
Seisuiki jumped up from his seat on the boat to watch the development unfolding. The murkiness of the water was gurgling like a singular body was breathing. Poison breath was hovering just over the water like a putrid fog, but what made the old man stand in awe were the appearances of small spots of clear water dotting the slimy sea! The spots were the same size as the water surrounding Seisuiki's bobble. The monk's sister... was cleaning the water!

"Monk!" Seisuiki called, looking directly at Liuxian. "Who is your sister?"

"Meioshi? Why?" Liuxian questioned, tilting his head with suspicion.

The treasure ship from the other side of the island was rounding the corner towards them. It stopped just as the old man caught sight of it. From the pure spots of water came schools of pygmy angelfish. The old man scrambled around, making his tub boat rock violently, before he threw a net expertly on top of the spot. He then turned to Jaken and ordered, "Master! You and the spotted one, toss your net onto a spot of fresh water! Quickly! Monk, healer, say your sister's name three times, but throw your fishing hook near my bobble."

"What's going on? Why do we have to do this?" Jaken questioned, hustling about to get the net with Homugi.

"The monk's sister has chosen to seize the warship," Seisuiki explained, feeling his net sink into the clean water. Liuxian made quick work of tossing the fishing hook near the old man's water bobble. When his hook sunk rapidly, he yelped and braced for a dive into the water before he felt Yuko struggling to pull him back. Seisuiki hustled to pull the net towards him and yanked the rope one good time to lift up hundreds of pounds worth of colorful fish from the clean water. "Master, pull your net! Monk! Healer! Say the girl's name!"

"Meioshi! Meioshi! Meioshi!" Liuxian and Yuko chimed in unison.

Just as Homugi and Jaken tugged on the net together, a bright light blinded them while a steady rising of bubbles and foam towered over the group and sucked Yuko and Liuxian into the waters...


About 210 years ago...

Sesshomaru stood before the mirror of the Akabeko Temple, looking at the holy beads decorating the bottom of the ornate item. The dressing room was empty and quiet. The darkness of it was as thick as hide save for the candelabras with flames fluttering and waving about with their ethereal amber light. He held no excitement in his eyes, no joy in his heart, and no happiness in his soul. He didn't want to look at his reflection in the mirror. He was still living out the rest of his period of shame internally - a final testament to his own self-discipline. He had failed in protecting his people. There was nothing he could say or do to restore his family. There was nothing he could do to mend his friendships. Everyone was gone. He was a caged animal without ever realizing it, a sheltered boy without knowing it, and now a shamed child transitioning to an uncertain adulthood. He may as well become the mirror, showing the reflections of the world but never being part of it. Perhaps there is much content in showing others their own world without feeling anything for it. A mirror can stand wherever it wants, can see many things, and can be covered by whatever others want to cover it with. It won't protest. It won't move. It will only reflect. He could be this very mirror but only after he fulfills the last bit of his punishment.

He came to the temple in a black nagagi top, haori jacket, and hakama pant to grieve for his loss in private. He didn't want to be accompanied today. He embraced his grandfather one last time, listened to his mother's final piece of advice, and took in his father's scent as a final goodbye to them all. Once he left the temple to complete this punishment, he leaves the boy within him behind for good. The boy can grieve as much as he wants. His family could miss him if they wanted. The man he was choosing to be will not grieve or miss his time with his family. They could relive the memories if they wished. He will leave all of it behind. He will be their mirror. If they wanted to be part of his life after this, it would show. Taking a step before the mirror, Sesshomaru kneeled down to sit and slowly but surely dissected his fondest memories throughout childhood. What qualities could he savor from his family out of respect? The might of his grandfather... the speed of his mother... the killing strike of his father... What qualities could he spare from his friends out of respect? Pride in being an inu warrior... confident in skill... persistence in taking what was his... This day would mark the last day he would ever feel shame again. His first hunt was complete. His training was complete. He only had the recitation of the Shimabukuro law, the changing of his garb, and the acceptance of his ceremonial markings to go. His family could have their party. He had no use for it.

A door opened behind him. He smelled his father. He was nervous. His footsteps were careful. Sesshomaru didn't bother to acknowledge him. He was in mourning for the people he lost and the boy he was abandoning. Weaknesses... were the cousins of failures. He wanted no relation to them.

"That's a bit somber for you, pup," Toga said lightly, stopping jump a few paces away from Sesshomaru.

"I am grieving."

"Grieving?" Toga questioned, furrowing his brow and shifting his body. "Who is lost to you?"

"Many now," Sesshomaru strained, not hiding his annoyance with the question.

Toga sighed then said, "Pup, why won't you tell me what happened to you?"

"It doesn't matter. The gates have been closed."

"It does if you're doing all this!" Toga argued, approaching him just slightly. "I'm your father! I'm here to make sure you - !"

"Don't!" Sesshomaru snapped, sharply turning his head and growling menacingly. He took a deep breath to calm himself before softly repeating, "Don't. You believed I needed to be punished. I will obey you. Let me grieve in peace."

"My son, I can help you if you just - !" Toga tried.

"I don't want your help... I just want to say goodbye," Sesshomaru interrupted, turning back around. "You have another family to protect now. Go see them."

"You are my son! You are worth protecting just as much as - !" Toga tried again, taking more steps forward.

"Don't you touch me!" Sesshomaru barked, eyes turning red to signal his transformation. "You're no different from those wretches. You swoon and sigh for your human woman just because she fulfills your need to feel wanted again. How does it feel being a hero again, father? How does it feel having someone kiss your armor and fall into your arms like a helpless doll? Do her lips taste just like mother's when she used to wipe the floor under your ass? Do they feel just as good on you? I haven't been worth protecting since I came of age, have I? You found something more to protect. Don't run to me thinking I was ever going to believe I was part of that thing. You want to feel needed so damn bad? Go back to your human! Leave me! You have my blessing..."


"My lord!" Jaken called, hearing his voice as just a faint whisper. He was just beyond his master's reach, seeing him in pain and with tears in his eyes. He had never seen Sesshomaru in that kind of state before. Yes, he grieved for Rin, but... this grieving was not the same. What on Earth was he seeing? Lord Toga was here?

'There are poisons that blind you..., and poisons that open your eyes... Anger has poisoned the heart of our lord. He has seen a truth that took his life... he has gained an enemy that caused him strife. Through my eyes, you can take that truth, transform it into a weapon, and become his tool... of wrath and ruin. Act with wisdom, O, master... and you can become the antidote that you have chosen to be...'

"Wh-what is this?" Jaken questioned, feeling himself floating towards Sesshomaru. He looked so much younger in front of him. Abruptly, Jaken was flung into the mirror and came face to face with his crying lord. "Lord Sesshomaru. What happe - ?"

Jaken's eyes suddenly went completely black, and all was dark. By the time he came to, Nintojo let out a roar of wind and water. Homugi, Yuko, and Liuxian were thrown out first. Meioshi flew out afterwards, landing on her feet, and anticipating another attack. Jaken... did something else. He floated out of Nintojo with a mask on his face between his two fingers and a staff in the shape of a harpoon in his other hand. The mask was similar to the skeleton head that Sesshomaru's other form possessed, and the eyes... were red and blue... as though Sesshomaru were transforming into his inu form. The heads of Nintojo floated about Jaken, coming to life and power through the effects of the black waters...

'Lord Sesshomaru...' Jaken thought, feeling his feet touching the ground. 'Could it be that... after everything we've been through... there's still strength in the walls built up around you? That vision... you were young and your father was alive. What did you see that caused you so much pain?'

'The birth of Nintojo stems from more than just lack in Sesshomaru's heart, my master,' Seisuiki said as the male head floated around the hag. He was speaking telepathically to Jaken as the imp was practically hovering above the ground. 'A son's broken heart and a father's determination to mend it was what inspired our creator to shape us. Because the son had grown cold and had nothing more to cherish, the father had become fearful and sought help from the world around him. What you saw was the reason why tools were needed for our lord to grow into the leader his father had hoped he would become and to restore the faith that our lord once had for all creatures of the Earth.'

'Nintojo is this tool that me lord needed? What about Tenseiga?' Jaken thought. 'I thought his father's sword was a tool for him in order to learn compassion.'

'This is only true in part, my master. What you saw in Lord Toga's and Lord Sesshomaru's memory was the day of grievance. Lord Sesshomaru had lost all of his friends and felt his family slipping through his fingers one by one until he felt there was nothing left for him to hold onto. There was nothing either young man could do to make things right, but Lord Toga would not give up until he learned the painful truth from his eldest son. And, so, with great haste, he went out on a hunt for tools much like Nintojo to reclaim the innocence and the unbounding love of his child. You, my master, are now capable of seeing these memories through the mask that was hidden within the mirror of their memory. The Mozō-me technique is an ability that allows you to become the reflection of either Lord Sesshomaru or Lord Toga in certain memories,' Seisuiki instructed, changing the yellow eyes of the mask covering Jaken's face from Toga's to Sesshomaru's. The eyes then returned to black before the old man spoke again, 'Wisdom and understanding are what both father and son had lacked in times that have passed. Because our lord still possesses neither quality, even though he has learned to have some compassion, he cannot hold Nintojo in his own hand. Until he gains both, Nintojo is as useless in Lord Sesshomaru's hand as the day he obtained it. You, my master, were chosen by Lord Sesshomaru to wield us as a pathfinder, but it is Lord Toga who had ordered for Nintojo to be placed in the hands of another who is honest and trusted.'

'Th-th-the Great General had chosen me so many years ago?' Jaken thought, feeling both honored and humbled. 'His wisdom is so far-reaching?'

'Tch! Silly imp!' Umebayashi claimed, scoffing a bit. 'Lord Toga merely specified to the creator that the Nintojo could only be held by someone who wholeheartedly trusts another. Sesshomaru did not. You, however, were so willing to serve him because of an act of charity. To test you, he handed the Nintojo to you. You trusted him so fully that we were able to finally stir. My flames were able to taste flesh again because of your desire to protect him just as he has protected or shielded you.'

'L-l-lord Sesshomaru...' Jaken thought, tearing up. 'Does this mean...? when you said to that other demon you only had need of one servant...? did that mean I had rightfully earned your trust?'

'Yes, this is so,' Umebayashi sighed, not particularly fond of the feels. 'With my training, you can do more with my flames. Tell him, brother! Eager be I! I wish to taste the pretty pretty!'

'The... what?' Jaken questioned.

'Hmph! You're just angry because she scared you,' Seisuiki remarked, turning his eye away mischievously yet calmly. 'Not just anyone can do that. She, however, has gained my interest. Sesshomaru's heart, as you saw in our world, was as dark as the day he closed the doors on his father, but... that young lady... this 'sister' that the monk claimed to have, did something quite unique in our world,' Seisuiki explained, impressed by what he saw.

'That witch is nothing but trouble! You should get rid of her!' Umebayashi argued.

'I agree!' Jaken nodded, rapidly. 'She should only be called for rubbing feet!'

'The hag is only saying that because the young lady chose a very unique position,' Seisuiki said softly.

'What did Lady Meioshi do? You said she was on the other side of the island. So, she was with the female head of Nintojo, yes? What was on the other side?' Jaken questioned.

'Do you remember what I told you about the ships, my master? You were located near the fishing boats. That is where Lord Sesshomaru learns new things. The treasure ship and warship were on the other side of the island. My upset sister here had confronted that young lady while there. Out of fear, my sister summoned the hidden form and power of Lord Sesshomaru to protect herself. The warship had reached shore to protect my sister, but... the treasure ship had also tried to reach land to call the young lady to it. Do you remember the fish that emerged from the clean waters? Those fish were plentiful. You, my master, are linked to Sesshomaru's ability to learn more of the world, but... this young lady... is linked to both conflict and reward. Even when Lord Sesshomaru's hidden form appeared before her, she spoke to it as though she were speaking to an old friend. She recognized a pattern between them. They are different when they are apart. When they fight, however, there is no wicked thing that comes from their quarrels. In fact, celebration soon follows. She is true to my sister's name for her. The storm bringer. There is the calm before the storm, the wrath of the storm, and the calm afterwards. She has chosen to be this of her own volition. It is different with our lord and his father, even in simple memory! So curious...' Seisuiki said, humming in thought but shaking his head to stop his analyzing. 'Nevertheless, my sister is correct. You are capable of doing more with Nintojo now. Though neither did battle in the vision that you saw, there was a scuffle that did occur shortly after you were taken out of the memory. The abilities used in that small battle are now yours to use, my master.'

'I can use me lord's abilities!?' Jaken thought.

'Only the ones he used in battle, imp,' Umebayashi corrected, circling around Seisuiki. 'You cannot use what he knows now or what he learned after you obtained us.'

'Oh...' Jaken thought, a bit disappointed at the restriction.

'The day of grievance is home to much power. You are blessed to be able to use it, but there is a price to pay if you use the abilities too often and too much. The more Lord Sesshomaru returns to his time of hatred, the more you, unfortunately, will face the consequences as the wielder of Nintojo. Because Lord Toga could not heal his son's heart before he had become a man, the heart must be healed a different way. Choose wisely of how you will heal it, my master. You will be returned to your friends now,' Seisuiki said, covering Jaken in a flash of light before Nintojo returned to its original form as a staff.