 'mother' barely even looked at him anymore and his 'best friend' had just beaten him up earlier that day. And all that he could ask himself was why.
'Why is this even happening?' Izuku asked himself as he wandered. 'Is it because I don't have a quirk?'
It was well past midnight as Izuku wandered, trying to find someplace to sleep for the night. The people around him looked and glared at him with barely contained disgust and ridicule. None of the heroes that saw him even thought about helping him. All due to the cursed 'Quirkless' sneakers he was forced to wear.
Izuku shivered, trying to fight back against the cold, and stares he was receiving. He then wandered through the back alleys, dipping and dodging all the stares he could feel. At one point he could have sworn that he felt stares coming from the sky.
Soon, however, Izuku grew tired and thunder rumbled in the sky. Rain was coming. Izuku knew that sleeping out in the open would be a death sentence. He then started to look for anything that could cover him from the rain. But every time he stopped under the canopy of a store, the clerk chased him away. Soon, Izuku grew tired, and sleep battered against his exhausted mind. Before long, Izuku stumbled into the yard of an old abandoned church.
The church was old and had years of neglect in parts of the walls and ceiling.
'This should be good enough for the night,' Izuku thought as he entered the church just as it started to rain. 'At least I'm dry,' He thought as he explored the church.
Though neglected and abandoned, the church was surprisingly in decent condition inside. The pews were worn down by time and the floor was littered with tiny rocks. The ceiling, despite having small holes, didn't let any rain in. But that was when Izuku started noticing things odd about the church. For one, there was no holy symbol behind the altar. Second, the inside was dry and warm despite the rain outside. Third, he could feel the number of stares he was getting grew like there were countless eyes on him now.
However, to Izuku, this place was his new haven for the night. But just as he was about to find a warm corner to sleep for the night, the door to the church was slammed open. Thinking quickly, Izuku hid amongst the pews. That's when he heard what the new arrivals started to say.
"You sure that you saw one come in here?" a male voice spoke.
"Yes," a female voice responded. From his looks, he'll be perfect for the new drug test—homeless, unwanted, and quirkless."
"Whatever," the male voice replied, "As long as I get paid for it. Now, let me ensure this little rat can't escape."
Then Izuku heard the male snap his fingers. All of a sudden, Izuku couldn't move. It was as if invisible chains bound his body.
'That man must have used his quirk!' Izuku thought as he heard the two villains walk closer to where he was hidden.
"There he is!" The female pointed out as they came close.
"Good, let's get this done with, I'm hungry."
"Let me just administer the drug, then we can get something to eat." The female said before Izuku felt a prick against his neck.
Izuku started to panic as he felt whatever they injected him with burn as it coursed through his veins. Izuku tried to call out but couldn't move an inch or open his mouth. That's when he started to pray to Kami (God). But no one heard him.
"We're good to release him," the female said and Izuku started screaming "I need the results."
"Yeah, yeah," The male said as he released his quirk binding Izuku.
As Izuku screamed, not one soul heard his cries for any help. The female was taking notes and the male was bored out of his mind. Before long, Izuku's voice grew horse and tired. And soon after, his eyes grew dimmer and dimmer. Finally, Izuku was on the precipice of death.
"Another failure," The female sighed.
"Oh well, let's go," The male said tiredly.
That's when Izuku started to pray once again, however, this time was to anyone who would listen. Be it a merciful deity or the devil himself.
'Please, anyone,' Izuku prayed, 'All I ever wanted was to be a hero. I'm willing to do anything... for... that...'
That's when his eyes finally lost their light. The female sighed and started to walk away with the male, leaving Izuku's body to rot where it lay.
'Huh?' Izuku thought as he felt himself floating.
As Izuku struggled to open his eyes, he was greeted by a sea of inky blackness. All around him was nothing but a void.
'Where... is... this?' He thought, his mind struggling to comprehend what was going on. 'That's... right... I... died...'
'Is this hell?'
'Or is this just what happens once you die?'
The more Izuku began to wonder, the more at ease he began to feel. Like he was being held as a baby once again. The feeling of being safe and sound. Then he finally asked a question out loud.
"Hello?" Izuku asked out loud. "Kami-sama?"
"Well, it depends on which one you ask for, Young one."
When Izuku heard someone respond, his mind went haywire. Someone responded? Who? That's when Izuku managed to remember what the voice said.
Which one?
"What do you mean which one?"
That was when he heard a hearty laugh and soon the void filled with light. It was bright enough for Izuku to shield his eyes the moment it came. When the light died down enough for Izuku to see, he was left wide-eyed at what he saw. Countless people stood around him.
No. They weren't people.
They were Gods.
Real, true Gods
And they were all smiling at him.
"What?!" Izuku screamed, his mind running a million miles an hour.
"Oh, you poor thing," A small girl with black hair in pigtails in a white dress said as she came up and cuddled his head in her breasts. "Don't worry; you're safe now."
"Where am I?" Izuku asked hurriedly pulling himself away from the girl, "Who are you? What's going on?"
"Long story short kid, you died," A massive wolf growled out, its presence both terrifying and comforting at the same time. "That drug that woman injected into you sped up your heart until it burst."
"I-Is this the afterlife?" Izuku stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper.
"No, this is the Heavens, Izuku," The girl spoke softly as if trying to lure a scared puppy. "We brought your soul here after you died."
"W-why?" Izuku asked as he didn't seem to understand. "Why m-me?"
That's when an old man with one eye adorned in battle armor with a glowing spear, and two ravens walked in front of Izuku. Izuku could see the fury and the wisdom in his eye. What or who it was for, he did not know.
"Mortal, I am the All-Father, Odin," The God introduced himself, scaring Izuku, "There are many reasons you were brought here. But know this, you were brought here for a reason. For one, the Gods and Goddesses of Innocence saw your plight."
The more and more the God Odin spoke, the more scared Izuku became. It was so much that he didn't hear what the God was saying. Finally, the wolf, who had been silently laughing at seeing Izuku's reactions, let out a loud laugh. Odin turned back to scold the wolf but was cut off by the girl's scolding him which through Izuku for a loop.
"Honestly," The girl, now known as Hestia, huffed, "I know you were the first to find him, but you're scaring the poor soul. Look at him, he's got anxiety!"
Meanwhile, Izuku stood there, his anxiety at an all-time high. He didn't know what the Gods wanted with him. After all, he was just one unassuming mortal, one of the Billions that inhabited the world. So he was scared stiff and his anxiety was through the roof.
"You're right, Hestia, I shall leave it to you and the other, gentler Gods to handle this," Odin spoke before he walked off back to his throne that Izuku just noticed.
"Now then," Hestia sighed before turning back to Izuku, "You see, you were supposed to have a loving mother who believed in you and a father who worked tirelessly to make sure you're well taken care of." She told him truthfully, "However, due to things beyond your comprehension, this wasn't so. You received the worst one as young as yourself had gone through. Though there are others somewhat better off than you, but still are treated similarly."
What came next was a recounting of those treated similarly to Izuku. The more and more that the Goddess told him, the more Izuku felt lost. Finally, he asked the one question that was demanding to get out.
"Why me?" Izuku asked, looking down. "Surely there are others that would be better off in your grace than me. Why did you choose me?"
"Simple," The massive wolf yawned and spoke up, "You have the heart, soul, and body capable of housing our [Blessings]. Ones we used to give out centuries ago to those who were similar to you. However, they are now forgotten. And those who have quirks are impossible to house our [Blessings]."
"I understand, but what made you choose me specifically?" Izuku couldn't help but ask. "There are others who are quirkless that could be here rather than me."
Just then, a brick wall of a man wearing bronze armor and the pelt of a lion atop his head fell down and stood in front of Izuku. Who had to crane his neck up to look at him in the face.
"Young man, I am Heracles, the god of heroes." He boomed loudly, shaking poor Izuku with just his voice, "Unlike those costumed freaks, you embody the true essence of a Hero. That's why you were chosen."
Then next to Heracles, a shadowy woman appeared out of smoke next to him. She had pale skin, pitch-black hair, and robes. Izuku knew instinctively that she was a goddess of death. And she had something to say personally.
"Young boy, I am Hel," Her voice was silky smooth, "You may not know it, but you fought until the true end. A trait that many have lost over the years and those that believe that they have it," She scoffed, "Are nothing but worthless in our eyes. You have earned a second chance and we intend to give it to you. As our champion."
Izuku thought about their offer, his mind racing faster than ever. What seemed like minutes went by and all the Gods watched him with expectation in their eyes. Finally, Izuku accepted their offer.
"Then it's decided," A God said as he walked before Izuku. This god had markings and tattoos and his body as well as being heavily built and muscular with white glowing eyes. "I am Asura, A Demi-god turned God. Before we give you our blessings, what type of hero do you wish to be?"
It didn't take long for Izuku to understand what Asura meant by this. This was them testing him to see if he was truly worthy of being blessed by them. And so, his answer was swift and true to what he wanted to be.
"I don't want to be like the worthless heroes of today's world!" Izuku shouted, his resolve unwavering. "I don't want to be like the false idol AllMight, a false symbol of hope! What I want is to be a true Symbol of Hope! A beacon for the lost and damned! I will be a true hero!"
At Izuku's declaration, the Heavens themselves shook with glee. It had been centuries since the last one was worthy. And now the Heavens themselves would bless the young mortal with a power that could rival the gods by itself.
"Boy, if what you say is true, then allow me to be the first to offer you my blessing," As an older man wearing leather armor, black pants and flat boots suited for the harsh cold bearing many a scars and an ornate red tattoo with ashen white skin. "I am Kratos, a mortal turned God." His voice carried, "A god of Hope. IF you allow me, I wish to give you a body worthy of you blessings.
"I will, thank you," Izuku spoke as he bowed his head.
"Very well," Kratos nodded, "Let's began."