Kachan Oni and the Chaotic Water Pearl
Near an active volcano was where the pearl led her. The endless stream was exactly as Shanwang described from the beginning: a string with broken ends. They needed to be rejoined or at least tied together. The question was how. Feeling the pearl lift from her arms, it covered her in a watery shield and centered itself between the broken stream ends. From it came strings that would link everything together. Meioshi looked at the pearl floating in front of her and nodded. She would trust it and its sentience. Grabbing one end of the pearl string on her left then the other on her right, she nodded for the pearl to let go and open its supernatural containment space. She didn't anticipate for the waters to nearly rip her body in two. She let out a horrendous scream at the torturous pulling of her limbs.
"Why do you fight, Meioshi?"
"Of mind... want peace. I only have one enemy to fight."
Calling out to her powers from the heavens to the Netherworld, she pulled the strings together with an immense amount of struggle until she was almost close to the pearl's sides. For a moment, she thought the streams would rip her arms off when she released her hold after losing energy and breath. She inhaled and exhaled quickly, feeling drool pouring out of the side of her mouth and sweat dripping out of her nose. Tears were coming out of her eyes at the tension she was experiencing and the tightening of her muscles in every part of her body - used and unused. Her strength wasn't enough. She needed more power. Reaching out to another reserve of power, she let out an earth-shattering scream before she pulled the strings together and the pearl began sucking up the chaotic waters until all was surrounded by a bright light.
Sesshomaru, Jaken, Okakura, Totosai, Kiyonobu, and Numa-o all watched in awe as mountains of coral burst out of the maelstroms and pure water came pouring out with it. Life returned to the surrounding areas! The broken dimensions sealed themselves back up.
"My lord, what do you suppose happened?" Jaken asked. "Who were those foes from before?"
Sesshomaru was quiet before he narrowed his eyes. Stumbling out of the sea and onto a sandy shore, Meioshi was breathing heavily as she carried her water pearl. She was beyond exhausted. It was a miracle she was able to stand at all, but she kept trudging along. Fighting to stay alive, her vision was fading more and more as she took another step to the shoreline. Once all of her powers disappeared and her hair and eyes returned to normal human coloring, it was easy to feel that her clothes had been ripped to near shreds with the wind touching her skin so scandalously. Tripping over a rock and scraping her knee on a few other sharp ones, she merely got a short yelp and hiss out at the small pain. Her arms were still vibrating from her battle with Numa-o and screaming at her to drop the heavy pearl. It wasn't long before she went unconscious and flopped onto hard sand and small seashells.
Back at his palace, Shanwang could be seen smirking at his throne and saying, "You did good, kid. Rest yourself."
At the reiki palace, Numa-o only allowed himself to grind out, "I'll spare you, Kachan Oni, for sealing away the waters. You are still my prey regardless of when we meet again."
"Lord Sesshomaru, where are we going exactly?" Jaken asked, riding on Sesshomaru's Moko Moko.
"Jaken, use your staff to find Meioshi," Sesshomaru ordered silently but with a growl laced in his tone. "Either track the snow sword... or a pearl containing the waters of a maelstrom..."
Budding Bushido Alliance
||... ... ...||
The female head of the Nintojo staff started screeching before it tilted in Jaken's hand. Jaken then informed Sesshomaru, "Nintojo says to begin your descent, me lord. It looks like we're headed to that stone beach yonder."
Sesshomaru inelegantly harrumphed before he did as suggested. He didn't know what the doctor had gotten herself into, but the fact remains that she's always getting into something ridiculous every time he sees her. They flew to a blue stone beach that was across from an island with an active volcano. The location was beautiful, but Sesshomaru cared little for his surroundings. This journey was filled with memories he'd rather forget entirely. Landing gracefully, Sesshomaru and Jaken looked around to get a feel for their surroundings. It seemed to be a safe place.
"Do you smell her blood or anything of value, me lord?" Jaken asked, leading the way for a moment before looking for some kind of cave or camp the doctor could have built. "I don't see why we have to be bothered with the witch, especially after she did something so appalling to you! She should've been killed on the spot! To think such a sweet girl would take things so far! It's outrageous!"
"Jaken, quiet," Sesshomaru growled. "Focus on finding her."
"Yes, me lord," Jaken said quickly, holding Nintojo up. The staff shook before turning sharply. He looked around a tall stone tower and saw something. He then said, "Huh? I think Nintojo is confused. It's pointing to that large shell over there."
Sesshomaru walked around the stone tower in the direction Jaken and Nintojo were pointing and caught sight of a magenta, baby pink, and white striped Gulf pearl oyster. Foolish witch. She must have found it in order to hide Okakura's pearl. It was latched shut like a treasure chest but not locked. He knelt down to unlock the shell and lifted the oyster open only to be rendered breathless at the sight. The doctor was sleeping inside of it! She had the pearl in her arms like she was protecting it, but she was dressed in a sheer covering with red, gold and green spots like coral rocks. Her hair was decorated with colorful shells and seaweed, and her face looked freshly clean. The fight and whatever happened with the waters must have taken its toll on her. She was an easy target this way, but... he couldn't bring himself to kill her like that. He then spotted some toys, food, water canteens, and small weapons near her feet. She almost looked like she was in a crib. Who put her in here then? She couldn't have gotten these things herself.
Jaken creeped over to look over Sesshomaru's shoulder and blinked at the sleeping woman. Ah, so the pearl in her arms must've been what Nintojo sensed. Nice.
"Wake the hell up, witch!" Jaken shouted.
Sesshomaru just about wanted to kill him. He was awfully tempted, but Meioshi only stretched her body out for a moment and cooed when she returned to a resting position. Jaken motioned another scream at her, but Sesshomaru swiftly clamped his beak shut with two fingers. Meh, the witch was tired and he needed to think about her offer again. He closed the shell and locked it back before standing up to look at the shell. Sensing a disturbance in the distance, Sesshomaru turned to the volcano across from them and narrowed his eyes. Someone was either watching them or trying to find them. No doubt they were after Meioshi again. What do the oni want with the doctor, though? It doesn't make any sense. She's just a regular human. Is it just her affinity for combat? Maybe it's something more - something to do with her duties as a hell traveler. Whatever it was, they would have to wait their turn.
An hour or so might have passed by the time Meioshi woke up. A yawn and small moan stirred from the shell. The latch on it popped open on its own and her eyes clenched shut before she adjusted to the light of a fire. That wasn't there before. She looked down at some of the gifts near her feet and picked a few up to inspect them. One was a cute, little fox plush. She smiled gently at it before taking the pearl in her arms again. It was still heavy with water but glowing radiantly. Feeling that the pearl could rest in the shell for now, she crawled out of the bed she knew she didn't make and stretched again to release a longer yawn.
"Sounds like you had a nice nap, witch," a familiar spoke, making her stop and scan the area quickly.
She spotted Jaken on her adjacent side, furrowing his brows and bouncing his knee up and down, and then saw Sesshomaru facing the beach with an indifferent look to his eyes. She then asked, "Jaken? Sesshomaru? What are you doing here?"
"I'd like to know the same thing!" Jaken argued, raising a fist in the air. "You don't deserve my campfires after what you did!"
"What I did?" Meioshi asked, pointing to herself.
"You struck my lord without warning or explanation!" Jaken shouted, face pressed against Meioshi's and arms behind him like he was ready to start punching. "Did you forget?"
Meioshi blinked quietly with only Jaken's eyes in her immediate peripheral before humming and looking up to remember that particular event. When she did, her face went from one of confusion to one of displeasure. She then said, "No, I didn't and I'm not apologizing just to make him feel better about himself. What he said was inconsiderate, hurtful, and wrong. Homugi has been nothing but a sweet girl since our alliance. Her loyalty to the House of Inu is both admirable and inspiring. She shouldn't have to live a hard life for choosing to continue to do her duties despite your lord's refusal to marry her."
"Huh?" Jaken yelped, mouth dropping at this news. That's how the two knew each other? He then turned to Sesshomaru and asked, "L-L-Lord Sesshomaru, is this true? Lady Homugi was your betrothed?"
The western lord didn't reply, but his silence was all Jaken needed to confirm things. The doctor narrowed his eyes at him and rose to stand up quietly. She sifted through her gifts for a few tools until she noticed the provisions already provided in the crib. Carefully choosing a jerky stick, she tasted duck meat and rice water and chewed gingerly. It was good! Experimentally, she closed the shell to test its weight and found that the shell was a lot lighter than she thought. She was able to move it around without a problem. Good.
"Our ambitions was why they paired us," Sesshomaru answered, stopping Jaken and Meioshi. "She was a revolutionary. Father liked that about her. Homugi's ability to tap into another reserve of power was what mother liked. She would be able to protect the home and family while I was away if necessary. The Court... my grandfather... felt she was too ambitious. She would overstep her boundaries too frequently. Same with me. My progressiveness was what mother supported, but father felt that to be too dangerous and too risky. We were both a risk and a liability to the House of Inu. It was best for her to place her ambitions elsewhere."
"Oh, I see," Jaken said quietly, folding his arms. "You pushed her away from that particular role to ensure her success elsewhere. Was that so she wouldn't have to stand down so grossly?"
Sesshomaru was silent but Jaken understood the answer. It wasn't until they heard movement that they noticed a trail of sand and footprints where Meioshi used to be. She had already rounded a corner and disappeared by the time they looked up. The doctor was practically fuming at this point. She wasn't going to lash out at Sesshomaru, though. His intentions were good but not handled correctly, and that was what made her so angry. She couldn't really blame Sesshomaru entirely for Homugi's anguish in the aftermath of his rejection like she thought. It seemed to be the fault of multiple parties, but, even then, forcing children to make these kinds of decisions and having them traumatized in such a way until adulthood was infuriating! In truth, she just felt bad for Sesshomaru and Homugi. They were too young - much too young for such an arrangement. Perhaps that was ultimately why she had to leave. It wasn't her truth to hear being said. It was theirs. They needed to discuss the matter. Whatever happened to her and Sesshomaru in the past shouldn't dictate them being able to cooperate together now, but, if they've come to a point where they're so open about everything, this may be their opportunity to start anew. Maybe now, as adults, they share some common experiences. After all, it seems like they both had to stand down from who they were in their youth. They might be more approving of a betrothal now. They make a handsome couple and are ridiculously powerful individually.
Meioshi sighed at herself and shook her head. She was thinking too much. Spotting a quieter place to rest, she dragged her shell over to a nook of sorts. The shell actually blended in quite nicely. Popping it open, she sat next to her pearl and cuddled with another plush. It looked like a baby dragon. It was cute! She was going to have to thank whoever gifted her with all these things. Looking out into the beach, she admired the serenity of her new location and felt herself dozing off again. She was far more tired than she thought, but Numa-o was a devastating opponent. Hearing footsteps in the sand, she forced herself to peel her eyes open and caught the sight of that familiar fur pelt.
"Oh gods, I'm seeing you in my dreams," Meioshi grumbled, cuddling in her shell bed. "I've run out of good luck, it seems."
The western lord narrowed his eyes a bit as she did this, but he failed to find the right words against her insult. She pissed him off when she left the campfire, especially after he opened up to her. The truth was he respected her to an embarrassingly larger degree than before, especially upon seeing the enemy she had to face and now seeing her sense of justice in the grander scheme, but he didn't understand why the doctor chose to sleep elsewhere after his small confession. It may not have been the entire truth but it was still part of it. Was there something else she was waiting for him to say? Something that he missed? Did it matter? He then noticed something of crucial importance. Her sprites weren't with her. She was alone on this part of her journey. Did she know where to go to return home?
Sesshomaru finally narrowed down his response into a singular question, "You spent all that energy moving over here just to sleep in the cold?"
Meioshi chuckled and looked up at Sesshomaru before saying, "It's warmer in this shell crib than you think. Besides, you don't like me anymore, remember? I'd have thought you'd rather I sleep in the cold. You've grown quite the expertise in giving out a cold shoulder."
His eyes softened up at the doctor's response, but Meioshi didn't look at him to see it. She closed her eyes, sunk further in the shell, bed and placed a blanket around her legs. Her words weren't true... at least, not to him, but then that would mean he liked her from the beginning. Things were more neutral than anything. He may not have liked her but he didn't dislike her either. He had the words to correct her at the tip of his tongue, but he didn't have the explanation for his reasons at the ready. Watching her rest made him think back to the times when they allied themselves with each other. Perhaps, what he really wanted to say was that he didn't understand her just as much as she didn't understand him. She was really... a sweet, young lady. She fought for the innocent until the last breath, healed the sick, and protected both the weak and the strong. She was intelligent and graceful but didn't mind working harder, dirtier jobs. She was a lot of good things, but why did she have such a harmful level of guilt to where she felt she needed to be punished? Why must she fight? Who was her true enemy? Why would she reserve all of her power and all her hatred for this one entity? Why is she seeking battle with that one person?
"What are you trying to prove by doing all of this?" Sesshomaru asked quietly. Meioshi opened her eyes at the question but remained quiet. "Is guilt your only source of power?"
"No," the doctor said remorsefully. "It's a reminder. I have failed more times than I can count. I have lost more battles than you're willing to believe. I have wished for death to take me for lengths at a time multiple times. I have lived a low and disgraceful life, but... my beginning as a hell traveler didn't start when I lost my precious soul. It started when I had enough of failing. I had enough of losing. I had enough of suicidal thoughts and being hounded by hell's most vengeful of ghosts. I had enough of being brought to nothing. I had enough of being pitied. What I seek to prove is that failure is the result of an unfortunate circumstance not the definition of my existence. That defeat is not a show of weakness but a new way to train. That death need not be feared but anticipated and a transition to true peace, freedom, love, and wellness. It is my honor to protect those who have felt like nothing because I have felt that way, my privilege to aid those who feel defeated because I can help them train, my greatest joy to watch those who have failed pick themselves to march to their victory. Guilt reminds me that the fight isn't over, that the nightmares have a little more life in them, that my sword needs to be sharpened before it can cut through barriers. My source of power is elsewhere. Is yours so tied to your unspoken past, Sesshomaru?"
Their eyes locked when she asked the question but he didn't answer her. That fire in her eyes was strong when she spoke. After a while, she simply turned away from him and closed her eyes to rest. Her calm demeanor... disturbed him. He hated when she talked like that. Like she knew everything. Like she had more wisdom in her bones than he did. Like she lived longer than he did. He had a point to prove. That she had no right to talk down to him, to belittle him, to make him feel like he was smaller than her.
"I accept your offer," he then said firmly. She turned to him with a puzzled look to her face and a little pout. That had to stop. He then said, "Your visits to the Netherworld are deemed declarations of war against demon territories. To prove your innocence, you are tasked with locating the Meido Stone under my supervision. Instead of serving me directly, however, I will have you serve Jaken."
She produced an interesting face at his words before grinding out, "What? Eek!"
Restricted by Sesshomaru's Moko Moko, Meioshi was yanked out of the shell and dragged to the corner of the beach. She tried to get out of the furry rope and whipped around to see the western lord keeping his posture straight and facing forward. He didn't anticipate the surprised squeal from her. She was his rival: powerful, intelligent, militant, resourceful. That whole image crumbled a little. Annoyed that the woman was struggling to get out of his furry whip, he quietly pulled it harshly one good time and walked with her in tow.
Meioshi tried to resist him and questioned in a demanding tone, "What do you think you are doing? Sesshomaru? Sesshomaru! Why am I being dragged?"
"Jaken," Sesshomaru called, rounding the corner.
The imp ran up to him and replied, "Yes, me lord?"
"The witch is going to be your new servant as compensation for the events that transpired at the House of Inu. See to it that she serves her purpose well."
"You must be joking!" Meioshi said, chuckling angrily.
"Oh, really?" Jaken asked, grinning evilly.
"You little... ASS WIPE!" Meioshi shouted.