Togisumasa Reta Ha Jewel part 3

Sorghum seed

A gift of wealth

Winter cometh, fire ye need

Mochi, mochi

Yum, yum, yum!

Stone and oil

Brother ate them

Trick me, trick me, ye may try

Ye'll have no help...

When ye die...

Sniff. Sniff. "Mmmm... I smell something quite good."

Yamajiji, not really the kind of enemy you want to face if you're a farmer, boar, or goat. These demons had very sharp teeth that could cut through bones very easily, and, unfortunately, their favorite food was prime pork meat. Unless Yamashi and Ichi could form stony armor or had some of that massage oil on hand, they were going to have a problem. Yamajiji were largely mountain dwellers and frequented the roads for lagging travelers. Typically, these old men were harmless and cooperative. They spoke with an even, monotone voice and their large left eye aided their soothsaying abilities. The right eye, which was far smaller to the point of being invisible, triggered these beasts' mighty screeches. Their booming voices was said to cause splits in the earth, and they are a nightmare to deal with if you're a farmer on the outskirts of a village. They have been known to separate their enemies from mainland and force their offenders to live in solitude on islands. Sometimes, the sheer volume of their voices can disable or kill. Hence why, Yamajiji are not a favorite for those with sensitive hearing like his lordship.

Sesshomaru evaluated his situation carefully and noticed that there were approximately seven Yamajiji surrounding them. With the air growing colder, this situation was reminding him of the attack on the Floating Citadel. The temperature dropped this low when Lady Rakuyama was involved. He didn't sense her presence, so the henchmen of the frost queen must be working together with the Yamajiji. That wasn't good. Before anyone could take another step, they were met with a bigger problem. Sesshomaru didn't catch Tadamasa's scent either, but pallbearers of the arctic were approaching them as well. These three demon types must be terrorizing neighboring farming and/or fishing villages. It's possible they will catch the smell of blood and/or death soon. Normally, his lordship wouldn't care about human villages, but he thought about Rin and how he found her (or rather, how she found him) and instead made a mental note to investigate. Typically, this wouldn't be the time to think about his young ward, but he started to wonder if he was stalling in favor of some title.

Though loathe to admit it, Sesshomaru was thinking about Jaken early on before leaving with the men. The imp ran from many a battle he couldn't handle, and Sesshomaru reprimanded him for his abandonment with a quick strike to the noggin, but Jaken was adamant about staying behind this time. He wasn't doing it out of cowardice, betrayal, or selfishness. In fact, he was quite flattered by his request. The imp wanted to stay in Heiwa to begin training under Meioshi's tutelage. His lordship was at first hurt that Jaken had chosen Meioshi over him to teach him martial arts, but Jaken had explained a great deal to him in private. The conversation, though not a good time to remember it now, still shone through and made his chest a bit warm.

|| ... ... ... ||

"My lord."

"What is it, Jaken?"

"I never thought I'd be saying this, but... This is the first time... I think... I've ever looked to another, who wasn't another mystical or powerful demon, for guidance. How many years... has it been since I've been by your side, me lord? Has it really been a century or more? Tch! It doesn't matter, does it? Your words on that day... when you said you only had need for one servant. I truly was touched by that. You've made me happy ever since that day. My incessant blabbering - sure, it's annoying - but you don't mind it as long as I serve you to the best of my abilities. Well..., for this one mission - nay, for this one time - I would like to humbly request that I not join you. It's not because I'm scared. I'm actually very interested in learning more about the Okuri-inu with you. Since the Nintojo has been awakened, I'm eager to use it even more now! But, I cannot be with you for this mission. I have to learn how to be your servant all over again if we move forward. This is a marvelous opportunity to showcase the power I've seen you obtain over these years! Please, don't let it go! I may not have been able to see the Great General's might in battle, but I am blessed to have watched you grow into the youkai and the leader that I knew you could be when we met. I thought after defeating Naraku, there was nothing more for us to do. We eliminated a great threat to these lands. Rin is safe and is growing up the way I hope the kids here are growing up, yet... our job truly isn't done. I'm glad! I'm not saying I'm happy that a new threat is on the rise. Obviously, I wouldn't want anyone to attack the House of Inu, especially not after learning about your grandfather's history! But..., I don't think meeting that witch, or I guess I regrettably have to call her Lady Meioshi now, was a coincidence. The same way you had your path to becoming a True Inu, I have to walk my own path. I didn't see you two fight that time at the ravine. Come to think of it, I've never seen you two actually fight. I've come after it was over. Is she truly that powerful, my lord? Has she been hiding her strength from you all along? Her enemies seem to get stronger and stronger by the day while ours hide away. Why did you really defend her honor after we faced the black wall demon?"

"... She was willing to protect you despite having only known you for a short time," Sesshomaru confessed, turning to look at Meioshi's estate.

He wasn't sure how many times he would remember the day he confronted his rival at this very place, or the times they've fought each other at one point or another, but he did have one memory that he wasn't prepared on seeing. For whatever reason, he remembered the days when she served them just after her fight with that oni warrior. Something about their time on the beach put a lot into perspective. At her most vulnerable, Meioshi somehow never seemed weak; in fact, the fire in her eyes to keep going no matter the struggle always seemed to burn. If nothing else, she seemed to always be in a resting or meditative mode. Alert enough to respond to danger but lax enough to be calculative in her response.

He remembered when he lost against Inuyasha. How useless he felt! It wasn't just about a broken pride. He tried to understand what made things different between them back then. How was a boy who had no love other than his mother's and who had to walk the earth like a beast and fend for himself at such a young age able to live a fuller life than him? He found love, probably knew a woman's touch, developed survival skills that were enviable, and knew basic healing practices. Was his life so pitiful that he couldn't match up to the basic duties of a man whereas his halfling brother did that and more? Despite his power then, could he truly only scratch the surface at what true power was or even what it meant? When he looked at Meioshi sitting in her shell crib, his envy for her grew stronger then. She didn't look pitiful the way he did. She didn't even seem angry or contemplative. She was simply at peace, resting. How could she be so calm? Though none of it made sense to him before, Sesshomaru was beginning to understand what he really wanted on that day just before Meioshi became Jaken's servant. In that shell crib..., Sesshomaru wanted to sit next to her. Not in a sexual manner... but... as a travelling companion. He had always prided himself in keeping his distance from others and being the more observant one, but his desire or sense of unity was very strong in that moment. He wanted to feel Meioshi's fire, let the warmth of her determination radiate and heat his skin, and... simply speak to her from one warrior to another.

Somehow, that simple memory made Jaken's speech fiery yet calming. It was like he had just lit a small campfire, and the hypnotic nature of the flames settled on his heart and soul. Maybe it was because he wished he had sat next to Meioshi that evening. Maybe he did wish he could speak to her in private properly as respectable rivals. She wasn't like Sara, who wanted to gain his attention, or Kagura, who wanted a life of freedom (perhaps with him in it), or his little Rin, who was grateful to be given a second chance at life. Meioshi very rarely asked for help, least of all from the likes of him, but she knew what it was like to feel like a failure. Sometimes, her emotions would consume her to the point of tears or silent fury. Sometimes, she had to take a smoke just to calm down. Either way, she was a good other. She knew how to let herself feel pain without sacrificing her will to live, to overcome, to win. Maybe that's why he continued to speak.

"Even going so far as to risk her own life for your sake," Sesshomaru confessed, making Jaken look at him with disbelief. "Regardless of what questions you had asked, or which ones the boar's wife had asked you, she envied that I had you at my side. Her journeys are often done alone. I was like that before I met you. Alone. Being alone never bothered me, and it doesn't seem to bother her, but having at least one person with you makes things easier. Voices of the past haunt you less, dreams that wake you violently into cold sweats seem to disappear, wounds heal faster but also make you feel more alive than before. I understood her. Being punished for caring about others was wrong. It is not honorable to make her do that, or even to make her believe that she should just for the public's sake. What have they done for her? Her wards were made slaves to satisfy debts. The public believes she should carve her chest because of that? That demon that tried to warn her was given a beautiful ceremony. Was that not enough?"

"... She truly is different from our old allies, isn't she?" Jaken asked, looking at Sesshomaru's face with respect and understanding.

"Were you hoping she would be the same as those we once knew?" Sesshomaru questioned.

"No, I am grateful that she is not. You need someone complementary like that," Jaken replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I like this version of the test better."

"Test?" Sesshomaru asked, turning to Jaken for an explanation.

Jaken smiled and then replied, "Yeah! This is more exciting than that stupid fight with Naraku! A test of character! Is your strength tied to the sword alone or is there more to you than that?"

"My father's test was not satisfactory for you, fool?" Sesshomaru questioned, a ghost of a smirk threatening to appear.

"No way!" Jaken complained. "I didn't get to do anything! This time, I can! Oh, with your permission, of course. In exchange for unlocking Nintojo's hidden potential, I requested fighting lessons from Lady Meioshi. I might not be able to fight all of your enemies, but I can at least be even more useful and serve you as a true guardian. You've always saved me from harm. It's about damn time I return the favor! Then, you can appoint me to head servant, and I'll make the witch my servant for real! Foot rubs everyday even!"

"Why do you like the doctor's foot rubs so much?" Sesshomaru asked, now smirking visibly with amusement.

"I dunno, actually. They just feel nice!" Jaken said, scratching his head. "Oh, so..., can I start my training instead this time?"

"Do what you wish, Jaken," Sesshomaru replied, walking away from him to wait for the men.

|| ... ... ... ||

"Oi, you gonna give the orders or what?" Yamashi questioned, fangs growing and axe radiating with power.

He seemed eager to fight and his yoki was overwhelming. He was holding back at Tsuyoi's funeral if this is what he was hiding the entire time. Perhaps it was a Heiwa thing, after all. Maybe everyone hid their true strength. First, it was Meioshi, but Kirameku Ha hid his unbearable power away and so did Ichi. Said farmhand revealed a large pair of chakrams charged with the power of the winds. Reijiro was a little more subdued but tapped into his shadowy powers as well. He seemed to be making the earth quake and the grass sharpen. Odd for him to be the manipulator of the earth when Meioshi was the healer. Sesshomaru didn't want Meioshi involved with this if Yamashi or Ichi got hurt, however, especially because of the possibility of her cutting herself. She only did it when someone under her care was hurt, but that was the problem. What if it wasn't just Yamashi and Ichi he had to worry about? What if someone in a neighboring village was a patient of hers?

For Reijiro, it was a little different. He challenged his leadership skills but not like the House of Inu. Reijiro was a pissy, little somebody, but he was loyal to his leaders. Flattered by the dark soldier's devotion, Sesshomaru felt this need to protect him. It wasn't because he cared about him, but... it was more because Reijiro genuinely wanted to serve his lordship because of the merit of his work as a child not because he was the Great General's son. He showed interest in Hikozaemon II and seemed to have reverence for him, especially after being selected for membership into the Okuri-inu. Though Sesshomaru was hurt that his grandfather had disappeared on him in his teenage years, it didn't seem to be a choice on the elder's part to do so. However, Sesshomaru also knew the truth of Hikozaemon II's absence in part. What his lordship didn't know was that he had such an impact on the House of Inu. It's always been about his father and his great works. To know something as small as a rule to protect Homugi had protected others like her was... well... inspiring and flattering. He guessed that's another reason why he didn't want Meioshi involved. She might be right. It might be his time to be the leader that a certain group of people needed. If the rest of the world followed... well, good. If not..., then Yamashi might be of greater use than he thought.

Was he going to be the leader of rogues and assassins then? He didn't anticipate such a thing. He mainly wanted his father's title.

"Reijiro. Focus on the yamajiji. I'll deal with the pallbearers. Pig prince. You and Ichi will have to deal with the ice monsters. Ichi should be familiar with their movements, but you'll have to use your firepower wisely," Sesshomaru ordered. When the group of demons charged at them, he ordered swiftly, "Now!"