Chapter 173: A one-month promise

After all these performances, Governor Leng and the three poets gave enough time for the audience to slowly get back to reality. When everyone seemed to be in the right state of mind, Governor Leng announced the beginning of the discussion.

A poetry gathering could be performed in many different ways. Some times, it was extremely codified, when it was during certain ceremonies or rituals for example. Although faith and philosophies were rather free under the imperial law, rituals and ceremonies were scrupulously adhered to, just like decorum in politics. These were all essential parts of life in the Hongchen Kingdom. But, just like today, there could also be informal poetry gatherings. Usually, it began with wine or tea tasting. Then, some master poets would declaim either original or classical poems. There could be a theme or not. Finally, people would discuss these poems with one another and would have the opportunity to confront their views with the master poets themselves.

Of course, this was also a great way to socialize. As such, many politicians and traders of all kinds loved these gatherings. Moreover, everyone also had the opportunity to declaim their own poems and get opinions from the master poets. With time, it became also a kind of duel. These gatherings allowed people to compete with the way they declaimed their poems. Once again, knowing how to talk was very important for politicians and traders. But even commoners could sometimes attend these gatherings and get noticed by a master poet or even just a noble patron of arts.

"Dear friends, I am sure that these words moved you deeply. Enjoy the wine and meditate on them. Our esteemed guests will be delighted to hear your opinions. Do not restrain yourselves. We are all equal today, as we pursue the same goal of art and beauty."

After this grand invitation, several people started to whisper, among themselves at first. But very soon, there were a few conversations going on around several tables. Some people talked about the poems they had heard, others judged the wine or even the scenery. Here and there, the talks concerned recent events or even general politics. Although the wine had very little effect on cultivators, it still had an impact on the general atmosphere, just like a great buffet.

Many people got curious about Huang Cixi. Apart from her own family and very high-ranked individuals, no one knew about her. The only thing they could know was that she had come from Yinmen City after a tragedy had befallen her direct family. And of course, they knew she was the granddaughter of the current family head. Her mere presence here and her talk with Governor Leng showed that she was probably vying for the position of matriarch. And whether she would succeed or not, befriending the granddaughter of Family Head Huang Yi was a very good idea.

Huang Cixi was perfectly in her place here. Just like her senior Huang Lü, she kept her distance. The people around the two women were moving around but the two women themselves never got close to each other. Everyone could feel the tension between them. However, neither of them said anything about the other. Spreading rumors about their own family in public would be terribly frown upon by everyone, especially the elders present.

Talking about them, the elders from the Huang family were mostly staying with the older generation. In fact, the older generation left the young ones alone for the most part.

Someone else was also alone. After more than an hour, Gui Bei was still alone at his table. Considering the conversation between Governor Leng and Huang Cixi, no one wanted to try and approach him, lest they would invite Governor Leng's anger. If Gui Bei did something inappropriate and they had been seen discussing with him, they were afraid to be implicated in some way. Moreover, the rumors about him hadn't been good to begin with. But right now, even more insane rumors went on.

With his senses, Gui Bei was able to hear almost everything. He even heard that he had tried to assault Huang Cixi in front of the main door but was beaten by the guards. The more he listened, the more enraged he became. And his pride wouldn't allow him to try and go converse with anyone. Slowly but surely he was focusing his hatred on Huang Cixi herself.

"Without this woman..." Of course, Gui Bei's thoughts were biased and he was a little off. Even without the incident with Huang Cixi, few people would want to be associated with him considering what he had done in the recent past. The story of him killing a man in a duel before trying to take his fiancée by force was known to all.

In fact, many people were wondering why he had been punished so little. Before the duel, both parties had agreed that they could die but this kind of thing was still very unusual and frown upon. However, trying to force yourself on a young woman was a terrible crime. Thankfully, the guards had stopped him, but everyone knew what would have happened if they hadn't.

The truth of why he had not been punished too harshly was known by only a handful of people. It was clear that this wasn't due to the frail ties between his father and the criminal underground. No, it was due to the interest many had in his sudden cultivation speed. And his invitation today was probably also regarding his secrets.

Even more than that, what really stopped people from interacting with Gui Bei was not the rumor around Huang Cixi, but the very words of Governor Leng.


More than two hours had passed. Huang Cixi had conversed with almost everyone. She had impressed quite a few people both with her insights into the poems they had heard and her own poetry. In fact, she had recognized a lot of the inspirations the master poets had used themselves. As such, she had a deep literary analysis of their works. Moreover, she had read almost all they had written. With her mind cultivation, it was very easy to remember everything. And she had used the cover of her weak state to read as much as she could when she had come back to her family. She knew it would come in handy, and once again, she had been right.

Some of her own poems were patchwork from different sources. But she impressed the young ones. A few elders who heard her through their sharp senses had even some difficulties replacing every inspiration she was using. Among them, she attracted the interest of Master Poet Li. Although he didn't try to go to her, this became visible to the important elders there, including Governor Leng, Hall Master Fang and Elder Huang Jian. As Master Poet Li was passionate about history, maybe more than he was about poetry, hearing a young girl who could so easily combine poetry from thousands of sources of all times was intriguing. In her inspirations, he even recognized some of the works he had helped uncover from the ruins of ancient eras.

Two other people were very clear about Huang Cixi's success in this gathering, Huang Lü and Gui Bei. While the young woman from the Huang family was able to keep her composure, it was obvious to all that Gui Bei was boiling inside.

"They all think they're better than me! This woman! Who does she think she is?! Just because she's from a noble family, she thinks she can humiliate me?! If I were born in her family, I'd already have achieved way more than she could ever hope for! Trying to use her status to suppress me..." The only thing Gui Bei could think about was how all the other people around him thought they were better than him, but how much superior he was to them all instead.

As Huang Cixi was laughing with some juniors, she subtly asked questions about the city. It wasn't strange at all as she was very new to Baziyun City. But her questions were all directed at extremely precise points. In fact, she sounded like she knew the city as if she had lived in it for hundreds of years. Apparently, she had been well informed. Such an indication was important for merchants, traders and politicians. They all realized how prepared she was to become the next matriarch. In a way, she almost acted as if it would be her natural role in a few years. And she just needed to know these things for her future responsibility.

Finally, Huang Lü could not take it anymore. She was now more immersed in Huang Cixi's conversations than her own. Just as she approached her rival, a sudden noise attracted everyone's attention.

Gui Bei's chair had just been ripped apart. In a split second, Huang Cixi sent a gaze to Governor Leng. If she had been an instant too late, he would have thrown the boy out in a heartbeat. However, he understood her intentions. Having someone else handle her problems for her wouldn't be good for her ambitions. Probably, she wanted to use this opportunity to show her qualities to everyone.

"Huang Cixi! Do you dare compete with me?"

For a moment, no one knew if Gui Bei was talking about poetry or a fight. His voice was full of poorly contained rage.

"Compete with you?! What do you know about beauty? I know your kind very well. Even though my senior sister showed you kindness, you can only repay it by making a ruckus here." Hearing this, Huang Lü wanted to hide herself. Of course, everyone understood that she had sided with him against Huang Cixi. This was a given considering the rivalry they had in their ambition.

"Gui Bei, I know your kind all too well. My first brother was sadly like you. You think that everyone is out to get you and ridicule you. But in truth, you're the one who's weak and pathetic. And you hope that through fear and power you'll be able to achieve something... Gui Bei, no matter how much power you obtain, you'll only ever be a sad little man."

These words were the worst kind for Gui Bei, as they hit exactly where it hurt. If he hadn't been surrounded by the audience, he would have challenged her into a death battle right away. Hell, he could have attacked her...

"Your first brother?! Oh...! I heard about him, right... All of a sudden, you're back under the wing of Family Head Huang Yi after all your direct family died in the middle of nowhere. Tell me, Miss, did you kill them yourselves or did you hire someone to do it?"

As soon as Gui Bei uttered this insane accusation, the air around Huang Cixi got hotter and hotter. Just like City Lord Fu Jiao who had been very close to break through into the Mortal Warrior realm, strange phenomena appeared around her. With the acupoints she had already opened, her Wei Qi was now denser. And even though she could not control her Qi outside of her body, she could expel it to strengthen her own Wei Qi. Mixed with her rage, it took on the attribute of her blood.

All the juniors got surprised. As they had no spiritual senses, they couldn't guess Huang Cixi's cultivation. But now they knew. She was extremely close to becoming a Mortal Warrior, and her cultivation was incredibly firm and stable at that. The elders weren't surprised because they had been able to see her cultivation right away. However, Elder Huang Jian and those from the Huang family were still shocked. Even with their spiritual senses, they were unable to completely see through her bloodline. But inside her Wei Qi, they felt the attribute of the True Fiery Fenghuang. This meant that Huang Cixi's blood was even purer than before. Most likely, she had condensed at least another True Fiery Drop.

"Oh? You want to intimidate me to silence the truth?"

"Gui Bei, you are a vulgar and insignificant little man. I have no desire to dirty myself with your filth. However, you dared implicate my late brothers and father in your stupidity. I know you are famous for your duel. What do you say about dueling me?"

Her words surprised everyone, including Gui Bei. But before he could answer, she added.

"But of course, I'm way stronger than you are, right now. If you're too afraid to accept, I'll give you one month! In one month, come to my Huang family. Everyone in Baziyun City is free to come. Unlike you, I am not a blood thirsty beast. When you lose, you will have to apologize to the spirits of my family. Then, you will be forbidden to get near my Huang family residence ever again! Do you dare?"

"Do I dare?! This will be fantastic! I will crush you and cover your name in shame in your own residence. All will see that the Huang family is nothing much. Talent will prevail over lineage! You think you're legendary phoenixes, but you'll see that your entire family is just a bunch of chickens. I only have one question. What happens when I win? Will you admit that your family is inferior?"

All the members of the Huang family got enraged when Gui Bei answered in such a way.

"Gui Bei, the honor of my Huang family is not a worthless trinket I can bet with. I know you lack the understanding of what honor is, of course... But since you want a bet..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Elder Huang Jian spoke.

"Boy, my Huang family will give you acceptable terms. If you lose, you'll ask forgiveness to our ancestors and you'll be banished from our residence henceforth. But if by chance you win, you will receive any pill you wish for, even a 5-star Heaven one."

The moment he spoke, Huang Cixi saw something in the eyes of Huang Lü. The woman couldn't believe that Huang Jian would side with her rival. Of course, he hadn't really. It was just that he couldn't sit by when the name of the Huang family was used with such frivolity. Elder Huang Jian was a reasonable man and he wouldn't have announced such terms if he hadn't checked with both Governor Leng and Family Head Huang Yi. Even though Family Head Huang Yi was too far to talk with, even by telepathy, Elder Huang Jian had sent him the news through his bodyguard. In less than a minute, he had sent the message and had come back with the answer.

Finally, Governor Leng ended this hostile conversation.

"Gui Bei, you are not welcome here anymore. Leave."

Accompanying his voice, his spiritual pressure fell upon Gui Bei. Contrary to the governor's expectations, it had almost no effect on the boy. However, he left the courtyard without any further incident.