Henka no Koshin Festival part 4

"And we're off."

Sesshomaru and Jaken turned to see Meioshi walking out... in a beautiful rose-pink kimono with gold embroidery and accents. She even had a matching hood and jewelry! Her jewels were different, though. She wore them on her head like a headpiece but draped across her forehead. Her ears had gold earrings dangling beautifully, and a gold ring was attached to her lip. She had small marks on her forehead that must've symbolized some version of beauty. A red mark on the forehead was traditional of Nihon, but... she didn't have one red mark. Her eyes were hypnotic. Pink feathers and kohl were attached to her lash line, or just above it, to make her appear like a mysterious bird. Her lips were colored pink as well, but there was gold powder along the lip lines. She was... different.

"You look good, doctor," Jaken complimented.

Meioshi giggled before replying, "Thank you, Lord Jaken. Oh! I got you something. A snack!"

Jaken was handed a treat before she led the way to the kingdom grounds. Moeru must have shown them only a piece of the village because these grounds were riddled with busy humans. The palace, however, was a beacon among them. There were smaller homes resembling the palace, so they must have been the homes of nobles who worked at the palace. The marketplace was quite colorful, though. Flags for the emperor and an unfamiliar entity were present at the town's center. When they approached a luxurious okiya, a woman dressed in a black and purple kimono just so happened to be outside. She huffed at Meioshi's presence and called out to her.

"Well, if it isn't the lover of all things demonic," the woman said. Meioshi stopped and merely turned slightly to her. "What are you doing dressed so nicely?"

"Out to lunch, my dear," the doctor said simply.

"Who is he?" the woman asked, walking up to Meioshi to inspect her. She took notice to her eyes not opening and sniffed the air. She must have caught the scent of medicine on Meioshi's person because she took a step back to fold her arms. She then turned to Sesshomaru with some interest and repeated the question.

"None of your business," Sesshomaru replied with a snippy tone.

Meioshi was not happy with his answer in the slightest and snapped her head to him with obvious displeasure. He winced internally, remembering what she did when he spoke that way to Homugi, and let her correct him. "Have you no courtesy? That's no way to speak to a lady. I beg your pardon, Sister Miki. I volunteered him to be my escort for the hour. He's... just hungry from his trip."

"Ha!" Miki responded, clicking her tongue and stepping to the side to poke a lovely, shaped hip out. "And you didn't give him food poisoning? I'm shocked."

"Well, you do have a gift for charming men with specific tastes. I can't argue with that," Meioshi complimented, smiling gently. "I imagine your services would be more appealing than mine."

"We cater to high-class patrons if you prefer actual food," Miki said confidently, lifting a soft, manicured hand. She was quite a beautiful woman up close. Soft, pale skin, perfectly round lips, feline eyes, a swan neck, hair as dark as the midnight sky. A fine choice for a woman among the humans and perhaps some lusty demon. He was not one of them. "Whatever she has is obviously inferior to your tastes."

"Her food wasn't that bad. I like her snacks," Jaken said, chewing on the remains of the doctor's offering. He was now sad that he had no more.

"She specializes in appetizers and party favors," Miki explained, giving Meioshi that small compliment. "Her cooking skills become questionable beyond that."

Meioshi nodded and said, "This, I can agree. Sister Miki's dishes are astounding from preparation to presentation. You should try her roast pork with the orange and mint sauce. Mm! Never a disappointment."

Jaken then grimaced at something and asked, "Is that why she smells like onions?"

This made Miki blush from embarrassment before she collected herself and said, "Precisely why. All fresh food. I tolerate nothing short of perfection."

Meioshi arched both her brows in response and said, "Well, that's quite the selling tactic. If you wish to eat here, lordship, I'll pay for your meals in advance, and you can be properly entertained here instead of the palace."

"You're going to see the emperor?" Miki asked with shock evident in her widened eyes and a hand on her chest.

Meioshi then answered, "Of course. It's practically the only reason why I dress so formally."

The gong of the hour rung loudly, alerting the doctor's attention.

"Oh, hell, I'll be late with this foolishness. Decide carefully, gentlemen. I'm leaving," Meioshi said quickly, bowing to Miki and then waving her goodbyes in a hurry. "Good day, sister!"

"If you're paying, then I'll order - " Jaken started, receiving a bop from Sesshomaru.

"Nothing from here. Let's go," he ordered, walking away for a moment before Miki stopped him. He caught up to Meioshi with ease as she hopped over a puddle of mud. She was going to ruin those beautiful slippers with all this running about. "Why don't you fight these women? They enjoy dishonoring you."

Meioshi slowed her pace to say, "I wouldn't worry yourself, Lord Sesshomaru. Zakaza has a droopy eye condition, which will get worse and cause blindness if left untreated, and Miki actually has a disease that causes fungal infections, specifically starting on her foot and is going up to her scalp. It'll spread sooner than she thinks. I'll let nature take its course should they remain so stubborn and rude. You did quite well, though..., handsome."

Sesshomaru stopped dead in his tracks and pulled out his sword with no hesitation. He then growled, "Flattery will earn you no mercy."

"I asked for none," Meioshi said, hearing the townspeople gasp at Sesshomaru's actions. "That's why those women asked about you. It has nothing to do with our rivalry. You simply are attractive to them."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and hissed, "I've no interest in your women here."

"Pity. There are some fine catches here," Meioshi remarked, turning to lead the way again. "You're drawing too much attention to yourself, my lord. Put your weapon away. I'm late!"


"Lady Meioshi! You're back!" a young male voice cheered, racing to Meioshi's side.

Sesshomaru was quite impressed with the castle grounds. They weren't as massive as the House of Inu or even some lands that he knew in the eastern territories, but it was a nice piece of real estate situated neatly by the open sea. You could literally see everything. It would be quite difficult for someone to just sneak into the kingdom. Even the beaches were guarded well! Meioshi had to have been a frequent or respected visitor of the palace. She had no escorts or guards to walk her to the throne room other than Sesshomaru and Jaken; in fact, they weren't going to a throne room from the looks of things. Just as the doctor was busy at her home, it looked like the palace was possibly worse. There were maids and men frantically cleaning, dusting, and scrubbing. The gardeners were just about ready to quit from the looks of frustration being exchanged about. There didn't seem to be nearly as many flags with markings on them like Meioshi had, but they were much larger and seemed to have small torches in front of them. None of them were lit as it was still daylight out, but it was an interesting choice in viewership. The flags were closer in appearance to tapestries, honestly, but a crown applique was sewn into the top and the borders were embroidered with jade and beading. The western lord wondered if the flags were meant to be out in the village for the people to see since they were grouped together rather closely and were lined up or roped off for potential carriers. Why have a luncheon during a busy hour? It made no sense.

Jaken was turning his head to observe things so much he may as well have been an owl. There was so much to see and to read! Armor, crown jewels, and a scroll were all encased for display but lined up along the walls like it was meant to be setup. The maids and men were hustling to clean up more than anything, however. They wasted no time in sparing anyone a glance. He wasn't sure if that was plain negligence or extreme focus. They weren't staying in the corridors or going to the throne room to meet this emperor, though. They walked straight through the chaos and outdoors to the gardens. Meioshi had to have known this place like the back of her hand. You would think she'd struggle walking to places while blinded, but she didn't let this obvious handicap stop her once. The gardens were expertly done and appeared quite natural. The doctor did stop to smell a few blooms before proceeding to a fairly large building that was rounded and covered in decorative vines or ivy plants along the rooftops. That had to be the tearoom the doctor spoke to them about. It was placed dead center in the garden and had a different view of the world from every panel of window.

From this building came a young man, who looked no older than Ohta at the minimum, dressed in a fairly regal robe of purple and pale indigo. He almost looked like he was wearing the hour of dusk on his person. Jade was beaded onto his robe at the sleeves and shoulders. Sesshomaru assumed he was the emperor's son. His hair was short and cleaned with a set of bangs that hid away the childish features in favor of a more manly appearance. His lips were redder than Meioshi's natural rosy lips, and he was maybe an inch or two taller than Ohta. He would grow to be just as handsome and a parent's problem when it came to the girls. Pity that he would have to follow custom one day and be trapped in an arranged marriage to a first cousin or young princess. The boy practically leaped into Meioshi's arms with excitement, unbothered by the fact that she was injured. He took notice to something else a bit more appalling.

"What are you doing dressed in these old clothes? Haven't you a horse so your dress won't get dirty?" the boy asked, looking down at some mud stains the doctor collected on her way there.

"Not quite a horse, love, but I'm always dirty," Meioshi replied cheerfully. "I've quite the farm now! I learned much from your gardeners, majesty."

"EH!?" Jaken shouted with a point of his finger. "This boy is the emperor?"

He's... so young, Sesshomaru thought. He remembered the days when he was about the emperor's age. They weren't nearly as pleasant, but he did study furiously during that time.

"Well, of course!" the boy responded confidently, taking Meioshi's arm into his to say his next words. "Though, my coronation will be delayed 'til my eighteenth birthday, I've been in school to study how to be an effective ruler. Now, doctor, we can't have our tea party in the mud. After we give birth to children perhaps, but - "

Meioshi jumped at this sudden comment and said, "My lord, I'm hardly proper marriage material for you. I'm too old! Furthermore, you're only fifteen. That's a bit young for me, love!"

Displeased with this response, the emperor snatched his arm away and stomped childishly, "I am of proper age to marry and produce young! And you're beautiful! I want to marry the woman who is kind and honest and thoughtful and desirable. That's you, Lady Meioshi!"

Meioshi gasped before smiling gently and laughing lightly. She then said, "My lord is sweet, but I require someone a little older. You're not hard to fall in love with at all. Give yourself a chance to be loved by another. No need to rush, highness. You've studied rigorously for some time. Give that same energy and fierceness to building your character into the man of everyone's dreams."

Sesshomaru took those words to heart. More than he should have, really. A woman should love and respect a man as he is, right? At least, she should for a good man. What did that mean? A man of everyone's dream? Dreams are different. Wouldn't the ideal man be different for everyone?

The young emperor pouted before he leaned forward to argue, "But I want to marry you, Lady Meioshi. Won't you consider it sooner?"

Jaken, getting slightly annoyed, asked quietly, "What is WITH this boy and his obsession with the doctor?"

"Ah, I can answer that!" a small voice said.

It came from Meioshi's necklace. The doctor lifted her hell traveler's medallion and passed over it to summon a burst of light. Caritas, the small sprite with white hair and green eyes, appeared before them with all smiles. He laughed as he flew around the emperor happily and then hugged Meioshi's neck. The doctor returned the sweet gesture with a small kiss and let the sprite play around. Caritas liked flying around in the palace for some reason, but he always favored the emperor and offered him treats when the young ruler was in Meioshi's clinic.

Caritas floated over to Jaken, summoned a ball of reiki around them, and whispered, "The young lord tried to commit suicide when he was younger. He was terribly ill as a child and enemy soldiers were eager to take his life. Having had enough of his illness, he ran away to end his misery, but Lady Meioshi protected him and kept him under her care at the Jigoku estate. She was able to return him to this palace as a healthier youth. The young lord has had a special place in his heart for the doctor ever since."

"What is this barrier you put over us, sprite?" Jaken asked.

"Just a silencing one!" Caritas replied, holding his arms up. He removed it before floating over to Meioshi.

The young emperor finally took notice to Meioshi's traveling companions and asked, "Who is this man you've brought with you?"

"Hm? Oh, his lordship is a traveling swordsman I met not long ago. His name is Sesshomaru," Meioshi explained.

The young emperor lifted his arm to reveal a talisman bracelet and waited for the item to respond. It shook, rang like a bell, spun around, and lit up like a flipped coin in the sun. He became serious then and asked, "He's a demon then?"

"Why, yes! He might come off as a nasty old dog, but he's quite polite around children. He's also rather powerful," Meioshi complimented. "A scuffle with him hurts!"

The young emperor folded his arms and walked around Sesshomaru a bit to measure him up silently. While his lordship took exception to such evaluation, he remained still and only turned to the boy once before setting his sights forward again. The emperor then said, "I can sense it. Are you trying to recruit him as a bodyguard?"

"Heavens, no!" the doctor said with revulsion, hair standing on its ends with emphasis. "He just likes challenging me to a square is all. Rather competitive, he is! But, since he was so polite in escorting me here, I at least wanted to make sure he ate foods more to his caliber. My old classmate did try to offer him some excellent meals, but he would have none. Look how thin he is! No protein!"

The young emperor smirked at the doctor before his expression was replaced with worry. Sesshomaru took notice to the boy's concern of her eye injury, so he reasoned the young ruler's earlier exuberance was meant to disguise the seriousness he actually felt. He must've either heard about what happened or was acknowledging it now that he was closer to his beloved childhood crush. The look of admiration was ever present. He then said softly, "How can you be so confident in front of such strong demons?"

"It runs in the family, so to speak," Meioshi said bashfully, rubbing the back of her head. "Before I forget, has a new 'general' been found to join us on our luncheon?"

"If there was, I didn't invite him," the young emperor said, turning to walk to the tearoom.

"B-b-bu-bu-but, that's against tradition! What are we doing?" Meioshi questioned, fingers twitching from shock at the emperor willingly blowing off such a crucial honor.

"This luncheon was to make up for the one you missed over the summer. The trifecta's luncheon needs to be postponed for another day. No one's ready for the occasion just yet. Preparations on all sides are running later than usual," the young emperor explained, noticing Sesshomaru following him into the tearoom. Meioshi scuttled in after the lords along with Jaken and was about to make a retort, but the young ruler interrupted her, "Your food will get cold."

"Are you insane?" Meioshi shouted more than questioned. "You can't just switch things up! This event is - !"

"Not historically accurate," the emperor finished, sipping his warm tea with confidence. "According to the accounts of the people and some early records, your forefather, Unmei, and my forefather, Emperor Muranaka, were friends to each other. They may not have been nearly as close as the friend Unmei lost to hell's grasp, but they were on speaking terms and Unmei was a form of advisor when it came to eliminating the more serious threats of demons. No offense."

"Hn," Sesshomaru harrumphed, drinking water instead of the tea. Just in case...

"Before Unmei and Muranaka went their separate ways in life to become a demon fighter and socio-political ruler, respectively, they had one final luncheon as friends. The general became part of the trifecta luncheon afterwards, and this upcoming festival was born. Are you trying to switch up traditions by excluding such a key part in your own family's history, doctor?" the young emperor asked, calmly dipping a piece of fish in some sauce and eating it with proper manners.

Speechless. Mouth dropping and all. Sesshomaru wanted to laugh at the doctor's facial expression, but he remained silent and looked out of the window to view the palace grounds. It was a terrific view. He wasn't sure if he'd want as much openness, though. The shrouding from the trees were more relaxing to him, so he would prefer his tearoom to be under a canopy of pines or cypress. The panoramic view was definitely beautiful and made it easier to patrol who was doing what, but he liked the feel of his grandfather's old stomping grounds in the Forest of the Flying Inu. It was secluded and daunting to anyone approaching the area, but open and resourceful to the people who lived behind the denseness of the foliage. The overgrown bushes gave the dark forest a mysterious flair. That's something he found he admired most, so that's what he would prefer. Of course, that's just an idea to give to a future architect and gardener. That's even if a kingdom was worth building anymore. Since the general had doubts about his ruling power, Sesshomaru thought maybe he should consider acting as the Okuri-inu leader. His grandfather seemed more regal and prouder of his heritage. He's been an active member of the troop without realizing it, he gained two party members who specialized in stealth combat recently, and... well, he has much work to do to become taisho officially.

Frowning, Meioshi folded her arms and flopped onto her seating pillow with a childish pout. How did this happen? She's supposed to be the adult here! But, hearing Sesshomaru drinking water patiently and sensing no ill will from Jaken, she calmed herself down and participated in the correct tradition according to her little one. Over time, the emperor's curiosity got to him about Sesshomaru and Jaken, so he asked about them and their journey here. Jaken was in the spotlight once more... with a few corrections from Meioshi every now and then...