Chapter 215: Bloody escape

For this attack, Cao Yun had instinctively pushed his Heart Star to the limit. His entire sea of consciousness had turned red as the star had expanded to its full size. Even the blue sky had turned red. His Five Agents were also rotating and focusing the intent of the Drop of Wrath. The Qi of Cao Yun was moving at an incredible speed in his own meridians. In the same way, his blood was insanely hot and brimming with Qi and intent from the Drop of Wrath.

Deep in the reddened ocean, the Insight Writings were floating with joy and absorbing the few rays of red light coming their way. This was the perfect version of 'The Son of Heaven's Cavalry'. In this moment, Cao Yun had finally achieved a complete mastery of this technique. To protect Feng'er, he had acted without thinking. What the Red Flesh Camel Spider had attacked was not just Feng'er, but his time with Feng Yingyue and their memories. The two of them had risked their very lives to save both parents as well as their egg. Cao Yun could not accept seeing him die in front of his mate.

After what had happened to his family, after fleeing while his loved ones died one after the other, Cao Yun could not accept this at all!

However, this deluge of violence ended the way Cao Yun had been afraid of. His 'Nine Chi Black Dragon Spear' pierced the carapace of the camel spider. But it only pierced through less than a cun of it. As unimpressive as it sounded, this was an incredible feat of strength. Demonic beasts had not the Wei Qi that humans had to protect them. However, their bodies were becoming more and more resistant the more cores they had formed. Even an early Mortal Warrior would have had a hard time piercing through this Red Flesh Camel Spider.

Injuring it only a little for a late Mortal was an incredible feat of strength indeed. Not letting shock overtake him, Cao Yun remained calm and retrieved his spear before the beast moved. Its body tried to ram into Cao Yun but the protection of the Spirit Condensation Barrier stopped even its giant body. It was as though Cao Yun was an immovable object on its trajectory. It got superficially wounded by its own force coming back into its body.

Then, it decided to completely forget the human. It was annoyed by Cao Yun but it knew that there was no danger at all. Hence, it simply disregarded him and went back to devouring Feng'er.

Cao Yun had used his most powerful technique and had depleted a huge part of his Qi, for nothing. Up in the sky, Huang'er was also watching the spectacle of her mate being devoured alive. She wanted to act, but she had to take care of their egg. In fact, she was even hesitating on whether she should die with Feng'er or not. However, she was sure that Cao Yun needed to live. As such, she screeched to try and attract his attention.

With his heightened senses, Cao Yun clearly saw her and in her eyes, he saw that she was asking him to flee with her. The boy was full of hesitation still. But when he looked at Feng'er's face, he saw the same determination.

And before he could take his decision, one of the lashes directed toward the Red FLesh Camel Spider changed its course to try and take down Huang'er who was still over the area. Thankfully, Huang'er had not been too distracted and was able to easily dodge it. But this woke up Cao Yun. If he stayed here, he would put himself in danger for nothing. And more than that, Huang'er was also staying to try and help him out. When his family got killed, he had to run. When Mei Hua was captured, he had to run. And once more, as Feng'er was being devoured alive, he would have to run again...

Thinking about it, he realized he was the reason of this attack. After all, the owner of the monstrosity was here explicitly to kill him. Most likely, he was a demonic cultivator. There were already many suspicions that demonic cultivators were behind the upcoming stampede. It wasn't an absolute proof, but the presence of this assassin was proof enough for Cao Yun.

In his despair and his rage, Cao Yun thought about using the Drop of Wrath. He felt that it was ready to intervene. As much as he had gained control over it, if he were to let it run completely wild, could he wrestle back the control of his body? And even if he risked it all by fully unleashing it, Feng'er would still die. The Red Flesh Camel Spider had already devoured one of his cores, he was bleeding profusely and had even lost a few organs. Maybe a Spirit Warrior could have saved his life, but Cao Yun could do nothing at all.

And the more he was hesitating, the more danger he was putting Huang'er in. But if he ran with her, wouldn't she also be in danger? If he were to run alone, could he really escape? And if they were to leave separately, would the demonic cultivator still try to track down Huang'er? Threatening her was a good way to force Cao Yun's hands.

Cao Yun was completely paralyzed by doubt. Just as he was about to drown in it, the Five Agents shined through the fog in his mind. He had to focus on the situation right in front of him, thinking would be for later!

'Imperial Throne'. A giant gust of wind, like a small tornado, engulfed Cao Yun as he jumped high in the air. Immediately, Can Mouye knew what he was trying to do. For a while, he ceased his attempts to stop his own beast. It was busy eating the lifeless Feng'er and nothing would stop it now. Thus, Can Mouye used his whip to try and prevent Cao Yun from leaving. Instead of targeting him, Can Mouye targeted Huang'er herself as he was obviously trying to leave with her.

This time, Can Mouye was fully trying to kill the bird. Pushed by her desire to save her child, Huang'er was able to avoid the brunt of the attack. But the thorns that were covering the black whip of Qi suddenly flew off of it. All around Huang'er, there was a cyclone of thorns that were closing on her.

At this moment, Cao Yun grabbed on her feathers. And immediately, Huang'er flapped her wings like crazy to get higher and higher. Still attached to her, Cao Yun was trying to fend off the thorns coming from all around them. With the Spirit Condensation Barrier around him, Cao Yun could act as a small shield. However, the egg was in serious danger. Understanding that, Cao Yun literally climbed over Huang'er as she was moving at full speed. He went to her claws and took the egg. In order to keep his hands free to block a few thorns, he put the egg in his robe. And then, from the crane legs of the Mountain Fenghuang, he kept on protecting her, one hand grabbing on her leg, the other on his spear.

Despite all their efforts, Huang'er sustained several injuries both on her body and on her wings. However, they were able to flee. If Can Mouye had intervened sooner, he could have probably stopped them, but he had been distracted by his own beast. For the very first time, he showed frustration on his face. Yet, his features barely changed. His smile simply dimmed a bit. He then turned his attention on his Red Flesh Camel Spider.

It had completely ingested the three cores of Feng'er. Just when Can Mouye thought he could finally take back the control of his own demonic beast, he realized he was mistaken. The Red Flesh Camel Spider was convulsing and vibrating. Can Mouye's eyes bulged. His beast had just formed a sixth core. And right now, it was evolving. A core promotion was a form of breakthrough. Just like humans, a demonic beast could not do anything during a core promotion. But contrary to most human breakthroughs, it was almost uncontrollable. The moment the demonic beast had absorbed enough energy to form its sixth core, since they did not control the formation itself, it would form on its own.

Can Mouye was in a pinch. Not only could he not use his demonic beast to chase Cao Yun, he would be in danger. Contrary to orthodox beast tamers, demonic cultivators in this occupation were using violence on their beasts. This allowed them to tame demonic beasts with more ease, but they were way more aggressive than usual and they were also hard to control. If the demonic beast suddenly became stronger than its master, it was difficult to predict what would happen.

Can Mouye had tamed this 5-core demonic beast with the help of his master Xiong Nixie. Thanks to him, he had been able to force a blood contract on the beast. A drop of blood essence from the Red Flesh Camel Spider was inside Can Mouye's body and vice versa. In theory, Can Mouye should be able to inflict intense pain and death to this beast at any moment just by focusing his intent and Qi on the blood essence in him. That being said, there was always a risk that the blood contract could be simply ignored by a demonic beast too powerful for its master.

And Can Moue was not willing to remain by its side to figure it out. In the worst case scenario, his demonic beast would partake in the stampede and then he could ask help from his master. As long as he was able to kill Cao Yun, everything else would be a detail. But if he were to fail, Xiong Nixie would not be able to bear the humiliation he would feel in regards to Mo Tian. And Can Mouye would be the one to suffer from the rage of his master.

After devouring the two hunters and a few demonic beasts on the way, the beast had finally formed its sixth core. The carapace around the arachnid began to crack all over. Its abdomen was already segmented, contrary to a spider, and each segment was becoming sturdier. More segments were even slowly forming from its rear ends as more legs were spurting out of each one.

Its legs were becoming black, just as were its pedipalps. From a beast similar to a spider, it was becoming closer and closer to a myriapod. Can Mouye knew what kind of demonic beast this was, an Infernal Camel Scolopendra. He had already seen such a beast tamed by his master. And he really didn't want to be here when it would be fully formed. And anyway, he had to kill Cao Yun. Otherwise, he would not need to fear this beast but his master's wrath.

Can Mouye was not used to fighting in person. However, as a 6th-grade Mortal Warrior, he had the physical ability to chase Huang'er without too much trouble. Even though she had escaped, she was injured. And he knew that she wouldn't be able to fly for very long. Indeed, his Qi Manifestation was condensed Evil Qi. And the technique he had used was 'Thorny Death Hurricane'. Each thorn contained condensed poison. Both the Evil Qi and the poison were now flowing through Huang'er's body.

Riding on Huang'er, Cao Yun could clearly feel that she was getting weaker and weaker. From the many wounds on her body, she was losing some blood. But what worried Cao Yun the most was the ominous aura around those very wounds. From his experience with Luduo Bu, he clearly felt the touch of Evil Qi on her. But the alchemist in him also smelled the poison in her dripping blood. Unfortunately he wasn't as good as Mei Hua and he could not tell for sure what kind of poison this was.

Each time some demonic cultivators were found, their methods were analyzed to prepare against them. But many secrets were still kept. It was highly possible that Cao Yun, despite his extensive knowledge, just did not know about this specific poison.

"Huang'er, you can't go on like this!"

Cao Yun was trying to convince the Mountain Fenghuang to land, but it was still frenetically flying away. The shock had been too intense and the poison had spread insanely fast because of her racing heart. No matter what, she would not stop before feeling safe for her egg. And the boy could understand her behavior. She reminded him of the way he had fled the night his family had died. Everyone in his family had been killed but he was still running like crazy to try and protect his little sister. But he had failed in the end...

This time, he would not let a demonic cultivator destroy an entire family!

Looking all around, Cao Yun determined the most directed path toward Baziyun City, the closest city where they could get help.

"There! Go there! Listen to me, please. There are people who could help you there."

Sensing the sincerity and urgency in the young human's voice, the panicked and desperate Mountain Fenghuan followed the direction he had showed. However, she was flying lower and lower. She wasn't sure whether or not she would have the strength to reach her destination. Her vision was getting blurry and she was feeling the Evil Qi seeping through her wound.

As an alchemist, Cao Yun was able to sense it. And he knew she wouldn't make it. He had to find a solution! Despite the high speed they were moving at, he tried to look for plants he recognized on the ground.

"Stop there! I know you're trying to protect your child, but if we don't treat your wounds, you won't achieve anything! Stop there just for an instant, I can't cure your wounds but I can help you last longer. Once we arrive in Baziyun City, more competent alchemists, physicians and even beast tamers will help you. Please, trust me!"

Huang'er wanted to bring her egg to a safe place. But she was feeling that she wouldn't make it. Reluctantly, she let the sincere and worried voice of Cao Yun convince her. As much as she could, she tried to land quietly. But at the last moment, she failed to properly control her own body and literally collapsed to the ground. Thankfully, Cao Yun was still holding the egg and he was able to protect it.

That scene reminded him of what had happened the first time he had met Feng'er. But this time, Feng'er was dead and their situation was way more dangerous and precarious.

Quickly, he comforted Huang'er by showing her the egg and left it with her. Huang'er painfully opened her wing and tried to snug the egg against her chest.

Without losing any second, Cao Yun immediately went to fetch some ingredients. Unfortunately he wasn't able to use a spatial ring yet so he had neither alchemy pills nor alchemy tools on him. Thus, he would have to prepare very basic treatments just to make sure Huang'er could survive the road.