Chapter 171: Meeting Governor Leng and Hall Master Fang

"It is still possible that Gui Bei might have some way to conceal his demonic cultivation, but I do not believe that he is a demonic cultivator. However, there are way too many coincidences around him. I already intended to investigate him and our encounter will just speed up my plans."

"Too many coincidences?"

"His cultivation began to skyrocket just after an expedition during which his comrades were killed. And this expedition happened just after the destruction of the Wolf Head Sect. I do not know what it is that he found, but after studying all the reports I read, I am rather convinced that this is related to this demonic sect. No technique or artifact is demonic in itself, only their creation or their use can be deemed as such. However, some techniques can easily push someone toward the Evil path. Considering Gui Bei's disposition, if he's not a demonic cultivator now, he will be very soon."

"Indeed. I have to agree with you. This boy should have already been arrested."

"But he hasn't. Yes the man he killed had agreed on a duel to the death, but he also tried to abuse a maiden in broad daylight. I reckon that even our Huang family would have had to answer for such a crime. But he just had to pay a ridiculously small amount of money to get out of this predicament. The fact that the repercussions were so light makes me believe that someone else is interested in knowing more about his little expedition. Governor Leng is a smart man. But, although he abides by the laws, he is no stranger to morally gray areas."

"Wait! Are you trying to say that Governor Leng let Gui Bei act out because he wants to discover his secrets?"

"That is exactly what is going on. I do not know though whether he does it for himself or if someone higher than him asked him to."

Huang Liyue became quite alarmed. What Huang Cixi was talking about was corruption within the Imperial City.

"Young Mistress, you shouldn't talk about this kind of subjects. Even if we were in the confines of your study, this would be dangerous talk."

With only a small laugh, Huang Cixi changed the subject. She had way more thoughts on the matter but she realized that her bodyguard was not conformable discussing them any further.

"Senior Huang Liyue, make sure that nothing happens to neither Bao Zhong nor Zhao Guodong while I'm attending this gathering. Someone like Gui Bei can be extremely petty and vicious."

Just like Huang Liyue could not enter the governor's residence, neither servants nor bodyguards could. The carts were lead into an outer courtyard and then, the invitees were to follow the governor's servants, alone. Within, the personal guards of Governor Leng would take care of security. With all the nobles' bodyguards outside the residence and the prestige of Governor Leng, there was no reason to worry about security. Even a 9th-grade Spirit Warrior would be hard pressed to attack this place. Moreover, the Huang family residence was close enough that their most powerful experts could arrive in less than a minute.

However, it didn't mean that incidents could not happen. More specifically, Huang Cixi was worried that Gui Bei's servant would target her own. After all, his family had ties with criminal organizations. As long as they didn't go too far, injuring a servant was not that big of a deal overall. And Gui Bei had gotten away with a more serious crime already, he could get the idea that he was free to do as he wished.

"Yes, Young Mistress. Do not worry, I won't let anything happen to them!"

Appeased, Huang Cixi followed the very young lad who lead her toward the courtyard of the Divine Feather pavilion. As she had never been here before, the first sight amazed her. This place looked like a paradise of serenity and quiet. Such a place was indeed perfect to listen to poetry and make some of her own. Breathing deeply, she could isolate every flower's scent. These fragrances were arranged so meticulously that they almost formed an array formation to soothe violent emotions. Then, Huang Cixi heard the splendid voices of several cranes.

From the corner of her eyes, Huang Lü observed her junior with a look of derision. In her eyes, Huang Cixi was a small girl from a tiny town who knew nothing of the big city. She really looked like a country bumpkin in her eyes. But she still had her previous outburst of authority from just a few moments ago in mind. She had known for some time that Huang Cixi was probably feigning her weakness so that she could refuse to go out or meet anyone. This would give her enough time to understand the situation before doing anything. Now that her suspicions were proved right, Huang Lü only wondered how powerful her junior really was. After all, she was supposed to have the legendary Pure Golden Dantian and her blood was the purest of her generation. Clearly, this girl was a threat to her ambitions.

Unfortunately for Huang Lü, she had no idea on how to get rid of her. Earlier, she had almost committed a grave mistake. Had she kept on supporting Gui Bei, this would have turned against her. She perfectly knew that he was in the wrong. But she had tried to use him to pressure her junior. Some elder could see it as siding with an outsider against her own family. If Huang Cixi had been in the wrong, she could defend it as upholding the virtue of her name. But Huang Cixi had stayed reasonable, albeit a bit forceful, and had been in the right.

This poetry gathering could still be a great way for her to show how superior she was to this little girl. Although poetry was one of the Five Imperial Arts, this wasn't the most important to master for a ruler. Nonetheless, Huang Lü was quite confident in her abilities and she wanted to demonstrate her competence in front of everyone. She had worked so hard for it, she wanted to show off.

As of now, there were many elders from different horizons all around both the courtyard and the pavilion, as no wall separated the two. Among them, there were six elders from the Huang family, five of which supported Huang Lü. The sixth one was Huang Jian. Right now, he was still unaligned, supporting neither Huang Si nor Huang Lü. Huang Jian was known for his celibacy and his deep moral virtues. Fortunately, he wasn't as strict with others as he was with himself. As such, this allowed him to form very amiable relationships with many people. He was seen as a virtuous man but also very tolerant and lenient without sacrificing his own ideals either. If someone were to gain such an elder to her side, she would gain much traction in the competition to become the next matriarch.

Many other elders were discussing among themselves while the younger generation was mostly sitting at the various tables waiting for the event to begin.

As soon as she entered the grounds of the pavilion, Huang Cixi recognized every single person there. Among the elders, she saw a famous painter whose works she found rather provocative and interesting. There were also several poets, among whom two were also writing pamphlets under different names that were extremely polemic. In the distance, she even recognized a great general of Governor Leng's army. He had distinguished himself during a campaign in the east when the Wu Province had helped another province on the border of demon territory. With very fast and brutal tactics, he had been able to win several battles while preserving his own forces.

Finally, Huang Cixi saw the two men she was most interested in, Governor Leng and Hall Master Fang. Just as the small servant was about to guide her to her seat, she walked straight toward them.

The two men were talking among themselves and no one dared to disturb them. Also, when people saw this young girl no one recognized, they all wondered who had the audacity to go directly to them. Of course, her white hair betrayed her ascendancy but her face was unknown. Many people also looked at Huang Lü who had to know this girl. Huang Lü didn't know either what her junior was trying to do, but she sincerely hoped that she would make a mistake. This way, she could got there under the pretense of helping her save some face. By doing so, she could show her magnanimity to everyone while crushing her rival.

Apart from Huang Yi and Matriarch Huang Yufeng, these two men were the most powerful and influential people in both Baziyun City and the Wu Province as a whole. Although a bit surprised, neither of them seemed to mind Huang Cixi's approach. Obviously, they both knew exactly who she was. As soon as she was close enough to talk to them normally, she stopped and bowed respectfully. Her bow was perfectly measured to both signify her deference and to respect her own name.

"Governor Leng. Hall Master Fang. This humble one is sorry to disturb you. However, this humble one needed to express her apologies for the ruckus that she caused outside of your prestigious residence. Please accept this humble one's apology."

Governor Leng who was still wondering what this young girl was going to say was rather surprised. And so was Fang Shaolong. For an instant, there was a small pause and Governor Leng heartily laughed.

"Miss Huang Cixi, I should be the one to apologize. The fact that you had to suffer such an insult just after returning to Baziyun City is unacceptable. Please, do not be so formal with us. Your grandfather is a friend of mine. This pains me to see you so humbled before me." Governor Leng himself extended his arms to help Huang Cixi up.

Of course, he had been informed right away of the ruckus. His guards had not intervened when Bao Zhong got beaten up because they didn't know that he was Huang Cixi's servant. Moreover, they had received orders concerning Gui Bei. As long as he didn't go overboard, they were to turn a blind eye to his actions.

"Thank you, Governor Leng. But I did threaten one of your guests. This wasn't my intention to upset the atmosphere of today's celebration."

"Ha ha ha! Good lass. Family Head Huang Yi sure had a great granddaughter! How could I fault you?! My guards should have prevented this sad thing from happening in the first place. You could even say that I'm the one to blame, certainly not you. You absolutely didn't spoil today's gathering. This is I who is concerned whether or not this would spoil your enjoyment."

"Governor Leng, this is quite alright. I know that today's gathering will be very enjoyable."

She then turned toward Fang Shaolong.

"Hall Master Fang. I hope you won't mind my candor, but there are things I'd wish to discuss with you when you're available."

He hadn't said anything but Fang Shaolong had been surprised by the conversation between Huang Cixi and Governor Leng. Many other people had the same thoughts as he did, but he had way more information than them. And as he replied to her, many whispers regarding all the rumors surrounding Huang Cixi and her Pure Golden Dantian spread through the crowds. Both elders and juniors were interested in this girl. And visibly, the two most important men present today were as well.

"Miss Huang Cixi? I wonder, what is it you want to talk about?"

"Nothing much. And I know that this isn't the place or the time. But I read some interesting reports on the Xiliang Mines. Of course, Hall Master Fang knows how important they are to my family. As such, I'd like to discuss some of the things that are troubling me. I know that you have more pressing matters to attend to, especially today. However, I'd be grateful if you could dissipate the doubts of this ignorant one."

For a split second, Fang Shaolong's demeanor changed. This was so fast that not even Governor Leng noticed. In fact, only Huang Cixi did, because she was expected it.

"Miss Huang Cixi, do not say such things. These kinds of reports are obscure even for me. I'll be glad to help you shed some light on these reports. As you said, today won't be possible, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. There are also some things I would like to talk about with you. I am sure that despite your young age, you must be an incredible conversationalist. Also, I look forward to hearing the poems you'll craft for us today."

"You praise me too much, Hall Master. I am sure that my senior, Huang Lü, will have amazing poems for us all. I'll just try to not ridicule myself in front of her."

For an instant, all eyes went on Huang Lü. The current situation of the Huang family was known to all. And clearly, this was a declaration of war between the two women. In a poetry gathering, you could either enjoy poems declaimed by others, declaim them yourself, or even craft your own poetry. Of course, the latter was the most complex to do as you had to both be able to imagine a poem and declaim it with the right intention. But with Huang Cixi's words just now, Huang Lü could not afford to not declaim any poem. Thankfully, she was rather confident in her oratory skills.

"Miss Huang Cixi, if you wish, I can also forbid Gui Bei to attend this gathering."

Just as Huang Cixi suspected, Governor Leng truly wanted to learn more about Gui Bei. More specifically, he wanted to learn how he came to progress so fast, and what he had discovered during his expedition. However, this didn't mean that he was ready to disregard all his violations. In fact, if his guards had not prevented him from abusing that girl back then, Governor Leng would have punished him severely, no matter the consequences. He could accept to be a bit ambiguous about morality, but he could never accept such a crime in his own city.

"No, Governor Leng. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you. And I'll also try not to react to his provocations..."

"Nonsense! If he dares utter anything improper to you, I will personally chase him away!"

Just as Governor Leng said these words, the last invitee arrived in the Divine Feather pavilion. All eyes turned toward him. He was Gui Bei.