Chapter 188: The crow brews a unique tea

Huang Cixi began her own brewing. Contrary to her rival, she used neither music nor incense. She strictly adhered to all the decorum of a tea competition. Just like her rival, she waited for the water to be at the very limit of boiling before taking it off the stove. But contrary to her, her senses were way more precise. The true experts among the audience could determine that she had stopped the heating process at the perfect moment.

However, they got surprised when they saw the water she had used, the Starry Boiled Milk. Contrary to its name, it wasn't real milk but water indeed. But it was a white nectar with a consistency similar to that of milk. Moreover, it had a distinct smell and a sweet flavor that was a bit heavy. As such, it could easily take over the flavor of her tea. But none of that was what shocked the audience. After all, it wasn't rare for people to make unusual associations during a tea competition. The very tea of Huang Si was a unique mix as well. What drew everyone's attention was the fact that Starry Boiled Milk was only a 2-star Heaven water.

The name came from the aspect of this water of course, but also from the fact that it could boil at very low temperatures compared to usual water. Furthermore, it could only be found in caves resulting in the impact of some specific celestial bodies. After going through the atmosphere and impacting the ground, some celestial bodies had created a few caves on the Piaolu planet. And they retained some strange attributes. It happened that a few of them were slowly filtering the water from above into a very sweet nectar, the Starry Boiled Milk. Hence, it was pretty rare all things considered. But compared to the Tranquil Melancholy Raindrops Huang Si had used, a 5-star Heaven water, it was very common.

Of course, the rarity of a product meant nothing in the absolute. After all, a great tea master could produce a wonderful tea with just water and the most simple of tea herbs. However, it probably meant that Huang Cixi had a very specific idea in mind. Thus, they all waited to see which tea she would choose to brew with this water.

After retrieving the pot of water, Huang Cixi cleansed and rinsed the tea tools in the most perfect of manners. Once again, her advanced mind cultivation gave her an edge on Huang Si. Among the audience, the family heads were really experts in the art of tea. It was a must for anyone who hoped to have a political carrier, especially in the capital of a province. As such, they clearly saw many details that the younger generation had neglected. One of them was her respect of the timing. And another detail was the absence of almost all useless movements.

Some of the family heads had the impression of watching a dance. Huang Cixi was efficient and elegant. The art of tea resided in its simplicity. And eliminating all useless movements was primordial. Besides that, respecting the perfect timing to adhere to the ancient ritual was also extremely difficult. Some were worried because they feared that Huang Cixi would prioritize the ritualistic timing rather than the rhythm of the tea. Each brewing was different because every single herb required its own duration, depending even on the water, on the temperature, on the climate.

Taking a tea scoop, Huang Cixi finally showed which tea she had chosen when she opened a small wooden box, Crow Feathers Oolong. Certainly, this was one of the blackest tea there was. Its very name came from its color which had reminded a few poets of the dark feathers of a crow in the night. Once more, the audience was surprised if not shocked and puzzled. This tea was a very medium quality as it was considered a 3-star Human herb. Moreover, this particular brand of tea was known for its deep bitterness. If it wasn't prepared in the correct manner, it could become so astringent that it was hard to drink.

Huang Cixi had chosen a sweet water to go with a bitter tea. Many were anxious whether one flavor would not clash with the other or mask it completely. However, right now, the interests of several of them were piqued. Contrary to Huang Si who had a great reputation and had used well-known ingredients of extremely high-quality, Huang Cixi was unknown. Apart from a very few people who had gotten some intel about the recent refinement of the Life Boiling Cradle Pill by Spirit Master Xiao and Spirit Master Hua, no one knew that Huang Cixi was the one who had a Pure Golden Dantian. The only way they could know would be to use their spiritual senses to see through her body. Obviously, this would be seen as an insult by the Huang family and no one would dare do so in their own residence under the gaze of Matriarch Huang Yufeng.

Contrary to Huang Si, Huang Cixi only took one scoop of the herbs. But she had chosen very carefully. Using her mind cultivation to enhance her smell, she had known exactly where the right flavors were in the box of Crow Feathers Oolong. After grinding the herbs, its strong fragrance spread throughout the courtyard. Indeed, it was extremely powerful. But the most delicate noses were able to smell the sweetness of the Starry Boiled Milk behind it.

Huang Cixi continued her brewing. Thankfully, she did not commit the mistake some family heads had feared. She respected the perfect timing of both the ritual and the tea. Thanks to her sharp senses, she knew precisely what quantity of water was needed, how long she had to whip the tea and how long she had to let it rest between each cycle. When she finally took the tea ladle, there was a magnificent milk surface. It was a pure white, almost the color of the Huang family's hair. Not a speck of the deep blackness of the tea could be seen through.

After seven breaths, she gestured that the tea could be savored. Just like a few hours ago, the servants brought the teacups to all the audience in the order of their ranks. Just by having the teacup in front of them, they could smell the harmony between the sweetness of the water and the bitterness of the tea. Clearly, it seemed like it was a success for Huang Cixi. For the most knowledgeable, this tea looked like it was definitely an upper Heaven tea. But as the combination was audacious, they couldn't be sure of its actual rank before drinking it. Huang Cixi had won in terms of originality, but it would be a pity if she had done so at the expense of the quality.

Once again, everyone waited for Matriarch Huang Yufeng to drink first. She lost almost no time examining the tea. Huang Cixi had chosen the perfect moment for her tea to be savored. As such, she enjoyed its aroma only an instant before taking a sip. After her, all the audience began drinking this unique tea. They were surprised that the bitterness was the first flavor in their mouth but it enhanced the sweetness that came right after. This sweetness flowed through their body and nourished their innermost tissues. Within their Lower Dantian, their Qi seemed overjoyed and coursed through their meridians, amplifying the effect of the tea. Moreover, this pleasure spread through their vessels all the way into the Upper Dantian.

For an instant, the most perceptive of them could witness the ocean in their sea of consciousness turning white and milky and the sky black and starry. Matriarch Huang Yufeng who had recently attempted to force her Soul Embryo out of her body felt as though she had regained all her strength. Her Soul Embryo had been weakened a lot. But now she had the feeling that she could bring out its all strength once more. Alas, this wasn't actually the case. Still, this feeling was incredible for as long as it lasted.

Even if it wasn't actually healing her soul, the two teas she had savored just now had soothed it a lot. She had tried to break through before her birthday because she was worried by her actual lifespan. This last couple of days, she had been worried whether she had made the right decision or not. Now that she had tasted both those teas, she knew she had made the right choice. Experiencing them was a great thing for her, and it could even help her understand the insights she had received a bit faster.

All the other family heads were also delighted to have such a chance. Even though they were used to drinking great teas, a tea competition always brought new tastes and new combinations they would never have thought about. Every time this was a unique experience. But then, it caused the quality of tea to sometimes be inferior as the competitors were trying out new things to gain the favor of the audience. Today, they had tasted two teas that were undoubtedly 5-star Heaven teas of the highest tier.

After savoring the tea of Huang Cixi, they were now faced with a tough challenge. They had to judge which one was better... Tasting tea was easier and more pleasant than choosing a victor.

This time, Huang Yufeng broke the silence first.

"Huang Cixi, thank you. You may wait with your sisters."

"This junior thanks the Matriarch. This junior thanks the esteemed guests."

While kneeling, Huang Cixi left and returned to her seat besides Huang Lü and Huang Si. The poor Huang Lü felt a very awkward mood surrounding her. Although her sisters were both smiling, she felt that they were engaged in a fierce battle. And she felt thankful to Huang Cixi. She really did not miss this kind of tension hidden behind cordial smiles. Furthermore, all eyes were now on the family heads and the two women vying for the position of matriarch. As none of them had failed, this would be difficult to really conclude who had won. It would depend on the commentaries of the family heads who were now the judges of this competition.

"Dear guests, feel free to share your opinions. My family will speak last so as to not influence you. Please be honest."

Now that they had the authorization of the matriarch, the debate began. The same old man spoke first.

"I told you that Huang Si had been too extravagant. Look at this young lass. She was perfect. With inferior ingredients and without any exterior help, she produced a tea as good as hers, if not better."

"Old man, you go a bit too far. Yes, her ceremony was irreproachable. On that aspect, I admit that she has won. But I cannot affirm that her tea was better. In fact, it wasn't even as good. The two tastes were not that harmonious in my views."

"Old woman! The age has dulled your senses, that's why!" The old man was tired of being called old and threw it back to the woman who kept disagreeing with him.


"Come on, come on. Let's not resort to our basest instincts. Not after two incredible teas. If you want my opinion, the flavors of both were exceptional. And the effects on the body, Qi and soul were very close to each other. I do believe that it will depend on the taste of each individual. But in my opinion, I would say that Huang Si has won by a small margin. I do not think that using music and incense was a bad thing at all. Yes, tea is about simplicity, but it is also about art and appreciating it alongside nature."

"I have to disagree. In my views, Huang Cixi won precisely because she did not use such help. Of course a tea competition is also a form of show. But Huang Cixi's ceremony was akin to a dance considering how graceful and precise her movements were."


At the end, Hall Master Fang Shaolong and Governor Leng gave their opinions.

"I do not know as much as you all about tea. And sadly I am still just a Mortal Warrior, so the effects on my soul are hard to perceive. However, in my humble opinion, Huang Cixi won. She was able to brew a tea that can make you all doubt the judgment. I am sure that not one of you is absolutely sure of the decision he made. And yet, she is younger, has used lower ingredients and no exterior help. Being able to create a product of the same quality with fewer resources is of course dear to the heart of a trader such as I."

"Since I am the last, I have no more argument to use. You all said it. And in the end, it comes to a personal taste. I will give my preference to Huang Si's tea."

Matriarch Huang Yufeng was not blind. Governor Leng always took politics into consideration. Right now, there was a small advantage for Huang Si as five family heads had chosen her and the four others had chosen her rival. Now it was the turn of the Huang family to vote. For obvious reasons, Huang Yi's decision would not count. He could express himself, but being the grandfather of Huang Cixi, no matter how impartial he was, it was impossible to ask him to judge in such a tight situation.

All the eyes went on Elder Huang Jian. Matriarch Huang Yufeng suspected that he was secretly favoring Huang Cixi for the position of matriarch and she was curious of his choice right now.

"Dear guests, you made my choice very difficult. All your reasonings are impeccable. In my opinion, both teas were of similar quality. Only a personal taste could decide which one is better than the other. Then I will not judge on this criterion. After the quality of the tea, what matters most is the brewing process. Yes Huang Si has used exterior means but they were perfectly chosen for the occasion. Using such help could have turned against her if her choice had been bad. I do believe that it must be taken as her own merit.

"Huang Cixi, on the other hand, has been more audacious in her choice. And in the end, I do believe that she adhered more strictly to the ceremony. Both her gestures and her timings were almost perfect. I doubt that anyone here would be able to point out real mistakes in her brewing.

"In the end, I will choose Huang Cixi as the winner."

Now, there was a perfect equality between both women. Hence, all the eyes went on Matriarch Huang Yufeng. She would be the one to decide. Even though it was just for a tea competition, it was obvious for everyone that there was a great symbolism there.