Chapter 125: 1-star Spirit pill's refinement preparation

Xiao Xuefeng was in the study of the Head of the Institute, Ge Ling. She was a 1,900-year-old woman. Physically, she looked like she was sixty or even fifty. Thanks to alchemy she could prolong her lifespan even more than other cultivators, similarly to Chief Elder Qinghe with medicine. However, she only had two, maybe three hundred years to live. Even though it seemed long for mortals, it was too short to achieve a breakthrough. She would forever stay an 8th-grade Spirit Warrior.

Thankfully, the institute had two geniuses, Xiao Xuefeng and Hua Fenfei. They were both under 200 and Xiao Xuefeng was very close to achieve 8th-grade Spirit Warrior, with unprecedented spiritual senses. On the other hand, Hua Fenfei was only 6th-grade Spirit Warrior but her alchemy was one of the best, if not the best, in the entire Hongchen Kingdom. Director Ge Ling herself wasn't sure whether or not she was more qualified. Comparing alchemists was always a bit complicated.

Director Ge Ling, as Head of the Institute, was however the most influential alchemist. Despite her appearance which didn't seem too old, she had gray hair and her eyes looked a bit tired. But she always had a majesty and an elegance to her. Her posture was perfect, amplified by her uniform. It was a very complex robe entirely white with golden flowers embroidered within. Over it, she also wore a golden stole with the emblem of the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute, a lotus with ten white leaves and a golden core in the form of a cauldron.

"Miss Xiao, you didn't warn us about your return. Did something happen?"

"I'm sorry, Director Ge. However, I had to depart at once because time is of the essence. I will report everything but first I must ask to use the Thirteen Celestial Pyre."

Ge Ling's calm and smiling face was shocked. This was the treasure of the entire institute, the most precious alchemy cauldron in the entire kingdom. Some even claimed that it had been used by Saint Guo, the legendary founder of alchemy during the Founding Era. Even Ge Ling herself had only used this cauldron a handful of times. It required at least twenty alchemists to control it correctly.

"Tell me the reason why you need it." Ge Ling was now rather serious.

"Director Ge, I know my request is a bit unreasonable... I need to forge a Life Boiling Cradle pill." Ge Ling's eyes opened wide but she let Xiao Xuefeng finish her explanation. "Because of my carelessness, a demonic cultivator was able to prosper in the Wubei Sect and one of his subordinates hurt a young girl. Without this pill, she will never be able to cultivate ever again. I know that I only have a very small chance of refining this pill, but I won't be able to go on if I don't try. This girl is a young daughter of the Huang family. They will surely pay for the ingredients if need be. So, if I fail we won't lose much, we may even gain some understanding on Spirit rank pills. And if I succeed, we'll be the first ones to forge such a pill since the Seven Treaties Era."

Ge Ling was fully immersed in her thoughts and Xiao Xuefeng did not dare disturb her.

"We don't have an appropriate array formation master here, so you probably took someone with you, right? Who?"

"Chief Elder Suxian, Director. I asked him to wait in my residence for now."

"I know him very well. He's a bit impulsive with his words, often putting himself in bad situations. But he has the skill needed, of that I am convinced." Ge Ling paced through her study before going to look through her window for a while. Xiao Xuefeng stayed kneeling on the ground.

"Fine! I'll allow it. However, gathering all the ingredients will take some time. They should be ready in a week. I'll also choose several students to witness the process. Even if they don't understand everything, this will be a great opportunity. I already have some names in mind. We'll organize a small competition to choose the other spots. For now, you should seclude yourself and meditate on the refinement process. You'll have time later to discuss with your fellow sisters and brothers."

"I understand, Director."

"Send Chief Elder Suxian in my study. We'll have him prepare the array formation around the Thirteen Celestial Pyre. I don't know what array formation he thought about, but it should take some time to set it up. You may go."

"Thank you, Director. I'll send Chief Elder Suxian right away."

As she was leaving the study of Ge Ling, Xiao Xuefeng met Hua Fenfei accompanied by Song Guixiang.

"Grand Master Xiao." Song Guixiang was the first one to salute her. He looked at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Of course, he looked at several other women the same way. But Xiao Xuefeng was now used to him. He liked to play but he never went overboard. "Such a pleasure to finally see your beauty back with us."

Hua Fenfei was always a bit amused by that frivolous disciple of hers. So she didn't reprimand him very often. "Song Guixiang, you may want to have some alone time with Sister Xiao, perhaps?"

"Oh, Master, I wish it was possible. But our difference in seniority makes our love impossible. It wasn't meant to be..."

Both women held back a laugh when they heard the way he said it as though it was a great tragedy.

"Sister Xiao. It's good to see you back. Are you staying for a long time?"

"Unfortunately no, Sister Hua. And I don't have the time to converse with you right now. Director Ge Ling will explain everything to you I'm sure." A thought crossed Xiao Xuefeng's mind. "By the way, where is your new disciple, Feng Yingyue?"

"She spends most of her time in seclusion to train. If you want to, I can call her to meet with you."

"It's not necessary. But I have a letter for her." Xiao Xuefeng took out a small envelope from her robe.

"Oh...?" Song Guixiang was the first one to understand. "Is it a love letter?"

Hua Fenfei didn't get it at first, but soon it hit. Cao Yun was also in the Wubei Sect. "It's from Chen Guo?"

"Indeed, Sister. I met him there. In fact, my presence here is related to him. Ironic, isn't it? My presence in the Wubei Sect was related to him as well in a way, as he was there in Yinmen City when you found out the demonic cultivator."

Hua Fenfei took the envelope. "How is he?"

"Well, in one word, brilliant. He's 17 and already a 6th-grade Mortal who reached the 'Unquenchable Vessel' state, as well as a 3-star Earth alchemist and a 2-star Earth array formation master. And apparently he never studied neither of them before entering the Wubei Sect. But as I said, I don't have the time to converse with you. When I'm done, I'll tell you everything about Chen Guo and my time in the Wubei Sect, alright?"

"Of course, Sister. I don't want to disturb you. I'll ask Director Ge."

"Thank you. And I'm sure I'll be able to rely on you at the end of the week." With these words, Xiao Xuefeng left and went to ask Chief Elder Suxian to go meet with the Head of the Institute.

On the other hand, Hua Fenfei was a bit perplexed about her last words. However, after meeting with the Head of the Institute herself, she understood. Hua Fenfei would obviously be part of the alchemists assisting Xiao Xuefeng. Even though her alchemy was better, Xiao Xuefeng's higher cultivation and extraordinary spiritual senses made her the obvious choice to lead the refinement process and Hua Fenfei would assist her. When the Head of the Institute told her about the situation, Hua Fenfei immediately agreed to help her sister.

It was obvious for her that she had to help Xiao Xuefeng. First of all, she had always been supportive of her as a big sister. But even without that, attempting to forge a 1-star Spirit pill in the Thirteen Celestial Pyre was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Even using the Thirteen Celestial Pyre was an extremely rare occurrence. And if Ge Ling had accepted, it meant that she had a small hope of success.


While Xiao Xuefeng was meditating on the refinement process in her personal chambers, Hua Fenfei went to inform her young disciple.

Feng Yingyue was very close to finally becoming a 5-star Earth alchemist. Right now, she was working on her cultivation which was already at late 6th-grade Mortal. In less than a month, she would reach 7th-grade Mortal. And before the end of the next year, she even had a chance of reaching 8th-grade Mortal. In fact, the first realm could be really fast for an alchemist, but her speed was still impressive. Compared to Cao Yun, she had been in the institute a bit longer as it was closer to Yinmen City. And her master had allowed her to use very advanced pills. Some of which were secrets of the institute. Coupled with her mind cultivation, breaking through had become extremely easy for her, as easy as eating beans.

With her speed, she even had hopes of becoming a Mortal Warrior by her third year. Hua Fenfei herself was surprised by her progresses. She tended not to disturb her as her training was going smoothly. However, she had to inform her of the situation.

"Disciple, I have important news."

Feng Yingyue who was meditating opened her eyes and bowed. "This disciple salutes Master."

Hua Fenfei handed her the letter from Cao Yun. "This letter came from Chen Guo. My sister Xiao Xuefeng just came back from the Wubei Sect."

Song Guixiang was behind his master. "And your Dao companion sends his regards!" He loved teasing his junior sister. Unlike the other women, he never tried to flirt with her or court her, or seduce her in any way. He knew that she loved Cao Yun and he wasn't one to break or make light of such a bond, even as a joke.

Feng Yingyue's face had been illuminated when she heard her master and it became red when she heard her senior brother. Song Guixiang drew near her.

"Come on, Junior Sister. Never be ashamed of your heart! I always follow mine!"

"Maybe your heart is a bit more volatile than Feng Yingyue's. Don't use yourself as a good example!" Hua Fenfei was really quite fond of her disciples, despite, or even thanks to, their little quirks.

"Disciple Feng, our institute will participate in the refinement process of a legendary pill in a week or so. I already made sure that you had a spot. A few days before, you should stop all training to calm your mind. The more you'll be able to discern the more beneficial it will be for you."

"And me, Master? Do I have a spot?" Song Guixiang was ecstatic at the idea of seeing a refinement that even his master was looking forward to.

"Well, it will depend on your ability. A competition will be held to choose the remaining spots. You just have to win one of them."

The little guy feigned to cry. "Master, what injustice is this?! I'm the senior disciple and yet this is how I am treated?!"

Hua Fenfei wasn't worried at all for this little guy. Despite his act, he was rather talented. Otherwise, she wouldn't have accepted him as a disciple, no matter how much he would have cried back then.


The Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute held a competition with several spots to witness the grand refinement. They only had a week to prepare everything as Xiao Xuefeng wanted the pill as soon as possible. Firstly, it was to help Huang Cixi faster. Each day was a day of cultivation lost. But most importantly, there was a Spirit Warrior demonic cultivator in the Wubei Sect, she couldn't let him act freely. With her spiritual senses, she was the best equipped to deal with that kind of enemy.

The institute had been able to gather all the ingredients which were all rather rare. They had even started to prepare some of them. There were the cores and parts of two 9-core demonic beasts, extremely terrifying creatures, able to rival with 9th-grade Spirit Warriors. To get them, they had to deal with the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall. The institute had no cultivator specialized as hunters and they lacked these cores. The Myriad Hall got them in less than five days. As 9-core demonic beasts had, by definition, nine 9-cores, the Myriad Hall got paid with four of them for each beast and the institute took the five remaining 9-cores. They had five 9-cores of each one of these two beasts, as well as important parts.

As such, they prepared enough ingredients to refine the Life Boiling Cradle pill four times.

In less than a week, the ingredients had been gathered and perfectly prepared. All the spots to observe the refinement had been awarded to students and twenty-seven alchemists had been chosen to assist Xiao Xuefeng, Hua Fenfei being the head of the assistants.


The students selected to observe the refinement process were waiting outside of the Calamity Wing. This was the personal garden of Director Ge Ling. Usually, this was a forbidden ground for students as it not only contained the Thirteen Celestial Pyre, but also many relics and advanced manuals. Feng Yingyue was obviously there. Usually, she preferred to stay alone most of the time in order to practice both her alchemy and her cultivation. But the opportunity to observe her master and Grand Master Xiao refine a legendary pill was too important.

Contrary to Cao Yun, she didn't care about fighting prowess, so cultivating alone was not a problem. If Cao Yun did so, he would progress faster in his cultivation as well but his fighting abilities would lag behind. As she was waiting for the main door to open, the other students were all distancing themselves from her. They only saw her as being cold and arrogant. In fact, she was just shy but always tried not to show it. And with her status as a direct disciple of Hua Fenfei, no one dared anger her. Thus, they all tacitly decided no to approach her. All, except for one boy.

Among the crowd, an eighteen-year-old man wearing the white and golden uniform of the institute walked toward the young woman. The moment she saw him, she was already fed up. He was Xue Gulin, certainly the most annoying guy she had ever met.