The Foreign Ambassadors

Bargain with the King Weevil

"Such beautiful women in this village! One of you shall make a fine wife for a king granary," a scratchy voice cheered.

The king weevil demon was quite the decorated creature despite his casual wearing of the dōbuku. It was a lovely top with diagonal stripes across the bodice of light green, white, and deep brown and golden wheat ears sprinkled here and there to emphasize weevil demons' love of grain. He didn't wear the traditional hakama pant with such leisurely wear, but his feet did have coverings on them like shoes and he had a proud medallion around his neck. He was a fairly tall fellow of about eight feet (or 2.44 meters) in height, and, aside from his human movement of walking and talking, he was all creature in appearance. The King Weevil loved pretty women, though, and on his list of beauties were Yuko, Homugi, and some other choice women within the village. It looked like Kita was being taken to the group of beauties that King Weevil was interested in. While some of the men looked annoyed that their wives or significant others were being handpicked, others were more amused than anything. Niji Shaku men were quite proud that a demon found their women beautiful enough to forego the forbidden union or its consequences. Men who lived closer to the emperor's palace were in shambles at some filthy demon touching the women.

Emperor Kunimatsu was quite interested in the event. He had never seen a King Weevil visit his lands before, and he was curious to know what Meioshi was going to do this year. Zakuza, the emperor's loyal maid, was quite annoyed that she wasn't chosen as the weevil's prize. Not that she wanted to be touched by a huge bug, but! Well - ! She was beautiful! Why not her, too? The weevils took other noblewomen as prizes! Typically, as tradition would have it, Meioshi would do a wind dance to create a bread roll made from fine grains and rice milk acting as bait for the weevils. The dome-demon that won the bake-off would then have to add the prized sugar and crumbs from the fire rat demons to the bread roll as a topping or flavoring. Should the weevils be attracted to the roll, they would offer a trade. It was really quite the spectacle and was often a peaceful exchange. Only two weevil soldiers and six servants escorted King Weevil to Heiwa for "the heavenly sweets" that wafted in the air of the granary kingdom. The soldiers were wearing fine robes with a quiver and bow strapped to their shoulders and arrows purposely placed in a box to show their status. It was odd for a weevil demon to be known for their archery when they had long snouts that appeared more blade-like or polearm-like. The servants wore no clothes and were allowed to ransack kitchens and farmlands.

"Like hell are you taking my Homugi!" Hasumi shouted with a stomp. "She's my rare, pretty catch, jerkwad!"

"Hasumi! Language!" Liuxian reprimanded with widened eyes and a smirk.

"But Papa Liu!" Hasumi whined, stomping her foot with a big, cute pout. "He can't have Homugi! She's mine! She's pretty and rare and can fight good!"

"Rare, you say, little miko? I simply must keep her then! Yo-ho-ho-hoo!" King Weevil cheered, laughing and blushing at the thought.

"Y'know, I came here to learn how to live my life without the weight of my family's honor hanging over my shoulders in favor of some loveless marriage. Here I am, waiting for the doctor to come back from whatever the hell she's gotten herself into because I know she's doing something to upset someone, and I'm being held hostage by a bunch of bugs! WHY AM I HERE!?" Homugi shouted, attracting King Weevil.

"Ooo! Such a spitfire! I like you!" King Weevil swooned with a bright blush. "Men, be gentle with that one."

"Not a chance, bug boy!" Hasumi shouted, unleashing her sunflower powers. "Miko Snatch!"

"Weevil Chomp!" King Weevil said, taking a huge bite out of Hasumi's Shinto papers. He comically spat the papers out, however, and complained, "Bleh! Haiyaa! No flavor, no flavor! That tastes nothing like sunflower seeds! Phew!"

"HEY!" a familiar voice roared, gaining the weevils attention. "Dick mouth! Up here!"

Everyone turned to see an infuriated Yamashi growling viciously at the sight before him. His beloved Yuko and new friend, Homugi, were being rounded up like cattle for King Weevil's amusement. Not his wife! Meioshi wasn't lying when she said the weevil demons had invaded Heiwa, but she could've at least mentioned that the weevil demons were strong enough or evasive enough to escape immediate danger from the powers of other demons. Dome-demons were extraordinarily powerful! This shouldn't have been a problem, but the good doctor reassured the wild boar prince that he and Sesshomaru were the best men for the job of eradicating the weevils from Heiwa. Why is she so trusting of demon princes who could ally themselves to destroy Heiwa for themselves? Yamashi would never know.

"Take your grimy-ass paws off my wife! I worked my ass off to bed that woman!" Yamashi claimed, pointing to himself for emphasis.

"I'll unhand the pretty wife only if you satisfy my requests. Yo-ho-ho-hoo!" King Weevil said excitedly.

"Yamashi!" Yuko called with a soft swoon. Only for it to be replaced with an angered, "Whaddaya mean 'bed that woman'? I'm not some trophy for you to mount on a wall!"

"Minus the trophy part - "

"SHUT UP OR I'LL DIVORCE YOU IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE!" Yuko roared with a bright blush on her cheeks. Yamashi just grinned salaciously at her.

"Are all of you villagers so incompetent that you can't get rid of a couple of bugs?" Sesshomaru asked with a bored expression on his face. "This is a waste of my time."

"Lord Sesshomaru!" the grapple bears and Jaken called.

"Yo, Rei!" Sanraku greeted with an excited wave.

"Well, you did a great job in protecting everyone..." Reijiro complimented sarcastically but waving back to his brother.

"You know it!" Sanraku cheered, giving him a thumbs up.

"Ichi!" Yatsumi called from the group of beauties. "Where on Earth have you been?"

"Babe, are you okay?" Ichi asked with a slight panic.

"I'm fine, just do what the King Weevil says. He's something like a merchant," Yatsumi explained, blushing from her husband's worry. She was such a cuddler around the man. "What he collects is equivalent to a bid price. You - "

"Hush now, pretty princess," King Weevil said with a swoon and blush. He started wiggling around at whatever thoughts he was having about Yatsumi. "You mustn't ruin the festivities with spoilers. My puzzle requires solving! I seek a recipe equivalent in price to the beauties here. Something that will make me sing with glee."

"Are you fucking serious?" Sesshomaru growled, narrowing his eyes and seething from anger.

"Whoa!" Jaken said with visible shock. "Who are you? You can't possibly be my Lord Sesshomaru. He would never speak with such vulgarities!"

"Ah, you're not hip to the new development of our typically quiet Lord Sesshomaru. Maru-sama here got a truth spell put on him," Reijiro revealed, smiling toothily.

"Ripping your arms off!" Sesshomaru threatened, eyes going red and teeth sharpening poisonously.

"Who put a truth spell on him?" Jaken demanded, flinching at the murderous tone shot Reijiro's way.

"Oh, just wait. It gets stupider," Yamashi added, lifting a finger before saying. "How many flippin' women did you take King Weevil?"

"Yo-ho-ho-hoo!" King Weevil swooned, placing an arm over his forehead with bliss. "Such jewels in my chambers would certainly make me stay home more often! Alas, I have heard of you, wild boar prince. Your might is not to be underestimated. We, weevils, are a peaceful lot. Pacifists, if you will. I have taken my share of 73 beauties. 51 beauties always have handfuls of earth, 18 beauties always have their hands in the air, 3 beauties have medicine hands, and 1 beauty is as gentle as she is strong. I seek a bread roll worth 36 chests of golden coins to accommodate my loss."

"... Jaken. Burn him," Sesshomaru demanded, walking away from the ridiculous offer.

"Buhahaha!" Yamashi cackled, feeling the same sentiment. He wiped his tear and then said, "No, no, inu prince. That's not how we bargain for things. This is a business transaction."

That stopped Sesshomaru for a moment, but Jaken was ready to set everyone and everything ablaze. He started smirking. Yes, finally, he could take his revenge on Ohta for slapping him around throughout his training. Too bad the boy wasn't picked out as a beauty. He punched the curious weevils in the snout a couple of times, though. When Ohta said he had enough of being traded around because of his looks, he meant it.

"He's not actually looking for that much money in exchange for the girls. He wants something equivalent in value. Weevil demons eat grains and bread rolls. They're a farmer's worst nightmare and the bane of a baker's existence. You made biscuits that smelled good enough and strong enough to reach his long ass nose from a long way away. He wants what you used to make those biscuits as a topping or ingredient to the bread roll. That's what he's willing to pay you for it," Yamashi said with great pride. "I underestimated your doggie biscuits. They're worth a high price!"

"Why?" Sesshomaru asked, turning to King Weevil.

"You must be new to this!" King Weevil cheered, clapping his paws. "So, you are an inu prince, hm? You must be Lord Sesshomaru then. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, young Lord Sesshomaru. I had no idea you knew about Heiwa. Welcome to the Henka no Koshin festival and Grand Youkai program! This is quite the marketing hub and a fairly secluded place with many treasures lurking underneath its mysteries. You'll find it quite an entertaining place to be indeed! I am King Weevil, merchant of the granary kingdom from the Northern Lands. I, and quite a growing number of demons, travel here for business and culture. Prince Yamashi there is an excellent business partner to have as he specializes in weapons trading! He is also quite right! Lady Meioshi would have quite the fit if I tried to take such fine women for wives in my harem. We, weevils, haven't invaded Heiwa's farmlands in years. It's only recently that we've established peace with this land, and we are quite honored to be part of its traditions. Such good fun and good eating! Yo-ho-ho-hoo! Now, then, let us see about your bargaining skills, hm? I am willing to trade you for that heavenly ingredient you added to these doggie biscuits I'm hearing about. I smelled them all the way from home! You've quite the talent with baking, young lord! You should pursue it more!"

"Ah, you are a pastry connoisseur, King Weevil?" Yamashi asked, happy to engage with the fellow now that he understood his intentions better. He knew about the traditions in Heiwa, so King Weevil was an ally. That's why Meioshi wasn't worried and was able to leave.

"Indeed! Yo-ho-ho-hoo!" King Weevil cheered, twirling about on his foot. "I'd say 73 beauties are a healthy starting price. How about it, Lord Sesshomaru? In exchange for a simple bread roll of your quality, I will give you our sugar equivalent in price and quality to make any pastry you want. You'll make plenty of money with its taste as our sugar can make any dish into a legendary masterpiece! I dare say you'll interest the foreign ambassadors."

"That's only if he's going with us on business, King Weevil. We're taking to the seas this year," Yamashi informed with a grand smirk. It was in its fullest curve to give him a more handsome appearance. Yuko started to get compliments. "You might know how it is with them. They visit every other year in the spring. It is we who must go to them during the autumn season."

"Ah, quite right. I do remember making trade with Lady Meioshi around this time last year," King Weevil said with a nod at the fond memory.

"Seas?" Jaken questioned, lowering Nintojo. The moment was gone. "You mean, you're headed up North to the granary kingdom?"

"No. Overseas. We're leaving the country entirely to embark on a new world. That's how we make money," Yamashi replied.

"You and the witch said something about that before. What other worlds are you trespassing on? There are no other worlds beyond Nihon with exception to heaven and hell," Sesshomaru said with an almost whimsical edge to his voice.

To a normal person, he would've sounded closeminded and quite traditional as most Nihonese people didn't believe in other worlds beyond the world they knew; however, to the trained ear, Sesshomaru sounded most like a child - curious, dreamy, eager to hear about it more.

"I used to think that, too," Yamashi said, smiling fondly at the memories. "My, how far we've come! Heiwa is so much more than a hub full of mystery and treasure, inu prince. You have to be willing to look beyond what is known and anticipate so much of the unknown. Don't fear it! Invite it! Learn from it... That's when you'll realize everything makes sense."

"... I hate my curiosity sometimes," Sesshomaru mumbled under his breath.

"Hm?" Yamashi questioned.

"I'll need a consult for your bread roll... and that foolish witch is late!" Sesshomaru snapped, earning a chuckle from Yamashi.

|| ... ... ... ||

Nearly two thousand years ago...

"Maamaa! How come we never visit father's homelands for the family dinners?" little Touga asked, tugging on his mother's dress.

Touga's mother was putting on her headscarf jewelry as part of her country's beauty rituals and nuzzled noses with him as a form of play. Her red eyes sparkled at the question, and she took Touga's squirming as another sign of play. The two often played when dressing up and packing for holiday, but it was largely because his mother was simply happy to visit home with her king and husband. It was where they had fallen in love, and she celebrated that most of all. Touga's sister would normally play with their father, Hikozaemon II, whenever he had to comb her hair to plat it or check for bugs. Touga's older brother hardly ever moved when being dressed or groomed. He was the well-behaved one. He largely played around with his siblings or when their parents made sweets for dessert. He had the biggest, sweet tooth out of the three. Little Touga giggled as his mother started gently nipping his ears and making kissing noises in his ear to show a fondness for him.

Touga's mother seized her play to answer her youngest son, "Your father is not allowed to return to his home for fifty years because of the rebellion, my son. He is only allowed to step foot on the lands that I have treaded. I did not go into his homelands. I only stepped foot along the borders. So, he must wait."

"Well, that's not nice or fair!" Touga argued. "I want to see his, too!"

"Why, my son?" Hikozaemon II asked from his seat in the family dressing room. It was a fairly colorful room and vanity area. The Okuri-inu indigo and silver mixed with reds and golds of the Indus people gave children the closest view of a rainbow.

"We're supposed to honor our mothers and fathers, father!" Touga argued with a big smile. "Can't I wear your armor and robes on family day?"

The little one may as well be wagging his tail, but his flirty son was always the most curious about Hikozaemon II's homelands. The young father then said, "Right now, you are naked and my clothes are too big for you."

"MAKE THEM SMALLER, FUQIN!" Touga howled, flopping onto his side in some pillows.

"... Very well. I will dress you in indigo. You are too young for armor, but I can prepare you for the ceremony of young soldiers. Do you think you can pass our trials, my flirty son?" Hikozaemon II asked, tickling his youngest child.

"Of course, I can! I'm gonna be a great warrior like you someday! If you can do it, I can, too," Touga cheered with a yip to his hopeful voice.

"You still have to put on your shoes, little one," Touga's mother said, narrowing her eyes at him but keeping her smile.

"Aw, man!" Touga whined, flopping on his back.

Touga's mother laughed richly before kissing her smirking husband and resting her forehead against his. She then said sweetly, "You'd best bring plenty of medical bandages for my tot, my love."

"... And shoes," Hikozaemon II joked, earning a chuckle from his beloved as they turned to see their children playing together.

|| ... ... ... ||

"Grandfather," Sesshomaru called, alerting the elder.

Hikozaemon II surprisingly was just outside of Heiwa. He had returned to visit Meioshi's funerary home out of personal interest, but he had plans to return to the House of Inu after Sesshomaru had returned with results from his new mission. He turned to his grandson quietly, taking note to the cute frown on his face.

"Why is there a scowl on your face, my young one?" Hikozaemon II asked gently.

"Where are you from?" Sesshomaru demanded, fighting a childish stomp of his foot.

Much like the day his father had asked, Hikozaemon's heart fluttered and his pupils dilated. He then asked, "Why?"

"You don't talk about yourself, and it's upsetting. You are not just my grumpy relative! You were the foundation of our family, not my father! Why have you been withholding so much yourself from me?" Sesshomaru questioned angrily, though disappointment was strongest in his voice.

"... It did not seem important to you. You wanted to be so much like your father, and you preferred to speak to me about other things until you just suddenly stopped. Since the day you became a man, you hardly spoke to me, and your visits became less frequent. I simply believed you wanted nothing more to do with me," Hikozaemon II answered honestly, surprising Sesshomaru. "Your mother hardly engages with me either. It was easier to assume that my time as a parent and a family member was done. I am only the elder now."

Sesshomaru stopped at his grandfather's words and let sadness take over. He didn't stop to think about his grandfather's feelings towards everything. He was there when his father left for a human. He had to have felt some grief and shame from that alone. Being forced into estrangement had to have been the worst insult above all. Despite being supportive in the background, he was shoved aside in favor of ambitions and could do nothing else about it. He never wanted a position in the High Court, never asked for anything beyond what you could give him, and didn't say a word when he watched his family be torn asunder. He was just a ghost watching from afar... and he didn't deserve such treatment. Hikozaemon II never did a harmful thing to anyone unless it was protecting his family. Whether or not he tried to save his son from death..., no one knew. Perhaps, this dragon curse was good for one thing. It put a small light on Sesshomaru's quiet grandfather, the man who said very little but had done so much in life.

"Jikomo..." Sesshomaru said softly, alerting his grandfather and making him slightly blush at the way he called out to him. "That isn't fair to you. I may see my mother and father differently now, but you didn't deserve to be forgotten... Jikomo, who are you really?"

Hikozaemon II was slow to do it, but he did eventually smile warmly at his grandson. His reaction seemed to make the sun brighter and the air warmer like the summer was returning. Finally, the elder said, "My name is Hikozaemon II, my young one. You know this. I am your father's father."

"Where are you from, Jikomo?" Sesshomaru repeated, tilting his head cutely to inspire more of the warmth.

"It has gone by many names from other cultures, but natives (or at least former ones like me) have called it Zhongguo the Central Empire. The silk fabrics that many of you wear come from my homelands. As the Green Pheasant has taught you, the way I and my comrades dye our cloaks with indigo is a method only known by us. The Nihonese did not learn how to dye fabrics properly until later in its life. The design of your armor and your father's armor originate from my homelands. Your father used to visit my home when he came of age to travel alone. My flirty son had a strong love for Nihonese culture and all of its developments. He honored its independence and appreciated its beauty, but there was something about Zhongguo that had always attracted him. Whether it was the principles or its changes, he found himself there. I firmly believe that he is the warrior many of you idolize because he exuded the very spirit of change from my world to this world. He appreciates the past and uses its lessons to change the future. If I had to recognize anything, I would say that is the best way to honor your father's memory. Unlike you all, however, he shared much with me about his journeys to my homelands. I have many other memories to cherish," Hikozaemon II replied, turning his attention back to Meioshi's funeral home. "This place... is quite beautiful."

"I have your jewel," Sesshomaru said, holding up the item. "You can take it now."

"Did that mission make you consider your position within the Okuri-inu or would you rather remain with the House of Inu?" Hikozaemon II asked, not turning to look at the jewel.

"I want to go to Zhongguo," Sesshomaru said softly, making Hikozaemon II snap his head to him. "To get to know you and grandmother. Don't you miss home?"

"My young one, I..." Hikozaemon II started. His eyes were watering up when he became humbled by Sesshomaru's words. His voice almost sounded like a small boy's instead of the grown man's.

"I have an idea of who wants to kick me out of the High Court. He's been on my ass since childhood," Sesshomaru said, erasing the cuteness altogether. "I'm glad you stepped in when you did with this new opportunity. I'm sick of their shit. I want to do something for me this time. Not my father, not mother, not even the throne or these ridiculous lands! Just me! Will you... consider going with me?"

Hikozaemon II said nothing more, but he did laugh softly and was met with an image of Touga right next to Sesshomaru. They both stood the exact same way and asked the exact same question when Touga made up his mind to visit Zhongguo. To see his young one wanting the same thing made his heart sing with jubilee. This was the warmest and happiest that Sesshomaru had ever seen his grandfather. What would he learn about him on his journey?


"Well, this is going to be interesting!" Yamashi said, cracking his knuckles with a big grin. "We've got some new folks coming to the Silk Road with us."

"Think Doc will be okay with this?" Ichi asked, letting Yatsumi cuddle him.

The girls were returned after Sesshomaru made the ceremonial bread roll for King Weevil with the leftover rainbow garnet sugar still in Meioshi's kitchen. Hikozaemon II agreed to go with Sesshomaru and went to tell Milady about the plan. They both might not hear the end of this. Regardless, all went well with King Weevil. He gave Sesshomaru the prized sugar and eagerly awaited his return home for the Raindrop Cake banquet that was proposed. After all, his lordship now had to make 400 of the bad boys! Thoroughly impressed with the exchange, Yamashi was a little nicer to Sesshomaru and was happy to lead him to the Foreign Ambassador Memorial building. They were seated at one of many tables. An older man and troop walked in first as Yamashi and the others were cleaning things up and preparing everything for the foreigners' arrival. They didn't have long.

The old man was dressed in interesting attire. He had a black vest with many colors along the length of the bodice and a large blue scarf going across. His pants were a bright red with even brighter yellows and greens sprinkled along the length. His hat was equally colorful but had feathers in the direct center, and he seemed to be carrying a large white, ornate instrument. From the instrument and boxes, however, came a small stage and different puppets made of colorful papers and strings. Fascinated by the rainbow before him, Sesshomaru just watched the man work while he sat down to wait. When the entertainment room was appropriately cleaned, Sesshomaru was left with the old man turning on lights and smiling.

"Ah, it appears Lady Sogo is arriving soon! I must have her table ready," the old man said. He then prepared a different table for the show and started fine-tuning the decorum of the room. Now, it was a bit more spectacular and focused on this small stage of colorful puppets. "Would you like to help, young man?"

"Help?" Sesshomaru questioned. "I'm not part of the cleaning crew."

"No, dear boy! I meant help to tell the story," the old man corrected with a smile. "Let me introduce myself. I am Shinobu, a Bunraku performer. I intend to share a lovely story for the ambassadors. You seem quite new here."

"Who are these ambassadors, old man?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Ah, they are representatives of many interesting countries and places. How about this? Why don't you choose an animal and I'll tell you a little bit about the country associated with it, hm? That's a fun way to learn about the worlds beyond Nihon, yes?" Shinobu asked, nodding and lifting up the puppets. "We have the black and white panda. How cute is he? The red, black, and gold black bear, and the blue, black, and white magpie bird. These three animals represent two different countries who share one language. I believe a good love story could come from these animals."

"Or a tragic one considering the magpie," Sesshomaru responded, thinking of the Tanabata festival.

"Hahaha! What a morbid fellow! But that is true. A love story with a good and bad side to it is a highlight of our culture," Shinobu said with a laugh. He then pointed to the other animals and said, "Here, we have a crimson red, blue, white and gold carabao. Ah, that is a water buffalo. And, here is a red and white Komodo dragon. The dragon country is home to one of the oldest predators known to humans. Despite this, these two countries are totally different with totally different languages; however, a tale of friendship is strongest with these animals."

"My alliances are few and friendships fewer. I have no need for such tales," Sesshomaru said.

"Ah, but you invited change into your heart and life when you made your presence known here. Heiwa is not easily found, young man. Surely, something led you here," Shinobu said, lifting a finger. Sesshomaru was quiet at the assumption but listened to Shinobu more. "Now, this is an orange, white, green and blue magnificent tiger! Despite its power, ferocity, and richness in color, a strong, meaningful love story can be found here. This very building was inspired by this country, and the young lady who had this built had her family, friends, and dreams in mind."

Sesshomaru thought of Meioshi then and looked into the tiger's strong eyes. There was a resemblance there.

"Now, this fun chap is our rainbow rooster. He represents many. For this is not merely a country being represented. This is a people ruled by one main controller. A story about the merchants is strongest with this fine fellow!" Shinobu cheered, making the rooster cluck. "The final two animals have similar stories attractive to the merchants. This is a green, red, gold, and white swallow bird. This country is interested in forming a permanent trade route that will circle Nihon and open its doors to the outside worlds. We will be ignorant no more with them as our guide! The representative of this country is on his way here to meet with Lady Meioshi. Apparently, he is a holy warrior much like she is. Last, but certainly not least, is the mighty red and gold bull. Now, this country is new but powerful. We can see great change happening to us all with them on the way to greet us. The representative may not be coming here, but he will see us on the Maritime Silk Road."

"Maritime Silk Road?" Sesshomaru questioned.

"Why, yes, young man. It is the only road that connects Nihon with a grand complex of different cultures, but to travel it you must take to the seas," Shinobu said, creating the illusion of water raging with his Bunraku stage. It was actually quite interesting. "So, which animal will you choose to learn more about the outside world and perhaps make new friends and alliances?"