Chapter 144: Reviewing the entire year

The first one to answer the question was Chief Elder Xiaoci. As a member of the inner chief elders, he had never met Cao Yun directly. However, he was the direct superior of Chief Instructor Peng. As such, he had gathered many reports about Cao Yun and his training progress, including the private sessions with Chief Instructor Peng.

"Chen Guo is extremely impressive. He even started practicing our 'The Snake Invades the Shell'. If everything goes on like this, he should be able to break through to Mortal Warrior during his fourth year. In fact, if he's lucky in the Ancients Ruins, he will probably reach this realm before his fourth year."

Then, Chief Elder Suxian stood up. Just like Chief Elder Xiaoci, he bowed and spoke while facing the aisle and not the throne.

"And he's also impressive in term of mind cultivation. I am certain that he knew nothing about array formations. However, in a year his rank reached 5-star Earth. Unfortunately, he's more concerned about martial arts. Otherwise he could probably rival my direct disciple."

After him, Chief Elder Baishen spoke in the same manner. Truly, this meeting was exhausting due to all the protocols to respect.

"Indeed, his martial arts are extraordinary. From what I hear from my brothers and from Spirit Master Xiao, this incredible progress is mainly due to his mind cultivation. I do believe that he should be able to push the 'Azure Dragon's Seven Piercing Stars' to its limits, and beyond. You know that my judgment is always spot-on in terms of martial arts. But I have to admit that even I don't know what his limits will be. We have to nurture such a talent."

After all these praises, Sect Leader Xuan spoke again.

"Spirit Master Xiao, I also heard that he was the student of Instructor Meng. Apparently, his achievements in alchemy are as good as in the other domains, right? You seem to have a good relationship with him. What do you think? Will he stay with our sect in the future?"

While the other chief elders had all sat down, Xiao Xuefeng stood up.

"Sect Leader, I only met him this year. But I can tell you that he won't forget the benefits we provide to him. Concerning his future in the sect, I won't talk in his stead. But I do believe that he could be persuaded to stay with us. His goals do align with the precepts of our Wubei Sect." It was strange both for her and the other chief elders when she referred to the Wubei Sect as being hers as well. However, for the foreseeable future, it would be the case.

Not wanting to expose Cao Yun's goal to eliminate demonic cultivators, she still hinted at it. Of course, the Sect Leader understood the meaning behind her words. Even though she had used all her influence to hide Cao Yun's real identity, she knew well enough that she couldn't completely fool Sect Leader Xuan.

"Thank you, Spirit Master Xiao. Then, I will relay my orders. Chen Guo must be valued by our Wubei Sect. As he will enter his second year, he will probably leave the Heidai Peak to train outside. Even though there is some danger to it, it will be necessary for his growth. I'm confident that Spirit Master Xiao gave him some means to defend himself. Concerning the other chief elders, you must treat him with fairness, but it is also important to value him for our future."

All the chief elders bowed and accepted the orders.

"Then, I'd like to talk about his friends. First is Mei Hua, your direct disciple Spirit Master Xiao. After the incident with her little sister, how is her vision of our Wubei Sect? I fear that such an alchemy prodigy would be tempted to join the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute. This would probably be good for your sisters, but I have to admit that our Wubei Sect lacks in alchemists... What is your opinion?"

"Sect Leader, my disciple does not blame the sect for the acts of Luduo Bu, neither for the treatment of the matter by Bian Gui. However, it did have some impact on her. Moreover, she seems to be in a slump due to the disparity between her achievements in alchemy and her cultivation level. Unless she reaches Mortal Warrior, there is nothing more for her to learn right now in the Earth rank.

"I will encourage her to leave the sect with her friends so that she may get more experience in real life situations. But I have to admit that I'm not that confident about that. She's a bit too attached to her little sister and this story woke up past scars. Concerning her future, right now I can't be absolute on her choices. I won't sugarcoat it. Of course, she would be a great recruit for my institute, but I do not think that she's entirely sure of her future herself. She came here just to follow me, without any conviction."

"Then, we should nurture her until she can make up her own mind. Even if this young prodigy leaves us in the end, she will be a great help in the future. Maybe, she can become a spirit master. I heard your institute also had an incredible talent called Feng Yingyue, related to Chen Guo as well. The more I hear, the more extraordinary this boy seems...

"Speaking of him and his friends, Chief Elder Suxian, what about Sun Liao?"

Xiao Xuefeng sat down and Chief Elder Suxian stood and bowed.

"Sect Leader, my disciple has reached the pinnacle of the 5-star Earth rank. Just like Spirit Master Xiao's disciple, unless he reaches Mortal Warrior, he won't progress much in his occupation. However, I do not think that he will join our sect. His family is very influential and produced many prodigies in array formations. Most likely, he will join back with them.

"But I have to add that his behavior changed a lot thanks to Chen Guo. And I am thoroughly convinced that they will stay friends. As such, if we can secure Chen Guo in our sect, I do believe that we'll have more tight ties with Sun Liao and the Sun family. There is no way that Sun Liao won't inherit the full authority of the Sun family. If we have such a close friend to him with us, our relation with this powerful family will be greatly strengthened.

"Moreover, if I might add, this Chen Guo has also strong ties with Mei Hua and her younger sister. If we can secure him, we'll also gain a strong relation with this alchemy prodigy. And without wanting to expose any secret of the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute, this Chen Guo seems to be Feng Yingyue's Dao companion."

Many chief elders had thoroughly investigated the great talents of this year, but this piece of information was news to most of them. Indeed, the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute wasn't keen to let this kind of rumor prosper, especially because it was true.

"Indeed, I did hear about this. It seems like we really have to attract this Chen Guo. Not only can we strengthen ourselves, we'll also improve our relationship with both the Sun family and the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute. If Chief Elder Suxian believes this Sun Liao can become the future head of the Sun family, that must be so. Even if the current head is still less than a thousand years old, if this Sun Liao is as extraordinary as you say, he won't be late to take his place. The Sun family has always valued array formations above all else.

"But I also heard about one last of his friends, Ren Chao. Chief Elder Tingyu, I do believe that he practices your occupation, right?"

The man who stood up had a very large and dense beard that was beautifully sculpted. However his head was completely bald and he also had two long eyebrows falling on both sides of his face. Despite his uniform, he was visibly way more muscular than anyone here. Most blacksmiths were in that situation as they were training their bodies much more than any other cultivator.

"Sect Leader, I must admit that I totally missed him when the year started. His physique was impressive but he was too lacking in terms of knowledge and perception. However, he grew a lot during this year. Apparently, Chen Guo shared some pointers with him and his rivalry with Sun Liao pushed him farther and farther. Once again, I admit my mistake. I never thought it possible, but he has reached the 5-star Earth rank.

"Even though he has some strange ideas about the way his creations must look or be called, his talent is limitless. His personality is also absolutely frank and honest, like all my blacksmiths. Thus he will always be loyal to his friends, among whom is Chen Guo. Concerning his future, he will probably want to help his family. His father is a blacksmith in a small town, a commoner. If our Wubei Sect can help his family, he may stay in our midst after his fifth year."

It was obvious that Chief Elder Tingyu was hesitating about something else. Before the Sect Leader enjoined him to talk, he did.

"And I may be wrong... but I do believe that this Ren Chao has a Golden Silk Body."

All heads turned toward Chief Elder Tingyu. Even the tone of Sect Leader Xuan changed.

"How confident of this are you?"

"Right now, he's able to produce more than twenty-one thousand dan of strength. And his cultivation is still 5th-grade Mortal."

A 5th-grade Mortal should only be able to produce around twenty dan of strength, while twenty thousand dan of strength belonged to the realm of Mortal Warriors.

"I understand your reasoning. But until he reaches higher grades, we won't be able to know for sure. However, even if he doesn't have a Golden Silk Body, his physique is clearly exceptional. I will not impede on your freedom, but did you think about making him your direct disciple?"

"Sect Leader, I did think about it. I have to admit that I feel bad for failing to nurture him myself. Without Chen Guo's advice, his bright future would have been bleak because of me. I do not feel like I deserve such a disciple."

"This is a great lesson for all of you. 'Mankind is the treasure of the Hongchen Kingdom!' is not just a nice idea, this is the truth. Every single disciple must be properly nurtured, because they can all produce unsuspecting results. Chief Elder Tingyu, do not blame yourself too much. You failed to see his talent, but you can still make it up by allowing him to grow faster and farther. I know that you'll be a great master."

"Thank you, Sect Leader."

"Finally, I'd like to speak about the other first-years."

The meeting kept on going. They reviewed every one of the new disciples. They also talked rapidly about the candidates that were going to attempt the entrance examination this year.

After that, they talked about the second-years and the prospects they had in the Ancient Ruins according to the chief elders. Two of them were particularly interesting, Zhi Yin and Long Huafang. Both were very talented. Some chief elders were even wondering whether Zhi Yin would be able to break through to Mortal Warrior. She had two small realms to cross over. This was maybe a bit too much, but she would be very close to it by the end of the year.

Long Huafang was also incredible and could reach either late 8th-grade Mortal or maybe even early 9th-grade Mortal. When they talked about her, the chief elders couldn't stop themselves from comparing her to her older brother Long Jian. In fact, it was possible that she may exceed his own record.

Then, they talked about what they were expecting from the current third-years when they would leave the Ancient Ruins as fourth-years. And finally, they ended the meeting by talking about the fifth-years.

"I have to admit that losing both Chan Wiefeng and Long Jian is a waste. But they will spread the fame of our Wubei Sect, especially Chan Weifeng who will show the might of our 'Black Tortoise Under the Rain', Ancestor Wu's martial art. And they will also benefit our kind. With them to protect the Sunmen Province, our borders are safe.

"Then, I would like to talk about the future of our Wubei Sect."

Just as he said these words, a powerful aura erupted from behind the bead curtains. Many array formations around the Sect Palace got activated and nothing could enter or leave it, not even spiritual senses.

The meeting lasted for several more hours, as they discussed more sensitive matters. In particular, they talked about the demonic cultivators and their potential goal. Xiao Xuefeng also stated some doubts she had about their recent activities.


In the following days, Ren Chao got excited because he finally became the direct disciple of Chief Elder Tingyu. He was so excited he decided to celebrate it with a huge banquet where he invited Wang Mei, Cao Yun, Sun Liao and Mei Hua, as well as several other outer disciples he was acquainted with.

The banquet was very nice. However, the sight of Ren Chao devouring entire boars was quite overbearing for some. This night was also the perfect occasion to end the year. As the night kept on going, this banquet attracted other first-years and even second-years. Ling Hui found it vulgar but when Zhi Yin joined in, she magically discovered how fun it was.

Even Long Huafang came with her older brother. Surprisingly, it became a giant festival that lasted several days to officially end the year and congratulate the fifth-years as they were about to leave.

For once, even Huang Cixi stopped being professional and joined in on the fun. Other servants also forgot about their rank and status. This was extremely joyous and the chief elders looked at it from afar. Technically, this should have been forbidden, but without Chief Elder Bian, no one had the heart to break up such a festival.

However, there were consequences in the days after...

Thankfully, the sect was mostly deserted. Indeed, it was necessary to prepare the departure of the second-years and the return of the third-years from the Ancient Ruins. There was also the matter of the new first-years. Right now, the candidates were being screened before they could attempt the entrance examination. And they also had to select the current first-years to spar with them at the end of the examination.