Chapter 167: A rude invitation

"I have other things to ask of you and Ye Zhiyun. Can you get into contact with him?"

"Of course, Young Mistress. Even though he cannot come here right now, I can relay your orders."

"Good. The first demand is not really a secret, but you should still try to be as covert as possible. I need you to gather manuals about mind cultivation. Specifically, I'm looking for a manual called 'Sealing the Seven Demons in the Nine Peaks'. It's a green manual written using Insight Writing. City Lord Dun Mofan had one in his library. You may be able to find out information about it from this. This manual is very important for me, but even if you can't find another copy of it, other manuals should be useful as well."

Huang Cixi had clearly understood the power of the mind cultivation she had received from Cao Yun. And she wasn't ready to let go of such an opportunity. She may not be able to find another copy of this manual, but she could perhaps discover more information about it. It was worth a try.

"The other task I'll ask of you must be accomplished with absolute secrecy though, no matter how long it takes. I want information on the Cao family. More precisely, I want to know about their massacre. And I want to know everything. No detail is insignificant, none at all."

Now that she had made her peace with the fate of her family, Huang Cixi got interested in what had happened to Cao Yun's. No matter how much she would like to hate him, she got fond of the boy. Ironically, he even reminded her of her own brother. And she was feeling that something was terribly wrong with what she had learned from the official narrative. As such, she wanted to dig into it as secretly as possible and Ye Zhiyun was the perfect man for it. The Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall was dealing with information as well as with commerce.

"Young Mistress, it could take a lot of time. But I will not fail you."

"And of course, I also want you to keep digging for every bit of information on Huang Lü, Huang Si and their supporters. I imagine you've already done so, but keep investigating as much as you can."

"Of course, Young Mistress."

After that, Bao Zhong left the room and Zhao Guodong stayed with Huang Cixi. Even though she had Huang Liyue to guard her, she was to stay hidden. And Huang Cixi could not show herself without a bodyguard. In fact, it would invite many suspicions on her. On the other hand, having a Mortal Warrior as a bodyguard was also a good thing. It would diminish the level of scrutiny from others. This would lower her status a bit compared to Huang Lü and Huang Si.


In the following days, Huang Cixi stayed mostly isolated in her chambers. Thanks to the servants from the stables and the subtle help of Bao Zhong, many rumors spread throughout the Huang estate. After consuming the Life Boiling Cradle pill, the family head's granddaughter had indeed obtained a Pure Golden Dantian but she had also sustained many injuries. Right now, she was too weak to even cultivate and needed to rest.

The truth was of course the exact opposite. Huang Cixi had never felt better.

Her days were spent reading various books and reports from very different places. Thanks to her grandfather, she had gotten access to all kinds of records of the Huang family. Of course, there were still some records she couldn't consult, but she had a way better understanding of the situation of both the Huang family and the entire Hongchen Kingdom.

Moreover, she had memorized every single thing thanks to 'Sealing the Seven Demons in the Nine Peaks'. Her mind cultivation had been really fast. Right now, she was forming her last character. Contrary to Cao Yun, she had no hard time forming Hun the Wood Ethereal Soul. Indeed, she was now perfectly clear about her life goals. What she wanted was to first become the Huang family's matriarch. For when she would finally obtain such authority, she had many ideas about her policies. And her ambition did not stop at just a few provinces.

In a short amount of time, Bao Zhong had been able to gather many manuals and books about mind cultivation. And with the help of Ye Zhiyun, he had even identified a potential copy of the green manual. Apparently, there were several copies of this manual but its origin was unknown. To make sure that no one would obtain such a powerful mind cultivation, Huang Cixi made sure to investigate every copy and have them all bought. It would take her several weeks, and she would employ many ways. In the end, Huang Cixi would be able to acquire every 'Sealing the Seven Demons in the Nine Peaks' manual she could locate. After all, nobody knew of their value. In fact, the most difficult thing was to make sure that no one noticed that someone was specifically looking for them.

As soon as she got the first manual, she studied it as much as she could and realized that just like Cao Yun, she could hardly read it. The only thing she could read was the first layer, and a bit of the second one. When she would finally reach Perfection in the first layer, she would probably understand the entire second layer. However, with all the knowledge of the other manuals about mind cultivation, she arrived at a conclusion. Whoever had written these manuals was a true genius. Even during the Founding Era and the Seven Treaties Era, this kind of method was unheard of. How lucky Cao Yun had been to have found this.

But Huang Cixi also realized that there really was nothing written in any language she knew. Across time, the language used by the Hongchen Kingdom had evolved quite a lot but there were always huge similarities generation after generation as they were pretty much isolated. The current language came from several tongues of the demons when humans were under their rule. However it was later modified to make it unique to the free humans, and named after Emperor Nuwa, the Nuhua.

Even the title was written in Insight Writing. Anyone with a bit of achievement in mind cultivation could read the title, but they had to know more to read the content itself. Huang Cixi came to wonder whether this manual dated from before the Emperor Nuwa, the Great Sorrow Era, or even further back, during the Legendary Era. Examining the paper, she quickly realized that she simply couldn't identify it. She even asked Huang Liyue but all her spiritual senses failed. Clearly, the cultivator who had written this manual was not simple. And he had written several of them. Indeed, the writing was always the same, so a single author had written all the copies. But for what purpose?

Huang Cixi was curious as she knew that information was vital. But she knew when not to be stubborn. There was no way she would get an answer any time soon. Rather that wasting her time, she would focus on other urgent matters.

As such, she used her almost complete Five Agents to compile all the knowledge she had gathered from many books and subjects. Energizing the Chamber of Ultimate Truth from the second layer would be a great idea to assimilate the content faster. But for now, she focused on what she really needed to know. In terms of cultivation for example, she focused on mind and blood cultivation. But she also used her time to advance in her study of the Dive Imperial Arts. Even though they were not that important for cultivators, they were essential for aristocrats and rulers in the Hongchen Kingdom.

Of course, Huang Cixi already had a good knowledge of these arts. But she felt a bit rusty. However, as soon as she started to write down some verses, she realized that she was even more inspired and talented than before.


A few days passed by while Huang Cixi was cultivating her mind, stabilizing her blood and organizing her thoughts. The many reports she had read were now perfectly clear in her head and she understood a lot of things that were hidden in the most innocent informations.

Before Ye Zhiyun had time to get back to her, someone knocked on her door. Immediately, Huang Cixi lied down on her bed with a poetry anthology in hands, 'Songs from the Desolate Pavilion'. The book compiled thousands of poems from anonymous humans. The common factor between them was that all of them had been either slaves or victims of the demons. Each poem talked about the horrendous life humans had to suffer for tens of thousands of years. And yet, through all this despair, there still remained hope, and even humor by moments. Even in the worst time of mankind, humans found strength and dignity. This was particularly inspiring and one of the most renown anthology.

After his young mistress assumed her weakened face, Bao Zhong went to open the door. When he did, a tall and beautiful woman was behind it. Around her, she had several servants, not one was under 4th-grade Mortal and yet they all appeared to be younger than twenty. The woman was exceptionally tall with perfect white hair. From her height, she towered over Bao Zhong, a red fan hiding her mouth. Only her piercing and arrogant eyes could be seen, exposing a light gray glint.

Bao Zhong immediately recognized the woman, Huang Lü. Sadly, he had had the misfortune of meeting her several times. Although she was very talented, her prospects to become matriarch were low because of her horrendous attitude. Apart from Huang Si, it seemed like she deemed everyone inferior to her.

"Little man, I'm here to see your mistress. Move aside!"

With a disdainful gesture, she sent a surge of Qi over Bao Zhong and he fell to the ground. Although she feigned to still be reading, Huang Cixi was focused on the situation. When her loyal servant got humiliated in such a way, she almost leapt to slap this ridiculous woman.

"Dear Xixi. I heard about your terrible condition."

Before even looking at the lying Huang Cixi, this haughty woman spoke as if to mock her. And when she finally got eyes on her, she clearly suppressed a laugh.

"What a waste of a Spirit pill... Destiny is really cruel on you. First your pathetic family is eradicated. Then, you destroy yourself. And when you finally see hope, it's another calamity. And now you'll be forced to watch as I snatch the authority of our family from your grandfather."

Had she been talking to someone else, Huang Lü probably would have been slapped many times by now. Violence was not condoned within the Huang estate, especially not on members of the Huang family. However, it didn't mean that you could just insult people as you wished. But Huang Cixi was not that stupid. Right now, she understood why Huang Lü would never become matriarch. Her tactics were way too obvious. Her own tactics were not that great right now, but still leagues away.

In a few seconds, Huang Lü had revealed that she didn't believe Huang Cixi's cover story. It was clear that she was trying to get a reaction of anger or violence from the girl. And she had so many witnesses with her. Huang Cixi knew that her story wouldn't stick forever. After all, any Spirit Warrior could see through her body and realize that she was fine. But she only wanted to gain some time. Luckily, Huang Lü had not been stupid enough to bring a Spirit Warrior in this encounter. Otherwise, it could really be interpreted as a revolt against Family Head Huang Yi, especially with her last words.

Seeing right through Huang Lü, the lying girl decided to play along.

"Oh, Senior Sister Lü. You're right... Destiny has been cruel to me. Not only my body suffered, but now I must watch as my own family humiliates themselves in front of me. If only I had the strength to discipline them..."

"Oh...? I see that your tongue is not as sick as your frail body. Sad indeed. Such verve and so little strength behind it."

Suddenly, Huang Lü took the book from her junior sister's hands.

"You read this?! Are you trying to find inspiration? You look through the despair of past humans to try and alleviate your own? I'd like to know whether it brings good ideas to your mouth... Junior, there is a great poetry gathering in a few days. Only a handful of insignificant people will be there. As you said, I don't want to be ridiculed but I'll expose a bit of my humble achievements. Do you dare try and educate us all?"

She threw the book back at her as if it was some trash.

"After all, even though your body is useless, your tongue seems to have some strength left..."

So that was her goal... Huang Lü was too forceful and her attitude revealed too much of her intent. Huang Cixi saw through her without any problem, and that was a problem for the future matriarch. She had come here to ascertain her doubts about Huang Cixi's physical condition by provoking her while staying at the very limit of the family rules. At worst, she would be admonished by the family head. But it could also serve her, after all some could see it as Huang Yi taking sides in the competition for the position of matriarch.

But it wasn't her only goal. She also wanted to test out Huang Cixi's ambitions. This poetry gathering probably wasn't as simple as that. And if she declined such an invitation, she would lose a lot of esteem from the elders. On the other hand, if she accepted, she would officially announce her desire to become matriarch. Moreover, she would also have to expose some of her cards before she wanted to.

Huang Lü wasn't completely inept after all. But still, Huang Cixi could not stop herself from judging her severely. If she had been in her place, she would have found a way better plan to achieve all this without needing to be so rude and yet transparent to her gaze.

"Sister, it would be a pleasure to hear your poetry. It must be absolutely incredible if you express yourself with as much spirit as you do now. I have to admit that my achievements are mediocre in this art. I do not think anyone will want to hear it, especially if they heard yours before. But I cannot say no to my lovely senior sister. My humble words might sublimate your vulgarity."