Nailed (2)

(A/N: I unintentionally got a puppy, she attached herself to me and doesn't like it when I'm more than a foot away from her. Her name is Riley and she is a mixed breed. So yay for new responsibilities!)






Six sighed as he let himself lie on his bed, his mind wandering to the information he was just given. The estimated forces of this soon-to-be war numbered in the thousands. Six was told that his mission was to eliminate the army's generals. The so-called Paranormal Liberation Front they called themselves.

Six knew that taking down this army's leaders would benefit the attack force. It wasn't the first time he had done something like this, however, he was weary of the unknowns that would rise in their deaths. But, he knew the risks of this type of mission.

Six just closed his eyes and let sleep come to him.


{Six's Dream}


"A cache of pre-war weapons?" Six asked as Arcade pointed to a spot on a map he had brought with him.

"Yes, and if my information is correct, these are experimental ones at that," Arcade explained as he recalled all the details he was given.

"Are the clients the Gun Runners?" Six asked as he looked over the map, his mind elsewhere.

"No, this time it's from the Crimson Caravan's new leader, Dakota Shawl," Arcade explained, "She wants to get them before the Gun Runners can send their mercenaries to fetch them, or the Brotherhood. The payment is good and any weapons we find are ours to keep. However, any blueprints are theirs and anything else we find."

"Well, let's see what's waiting for us there," Six spoke, but his mind was distant.

"Six," Arcade spoke quietly, "Are you still upset about the cloning process failing? I know that you and Willow want a kid, but you need to understand the limits of technology. There are things we don't understand. You have to realize this."

"I do understand," Six sighed and grabbed his [Pip-boy], "It's just that, I want to leave this merc life behind and settle down with Willow. Hell, I know she's been doing her best to learn from the brains in the Big MT and to figure out how and why the experiments keep failing."

"I know," Arcade sighed, "But, sometimes, not even science has the answer."


"This is the place?" Six asked as he and his crew arrived at the military base where the cache was supposed to be.

"It's below ground, but yes," Arcade said as he looked over his notes.

"I wonder if we'll find any good fertilizer for my flowers?" Lily wondered as she strolled up to the gates and forced them open.


Only to be met with a hail of gunfire. Thankfully, she was a NightKin and very agile for her size. As she dodged out of the way, the rest of the crew ducked for cover. Six quickly activated a [Stealth-boy], peered around the corner, and saw that this place had functioning autoturrets.

Rapidly thinking up a plan, he pulled out several [Pulse Grenades] and passed them out to the crew. At the count of three, they hucked them over the wall of the base after pulling the pins. Ominous cyan-blue bubbles erupted in several different places. Peeking out from their cover, Six saw that they were sparking but still operational.

Pulling out his rifle, Six took a shot at one. The round plinked off the armor of the turret as it slowly swiveled towards Six's exposed body.


"Damn, they got armor and are still operational, if barely," Six spoke as he ducked back into cover.

"What's the plan?" Willow asked as she and the others looked towards Six.

"Another round of [Pulse Grenades] and armor-piercing rounds to destroy the turrets," Six quickly devised and passed out the ammo and grenades. "After that, Lily, I need you to use [Mercy] and I'll use [Red Glare] to wipe out any that survive."




Six awoke before the dream finished by a knock on his door. Groaning, Six slid off his bed and headed towards the door. As he opened it, he found Midnight in her Hero Costume, if you could call it that. Seeing that she wasn't in casual clothes meant that something happened.


"Nezu needs to see all of us," She told him as she walked off.


Six, knowing that it must be major, quickly equipped his armor and readied his guns before following her. As Six caught up to her, he noticed she wasn't in her sultry mood. As the two reached Nezu's office, Midnight knocked and entered along with Six.

There, they found Nezu was in the middle of a video conference with someone. Six recognized the voice, it was House. Six immediately walked up behind Nezu, who didn't acknowledge him and continued to talk.


"As we both share a mutual enemy, I propose we ally," House proposed as Nezu thought over it. "Ah, Six, it's good to see you in the flesh with my own eyes."


What Six saw made his blood boil. It was House in the flesh with...


