Chapter 27

I sit in awe. "Huehuecoytl, you amaze me." It's all I could mutter from my dry lips.

"I was too mischievous. I pulled too many pranks. I annoyed the gods and I destroyed lives. I realize that now."

"You are a blessing. And I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me or Milagros."

"You don't understand. Milagros saved me. So I must return the favor. I am indebted to her, and now to you."

"Huehue, I don't want you to think of your life with us as a penance. You have suffered enough. being a god means you have everlasting life. Use it. Treasure it. "

"I've…never been told that before."

"You have made many friends during your lifetime. And, granted, you can't see those you miss from your past. But make new ones. Make a new life." It's so easy for me to tell her these good things. I can be optimistic and hopeful for her.

"That is very tempting, but I cannot forsake the life I have begun with you and Milagros."

"Why is that? Look at me, Huehue. I'm nothing but a scrap of the man I once was. I'm no good for anything or anyone. I don't want to imagine living forever if it means being like this." My optimism hits a wall and I remember my station in life.

"That is not true. You are loved and appreciated by those around you."

"I can't believe something like that. That is not love, Huehue. It is pity." As much as I want to believe Huehue, my heart refuses to see things any other way.

"You think too little of yourself, Alvaro. And I am going to prove to you how much you are worth to the people around you and…"

She stops and turns her body toward me, almost as if to look at me. I'm sure she is going to say 'Milagros.'

"Well, I'm going to do what I can. I'm going to stick around. My choice. Besides…"

In a puff of smoke, she takes her bandit form. "I need to save you all from that evil Commandante, or we will never know any semblance of peace."



"Wake up!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" I try to shout while holding onto my blanket. I'm sure the neighbors heard me.

"Get up now, Papi. Or do you want Huehue to carry you out of bed?" Milagros is learning to provoke me. Where did she learn that from?

"No no no. I'm fine. I'll be right there." It's been a month or so of continuous therapy from my family. Yes. I learned to call the people in my life 'family.' I have even learned how to dress and walk to the kitchen. Though I have yet to return to the working world.


"Buenos dias, senoritas. Como están todos?" I enter a kitchen filled with heavenly aromas. "Elena, you outdid yourself with our meal as usual."

"Come now, Alvaro. You know now that Milagros and Huehue help." She blushes nonetheless.

"Huehue? You too?"

Huehue tilts her head .

"Really? Because I can't see, you think I can't be good around knives?"

"I never said that. By the way, I'm over here." I playfully try to change chairs.

"I know what you're doing. Stop changing seats so that it looks like you are in the right. Nothing escapes me."

I begin to laugh. Milagros and Elena join in the laughter as well.. Huehue grumbles at first. But her tail clues me in on the inner workings of her mind.

"We are celebrating today two things." Elena clasps her hands together next to her chest. Her body remains rigid. But her lips are quivering in excitement. "Milagros's first day of school and Alvaro's reemergence into the world."

"Do you think it wise, Huehue and Elena? That I meander through the town streets like nothing has happened?"

"Dr. Sepúlveda and Rocio say that everything is back to normal. Well as far as with the Commandante and his men"

"Yes, and I've been up to my ears in missions from the Rebeldes." Huehue gestures to her coyote ears attached to the top of her head.

"Shouldn't that be attracting more attention?" I remain cautious.

"No. Not really. Remember they are aiming for non-violent acts. So I try to lead the military away from skirmishes in town. It looks like my interests lie elsewhere. The military intelligence is not very, um, intelligent." Huehue gives the biggest grin I have seen yet.

"Well, we should be celebrating three things then." I would stand if I could.

Elena looks up while serving the meal. "And what is that?" Elena asks with a bit of lingering hope in her quivering voice. At least I think.

"Huehue's help make an impact on the people of this land. Thank you, Huehue!"

Huehue's face goes red. "I…um…someone has to do it." She's awfully embarrassed. If not for her rosy cheeks, her tail is a dead giveaway. But Elena is equally as sullen as Huehue is embarrassed. I sip my atolé and dig into the breakfast feast. I smile at the presence of the beautiful people in my life.

"Now that the table has been cleared, should we try to get you to practice a bit before we leave for the day?" Huehue flicks her tail back and forth. She claims to be a very patient person but the tail reveals the truth. I decide to change the subject.

"Elena, I really need to help you with something at the very least."

"Oh no, you don't. I know you. You are very sly and can charm my…un, the pants off of a person. You're trying to get out of your daily regimen and obligations." She shakes her finger at me as she smiles. I turn my head to the side to hide my embarrassment. I don't know if I'm embarrassed about being found out or being chided like a child by someone younger than me no doubt.

"I'm not a child you know."

Elena places an arm around me. I feel the warmth of her body against me.

"It's for your own good."

I shrug. "Oh all right." Her hug came out of nowhere. But it helped ease the tension.

"Thank you for the hug and for caring about me, Elena. I will try my best not to let you down."

As I leave the kitchen I notice Elena rush to her drawer and pull out a folded fan with an ornate design. She starts to fan herself frantically.


I meet Huehue and Milagros in the foyer of the home. They hand me a simple wooden cane with the head of a coyote carved into the handle. It was a gift from the good doctor after she heard of my recovery.

"You are doing well without it here in the home, Papi."

"Thank you amor, but I know that the world outside that door is not going to be as smooth or clean."

"We can take a few steps into the courtyard for now, Alvaro."

"Huehue, how is it that you can move around so gracefully without the help of another person or a cane?"

"My other senses detect the world around me so I can paint an image in my mind and move around it. Besides, I've lived with this condition for hundreds of years."

"Sounds like how Papi talks about the paintings he makes…I mean used to make." Milagros turns to me knowing she said something that may be hurtful in my presence.

"It is alright, Milagros. I need to learn to use this hand like I used my missing one. It will be some time, but my first successful painting I will give to you."

"Thank you, Papi."

"I think I'm going to take it very slow today, girls."

"But Papi! I want you to be there on my first day of school."

"I don't know if I can make it that far, mija."

"It's true, Milagros. His body is very injured and even now this is still very stressful on his injuries. be patient. Besides, he can see through my eyes if he wants to."

"Are you sure, Huehue? I appreciate the offer but I don't know how taxing it is on you to have me tagging around in your mind."

"Alvaro, I don't mind at all, especially since it's you. I love your company, and you are the only one I've ever had,". Huehue acts coy with me and winks, "In my headspace."

"See, Papi. She has headroom only for you!"

"Wait, Milagros. Don't put it like that."

"You can be really cute when you get embarrassed, Huehue."

"Oh, I'm not embarrassed." Huehue huffs. "I'm just caught off guard at how Milagros steers the conversation away."

"Sure." Huehue's tail whips around as frantically as Elena uses her fan. I walk slowly over to Milagros and give her a big hug and as many kisses as she will allow.

"Don't forget Huehue too."

Huehue pauses in front of me.

"I don't think she wants hugs and kisses from me too, Milagros."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh, um, you do?"

"Too late. The window has closed." Huehue's chest puffs out but her tail continues to wag frantically.

"Have a wonderful day at school mi amor. Be a good girl, stay safe, and listen to your teacher."

"Si, Papi."

"Te amo, Milagros."

"Te amo, Papi"
